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His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2)

Page 15

by Michaels, Megan

  “Oh, I think we better make that a cup. Thank you.”

  Sunni waited until Mommy left. “Are we getting milk and cookies?”

  “I’m not sure. Guess we’ll have to see.” Cade picked up the book and continued to read to her, while she played with the buttons on the front of his shirt, listening to the escapades of the characters in the book.

  She was so caught up in the story, she didn’t hear Mommy walk up to her. “Here’s your cup, baby. Drink it up.”

  She turned to see a pink cup with a sippy lid on it. This had gone a step too far. She’d struggled with undressing in the nursery — especially in front of the other littles. Then she had to wear these pajamas too? Now, she was being handed a cup with a lid. They had said, both of them, that they enjoyed Daddy Dom and the titles, but not the actual age play. It was time for a discussion.

  “Daddy, I need to talk to you. I’m... I’m not sure.”

  Cade put his hand up to stop Mommy from pushing the cup toward Sunni. “Can you please excuse us? I need to talk to my girl.”

  She watched the tall woman walk away, Corinne’s blonde hair cascading down her back, a perfect contrast to the color of the woman’s dress.

  “Daddy, we said we don’t like things like sippy cups, and diapers, and”—Sunni pointed toward the cribs across the room—”things like cribs and toys.”

  “I know. And I don’t usually like to do this in my daily life, but I do have fantasies about it. I like to cuddle and care for you. I’d like to be able to play like this. Does it really bother you? If so, we can leave right now and go to the dungeon or one of the other rooms.”

  Sunni watched his face as he said it. He looked so serious, his lips thinned. She wanted to make him happy and deep down — if she admitted it — she liked fantasizing about it too. She just didn’t mean to do it all the time, or even occasionally. But coming to the Playpen and venturing into an unknown area might be fun, even arousing.

  “No, I’m okay. We’ll do this. I can drink out of a sippy cup and wear jammies. I like cuddling with you.”

  Daddy waved to Corinne. “We’re ready for her milk, Mommy.”

  “Would you like her milk in a bottle?”

  “No...” Sunni whispered.

  “Yes, I think I may.” Daddy handed the cup back to Corinne, watching her leave the room.

  “I’m not sure...” Sunni couldn’t fathom drinking from that. Could she do that?

  “Are you refusing?” Daddy was pushing, and she wasn’t sure she was ready to push back.


  “Be prepared for the consequences, little girl. Unless this has become a hard limit, if you push, you may get punished.”

  Sunni didn’t answer, conflict warring within. She didn’t have long to ponder the issue before Mommy entered the room with it.

  She handed it to Daddy, who promptly placed the warm nipple into her mouth, letting the warm liquid dribble into her mouth. Sunni didn’t like it as it was, but to have it warm was enough to turn her stomach. She slapped it away, gagging, swallowing quickly before it dripped down her face.

  “Don’t let her do that. She needs correction.”

  Before Daddy could intercede on her behalf, Sunni erupted, “He knows how to correct me! Trust me. He doesn’t need you telling him what to do, and excuse me, but I was gagging on the fucking milk and needed to recuperate before it was shoved back into my mouth. He knows how to take care of me. Apparently, better than you.”

  Oh, fuck!

  Sunni panicked. What the hell had she just done? An infuriated Mommy came barreling toward her, and Madison threw her arms around Cade’s neck, looking for protection.

  “I’ll handle this, Corinne. Keep the bottle warm. We’ll need it soon.”

  The hell we will!

  Corinne narrowed her eyes, glaring at Sunni before she stomped off. Sunni beamed, smug in her victory — until she saw the stormy scowl on Cade’s face. It was at that point that Sunni decided that running in her baby pj’s to the medical room to find Brittney made sense. She had thought she had escaped from his clutches... until his hand snatching her by the trap-door opening of her jammies, the buttons breaking free, the air warm across her suddenly bared bottom.

  “Oh, no!”

  “Oh no, is right. Is that how you’re supposed to talk to someone in authority?” He flopped her over his knee, tossing a leg over hers. That was never a good sign. It meant she wouldn’t be able to control her legs on her own. “You’re usually such a good girl. Guess you’re long overdue for a lesson in respect.”

  Sunni had thought she’d defend herself, explaining her feelings to him, but before she could say a word, his hard hand began spanking her. She glanced across the room only to see many of the littles gawking at the scene unfolding before them. The mortification she felt was fleeting though, the pain in her derriere quickly overwhelming all thought.

  Damn this man!

  Cade had always told her an implement got the message across much quicker than a mere hand ever could, but Sunni had no doubt in her mind that his bare hand felt just as severe as his favorite implements. It wasn’t long before Sunni was jerking and writhing over his hard, muscled thigh. She struggled to pull her arm out of his grip to cover her bottom, but he held it easily to her side, rendering her helpless.

  “If you’d given me a chance, I would have defended you when it comes to what Mommy said. I knew you were choking. You’re my girl. But the tirade you just subjected her to deserves a hard spanking. What were you thinking? Have you ever known me to allow you to use such language with a person in authority?”

  Madison began to weep, and she wondered if he’d continue to spank her until she lost complete control of her emotions. She didn’t want to be that vulnerable here — not in front of complete strangers. But at that moment, with all sensation centered in her tormented buttocks, she was consumed with how to get herself off his lap and end the punishment.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “You should be, Madison Anne.” He abruptly stopped, hoisting her up from his leg with no cuddles or comforting whatsoever. “Go apologize to Mommy, then come back here.”

  Sunni wasn’t even sure she could get her wobbly legs to carry her across the room. Corinne glared at her, and Sunni swallowed, walking slowly toward the livid woman.

  Once she stood in front of the stern woman, fear rendered Sunni speechless. She knew how idiotic she must have looked, with tears running down her face, her red bottom peeking out of her juvenile drop seat jammies.

  “Well, do you have something to say?” Mommy yanked a large spoon from a ceramic jar on the counter, waving it in a threatening manner in Sunni’s direction. “Or should I send you back with a few tattoos from this so your Daddy can continue with round two of your discipline?”

  Miraculously, the prospect loosened Sunni’s tongue and she quickly blurted out her apology. “I’m sorry, Ma’am! I won’t do it again.”

  “See that you don’t. Next time, you’ll be spanked by me. Now, turn around so I may see the job your Daddy has done.”

  Sunni hesitated for a moment, then slowly pivoted, holding her breath. She felt so vulnerable in front of the spoon-wielding woman.

  “Looks like he did a good job. Your skin is a deep red. You’ll be sore from this for a while.” She smacked the spoon across Sunni’s bottom with vicious force, bringing her up onto her toes with a screech of pain that no doubt could be heard throughout the building. “Now, bring your mouthy little ass back to Daddy while I warm your bottle. Putting something in that sassy mouth can only help matters.”

  Sunni, cupping both cheeks in her hands, hated that she danced on her toes on her way back to Daddy, but the branding those spoons had left across her flesh made it impossible for her to maintain any semblance of composure.

  “Let me button up these pajamas again.” Cade whistled. “You’ll have a couple good bruises from that spoon. I’m thinking you won’t sass her again any time soon. Precisely her point, I’m s

  Once buttoned back up, Sunni crawled into his lap. He quietly cuddled her while she listened to his heartbeat against her ear. She saw Mommy’s dress come into view, but didn’t look up, feeling comfortable in Daddy’s arms, not wanting to ruin the mood.

  Cade took the bottle from Corinne and before she left said, “Just so you know, I knew Sunni was choking and not being rebellious. She’s a good girl, normally. In the future, if I’m around, you’ll allow me to handle my girl as I see fit, before interrupting. Clear?”

  Sunni peeked up through her lashes at Corinne. The woman’s large eyes blinked a couple of times, but she didn’t betray further reaction to his words.

  “Yes. Of course, Cade. I’ll follow your lead in the future. Usually men don’t mind me running interference to assist with their girl.”

  Cade smiled at her. “You’ll find I’m not like most men, Corinne. She was wrong in how she responded to you, and I made sure she learned that lesson the hard way. If my girl is in my arms — or near me — I’ll be taking care of her. Always.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Corinne walked away, her heels clacking on the tiled floor, her back stiff under the black dress.

  “Don’t get smug, or I’ll undo those buttons again,” Cade said. “This is between Mommy, and me. You stay out of it.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Without a word, he slipped the nipple of the bottle into her mouth, the warm milk dripping. She sucked on it tentatively at first, not wanting to choke again. It wasn’t so bad, after all. And watching Cade, she decided she’d do this for him. It wasn’t that she despised it, or found the whole process disgusting, but it felt weird. She found herself unsure, hoping this would not become a routine — or even occasional — activity.

  But the lazy smile on his face as he watched her, the way he squeezed her and stroked her arm, made her decide that she’d do this again, if he asked it of her.

  She loved the security and comfort of his strong arms as the way he defended her with Mommy Corinne played over and over again in her mind. Cade always had her best interest at heart. He watched out for her in a way that no one ever had.

  Sunni drank her milk, watching the goings on in the room, the interactions between the women and men, observing the different dynamics between them. Marveling at how each couple found their own way of meeting their needs. There was a comfort in knowing that there was no “wrong way.”

  The next thing Sunni knew, she awoke, feeling the soft yellow fleece being stripped from her body, goose bumps rising from the rush of cool air across her flesh. “Time to go, sweet pea. Let’s get your skirt and corset back on so you can see the girls again.”

  “It’s almost midnight? Already?” Sunni looked for a clock, not seeing one anywhere in the room.

  “Yes. The men and their girls will be waiting for us if we don’t move along.” Cade, along with assistance from Mrs. Batts, helped her back into her corset and skirt, while Corinne brushed Sunni’s hair, pulling it up into a ponytail.

  “There.” Cade stood up from the rocking chair. “You’re all set. What do you say, Madison?”

  Sunni turned to face the women next to her. “Thank you Mommy and Nanny Batts.” She dropped her gaze to look at the floor. “I had a good time and I apologize for being naughty.”

  “Such a good girl. We enjoyed you, Sunni,” Mommy Corinne said. “Make sure you come to visit us again soon. We’d love to see you again.”

  Cade wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Oh, you’ll see us again. We’ll be coming back for regular visits, I’m thinking.”


  Chapter 19

  Maddox looked around the table at the new friends Libby and he had made. They were good people. He’d known Libby for four years, and time had flown since they’d met. Although she still struggled with their fifteen year age difference, he tried his best to convince her that it didn’t matter one iota when it came to their love, their relationship. He couldn’t imagine life without her.

  It didn’t seem that long ago when they had found the Playpen and made new friends. It was a good setting to be introduced to like-minded people. He couldn’t imagine finding people who meant more to him than those he’d encountered at the club.

  He’d been nervous all day about what he had to do, needing to take a deep breath before he proceeded. He waved across the room to Ivan, the owner of the Playpen, and to the other men standing nearby, waiting for Maddox’s signal. They all stepped forward, surrounding the table in support.

  “I’m glad you’re all here. I have something I need to say to this beautiful woman in front of me.” He rose from his chair, dropping to one knee in front of Libby. “Elizabeth Langdon, I’ve loved you since the day I laid eyes upon you. I can’t imagine not having you in my life, and I want to be with you forever. Will you please marry me? Be my sub, my little girl, my partner, and my wife?”

  Libby looked stunned, her eyes filling with tears, her mouth agape. His heart stopped for just a brief moment at the possibility she might say no. But then a smile played at the corners of her mouth. It bloomed into a full grin as she threw her arms around his neck, shouting, “Yes! Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you!”

  The place erupted into cheers, and someone threw confetti, covering all of them in tiny, brightly colored dots. He kissed her long and languidly, then scooped her out the chair, holding her tight, swinging her around happily.

  “God, you scared me for a minute there when you paused.” He looked her in the eye, slapping her bottom lightly.

  “I still think you’re nuts wanting an old woman like me, but I can’t imagine not having you.” She kissed him lightly on the lips, raking her fingers through his hair.

  His cock twitched. Jesus, this woman kept him hard all the time. “You are not an old woman. We keep discussing this. You’re my woman. Period!” With another playful smack to her plump butt, he put her down, turning to Cade and Sunni. “I hope you both will come back for the wedding. I’ve waited four years to ask this woman. I’m not waiting much longer to make her completely and totally mine. I’m hoping we’ll have a wedding in September.”

  “September? That’s only two months away, Daddy,” Libby said.

  Libby didn’t look pleased, eyes wide, her mouth slightly agape.

  “You can do it. I’m not waiting.” Maddox took a chance on pushing her, hoping she’d comply rather than plead for a change of date.

  Before she could react negatively, Sunni and Sassy jumped in. Sassy said, “We’ll help you do this. People get married quicker than this!”

  Atta girls! Nothing like a gaggle of women to get the job done.

  Grabbing their purses, the women stood up and Libby announced, “Daddy, we girls are going to the bathroom and locker area. We need to talk and plan. Okay?”

  Maddox raised an eyebrow. “That sounds suspiciously like an order rather than asking for permission.”

  She paused, giving him a small smile. “Daddy, may we go to the bathroom to talk?”

  “Good girl. Yes, you may.”

  The men watched them leave, each smiling and shaking their heads at the antics of their women, their little girls.

  * * *

  Libby looked at the two girls next to her at the sinks, each of them touching up their makeup. Twenty five years their senior, she was old enough to be their mother. What in the world made her think saying yes was the right thing to do? At age thirty, what did Maddox really know about getting older? In another twenty years, he’d be fifty — and she’d be sixty five. This would never work. Ever.

  “Hey, why are you looking that way?” Sassy scowled at Libby. “Don’t you even start! I know that look on your face. You two are perfect. He loves you! And Cade is almost twenty years older than Sunni. You’re thinking too much. Love knows no boundaries, right?”

  “I know. It’s just... how will I keep him happy?” Libby couldn’t help but be concerned. Since she’d become an adult, life hadn’t been easy. She’d struggled on many fronts, and sh
e didn’t want to make yet another mistake in her life.

  “Hey, you’re too serious.” Sassy looked around before dragging the women to sit on the metal benches in the adjacent locker room. The red metal lockers were stacked six feet high, and there were three rows of benches between them. Sassy investigated whether they were indeed alone, coming back and opening her locker. Giving them an evil grin, she laughed. “I have a bottle of Jack in here. Let’s do some shots in celebration and loosen you up a little. You’re supposed to be celebrating, not moping around.”

  Libby gasped. “Oh, God. I can’t. Maddox — Daddy — would kill me. Shit, he’s so into rules and order.”

  “Order schmorder! It’s a celebration, I’m telling you. No rules apply when you’re celebrating. Right, Sunni?” Sassy pulled out the bottle, unscrewing the cap and taking a large swig from it before passing it to Sunni. Libby kept watching the door, fearing that Maddox would come walking in any minute. She wanted to be as far away from that bottle as possible.

  “Well, normally I’d agree,” Libby said. “But I think Cade would take a layer of skin off my ass if I got drunk in this locker room.” She looked around, as if her Daddy would magically appear in the locker room at the mere mention of contraband alcohol. “Maybe I shouldn’t.”

  Brittney laughing, elbowing Sunni. “It never stopped us when we were kids. Like he hasn’t taken a layer off weekly since you met him. At least this way you get to have some anesthetic to dull the pain. C’mon, we’re supposed to be lightening the mood around here!”

  Sunni sighed loudly. “Okay, fine! But if Daddy finds out and decides to kick some asses, I’m blaming you.”

  “He won’t find out. He’s not magical, Sunni.” Sassy rolled her eyes. “Come on, Libby, it’s your turn. Your stick-in-the-mud Daddy won’t find out. Trust me.”

  “God... he better not.” Maddox didn’t like Libby to break the rules, and he was pretty strict when it came to misbehaving in public. His reputation and standing in the club was important to him. He’d not handle her disobedience well. At all.


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