[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 17

by Jennae Vale

  “So, will ye marry me,” he could hardly contain himself. If she said nay it would be hard to live with, but what choice would he have?

  “I will. I will marry you, Nick. It would be my honor to marry you.”

  Nick almost fell to the floor in relief, but he managed to stay in his seat.

  “Ye’ve made me the happiest man on earth, lass.”

  * * *

  “Would you care to go riding with me this morning, Kat?” Nick was getting dressed as Kat continued enjoying the warmth of the bed she’d climbed back into right after eating.

  “The last thing I want to do today is get on the back of a horse. It seems I’ve done nothing but ride continuously since I’ve arrived in your time.” Kat yawned and stretched, sticking a leg out from the covers testing the air temperature in their chamber. Seeing Nick’s disappointment at her response, she said “I’d much rather go for a walk with you.” She’d really rather he climb back into bed with her, but she knew that wouldn’t be appropriate as they were guests of Laird Sinclair and while they had his blessing to spend the night together, she doubted it would be considered right from them to stay in bed all day.

  Nick’s obvious disappointment faded at her suggestion. “Ye’d best rise then, m’lady. Our host must be wondering where we are.” He grabbed her clothes up from the floor and dropped them on the foot of the bed. It was apparent he recognized her reluctance to leave the comfort of the bed. “Here, I’ll help ye get dressed. We’ll do it quickly so ye dinnae get cold.”

  Kat realized she was a very lucky lady. Nick would take good care of her. He’d already shown her he would in so many ways. She giggled as he worked, first getting her undergarments in place and then her gown, all the while teasing and tickling her. She loved this playful side of Nick. He always made things seem more fun and exciting and they really were when she was with him.

  When Kat was fully dressed they made their way down to the great hall, which was no longer being occupied by Laird Sinclair or any of the men. Kat and Nick had spent too much time in their chamber and missed the opportunity to visit with their host.

  “We’ll see him at the noon meal,” Nick assured Kat. They’d decided to stay at Sinclair Castle for a few more days. Nick wanted to give Kat the time she needed to recover from the ordeal she’d just endured. He put her cloak on and guided her towards the door. “’Tis been some time since I’ve been to this castle. Many, many years. I ken ’tis cold outside, so we willnae stay out long, but it would be good for ye to see Sinclair castle in this time. I ken ye’ve seen it as a ruin in the future.”

  “I’d like that very much. Whenever I was out on an archeological site, I always wondered about what things would have looked like in their appropriate time. I’m excited to see more of it than I’ve glimpsed so far.” They had reached the doors now and headed out into the courtyard, which was filled with activity. Water was being drawn from the well for use in the kitchen, sparks were flying from the blacksmith’s shop, stone masons were busy creating blocks of stone which would be used in the walls of an outbuilding that was being constructed. It was fascinating to Kat and she drank it all in. “It’s so much nicer to see Castle Sinclair as it should be, filled with people and activity, instead of barely standing and silent.

  “What was your life like there,” Nick asked.

  “You mean in the future?” she looked to Nick and he nodded. “Lonely.” That was the only word that came to mind and the sad expression on Nick’s face told her that she needed to explain. “It wasn’t a bad place to be. It was just that being an orphan I had no one I could really rely on. I spent a good deal of time alone, except when I was working, but even then It was more about getting the job done than meeting people.”

  “So ye have no idea who yer Ma and Da were? ’Tis a shame. I believe they’d be most proud to call ye daughter if they’d been able to see the woman ye’ve become.” Nick warmed her hands in his.

  “As I’ve been told, I was found on a street in Edinburgh. Actually it was more like an alley. Whenever I was in Edinburgh I’d go back to see the spot where I was left. I don’t know why. I guess maybe I was hoping that I’d find my mother or father there, looking for me. It’s silly, I know.”

  “Not at all, Katriona.” He pulled her close and kissed her head.

  “Well, from there I was put in foster care and I never stayed in one place for very long. As a matter of fact, within the first year I ended up in London. The families I was placed with were always very nice, but I never truly felt at home with any of them. I never caused them a bit of trouble or worry, unlike some of the others in their care. Even still, no one wanted to adopt me and the older I got, the less likely that became, until I found myself of legal age and out on my own. I had to make my own life and I did. I earned a degree in archeology and got a job working for Malcolm Granger.”

  “Were ye ever in love,” Nick asked. The expression on his face was adorable. She could see he wanted to know, but he was hoping the answer would be no.

  “No. I was too busy working out in the field to meet anyone. The people I spent the most time with were other archeologists. I went on a few dates here and there.” Kat glanced up at Nick to see if he understood what she was saying, but she could tell he did. He’d lived in San Francisco for two years, so she didn’t need to explain. “It was awkward dating people I had to see at work the next day, so after a while I didn’t bother.”

  “If ye found the emerald, Kat, would ye want to go back?” He seemed to be holding his breath, awaiting her answer.

  “I could never leave you. This is where I belong now, here with you. I wouldn’t want to go back, I can promise you.” She squeezed his hand and rested her head on his arm. She really meant it. This was her home now. It felt like home, unlike anyplace she’d ever lived before and she was anxious to get her life as a Mackall started.

  * * *

  After their walk, they returned to the castle to find Aleck striding purposefully back into the great hall.

  “Aleck,” Nick called to him.

  Aleck spun to greet them, an expression of surprise on his face. “There ye be. I wasnae expecting to see either of ye fer quite some time.”

  Kat felt her face turning red at his knowing glance in her direction. “I wanted to see the castle grounds, so Nick and I went for a walk. It’s quite beautiful.”

  “Thank ye, lass. I’m happy ye approve.” He motioned for them to follow him, which they did. He brought them to a smaller room with a roaring fire and pointed towards the chairs. “Sit. Please. I’ll send fer some warm cider.” He went to the door and yelled into the passageway. “Eldred! Bring warm cider fer meself and me two guests.” Closing the door, he turned back to Nick and Kat. “How are ye today, Katriona?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

  “Relieved to be away from those two madmen.” At his smile, she said “I don’t believe I could feel any better.” She glanced Nick’s way and caught him smiling softly at her.

  “And what of ye, Nick?” Aleck sat in a chair opposite them.

  “I’m happy to be here with Kat safe by me side and in such good company as yerself.”

  The door opened and Eldred brought in a tray which he set on a nearby table. “Yer cider, sir.”

  “Thank ye, Eldred, ye can go.” Aleck rose and went to the table where he poured the cider, handing one to Kat and one to Nick before pouring for himself.

  Kat saw Aleck as a very handsome, strong and capable leader for his clan. She assumed if he had a wife they would have been introduced by now, but if he didn’t she wondered why he wasn’t already taken. “Aleck, I hope you don’t mind me prying, but is there a woman in your life?”

  Aleck chuckled and winked at her. “No, at least not anyone I’d spend the rest of me days with.”

  “Why is that? I can’t believe there’s no one out there that wouldn’t want to be your wife.” Kat sipped her cider and observed him over the rim of her cup.

  “’Tis nae that I’ve not caught the ey
e of many a neighboring laird. I’ve nae found a woman who I felt was right for me. Right to be me partner here at Castle Sinclair. When she presents herself, I’ll ken it, but until then I am happily on my own.”

  “I have two sisters in need of a husband,” Nick offered.

  “And I would love to be introduced to them, although ye ken I can only marry one,” Aleck laughed.

  “We’ll have to arrange fer ye to meet them. Perhaps when ye come to visit with us.” Nick smiled warmly at his host.

  Kat could tell Nick appreciated Aleck’s good humor, but she also knew that as laird of the Mackalls it would be his duty to find husbands for his sisters. “They’re both beauties, Aleck.” She wanted to help. Aleck shouldn’t be alone and neither should Nick’s sisters. Merry was as sweet and innocent as could be and Isla was more of a challenge. It was the difference between a sunshiny day and a cloudy one. For some reason Kat felt Isla would be the better match for Aleck, but she kept her opinion to herself. It wasn’t up to her to make that decision.

  “I’ll commit to coming to Dunaill, but I cannae commit to marrying anyone until I’ve gotten to know them and love them. I’m sure ye understand.” He directed his last comment to Nick.

  “Of course. I want me sisters to be happy and in order for that to happen, I believe it best that they love the men who will be their husbands.”

  “We’re in agreement then,” Aleck stood and placed his cup on the table. “I’ve some things to attend to, but I want ye both to feel free to explore Castle Sinclair to yer hearts delight.”

  “Thank you, Aleck,” Kat said. “I love exploring old…” She caught herself. She’d almost said old castles.

  Aleck didn’t appear to notice as he was already heading out the door. “I’ll see ye this evening.”

  They sat in silence, sipping their cider for a few moments longer. “I almost slipped and said the wrong thing.” Kat stood and worriedly paced back and forth.

  “He didn’t notice, love. All is well.” Nick stood and pulled her into his arms for a hug.

  “I know. I’m just afraid I’m going to do or say the wrong thing to the wrong person and then I’ll be in big trouble.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll do our best to explain everything when we get back home. Me family willnae be a problem, but as for any others, we’ll have to be careful. I’ll be there to help ye.” He chucked her under the chin and she relaxed, a sweet smile spreading across her face.

  “Can we explore some more, Nick?” She really wanted to see the inside of the castle, especially the places she’d excavated before being transported to this time.

  “Aye. Lead the way, love. I’m happy to follow ye where ever ye may wish to take me.” He gave her a playful swat on her bottom as she began to walk away. “I like the view from back here, I believe I’ll let ye do all the leading from this point forward.”

  She turned to him, rolling her eyes as she did, and took his hand. “Behave yourself.”

  “Easier said than done, lass.” He had that mischievous look in his eyes again. “I believe there were some things upstairs in our chambers that we havenae explored yet.”

  * * *

  Nick was sure to see that every one of Kat’s needs was being met, both inside and outside of their chambers. They went for daily walks and as she had shared her true past with him, he shared his with her. She wanted to know all about his time in San Francisco and said on more than one occasion how wonderful it would have been if they’d met in that future time. Today he’d convinced her to get on her horse and join him for a ride around Sinclair lands.

  “I ken ye dinnae wish to ride, but it would be best to ride at least a little today, as tomorrow we’ll be on our horses all day. I dinnae wish fer ye to be uncomfortable on our journey.” If it were within his power, he would magically transport her back to Dunaill to save her from the weary journey ahead.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he gave her a leg up on her horse.

  “There’s a loch nearby. I remember it being quite beautiful in the spring and summer, but I’ve nae seen it in winter.” He directed their horses through the gates of Sinclair castle and followed the road that led them through a row of crofter’s cottages and then to a tree-lined path decorated with snowy branches that gave it an enchanted quality.

  “This is so pretty, Nick! I love it!” Kat appeared genuinely enthralled by the magic of the forest path they followed.

  On the path itself, the snow had been trodden down to a manageable level by carts and horses that had ridden over it in recent days. It hadn’t snowed again since they’d been at Castle Sinclair and Nick hoped the weather remained fair for their travel back to Dunaill.

  “Are ye ready to leave tomorrow, Kat?” If she said no, then they would delay their departure until she felt up to making the trip.

  “Yes. Very much so. I can’t wait to get back.” She appeared thoughtful. “Not that I haven’t enjoyed staying here. Everyone at Castle Sinclair has been so nice, Aleck especially.”

  “I believe ye’ve earned a special place in his heart.” Aleck seemed to have taken a keen interest in Kat, but Nick wasnae jealous at all. Aleck’s interest was more that of a brother or father. He was concerned for her well being and Nick found that quite touching. Kat had a way of finding her way into the hearts of everyone she met, except of course those who didn’t have a heart.

  “That’s nice. I like him a lot too.” They rounded a bend in the road and Kat gasped, putting her hands to her mouth in delight. “Nick!”

  “Aye. I see it, Kat.” The lake was completely frozen over and the trees surrounding it were covered with a mixture of snow and icicles. A small creek which fed the lake, was off to their left and covered in ice itself, which led to a frozen waterfall.

  “It’s breathtaking. I can’t seem to find the words to describe how I’m feeling right now.” Kat stopped her horse and sat scanning from left to right and back again. “Thank you so much for sharing this with me.” She smiled warmly in his direction.

  “I cannae take credit for its beauty, but I’d do anything within my power to make ye this happy always.” He moved Laoch closer to Kat and took her hand. They sat drinking in the lake in all its winter finery. “Ye ken I’ll be spending all me time searching out places such as this to take yer breath away, love.”

  Kat glanced lovingly in his direction, shaking her head. “We’ll find them together.”

  Chapter 20

  Happiness was hard to come by and even harder to hold onto. So while she was ecstatic this morning to be heading back to Dunaill, there was a hint of worry that it could all be taken away from her in a heartbeat. Kat had lived her whole life not expecting happiness. It wasn’t that she was unhappy, but she had always lived her life on the outside looking in. She wanted family and traditions but because she never stayed in one place for very long, those things didn’t happened for her.

  She gazed lovingly at Nick as he organized the men in the courtyard. They were going home today. Home. Her new home, far away from all the things she’d become accustomed to - cell phones, computers, cars, modern conveniences. The funny thing was, she’d never really cared about all that stuff, because that’s all it was - stuff. She could live without it as long as she had her man by her side. She was not only gaining a husband and partner, but for the first time in her life she was getting a family. Good people who would be there for her through thick and thin. She smiled thinking about it.

  “Are ye ready, love?” Nick was at her side, lifting her chin in his hand.

  “More than you could possibly know.”

  He tipped his head and cocked an eyebrow in question, but then leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Idris is saddled and waiting for ye. Come, let’s say goodbye to our host.” He took her hand and led her to a gathering of men near the horses. Aleck Sinclair could clearly be seen in their midst. His shining blonde locks cascaded down past his shoulders and his hearty laugh could be heard as they approached. Nick placed a hand on his should
er and Aleck turned to face them.

  “Thank ye for yer kindness, Aleck. If ye find yerself near Dunnet Head or ye’d like to come and stay fer a while, we’d be happy to see ye and will surely return your hospitality.”

  “Are ye planning to marry this lovely lass,” Aleck asked. That mischievous twinkle showing in his eyes, and dimples formed in his cheeks as he smiled.

  “Aye. I’ve asked her and she’s said yes. Will ye come to the wedding?”

  “I thought ye’d never ask. Of course I will.”

  “My dearest Katriona, it has been a pleasure having ye here with us. Ye are always welcome.”

  “Thank you, Aleck.” Katriona felt a fondness for him from the moment she’d met him. He was younger than Nick, and perhaps even a year or two younger than Kat, but he had a fatherly way about him, or at least she imagined he did. There was something familiar and warm about him, something she couldn’t quite place, but she felt the urge to hug him and so she did.

  Aleck seemed a bit surprised at first, but almost immediately wrapped her in a warm embrace. “Ye take good care of the lass, Nick. If ye dinnae, ye’ll have me to answer to.” He released his hold on her and Nick immediately took her hand and began to draw her away. They all said their goodbyes and made promises to see each other again soon. Nick gave Kat a leg up to her horse and she smiled brightly at Aleck. Why did she suddenly feel sad about leaving him? It was odd. So many people had come and gone in her life she’d learned early on not to get attached. This feeling was unusual and she didn’t seem to have any control over it. Tears pricked at her eyes and she quickly brushed them away. It was obviously due to the ordeal she’d just experienced. Of course, she was grateful to Aleck for his part in helping her.

  They rode out of the gates and began their journey back to Dunaill. They took the faster route as Nick told her he couldn’t wait to get her back home to the family. Duncan rode up beside her and gifted her with a warm smile. “How do ye fare, sister? Be sure to let us know if ye tire. We can stop at any time ye need.”


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