[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 16

by Jennae Vale

  “Let’s go then.” He signaled back to the men and they all took off at a gallop. As they rounded a bend in the road they saw complete chaos as Bearach and his men tried to regain control of their mounts. Nick scanned the area for Kat and spied her as she hid behind a nearby tree. Granger had just been thrown from his horse and was struggling to stand. Bearach was the only one who didn’t appear to have been hurt.

  Nick, Aleck and their men raced into the middle of the commotion, swinging their swords and taking on any man brave enough to challenge them. Nick plowed through those who stood between him and Bearach Calhoun. Jumping from his horse, Nick stood to his full height, towering over Calhoun.

  Bearach for his part was not about to let Nick take Kat away from him. His head swiveled back and forth as he searched for her. Nick’s sword arced through the air right at Bearach’s head, but Bearach saw it at the last moment and was able to drop to the ground and roll out of the way. He rose and began thrashing his sword in Nick’s direction. Nick stood his ground and waited for Calhoun to come to him. He used all the skill he had in that moment, never once allowing anything to change his focus from the fight at hand. At the rate he was going, Calhoun would be worn out before he even got close enough to Nick to strike and by then, Nick would have the upper hand.

  Aleck was busy with Granger, who had regained his feet and was now fighting for all he was worth. He was, however, no match for Aleck, who was easily able to disarm him. Malcolm was furious as he pulled a dagger from his belt and dove headlong toward Aleck, who was waiting for him and cleanly ran him through with his sword. A surprised expression crossed Malcolm’s face as he stood momentarily staring at Aleck before falling dead to the ground.

  The other men were taking on what was left of Bearach Calhoun’s men, those who hadn’t been washed down river and those who weren’t lying unconscious on the ground. The horses were long gone, having charged away as soon as they were free of their riders.

  As for Nick and Bearach, they were engaged in a game of cat and mouse. Nick was obviously the cat and Calhoun the mouse who kept backing further and further away while Nick followed his every move. As they reached a nearby tree, Nick had a sickening feeling in the pit of his belly as Calhoun reached around behind it and dragged a struggling Kat out, holding her in front of him for protection. By now, Aleck and the rest of their men had surrounded him. There was no way he would get out of this alive, but the question was, how to get Kat out of his grasp before he took her with him once again.

  “Drop yer weapons,” Bearach called out. “If ye dinnae, I’ll have to slice this troublesome lassie’s throat. Do ye hear me?” He gave Kat a good shake to make his point clear.

  “Aye. We hear ye.” Nick dropped his sword. He couldn’t allow any further harm to come to Kat. He’d find a way to save her yet, but at this moment in time, anything he did would put her life in jeopardy. “Put down yer swords men.”

  The clattering of swords hitting the ground brought a satisfied smirk to Bearach Calhoun’s face, but it would be the last time he’d ever smile again.

  * * *

  What happened next wasn’t clear. Katriona was clearly entangled in Bearach’s arms one moment and then his grip loosened and she felt him slide down behind her, his hand trailing a path from her neck down to her ankle. His sword leaving his grip, landed with a thud on the ground beside him. When she looked, his lifeless eyes stared up at her and Nick was there hauling her into his arms and kissing her head.

  Kat couldn’t stop shaking, the adrenaline rushing through her veins barely kept her rooted in place. She wanted to run so badly, but she knew the danger was finally over, so there was no need. She breathed deeply, the familiar scent of Nick Mackall calming her as she buried her nose in his chest.

  “Thank ye, Duncan,” Nick said. “I didnae see ye back there. Ye saved Kat’s life.”

  “I ken ye’d do the same fer me, brother.

  * * *

  “Are ye all right, Kat?” He held her away from him just long enough to make sure she wasn’t injured and then pulled her back into his arms. She was shaking and visibly in shock. After a few moments she seemed to regain control, pushing away from him and rushing to Malcolm Granger’s dead body where it lay on the ground.

  “Where’s the emerald,” she cried while frantically searching Malcolm’s hand and then the ground.

  Nick spied it in the snow. “’Tis there.” He pointed to the spot on the ground where it had fallen out of Malcolm’s hand. Kat dove for it, but before she could get to it, the gem melted away into the snow and disappeared. She frantically dug around in the snow, tears trailing down her cheeks.

  “It’s gone. Oh, no! It’s gone.”

  Nick knelt beside her and gently guided her into his arms. She buried her head in his chest and cried. He understood she was grieving the fact that she’d lost her way home. He’d hoped she’d be happy to stay here with him, but seeing her so aggrieved, broke his heart. “Don’t worry, lass. We’ll find a way to get you back home. I promise.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and he walked with her back towards the castle.

  Aleck wrapped an arm about them both and Duncan walked along on the opposite side. A few of the men were tasked with disposing of the bodies, but for now they left them where they lay, the white snow now covered with red.

  Chapter 19

  Nick cradled Kat in his arms. Having her there was all he’d thought about since he’d found her missing and now that she was back where he felt she belonged, he was going to do his best to make her happy. She’d stay. She had no choice now, but he wanted her to feel at home with him and not be longing to return to the future. He thought about his own time away, when he’d been in the twenty-first century. He’d adapted and he’d been happy. If he’d had to stay, he would have. He’d made friends and he’d made a life for himself while there. He knew Kat could do the same with him. He just needed to let her know what she had come to mean to him.

  “You are welcome to stay as long as you like,” Aleck told them. “If the gem shows up again, ye’ll be the first to know, lass. I’ll make sure it gets to ye.”

  Kat gazed up at him through tear-filled eyes. “Thank you. It’s not really mine though.”

  “I know that, but I believe that while it doesn’t belong to ye, it belongs with ye.” He gently ran a hand over her hair. “Rest for now, lass. Our Nick will take good care of ye. Ye’ve nothing to fear now.”

  Nick gave Aleck a grateful look as Kat laid her head back against his chest, giving him a warm feeling throughout his body. His Katriona, his love. He had barely admitted it to himself, but he knew he must tell her, however, he’d wait until they were alone and the time was right. Saying so now, in front of all those gathered in the great hall, was not what she’d want. He knew that. She’d want romance and wooing and he’d give her all of that and more.

  Aleck had accommodations for all of them. The men would sleep in the great hall, which served double duty as a feasting room, a gathering room and when needed sleeping quarters. Duncan was given a room, as was Nick. Aleck hadn’t been sure what the sleeping arrangements should be, so he gave Kat her own room and would leave it up to them how the night would go.

  “I have no problem if ye wish to share yer bed. If I had a warm and willing lass, I’m sure I would.” He smiled warmly at Nick, who sat with Kat nestled in his arms. Thankfully, she was now asleep and hadn’t heard their conversation. He wasn’t sure what she’d think of that.

  “I dinnae wish to let her out of my sight. Every time I do, something bad happens. I’ll sleep better if she’s near me.”

  “I cannae say that I blame ye, Nick. I believe she’ll be happy with that arrangement from the looks of things.”

  “We’ll bid ye good night then.” Nick rose with Kat in his arms and carried her to the chamber they’d been assigned, laying her on the bed and covering her with the fur skins that lay atop the bed. She sighed sweetly, causing Nick’s body to react of its own accord. He had to get a grip o
n himself. He’d sleep on the floor. He’d be close enough that if she needed him, he could be there in an instant, but he wouldn’t lay with her without her knowledge. He walked away from her and found a place on the floor to make his bed, but Kat had other plans for him.

  “Where are you going?” Kat sat up in the bed, sleepy eyes searching for Nick.

  “I won’t be far, love. Just here on the floor.” Nick moved closer so she could see him in the candlelight.

  “Don’t sleep on the floor. You’ll be uncomfortable. There’s plenty of room for you here next to me.”

  “I don’t wish to compromise your reputation, lass.”

  “It’s already compromised. You’re in the room with me silly.”

  “Silly. Are ye calling me silly?” Nick gave her a fierce look, but obviously she wasn’t taken in by it.

  Kat giggled and patted the bed. “Please. I want you to sleep here.”

  “Well, if ye insist. How can I argue with ye when ye smile at me like that.” Nick sat down next to her and gently stroked her cheek. Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, he was enthralled by her. Unable to break his gaze, he said, “Ye ken yer a beauty. I dinnae believe I’ve ever seen a lass as fair as ye are.”

  Kat reached out to touch his face and to run a finger across his lips. Nick held his breath. What was she doing? Didn’t she ken she was causing him to lose his self-control? Damn it. He was going to kiss her. How could he not? He bent his head down and leaned in closer. Her lips parted and he captured them, kissing her with a mixture of passion, relief and possession. She was his, but more importantly he was completely and utterly hers. They reluctantly broke the kiss and Kat pulled him down onto the bed to lie beside her. She placed her head on his shoulder and her sweet breath caressed his neck. How was he ever going to get through this night? One moment at a time.

  * * *

  At some point in the middle of the night, Kat wrapped herself around Nick, her leg rubbing against his hardened manhood. He groaned out loud and she purred like a kitten. Her hand moved down his chest to rest on his belly. He was trapped beneath her, a prisoner of her seductive wiles. What was he to do? He was a man, not a saint. Instinct kicked in and he rolled on top of her only to find her smiling face and wide eyes staring up at him.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hi,” he answered, echoing her modern day language.

  The world stood still as they each let their eyes roam over the other. Nick gently brushed his lips across hers and her tongue darted out to meet him. She wasn’t playing fair. He wanted her, but he wanted to take his time. He wanted their first time together to be special, something to remember, although no matter he couldn’t imagine he’d ever forget this moment.

  “Are ye sure, Kat?”

  “I am.”

  Sweeter words were never spoken. He kissed her again, this time wanting to meld with her. To become one with this beautiful woman who’d somehow managed to make him love her without even trying. He kissed her long and hard and she matched him with fervent ardor.

  “Nick, I want you so much. I can’t wait.” She reached down and wrapped her hand around his swollen shaft, directing it towards her warm, moist folds.

  His pleasure was beyond measure. “Kat, let’s take our time. I want you to enjoy this as much as me.”

  “I will. This isn’t the only time we’re going to do this, is it?” She giggled with a twinkle of knowing in her eyes.

  “No, of course not.” Nick kissed her neck and nibbled on her earlobe.

  Kat guided him towards her center once again and this time he didn’t resist. Entering her warmth he thought nothing had ever felt better. He didn’t want it to end. Kat writhed in pleasure beneath him, only heightening his own enjoyment. The silky, soft feeling of her womanhood caressed the hardness of his cock. He savored every moment as the feeling built and built to an almost unbearable crescendo. Kat’s enjoyment was evident, pleasing him more than he could have imagined. They soared ever higher and finally crested the peak together, Kat calling out his name and Nick roaring his release.

  They held onto each other until and long after they both fell into a deep and wonderful sleep.

  * * *

  Kat hadn’t slept this well since her arrival in sixteenth-century Scotland. Nick gave her a sense of security she’d never had in her life. People came and went in Kat’s life almost from the very beginning. She’d come to expect it and so this feeling was foreign to her, but very, very nice. She snuggled in a little closer and Nick rolled toward her to pull her in even tighter. She placed her nose in the hollow spot just below his Adam’s apple and breathed in deeply the scent of him. He smelled so good to her - clean, woodsy and manly. She hoped he’d wake up soon so they could make love again. The only thing she wanted was to be as close to him as possible. The only way that was going to happen was if he was inside of her again. The thought of it made her ache with wanting him and she found that even though he was asleep, he was ready for her. She knew he’d awaken soon and then she’d have what she longed for. Kat turned in his arms, her back now facing him, and as Nick turned towards her, she found that she fit perfectly in that nook he created for her. The hard length protruding from him nestled between her legs and a smile lit her lips. She closed her legs around him and felt the throbbing emanating from him as he moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. A shiver of delight ran through her as she anticipated what would come next. Those warm wet kisses wended their way down her back as Nick placed his hand in the sensitive area between her legs. He penetrated her with his fingers and she arched her back, throwing her head back on the pillow. Nick lifted her leg and drew her onto her back, finding that oh so sensitive nub that controlled her desire. She rode his hand as he now kissed her belly and reached up to caress her breast with his other hand. Her senses were being overwhelmed from all directions. She moaned and licked her lips. She longed to touch him and have him feeling what she was feeling. Her hands went to his hair, his beautiful brown curls, perfectly tussled and resting on her abdomen.

  “We’re doing this my way this time, lass,” Nick uttered between kisses which had now reached her thighs.

  “Mmm…” It felt so good she wanted to sink deeper and deeper into it and with Nick’s help she did. He stroked, kissed, licked and loved her into a sensual haze that had her on the edge, ready to tumble down into euphoria. He held her hands at her side to keep them from interfering with what he was doing to her. She could feel the smile on his lips as they met the warmth of her core. He knew what he was doing and he knew it was good. She was at the point where she almost couldn’t stand it a moment longer and why should she. She let herself go and felt the burst of warmth jerk through her body, leaving her heart pounding and her lungs gasping for air. And then he was atop her and inside of her, moving, moving and hitting every sensitive spot she never knew she had. He buried his face in her neck, his hands roving across her body and around to grasp her backside. He pulled her closer so he could dive deeply into her core and then with a few quick bursts he released himself within her as she joined him on their free fall from on high.

  * * *

  A knock at the door the following morning woke them. Kat glanced shyly in Nick’s direction. He nodded to her that it was all right as he called, “Come in.”

  “Sir, Laird Sinclair asked that I bring ye both something to break yer fast.” The servant carried in a tray of food and drink, which she left on the table at the foot of the bed.

  “Thank you and thank Laird Sinclair for his thoughtfulness.”

  The lass left the room, softly closing the door behind her.

  “Are ye hungry, love?” Nick leaned over and kissed her nose.

  “Starving.” Kat sat up and held the fur skin throw up across her breasts.

  Nick rose from the bed, unconcerned by his nakedness and noted Kat’s eyes following him.

  “Just what do ye think yer looking at, lass?”

  Kat giggled. “I’m looking at a very nice bac
kside. It was dark last night. I really couldn’t see you, but now in the light of day…”

  “I hope yer not disappointed,” Nick teased as he came around to her side of the bed carrying her shift, which had ended up on the floor. He gently placed it over her head and waited for her to finish dressing. He helped her up and then wrapped a fur around her as he led her to a seat by the table.

  “Not disappointed at all. I like what I see,” Kat returned with a mischievous grin.

  They shared the food in between kisses. Nick had never in his entire life felt this way about anyone. He was under Kat’s spell and happy to be there.

  “Kat, I want you to know something.” He had his serious face on again. “I wanted to woo you properly, but alas things didnae happen that way. I hope ye dinnae mind.”

  “You’re sweet. I don’t mind at all. It happened just the way I would’ve wanted it to.”


  “Yes, truly.”

  “Kat I don’t know when it happened, or how it happened, but I’ve fallen completely and hopelessly in love with you. I hope that in time ye’ll come to love me as well, but for now I’d be happy if ye’d agree to be me wife.”

  Kat appeared startled by his declaration of love, which worried him.

  He furrowed his brow and cast an earnest gaze her way. “I understand if ye dinnae wish to be me wife.”

  “Nick, wait. Don’t jump to conclusions. I was just savoring what you said. You don’t have to wait for me to love you.”

  Nick cocked his head to the side in confusion.

  “You don’t have to wait, because I already love you. I don’t know how or when it happened either, but somehow I feel like it was just meant to be.”


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