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Life Altering Beautiful

Page 6

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  Pulling into the parking lot Tammy is barely awake but still apparently coherent enough to realize where we are. “You dumbass, this isn’t my home” she slurs while reaching for the door. Walking around the truck I swing the door open and help her down. “You’re right little sister, and if you puke on my floor I’m going to strangle you” giving her that loving smile complete with a glare. She takes a couple steps and tumbles for the stairs to my door. “I’ve got it, I’ve got it” as she grabs the rail trying to make it up the steps. I know she can manage it; I’ve brought her home more plowed than this so I work on my next obstacle, Seven.

  I reach over the seat to pull her into my arms, and she is completely out at this point. I place my ear close to her lips to make sure she is still breathing, holding my own breath while I feel her. Thank god I can feel the hot breath coming from her lips, this woman has me so wrapped around her finger it’s scary for my manhood. Gently grabbing her in my arms we head for the door, glancing up to see my sister slumped over in the door frame. I hope she feels like shit in the morning, cause I’m betting tonight was all her idea anyway. I fumble with the lock on my door and finally get it open. Walking into my place I wander down the hall and carefully put Seven in my bead. Making sure she won’t roll off, I walk back outside to drag my sister’s drunken self to the couch.

  I go back and check on Seven who is still in the same position I placed her in. She looks all calm and peaceful; something about seeing her in my bed makes me smile inside. This is where she belongs I think to myself as I sit down on the edge and carefully remove her boots. Slowly I slide the covers out from underneath Seven and drape them lightly over her little body. Walking over to my dresser I find a pair of shorts and a clean t-shirt and strip to put them on. Grabbing a trashcan from the kitchen and a bottle of water I place them next to her on the night stand.

  I feel the bed dip as I crawl in next to her and I’m praying that she doesn’t wake up. I just want to watch her sleep for a while, watch her chest rise and fall, and count the freckles across her nose. Reaching over I push a strand of hair out of her face, her eyelids start to flutter. Oh shit, I hope she doesn’t wake up and freak out about where she is at. Thankfully her eyes stay shut as she shuffles her body around in my bed. She softly grumbles something then silence takes control of the room again. I’m taken back for a second trying to figure out what she just mumbled. Did she just say she killed him?

  Chapter 5


  I was woken up this morning by an eighteen wheel logging trucking rolling through my head. Opening my eyes I notice this isn’t my room, oh shit I don’t have a clue whose room this is. Quickly I close them realizing that the pain is way easier to deal with in the dark, and apparently I should become a vampire if I ever decide to drink again. At least they sleep away the day, automatic hangover cure.

  Fuck a duck I’ve got to get out of here, and hopefully this John Doe will keep sleeping, I really can’t deal with facing whoever I went home with last night. Alright count of three I’ll open my eyes…………………one…………..two……..two and a half…………..ugh this is going to hurt! Alright three, as I let my eyes get poisoned by the sun. Carefully I sit up and glance at the body next me. Oh no, oh no no no no! The tattoos are a dead giveaway, and not to mention the hair and body, I’ve been watching this man for the last week. Suddenly my head starts to spin and that uneasy feeling in my stomach started to emerge, shit I can’t get sick!

  Throwing my feet out of bed I notice a bathroom door and stumble my way to the toilet. Wrapping my arms around the throne I proceed to bring up everything I could have possibly drank from the last five years. After what feels like an eternity of getting to know this cold porcelain god, I slump against the wall and close my eyes. Why did I drink that much and more importantly how did I end up with Stone? Totally glad I still have my dress on, but something tells me the story of last night isn’t going to be pretty. Why can’t things just ever go the way I plan them too? Groaning I bring myself from the weakened position resting on the wall to my hands and knees, opening my eyes to see two feet standing in front of me.

  “Well little one, you look like shit” comes a strong rugged voice standing above me. Clenching my teeth I know I’m going to have to face him now, sneaking out isn’t an option anymore. Hanging my head in shame I extend my right arm, hoping he helps me up. Automatically I’m pulled into a standing position, still unsure on my feet but hey at least I’m vertical right. I can’t bring myself to look at him, I don’t remember anything from last night and I’m betting I made a fool of myself somehow, considering it tends to be my thing with this man. “You feeling okay champ” he lets out a low chuckle, instantly shivers are sent down my body. “Yeah, I’m just going to need a shower, and some water, and maybe some dignity to go with it.” Stone laughs and lets go of my arms to walk over to the shower. He turns on the water then pulls a towel from the cupboard and lays it on the sink. “Get in, I’ll go see if Tammy is up and maybe we can go get something for breakfast” he says before closing the door.

  Gripping either side of the sink I stare at myself in the mirror, I can’t let this man affect me, we are only friends and that’s something I’m going to come to terms with. So if I keep telling myself that it’s an okay thing, why can’t I bring myself to look at my reflection? Oh that’s right, it’s because I know I’m a big fat liar.

  The shower was exactly what I needed this morning, the hot water washing away my insecurities, being able to scrub off the remnants of last night’s debacle. Stepping out I realize I’m going to have to put on my dress again; I wonder if Tammy has any clothes here. Wrapping the towel tightly around my naked body I wander out into the small hallway. The walls are white and bare and the place is super clean. I can’t believe Stone lives here; this is too neat for a guy I think to myself.

  Peeking my head around the corner to what I’m hoping is the living room I see Tammy sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.“Psst…………Tammy” as she slowly lifts her head and squints to look at me. “Do you have any clothes here? I don’t want to put on your dress again”, she slowly hauls herself off the couch and walks over to where I’m standing. I really should remember that Tammy isn’t the best in the morning, since I could see the evil smile she had plastered on her face. “No I don’t leave clothes at my brother’s place, but I’m sure he could find you something to wear” she says rather loudly and walks past me to the bathroom. I swear I’m going to kill my roommate, as soon as I pick up my jaw from the floor. Stone’s head pops out of the kitchen, “I’ve got to have some shorts and a t-shirt you could use.”

  “Thanks” I mutter and follow him into his bedroom. Stone goes over to his dresser and pulls out some basketball shorts and a shirt with a gym logo on it. “They’re going to be huge on you, but it’s all I got” he offers with a smile and walks out. Holding the clothes I storm into the bathroom, ready to battle with my roommate.

  The steam in the small room is already at full force, and I can hear her singing to herself. I can’t help but smirk as I walk over to the sink and quietly turn on the tap. Then I reach over to the toilet and thrust the handle down. A smile spreads on my face as I wait for the aftermath……five…..four……three…..two…… “Holy frozen ocean great explorer! Who flushed the damn toilet” comes from behind the curtain. Take that wanders through my mind. Dropping my towel I slide into the clothes, rolling the waist band of the shorts several times before I can be sure they won’t fall off. Tammy’s head comes poking out of the shower curtain, and I can’t help but laugh at the scowl she is bestowing on me. “You suck” she scowls and slinks back into the shower. “Can you hand me a towel?” Hanging it over the top of the shower curtain “you’re welcome” I sing to her. I hope she enjoyed the cold water; and she thought she was cute by bringing her brother into my clothing dilemma. The old Seven in me starts to smile.

  This man is going to be the death of me, I think to myself as I walk into the living room.
Stone is sitting on the couch without a shirt on flipping through the TV channels, oh bloody hell. And just like I wished for, this man is covered with several more tattoo goodies for my heart to digest. The pattern on the left side of his chest has a water element to it, swirls of blues and green gliding over his well-defined pecks. And his side has more lettering to it; however I would have to get closer to read what it says I think, as a dirty smile creeps across my face. I swear I am licking my lips when I hear him laugh. Instantly I know my body has betrayed me and turns red, he caught me staring. Great job Seven, way to make your lusting for the man obvious.

  “Well look at you all little and stuff in my gym shirt” Stone says with a sly smile, wetting those absolutely gorgeous lips. “Your gym” I ask sitting in the chair next to the couch. I pull my feet up under my leg and look down at the shirt. Sound Mind MMA is written across the chest, I really didn’t even pay attention to what was written on it when I pulled it over my head, it just smelled like him and that was enough to make me want to get naked and do the oogy boogy. “It’s the place I train, I’m not going pro or anything, it just keeps my sanity to be able to blow off a little steam every now and then” he says with a shrug. Glancing at his body I’m betting it’s a little more like an everyday blow off steam kind of thing, and I wouldn’t mind being a spectator at that facility.

  “You hungry?”

  “Um……….not really” I say as my stomach makes the loudest sound I have ever produced.

  “Yeah, sure you aren’t. I’m starving, let’s go grab something to eat” he says as he walks over to the door. “What about Tammy?” glancing down the hallway as I stand up. “You know very well after living with her this week that she takes forever, even when she doesn’t have any war paint to put on.” Stones lips pull up into a smile while he holds the door open for me.

  “Um Stone, you forgetting something?” Looking down he realizes his missing shirt. “Ah shit, one sec” as he runs back to his room. I can’t help but smile at this man as I walk out the door; I can totally do this friendship thing, at least I hope I can.

  Sitting in the drive thru of the fast food place, I can’t help but wonder what those lips would feel like on my skin. His fingers tapping on the steering wheel listening to the radio play; gosh I wish those digits were entertaining my naughty bits. Biting my lip I’ve got to keep calm, no need to work myself up into a tizzy and come undone in the cab of his truck. “What’s your brain working so hard on over there Seven” Stone asks while pulling out his debit card to pay. Flipping down the visor of the truck I’m thankful to see a small mirror attached. “I’m sure I look like a drowned rat this morning” I mutter as I try and tame my crazy red hair. “Drowned rat no, night of hard drinking yes” he laughs and places the bag of food between us on the seat. The smell coming from the bag almost makes me want to ralph again, but I knew once I have something in my stomach the feeling should subside. I mentally remind myself to never drink that much again.

  “You look a little green there little one” he says with amusement in his voice. “Ugh I don’t remember anything from last night” I cringle while smashing my hands into my eyes, rubbing them as if it would clear my clouded mind. “Well I’m betting you don’t remember the singer dude?” Stone mentions. Nope, I can check him off on my stupidity list; betting I look like a total dumbass now. “Or coming home with me?” I shake my head, last night was a big blur and I’m wagering I really don’t want to remember it. “Or that you killed someone?”

  My head instantly snaps in his direction, and I’m pretty sure my whole body has turned white. I can’t believe I said that out loud. I’ve never admitted it to anyone, and the first time I get drunk since that night I go blabbing it out for the world. “I uh……….” I can feel my eyes filling with tears, my breathing starts to quicken, a full on panic attack was heading my way like a south bound freight train. Grabbing my legs I curl myself into a ball with as much of an allowance as the seatbelt gives me, silently rocking back and forth.

  “Holy shit Seven, what’s wrong?” I can’t seem to make the words come out of my mouth, it’s like I’m falling down a flight of stairs and my body breaks with each step I connect with. I can feel the truck coming to a stop, but can’t tear my eyes from fixating on my bare feet. “Seven baby, it’s going to be okay, you’ve got to breathe for me” Stone says in a low calm voice. I can feel his arms around me; slowly applying pressure to my shaking body, the contact feels warm in my ice cold state of shock.

  “Look at me Seven” but I can’t, it’s like I’m frozen in place. I can hear the clicking of the seatbelt being undone, and I feel my body being moved yet my mind won’t let me break from the terror replaying inside. “I’ve got you, don’t worry little one, I’ve got you now” Stone says while cradling my rigid body in his lap. I continue to let the sobs rob me of my emotions, a little piece of me dying inside all over again.


  I’m at a loss for words as I hold this fragile and broken girl in my arms. I can’t even imagine what made her break so suddenly but it started with the words she mumbled last night. “I’m here Seven, and I’m not going anywhere, please you have just got to calm down” as I continue to hold her firmly. Not knowing what to do and say is the worst feeling in the entire world, I just want to take the pain away for her.

  Slowly her body becomes limp and the crying reduces to just whimpers. She has her head buried into my t-shirt, so I gradually place a kiss on the top of her head and wait for a reaction. A sigh escapes from her tiny body; I think we might be okay now. “I’m sorry I lost it” comes the muffled sound from my shirt. “Anything you want to talk about?” I ask with caution in my tone. A long silent pause fills the truck and I can tell by her posture in my lap she is contemplating it.

  Quickly Seven scoots herself off my lap and slides back to her side of the cab, never once looking into my eyes. “Not really, I mean there isn’t much to talk about” as she gazes out the window. I don’t know if I should push the subject and make her talk or if I just need to let it be. I’ve never been good with this emotional crap, yet for some reason I want her to confide in me. Spill her secrets; tell me all the ugly things that have brought her to this point. I want her to trust me, but I don’t think she will let her guard down again anytime soon. “I’m hungry, we better get back before Tammy dies of starvation” she mentions with a smile. Nodding my head I start Ol’ Red up again, the moment gone. Now I’ve got to figure out a way to get in that pretty little head of hers without destroying the ground I’ve gained so far.

  We are met at the door by a vicious blonde who claims we have managed to starve her into extinction. I just hand over the bag of food and the vulture descends, claiming stake to whatever I just gave her. Seven takes a seat on the couch and opens the other sack, offering me a breakfast sandwich from the bag. “Thanks” as I pull up a stool at the bar. “So what time you want to leave today” Tammy asks between stuffing her mouth full of food and taking a drink of her coffee. “Well we still need to take Seven to get her car, and then I need to swing by the gym for a second. “So like an hour?” I glance over at Seven who is staring at the sandwich in her hand. She looks so lost in this moment; maybe we should bring her home with us this weekend. “Seven you want to come with us to the farm this weekend? Its only likes an hour drive from here.” I say before my mind has the opportunity to talk myself out of it. “Yeah come on Seven, I could use some road company. I mean my brother is completely interesting but I’ve already had my fair share of conversations with him the last 18 years” Tammy says while crumpling a wrapper and tossing it into the garbage.

  “I don’t want to invade your family weekend guys” she says as she starts to fumble with her hands. “Seriously girl, you’re going to save me from working this weekend” Tammy smiles and walks over to flop herself next to Seven. I can tell she is thinking it over in her head, and this girl just needed to relax and have some fun. “Alright well let’s go get your car and take it back to the dorms.
You guys can grab a change of clothes and we can swing by the gym on the way out. We should be home before noon as long as the princess can manage to pack her bag quickly.” Tammy flashes me a glare and I just smile. Maybe my little sister is coming in handy with this love issue I’m facing. Love? Oh shit I’m in deeper than I thought.

  I swear the girls take forever to pack for a single night at the farm; thankfully it’s still a nice day outside to roll the windows down and listen to a little music. I hope Tammy reminds Seven to bring a pair of boots, because I’m bound and determined to get her on a horse today. Maybe the atmosphere of the farm will open her up and get her to talk to me. Being out there always has some sort of magical powers on the soul.

  Glancing out the window I see Seven and my sister walking out the door, quickly I climb out and jog over to them. “Can I get your bags my lady?”

  “Why thank you kind sir” Seven giggles. I can’t help but let a huge smile tear across my face. I’m suddenly hit with my sister’s gigantic bag, almost knocking the air out of me. “You’re no knight in shining armor; remember when you used all of moms aluminum foil to make your suit” Tammy says while smiling at Seven. “I happen to know I’m exactly like the White Knight, all chivalrous and shit” as I grab Tammy’s rather large bag from the ground. “You my brother are nothing but a cowboy Casanova” Tammy laughs while turning to wink at me.

  I open the door for them and throw the bags in the back. “I’m not riding bitch, so climb on in little red” Tammy motions to the seat. Getting in on my side, I watch Seven slide across the bench, taking caution to not come in contact with any of my body parts. I just smile and turn on a little Waylon for the drive, glancing over I notice Sevens lips singing along with the song. If I wasn’t in love before, I’m sure this moment completely sealed the deal.


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