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The Lion, The Witch, and The Secret Garden: A Nocturne Falls Universe story

Page 7

by Larissa Emerald

  Mammon materialized on the opposite side of the pond from Alice and to Rylan’s right. He took a human form, far too handsome with blonde hair and a chiseled chin—sort of a Tom Cruise look in Interview With A Vampire. Thankfully, much easier on the eyes than the real thing.

  “My word. Give two supernaturals a simple task, and this is what I get?” Mammon complained.

  “Nothing happens until Adalyn is here,” Rylan stated.

  “Adalyn?” Kamdyn asked, seeming confused.

  “His sister,” Zoe said. Kamdyn nodded.

  Mammon bared his teeth and snapped his fingers. A female with long, golden locks landed in the water at Mammon’s feet. “There. Are you happy?”

  “Not even close,” Rylan snarled.

  Now what? Zoe thought.

  Alice crossed her arms, toying with a scepter in her hands. “You know you can’t have the mirror stone, Mammon. It’s why you sent the lion to begin with. It’s why the lion shifter can hold it and you cannot. So be gone, back to your fiery pit.”

  Mammon stretched out a hand to Rylan. “Clach Sgàthan.”

  Zoe looked from Alice to Rylan to Mammon. She wondered who Alice’s words were meant for. Mammon should already be aware of what she said. Could the powerful witch be communicating something to Rylan?

  Rylan weighted the mirror stone in the palm of his hand. Zoe held her breath. He stared at her, to his sister, then back at her, his expression pained. Was he considering the consequences if he failed? Had he thought of a way out of this predicament?

  His eyes held hers and he whispered softly, “No matter what happens… I love you.”

  She wondered how that could be since they’d known each other for such a short time. Then she realized that where love is concerned, the heart didn’t abide by a timetable. Love just was or wasn’t.

  She wet her lips, hesitant to say what was in her heart. “And I love you.”

  He nodded, but the frozen moment stretched out.

  “Where is your courage, Lion?” Zoe said.

  She didn’t know what he was going to do, but she trusted him.

  “You recall that saying…possession is nine-tenths of the law,” Rylan said with eerie calm. He tossed the stone into the air and like a jump-toss in basketball, three supernaturals fought to take possession—Mammon, Roar, and Alice. While they clashed in a force of incredible magic, Rylan gathered his sister and whisked her away from Mammon. Zoe ran to Kamdyn, drawing her from the fray.

  Mammon’s gnarly hands clutched the stone. It glowed red. The demon let out a blood-curdling scream. He fell back, releasing the stone into the air again, changing into his hideous, black, oozing shape, a horrible acrid stench permeating the air.

  Roar grabbed the stone next. The surface rippled purple and black like bruised clouds. Energy burst forth in electrical strikes. Roar stiffened as if shocked down to his bones. He released the stone, tossing it in the direction of Kamdyn. His face looked stricken that she might get it.

  “No,” Zoe yelled, fearful for her friend after seeing what had happened to Mammon and Roar.

  The stone fell short and landed in the water, but Kamdyn picked it up. It shone white, just as it had when Rylan had first lifted it. Clach Sgàthan glowed—so did Kamdyn. Her skin emanated light.

  “What’s happening?” Zoe asked.

  Alice traveled to take the stone from Kamdyn. “There are laws to prevent evil from gaining the incredible power of the stone, and while I can’t say they can’t be broken, thankfully, they weren’t today.”

  “But how?” Zoe wouldn’t let the subject go.

  “The stone is very powerful yet unpredictable. It reflects back what it sees. Evil gets evil. Good receives good. When Mammon and Roar held the stone, the mirror reflected back their evil unto them until it stripped them of their powers. Their magic was in turn given to Kamdyn.” She said to Kamdyn, “You will study with me until you learn to control that magic.”

  At Alice’s words, Mammon disappeared and Roar fumed. “This will not stop me. I will return.” Then he also vanished.

  After the warlock and demon were gone, Zoe rushed over and hugged Kamdyn. “Are you all right?” She couldn’t imagine what her friend had been through at the hands of her father—make that ex-father.

  “Yes. I’m a pretty tough cookie,” Kamdyn smiled.

  Alice set the stone in its original place. She turned with her hands on her hips, pinning the three remaining with a serious stare. “No one in Nocturne Falls knows of Clach Sgàthan.” She sighed heavily, as if she had to do something she wouldn’t like.

  Zoe drew a sharp breath of realization. “You put the spell on the mirror stone?”

  Alice didn’t actually acknowledge Zoe’s question. “It’s the magical source behind the bespelled water. But never mind. You won’t remember any of this come morning.”

  “You’ll wash our memories?” Zoe said, unable to keep the panic from her voice. She didn’t like the sound of that. Not that she cared so much about the mirror stone, but what of Rylan? Her gaze shot to him.

  He met her worried look, understanding her concern. “It will not affect our memory of each other, love.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because I could never forget you. You are the other half of my heart.” He raised a pointed brow at Alice. “I am correct, right?”

  Alice gave a curt nod. “I can’t remove that which is true in love.”

  Zoe was unconvinced. She didn’t want to find Rylan simply to lose him. With all the drama over the stone, they hadn’t had a chance to see where their feelings would lead.

  The four of them moved up the bank on the side Alice had entered. For all the turmoil that had just taken place, the underground world was stunning in its beauty and serenity.

  “I expect to see you two at the witch’s council meeting tomorrow night,” Alice said to the girls. “And Lion, what will you do now?”

  He slid a protective arm around Zoe’s shoulders, drawing her close. “I’ll be hanging around a while. It seems there are some things I’ve missed in your little town.”

  With a hint of a smile, Alice glanced about. “How did you get in here?”

  “I did a shrinking spell and we jumped through an opening we found,” Zoe admitted.

  “Well, I suppose you’ll have to exit with me,” Alice said.

  “Something else we won’t remember,” Zoe murmured.

  “Hmm. Perhaps I’ll use a different spell. You may recall this…you just will not be able to speak of it.” Alice led the way to a wall of ferns. “Stay close,” she advised. She took Kamdyn’s hand and stepped forward, the two of them disappearing into the wall of greenery.

  Rylan clutched Zoe on one side and his sister on the other. They walked through behind them.

  * * *

  It was like changing channels from color TV to a black and white station. They were in a drab gray tunnel, soft yellow lighting along the way the only bit of color.

  “The tunnel has a few exits. I’ll leave you at the one closest to the campground,” Alice said.

  There wasn’t anything to see while they followed her, just more cement walls. They turned to the right and ascended a short flight of stairs. At the top, a door swished open—magically, of course. The place seemed completely controlled by Alice.

  Rylan noted they exited along the bank of the river not far from his RV. Alice paused in the circular doorway. “The Black and Orange Ball is this weekend—a very exclusive party. I’ll see that you get invitations. The theme this year is Eclectic Elegance. That should make it easy to find a dress.”

  “Thank you,” Kamdyn said. “I’ve heard of that event. Sounds like fun.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” Rylan said. “I may need to return to Terror by then, though.” Did the witch seem to relax? He wondered if she was genuinely being nice, or perhaps using her connections to get them into the ball in order to keep an eye on them. Was she simply a kind person? He didn’t really know her well eno
ugh to judge.

  Alice waved a hand. “No matter. Do what you must.” The doorway disappeared along with Alice, leaving no sign it had ever been there, only green shrubs and rocks visible.

  Rylan shook his head. A witch’s magic.

  He escorted Zoe, Adalyn, and Kamdyn back to the RV. Unexpectedly, his sister turned on him and punched him in his abs, something he hadn’t felt in years. “Ow,” he said, glaring at her. “What was that for?”

  “Leaving me so long with that demon.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t easy finding that stone. If it hadn’t been for Zoe, we may not have gotten it at all,” he said.

  “That’s not quite true. You were the one who got your leg stuck,” Zoe added.

  “I would have liked to have seen that, big brother.” Adalyn chuckled.

  It was a good sound, he thought. Considering how things could have ended with that demon, he was extremely thankful.

  “I’m starving,” Adalyn said.

  “Me, too,” Kamdyn added.

  “How about pizza?” Rylan asked. “My treat.”

  “Yes,” Zoe said enthusiastically, causing the other three to stare at her.

  “Hungry, are you?” Rylan teased.

  She nodded, then tipped her head toward his, saying, “More than you know.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “I’ll see what I can do about that.” He motioned to his Hummer. “Climb in, ladies.”

  Once he was in route, he initiated a phone call over the truck’s blue-tooth connection.

  “Hello,” his mother answered.

  “I have great news,” he announced. “I have Adalyn.”

  “I knew you could do it!” Sela said.

  “Hi, momma,” Adalyn joined in the conversation from the back seat.

  “Oh, Adalyn. It’s so good to hear your voice. Are you all right, dear? The ordeal with that horrible demon must have been awful,” Sela said.

  “I’m fine.”

  “That’s good. Rylan, you found the mirror stone, then?” Sela asked,

  Rylan looked out of the corner of his eye at Zoe. “Yes, with some help.” Knowing his mom would talk forever, he said. “I’ll tell you all about it when I get home. We’re going to get something to eat, now.”

  “Oh. Okay. Thanks for calling. You’re such a good son. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Bye, mom.”

  She ended the call, which also cut it off on his end.

  From behind him, Adalyn squeezed his shoulder. “This wasn’t my fault, but I’m sorry you had to come rescue me. I can only imagine what it was like dealing with momma.”

  He laughed. “You owe me.”

  Again, he looked at Zoe. He wouldn’t want any harm to come to his sister, but he was glad he was forced to visit Nocturne Falls. Otherwise, how would he have met the love of his life?

  Twenty minutes later, they strolled into Salvatore’s Pizza.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kamdyn and Adalyn hit it off well, almost to the point Zoe experienced a hint of jealousy. Until it occurred to her that Rylan was the one she really wanted to spend time with. She turned her head and found him watching her. He did that a lot, and it made her tummy tingle.

  Kamdyn seemed to notice the looks passing between them. She raised an eyebrow at Zoe, then said to Adalyn, “Would you like to stay at my place while you’re here? I’ll be glad to show you around Nocturne Falls.”

  Adalyn seemed to catch the vibes sparking between Zoe and her brother. She smiled. “That sounds perfect, especially after spending way too long locked up in Mammon’s awful castle.”

  “The demon has a castle?” Kamdyn asked.

  Adalyn swung her long red hair over one shoulder. “Uh huh. Just imagine the worst haunted house you’ve ever seen.” She shivered dramatically.

  Zoe and Rylan looked at each other, Rylan shook his head at his sister.

  The waitress took their order…two extra-large pies, one meat lovers’ and one mushroom and onion. She left pitchers of Coke and beer on the table for them to serve themselves.

  Zoe leaned toward Kamdyn. “How are you dealing with all that newborn power? Feeling okay?”

  “Never better.” She allowed the tiniest bit of sparks to dance between her fingers. “I need to shop for something to wear to the Black and Orange Ball,” Kamdyn said. “How about you gals? Shall we make it a shopping day tomorrow?”

  Zoe looked at Rylan expectantly, as if it was up to him if they went. Although he could care less about attending the ball, if she wanted to go, then he’d stay and take her. “Well?” he asked. “Do you want to go? I’ll hang around if you do.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “A crazy Greek girl always loves a kómma.”

  “Is that a party?” he asked.


  The waiter delivered the pizzas. Groans could be heard around the table. “Oh my goodness. I could eat that by myself,” Adalyn said, looking at the meat-lovers’ pizza.

  “Not likely,” Rylan muttered.

  “What? A lioness eats a lot. But, after you, brother.” She took a slice, put it on a plate, and handed it to him.

  “Thanks.” He knew she was adhering to the lion practice—the males eat first—but that was only within their pride. “Dig in,” he instructed everyone at the table.

  They did without hesitation. Rylan held his slice of pizza covered with pepperoni, ham, bacon and hamburger up to Zoe. “Here. Try a bite,” he said, offering her the end of the pizza first. She rolled her eyes but obliged him, sinking her teeth into his slice.

  She drew back, chewing.

  “Good, huh?” he said, then took a chomp right where she had. His tongue could even taste a little bit of her flavor, making it all that much better because he’d shared it with her.

  “Yes. Now you try mine.” She smiled at him mischievously. He eyed the mushrooms and onion suspiciously. “I should get a medal or something for this,” he said.

  “Or something,” she urged. “Bite.”

  He thought of another context he’d like to hear those words in as he did as she’d told him. He was sure he made a face as the mushrooms squeaked against his teeth. “Not bad,” he said.

  “You’ll learn to like it.”

  Kamdyn and Adalyn chuckled. “She can be very convincing,” Kamdyn informed him.

  Rylan swallowed, hoping he could convince her of a few things—like moving to Terror with him and becoming his wife. His heart thudded happily at the thought.

  He was glad when they made short work of the pizzas. Now that the dilemma with Adalyn was over, all he wanted to do was get Zoe alone without his duty hanging over his head—so he could think about her, only her.

  Kamdyn took a call on cell phone. When she hung up, she announced. “Cedric will be meeting Adalyn and I here.”

  Rylan nodded. Then, most likely seeming more than a bit anxious, he paid for the check and left Kamdyn and Adalyn to finish at their leisure. He escorted Zoe to the Hummer, knowing he couldn’t drive home to the RV fast enough.

  * * *

  For a big, bad lion shifter, Rylan was sweet. He held open the truck door for her, helped her out, escorted her inside the RV, and poured her a glass of red wine.

  They stood in the isle in the kitchen, sipping their wine and gazing over the rim of their glasses at each other. He was the handsomest, most virile man she’d ever met, and she wanted him, this very minute.

  He cupped her face with one large hand and rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “We both know what we want. The question is…do you want the slow version or the fast version?” he said huskily, leaning in to brush his lips over hers.

  When he pulled back, she gazed into his smoldering golden eyes. Sucking her lower lip in feign consideration, she said, “Both. Fast, then slow.”

  “As you wish.” He grabbed the bottle of wine and led the way to the bedroom. “Come with me. I have something to show you.”

  She could think of a lot of delicious things he could show her. At the top of
the list was how much he loved her.

  He set the wine and glasses on the curved bedside table, then slid his hand beneath her knees and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her hands behind his neck, drawing him to her for a kiss. When it ended, he licked his way along her jawline and neck. She was so anxious to be intimate with him, she was about to remind him that she had requested a fast go-round first when he rested her on the bed.

  “I have a surprise,” he stepped back, traveling to the window.

  A moan escaped her. If he delayed touching her a second longer, she’d scream.

  “I discovered this the other night, and I thought of you.” He slid open the curtain to reveal the vision of the moon shining behind the moonbow.

  She gasped, smiling. “It’s beautiful.” The landscape was perfectly framed in the window. She reached a hand out to him. “And I’ll enjoy it even more after a little while.”

  “Greedy woman.”

  “I asked for fast, remember?”

  “My fast and yours may not be the same thing.” He dropped onto the bed beside her, drawing her into his arms, pressing himself against the length of her.

  “Don’t keep me waiting, Lion.”

  “Demanding woman.” He cupped her breast in his big hand and squeezed gently.

  In turn, she slid her palm beneath his shirt, dying to touch him, running her fingers over his taught muscular abs and up to his pecks, where she could feel the beat of his heart.

  “My woman.”

  And she knew she would be…always and forever.

  * * *

  At the end of the week, on Halloween, Rylan ended the conference call on his I-Pad. He heard tires crunch over the earth outside the motorhome. Zoe must be back from shopping. He grinned to himself.

  Alice Bishop had proven her magical abilities once again by procuring tickets to the Black and Orange Ball. Rylan had learned the prestigious party was the social event of the year in Nocturne Falls. The charity ball held at Elenora Ellingham’s mansion was mainly attended by locals. So going to the dance especially thrilled Kamdyn.

  While Zoe shopped with Kamdyn and Adalyn for outfits to wear to the ball, Rylan did conference calls with David back in Terror. His construction team managed to keep the gymnasium on schedule, although as soon as the ball was finished, he needed to head back to Terror.


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