[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 18

by Jennae Vale

  “Thank you, Duncan.” He’d called her sister. She’d always wanted to be somebody’s sister. Maybe this time the happiness she was feeling wouldn’t be fleeting. Maybe she’d finally come to the place she was meant to be. Maybe this was her happily ever after.

  “Duncan, I think I can take care of me betrothed. Dinnae ye have anything else to occupy yer time?” Nick said.

  “Brother, ’tis nae that I believe ye cannae care for Katriona, but at times ye are so focused on what yer about that ye forget everyone else around ye.”

  “Is that so? How could I possibly forget about ye when yer always reminding me of yer presence with yer incessant talking?”

  Kat couldn’t help but giggle. She could see that this was normal banter for the brothers. They seemed to take pride in one-upping each other. To prove the point, Duncan winked at her and laughing, turned his horse back to ride alongside the others.

  “Dinnae mind Duncan,” Nick said, smiling as he gazed into her eyes.

  “I don’t mind at all,” Kat replied. “I like your brother. He’s a good man.”

  “Aye. He is. But dinnae tell him what ye think. He’ll be reminding me of it always.” Nick scanned the trees they were riding through. “Would ye care to stop, love?”

  “I’m fine for now. We can keep going.” She sat up taller in her saddle, signaling that she was ready and willing to go as far as he felt necessary in their day of riding.

  Nick gazed lovingly at her and Kat wanted to jump out of her saddle and into his arms. A memory of his holding her close against his chest came to her from the night before and she held onto it.

  “Why are ye smiling?” Nick asked, apparently noting her dreamy grin.

  “Just thinking about you and about last night.”

  He didn’t answer her right away and she noticed him shifting uncomfortably in his saddle.

  “Ye’ve created an image in me mind that I willnae be able to remove until I have you in me arms again.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she teased.

  “We’ll nae have a bed to sleep in tonight, love. We’ll be forced to sleep among the men.”

  She understood what he was saying and while she was disappointed that they wouldn’t make love again tonight, she would be happy just sleeping next to him, feeling safe and loved. She let her gaze rest on him. He was so handsome. Brown tousled curls, tawny eyes, muscular build. She’d better think about something else or she really was going to jump from her horse to his.

  As she scanned the area around them, she thought she saw a party of small elfin creatures making their way through the woods alongside of them, but when she tried to focus on them she saw nothing. This happened over and over again, playing with her sense of reality. Who were they and why couldn’t she focus on them? She began to watch them from the corner of her eye and was surprised that she could make out miniature horses carrying a party of miniature people. At the head of the group sat a woman, dressed in fine emerald-green velvet. Her cape was lined with soft fur and what Kat could see of her face was beautiful. Behind her rode about ten men, dressed like their much larger counterparts riding in Kat’s party.

  “Nick,” she began to speak hesitantly. She didn’t want him to think she’d lost her mind. “Do you see anything out of the ordinary?”

  “Nae. Why? What do ye see?” He alertly began to search the trees for whatever she was talking about.

  “It’s probably nothing, but I could swear there’s a group of little people following us. No. Actually riding alongside us, but just over there.” She pointed to the empty path beyond the trees.

  “Kat. I see nothing at all. Are ye feeling all right?”

  “Yes. When I look straight at them, I can’t see them either, but try looking out of the corner of your eye.”

  Nick gave her a strange look, but did as she asked. She watched as he stiffened in his saddle. He’d seen them.

  “You see them, don’t you?”

  “Aye. ’Tis the elves yer seeing. Their queen, Anania, is leading them. “What do they want?” he whispered.

  “I don’t know, but they’ve been there for a while now. I thought I was seeing things, because every time I tried to get a good look, they disappeared.”

  “We’ll continue on to our campsite. If they wish us to see them, they will make themselves known to us at that time.”

  Nick seemed pretty sure about that. “How do you know that?”

  “I don’t. But it seems they are riding with us, although on another plane.”

  Kat thought about that for a moment. “Another plane? Like another dimension?” She thought that was what he meant, but wanted to clarify it.

  “Aye. Another dimension. Ye ken now that I wasnae making things up when I spoke of faeries. They too are real and they live here in these woods.”

  “Okay. I guess where I’m from they’re not around anymore.”

  “Or perhaps they’re just nae visible to those who dinnae believe.”

  “If that’s true, then why can I see them? I’m not a believer in folklore.”

  “Mayhap Anania has a message fer ye and kens that ye’d receive it now that ye’ve experienced that which is without explanation. We’ll find out soon, I believe.

  * * *

  Nick kept their pace up for the rest of the day. They stopped just long enough to eat, rest and water their horses. As they arrived at their campsite, Nick cast his gaze around in search of the elves who’d been their constant companions that day. They were no longer visible.

  He watched as Kat spun around in search of them also, but not finding them she returned to his side and held onto his arm. “I don’t see them anywhere.”

  “Nay. They may be nearby, but we’ll have to wait for them to come to us. Dinnae fear. They willnae harm us.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “’Tis a feeling I have. No matter. I will protect ye should the need arise.” His eyes sparked with humor as he said, “I think ye should stay right by me side just in case.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him and he laughed. She was precious to him in so many ways. He wouldnae disappoint her - his woman, his love.

  The men were gathering firewood and building a fire. They placed some larger logs around the fire to sit on and Nick ushered Kat to one. He sat beside her and Duncan joined her on her other side. She suddenly felt tiny sitting as she was between two very tall and braw men. They watched as the others finished making camp and then all found their way to the fire. One of the men, Alan, broke out his griddle and they collected food from the saddlebags which he expertly prepared.

  Rory retrieved a rebec from his pack and began to play while they waited to eat. To Kat’s eyes it looked like a small pear shaped violin and sounded similar as well. The men began to sing a song that sounded familiar to Kat, although she couldn’t place how she knew it. It brought her back to a time when she was very young, but that was all she knew. She had no memories from those early days. She was found by a passerby on a street in Edinburgh, just a baby. She wished she knew more, but it didn’t seem important anymore. She’d found the life she was supposed to live. It took longer than she could have imagined, but now that she had it she refused to let it go.

  Food was passed around the fire and everyone had a good-sized portion. No one was going hungry in this group. They were prepared for travel, having done it often Kat imagined. She daintily ate her food, while the men around her practically inhaled theirs. The men sat and conversed quietly, laughter occasionally drifting into the air along with the smoke from their fire.

  “Where do you suppose they’ve gone?” Kat asked Nick.

  “The elves? They, like us, are taking the time to nourish themselves and to rest. I dinnae believe we’ll see them again tonight.”

  “I couldn’t see her face clearly; what do you think she looks like?”

  “I couldnae say, love. The elves are quite fair of face. I would venture to guess that she is verra beautiful. She is their queen after all.”

  Kat covered her mouth and yawned. “I’m getting sleepy.”

  Some of the others were already bedding down near the fire. Nick stood and offered her his hand. He went to his saddle and removed a plaid to place beneath them and another to cover them as they slept. Kat had no doubt she would sleep well and Nick would keep her warm.

  * * *

  Kat snuggled into the warmth created by Nick’s body. He was sleeping soundly, as were the rest of the men. She, however, was wide awake, when earlier she’d felt exhausted. As she stared across the fire at the clearing beyond, she saw movement in the trees. She froze, frightened of what or who may be approaching. As she watched, a beautiful redheaded woman gracefully walked towards her. The elven queen, Anania, was approaching and Kat wasn’t sure whether to hide beneath the plaid or to greet her. She elbowed Nick, but he didn’t wake.

  “I’ve caused your men to sleep deeply, Katriona. Do not fear me. I mean you no harm.” Anania sat on one of the logs near the fire. “Join me. I have much to tell you.”

  Kat stood and walked towards her. Anania waved an arm and covered Kat with a warm fur blanket. Kat was grateful and said as much.

  “Of course, my dear. I dinnae wish ye to be cold.” Anania smiled warmly at her. “I imagine yer wondering why I’ve come to speak with ye.”

  Kat nodded as her voice seemed to be hiding.

  “Yer not who ye believe yerself to be, lass. Before ye were born, yer mother made a pact with me. She agreed to give up her first-born daughter and I would see to it that she gave birth to an heir.”

  Kat was puzzled and must have looked it, because Anania took her hand. “Fear not, Katriona. I willnae tell ye anything that ye dinnae already feel deep down inside. Ye are back where ye belong, among yer own people.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I’m from a different time.”

  “That is what ye believe, but ’tis nae the way of it. I sent ye to the future when ye were a babe. I wished to protect ye and the people of Scotland from Ariweth, an evil sorcerer who would have stolen ye away for his own evil purposes. Yer mother didnae wish to leave ye go, but she understood that it was best for ye and the people. I promised her next child would be a lad. She resigned herself to losing ye. Dinnae ever doubt that she loved ye, because she made the ultimate sacrifice for yer safety, but still she cried herself to sleep every night at yer loss.”

  “But why did this sorcerer want me?” She wasn’t important to anyone; she didn’t understand how she fit into this whole scenario.

  “He thought that if he kidnapped ye, yer family would help him attain what he wanted most in this world. Ye ken the sword that yer Granger fellow wanted. Ariweth created it to destroy the Scottish royal family by making King James his puppet and forcing him to carry out his evil plans. When he found that the Pope was gifting King James with a sword, he made his sword, the Twin Sword, an exact replica. When James opened the gift from the Pope, he was surprised to find two swords that were exactly the same, with the exception of the engraving along the blade. A note from Ariweth, promising James unlimited power to rule the world, confirmed his suspicions about the sword. He knew immediately that it shouldnae be used. He tried destroying it, but no matter how they tried, they couldnae. So he made the decision to hide it away where no one could ever retrieve it. I did my part by sending ye to the future and then removing a piece of it that wouldnae allow him what he wished. The green emerald he had embedded in the sword was the seed of its power and without it, he was unable to accomplish his goal and with his power greatly diminished, I trapped him in a place where his powers, or what’s left of them, are almost completely useless. Still he managed to call Granger, a kindred spirit, to him from the future. And while he could not bring the emerald into his prison, he was able to place it where ye would find it, forcing yer return with it here.”

  “What if he’d gotten hold of it? What would have happened?”

  “There was never a chance he would get his hands on that emerald. As soon as it crossed the plane into this time, I was aware of its presence. Ye dropped it when ye arrived and it sat in the field near Castle Sinclair. He was not satisfied to let the emerald or ye go. He sent Granger to retrieve ye both. Ye ken the rest.”

  Kat ruminated on what she’d just heard. So her life in the twenty-first century was all an awful sham. She was never meant to live her life there, but Ariweth made it impossible for her to stay with her family. “Ye say I have a brother.”

  “Aye. Did ye nae recognize him?” Anania scooted a bit closer to Kat.

  “Recognize him? Ye mean I’ve met him?” Kat was astonished to hear this.

  “Ye did. Although ye dinnae ken it, I believe ye had a connection with this man.” She tipped her head, apparently waiting for Kat to catch on.

  “Wait a minute. You mean, Aleck Sinclair is my brother?” Joy bubbled up in her and came out in a giggle. “I knew there was something about him that felt familiar to me. I thought it was just that he helped to save me.”

  “Aye. He felt it too.”

  “So, I’m a Sinclair?” Kat almost jumped from the log she was seated on, so great was her excitement.

  Anania smiled and nodded.

  “I have to tell him. I have to tell Nick.” This time she did hop up from her seat.

  Anania rose as well, taking Kat’s hands in hers. “I have something for ye, lass. Placing a velvet bag in Kat’s hands, she said, “Open it!” Kat did as she was directed and was shocked to see the emerald in the palm of her hand. She panicked, nearly dropping it, but Anania grasped her hands and gazed reassuringly into her eyes. “Dinnae fear. Yer not going back. Unless, of course, ye wish to.”

  “No. I want to stay.” Kat didn’t even hesitate. “This is where I belong, with Nick.” She continued eyeing the emerald in her hand.

  “Good. I’m happy to hear it. Ye ken the emerald doesnae have the power to transport ye, so ye need nae fear it,” Anania reassured her.

  “But if the emerald didn’t bring me back, what did?”

  “Ariweth. He used the emerald as a lure. As soon as ye had it in yer hand he knew and brought ye back.”

  “But why are you giving it to me?”

  “It is yours to protect. Keep it with ye always and let nae other possess it. As long as ye hold it in yer possession, Ariweth cannae get to it. It holds no power on its own, only when combined with the sword. Remember, if ye ever wish to go back to yer home in the future, ye only need to call on me and I’ll see to yer safe return.” She gazed at Kat with a questioning look.

  “Now that I know the truth, I could never go back there. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of or wanted is right here and I’m never going to leave.” She was adamant about that.

  “As ye wish, lass.” Anania waved her hand, one over the other, and a cup appeared. “I will leave ye now, but before I go, I would have ye drink this draught. After all ye’ve learned tonight, it will help ye to sleep.” She handed it to Kat, who looked unsure. “Dinnae fear. It will nae harm ye.”

  Kat lifted the cup to her lips and drank and when she was done, Anania was gone.

  Chapter 21

  Was it all a dream, or had she really spoken with Anania. She didn’t remember climbing back into Nick’s arms and when she awoke she questioned everything. Was she really Aleck’s sister? Was she really born in this time and not the twenty-first century? What if it was all true? And the scary part was that this evil sorcerer had somehow pulled her into his plot to take over the Scottish throne. The velvet pouch clutched in her hands answered all her questions.

  “Nick! Nick, wake up!” She shook him and he slowly opened those mesmerizing eyes of his. “Nick something strange has happened.”

  “Come back to sleep, love,” Nick’s voice, thick with sleep touched a chord deep inside.

  “As much as I’d love to, I have to tell you something.”

  “What could have happened in the short time you’ve been awake that’s so important you would rob me of my last few
moments of sleep,” he teased.

  “Seriously, Anania was here last night. She spoke with me. I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or if it was true until now.” She had his attention now.

  Nick sat up and wrapped his plaid around them both. The fire had died down during the night and one of the men was up and trying to bring it back to life.

  “I was sleeping when something woke me. I saw her standing there and she beckoned me to join her by the fire. She said I’m not from the future, that my place is here. I was born here in this time and, and…”

  “Anania said you were born in this time… not the future?”

  “Yes, and I know it’s all true because she gave me this.” She opened the bag and dropped the emerald into her palm.

  Nick quickly grabbed hold of her. “No, dinnae go!”

  “Don’t worry, Nick. I could hold his emerald in my palm all day and never go anywhere. The emerald isn’t what brought me here. It was Ariweth.” She put the emerald back in the bag and gave Nick a quick, happy peck on the lips.

  Nick smiled lovingly at her, but obviously still had questions. “And what else? What else did she tell ye?”

  “Aleck is my brother.”

  “What?” Nick appeared thoughtful. “Now that I think on it, ye do share a resemblance.”

  Kat told him the rest of the story. Everything Anania had told her from beginning to end. It was an incredible story and she was having a difficult time wrapping her brain around it. “Can you believe it?”

  “Aye. I can and I do. As strange as it seems, there was a reason she rode along with us yesterday and now it all makes sense. I knew ye were special from the moment I first laid eyes on ye.”

  “My whole life I thought I was alone and that I had no family, but to find out I’ve had one all along is the best gift I could receive, that and meeting you of course.”


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