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Life Altering Beautiful

Page 14

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  As I carefully strip the remaining clothes off Seven and I can’t help but press my lips to some of the softer parts of her skin. I smoothly pull her legs apart, letting my hands run up the length of her creamy white thighs. Seven closes her eyes and releases a little moan. Falling to my knees I slide her to the edge of the counter, placing my face just inches from her panties. “I want to see how sweet you taste Seven” I run the edge of my tongue on the black lace of her boy shorts. A louder groan erupts from Seven; “you like it when I crawl between your legs baby, tell me you want more.”

  I pull the side of her panties over, exposing the soft pink flesh as I blow lightly into her sweet spot. “Oh good golly Stone” she whines when the heat of my breath becomes unbearable. “You look absolutely fucking delightful Seven” as I shift my eyes upwards to her face. I can see her biting her bottom lip, the heat of the moment has begun to show on her now flushed face.

  Using the tip of my tongue I barely graze the slit between her legs. “Stone don’t tease me” she tries to wiggle closer to me on the counter. “Baby tonight you’re going to be a four course meal” as I shove my mouth between her lips. Just as I thought, this woman is delicious.

  Seven’s body is getting tense, her breathing more erratic. I know I’ve only got a couple more seconds before she loses control, and I am going to push her over that edge tonight. I gently bite down on her clit while quickly stuffing two of my fingers into her already soaked hole. “Oh shit” Seven yells as her body is rocked with pleasure.

  I continue to swirl my fingers inside her, drawing the feeling out as far as I can. “Stone stop” she pants as she tries to take control of her body. Gradually I pull my fingers out and stick them in my mouth to finish off the rest of this girls sweetness. “It’s so hot to watch you cum little one” licking my fingers clean. Seven’s face blushes fiercely as she tries to hide behind her long hair. I can’t help but push the strands back away from her face; this woman has no reason to hide from me.

  “Seven you are beautiful, don’t ever be ashamed of what we do” I place a soft kiss on her lips. “I’m not embarrassed about what we did Stone, I just couldn’t stop blushing cause I kept thinking I want more” a devilish smile spreads across her gorgeous face. “You will be the death of me little one” walking over to start the bath water. Looking back at the counter at the stunningly naked Seven I can’t help but let naughty things return to my head as well. This girl is going to get sick of my penis when that brace is off her arm.


  Leaning back in the tub I watch the steam from the water rise and heat the room. Sinking into the basin as far as I can with my wrapped arm resting on the side, I close my eyes and exhale all the toxins I’ve been keeping in my system. The last two days has taken a toll on my mind, adding too much pressure to my already fragile existence. It sickens me that Tammy is still seeing Trent and the thought of him being in the same fraternity as Stone is just a cruel joke fate was playing on me.

  I duck my head under the water and slowly release the air from my lungs, for a moment everything is peaceful. Opening my eyes underwater makes everything seem calm on the surface almost like the water being glass, just waiting for me to break the surface and shatter it. My lungs start to burn from the lack of oxygen and if I wait much longer the outcome could be grim. Closing my eyes I quickly sit up and take a deep breath in, letting the cool air rush into my lungs. I slump back down till the water hits my shoulders; smacking Trent in the face was one of the most satisfying moments of my life, maybe I can be a badass again.

  After what feels like an eternity soaking and turning my skin into a wrinkly mess I manage to climb out of the tub without getting my arm wet. Grabbing a towel I dry myself off and go looking for some of my clothes. I notice my bags next to Stone’s bed and I’m praying Tammy packed me something decent to wear. Trying to unzip the stupid bag with only one functioning arm was like trying to bathe a cat, almost damn near impossible.

  Using my one good arm I hold the bag steady and grab the zipper with my teeth, yanking the stupid thing open. Digging through the bag I find a pair of my old cheerleading shorts, now all I need to do is find a shirt. Realizing this bag contains nothing that I want I groan at the thought of trying to break into the other duffle. Looking around the room my eyes stop at Stone’s closet, jackpot! Grabbing a t-shirt off a shelf I slip it over my head and carefully manage to get my arm in the hole without causing major pain. I wander down the hall looking for Stone when I hear another voice in the living room.

  “Seriously Stone, we’ve got a lot of jobs to do since the whole Preston thing.”

  “I know, it’s just hard right now with what happened to Seven. I can’t leave her alone too much Jason, you know what she means to me” Stone says as I flatten myself against the wall. “Dude I get it, you’ve never shown this much interest in anyone in the four years I’ve known ya. But we have a job to do, suck it up man” the other voice says. Come to think about it I never really knew what Stone did for money because I know he doesn’t work.

  Something doesn’t feel right about this situation, what is he involved in? “I’ve got to check on her” I can hear Stone say as I quickly push off the wall and walk into the room. “Oh hey, how was your bath? Is your arm bothering you” as Stone walks up and touches my cheek. Shaking my head I glance at the other guy in the room, I recognize him from Stone’s gym.

  “Hey glad to see you’re okay after your debut boxing matching” the guy smiles. “Jason” Stone’s voice was short as he glares at his friend. “It’s fine Jason, I guess it’s what I get for going all Kung Fu on his ass” Tossing Stone a grin for saying the guy’s name and saving my butt from embarrassment. Both of the guys laugh at me as I walk over and sit down on the couch.

  “Once that hand heals up let’s get you into the gym and teach you how to throw a real punch” winks at me. “I do perfectly fine” grabbing a pillow to prop my arm up on. “Yeah I can see that” he laughs while walking to the door. “Stone, tomorrow night don’t forget” Jason points his finger at Stone and walks out the door.

  “What is he talking about Stone?”

  “Ah just some training stuff at the gym, I’ve been slacking on my workouts lately” as he sits down with me on the couch. I can tell he is lying; looking into his eyes spills all the secrets he tries to hide, well, all but this one apparently.

  I toss another piece of popcorn at Stone’s face which he instantly catches with a smirk. “Tell me about high school, I want to know how absolutely cool you were” I grab a handful of popcorn and toss it at him again. “Hey now, you’re going to have to clean all this up” he says while picking a piece off his shirt and sticking it in his mouth. Holding up my wrapped arm I just shrug my shoulders. “You have like one more day of sympathy Seven, and that’s it.”

  “Whatever Stone, you know you love me”, holy shit I just said love. Stone’s eyes instantly lock on mine, the word love was spoken and it scared the crap out of me. I couldn’t break the stare, there was something holding our gaze that just couldn’t be shaken. It’s like he knew what I felt for him; he could tell that every ounce of my body yearned for him. From the top of my head to the bottom of my toes I loved this man with all that I am.

  It was a comfortable silence between us, I can’t deny what I’d said, and it was written all over my body. By the look in his eyes I knew he felt the same, it was just something neither of us were willing to say out loud just yet. The time would come and it would be perfect; like watching a movie we would confess our undying love to each other and all would be amazing. I couldn’t help but start to laugh, “What in the world are you laughing at?” Stone asks giving me a puzzled look. “I can’t have a serious moment with you having popcorn still all over your shirt” I giggle. “You think it’s funny” as he creeps closer. I try to scoot further down the couch but get trapped at the arm rest.

  Stone grabs the bowl of popcorn and dumps it over my head “how do you like me now little one?”

“I am not picking this up” I shriek. “It’s fine I’ll just eat it off you” as he grabs a piece from my shoulder. “You’re crazy Mr. Hastings” Shaking the popcorn from my head. “Crazy for you Seven, and I’m hungry” Stone says as he wiggles his eye brows. This man is nuts, but I’m totally okay with this type of insanity.

  Crawling into bed later that night I can’t help but feel content with the man lying next to me. “Have you ever been in love before?” I cautiously turn over to face Stone. Stone looks into my eyes and for a moment I almost forget to breathe. “Nope, I’ve never had that kind of connection with someone.” And with those words it feels like a kick to my gut, “Oh” I try to fight back the tears demanding to make their appearance. “Seven I don’t mean this, what we share is completely different than anything I’ve ever felt” as he reaches over and grabs my hand. He brings my hand to his lips and lets them linger there for a moment. “I will say those three little words you are looking for. But when the time is right and laying in bed right now isn’t it. I know you can feel the connection we have; it’s undeniably the most amazing feeling in this entire world. When I say those words I want it to be special, something that you’ll remember for the rest of our lives.”

  “Our lives” I whisper. “Our lives Seven, we are going to take those vows till death do us part” he leans over and kisses me with such passion that I momentarily forget who the hell I am.

  I was woken in the middle of the night with severe pain in my arm, causing me to sit up and gasp for air. “Seven what’s wrong” Stone’s voice full of panic. “My arm” I manage to say between the ugly sobbing that had taken control of my body. “Baby I’m so sorry, you should have had a pill like over an hour ago” as he climbs out of bed and rushes to the kitchen. Seconds later Stone is kneeling by the side of the bed with a glass of water. “Take this baby, I’m so sorry I forgot” while rubbing my leg for comfort.

  I try to bring my crying under control so I can swallow this pill; slowly I toss it in my mouth and take a tiny sip of water. “Stone this hurts so bad” I clutch my arm to my chest. “Scoot over” he motions and climbs into bed. Grabbing my shoulders he gently guides me back and arranges my broken self into the crook of his body. Resting my head on his shoulder I let the tears flow down my cheeks. “Remember the doctor said it would only be this bad for a couple days” his voice is calm and soothing. “Why did I have to punch him in the face” I whisper. “Cause you’re a badass Seven, you don’t need to take anyone’s shit” Stone chuckles while grabbing me tighter. “Badass right” snuggling in closer to Stone’s side.

  I let my eyes close as the pill starts to take effect, “Stone I love you” letting the blackness of night take me into a deep slumber.

  Staring at my duffle bags on the floor I can’t really decide if going to class this morning is worth it. Stone had left early this morning to hit the gym and then had a class he couldn’t miss. I had to argue with him for a good twenty minutes on being left alone this morning, now as I stare at my clothes maybe it wasn’t a great idea. “Your dream man is here” a voice comes from the living room.

  What the hell I mutter and walk out to the living room. “I brought breakfast” Hunter sets the bag on the coffee table. “What are you doing here Hunter?” I ask as I pull the hem of Stone’s t-shirt down to cover my short shorts. “Stone called, said you were alone and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to spend the morning with the infamous Seven”. He plops down on the couch and grabs a breakfast sandwich. “What are you talking about?” Wandering into the kitchen I notice that Stone has left a bottle of water and my pills on the counter for me. Smiling I pop them in my mouth and realize I can’t get the bottle open. I can taste the coating on the pills as it starts to melt in my mouth. Speedily I scurry into the living room and push the bottle at Hunter. “What” he looks at me confused. My mouth is open and I’m trying not to gag at the taste, “open” I try and say still holding the water bottle.

  “Oh shit sorry Seven” as he grabs the bottle and twists it open, handing it back to me. I slam the water back and swish it around my mouth before swallowing the remnants in my mouth. I cringe after the initial drink, which had to have been the nastiest shit I’ve ever tasted. “See, what would you have done without me?” he laughs while shoving another bite into his face. “Oh my savior” I mutter as I walk back down the hallway to figure out what I was going to wear today. “Where ya going” Hunter yells after me.

  “To change!”

  “Can I come too?” the mischievous voice calls out. “I’m telling Stone” I respond as I shut the door. I’m betting that boy is wishing he could take back that last comment, because making Stone mad isn’t something anyone wants to deal with.

  Chapter 11


  The last couple weeks have flown by; between taking care of Seven and working for Jason I was

  ready for the break we got at Thanksgiving. Going home for a couple days was going to be a nice change of pace, considering I had yet to see the ranch since Seven’s incident.

  Glancing at the clock in Ol’ Red I realize I’m going to be late meeting Seven at her appointment. The light suddenly turns red and I slam on my breaks, fucking great I think as the tool box in the bed slams into the cab. “Come on” tapping on the steering wheel glaring at the glowing red light in front of me. I can hear my cell ring as I glance on the seat for it, realizing it must be on the floor somewhere from slamming on my breaks is only pissing me off more.

  Finally the traffic stops in the opposite direction and it’s like I’m a driver at the Indy 500, waiting for that light to turn green. Pushing my poor old girl to her limits I speed through the intersection and book it straight to the doctor’s office. I’ve got exactly five minutes before I feel like an absolute asshole for promising I wouldn’t be late today.

  Running into the office I notice Seven is no longer in the waiting room. “Hey Hunter did they take her back already” trying to catch my breath from sprinting into the building. “Yeah dude like just a minute or two ago” as he flips through a magazine. Walking over to the counter I ask the ladies if they can ever so kindly point me in the direction of her room. “We are going to have to check with the patient first” as the nurse smiles and leaves the counter.

  “What can’t sweet talk your way into it anymore Stone, gosh I’m think you’re losing your touch” Hunter says with an evil grin. “Be thankful I let you hang out with my girlfriend jackass” I nervously tap my fingers on the marble top. “Stone” a voice says from a doorway. “Yes” swiftly walking over to the lady. “Last door on your right” she says with a sly smile. Nodding my head in appreciation I hurry down the hall to the room, thankfully Seven is already in there and didn’t see the way that women looked at me. We didn’t need her damaging her hand again over my amazing sex appeal.

  Poking my head into the room I notice Seven siting on the table fidgeting with the wrap on her arm. “I know I’m late, forgive me please” my eyes beg. Seven laughs and gives me a smile. She knows how much I’ve taken on these last few weeks with her accident and school. “Are you ever on time anymore Stone?” while shooting me a grin. “I won’t be late for our wedding I can tell you that much” as I give her cheek a quick peck and take a seat in the empty chair next to her.

  “You’re nuts Stone.”

  “Well matter of fact I do have two nuts my dear, and you are well acquainted with them.” Seven’s face instantly turns bright shade of red as she closes her eyes. Smiling I cross my arms in front of my chest, I always know how to make that girl blush on command for me.

  “You hungry?” I ask as we walk out to schedule her follow up appointment. “Starving, Hunter stopped and grabbed food before we came but I was too nervous to eat. Nothing like puking on your doctor to make yourself feel good” still keeping her arm clutched tightly to her chest. “The doctor says six weeks out” the scheduling lady says while typing on her computer. “Okay” Seven nods and pulls out her phone to put in the date. “This makes it t
he first full week of January, how about the eighth at two pm” she pauses for Seven’s response. “That’s fine” she replies as she taps out the reminder in her phone.

  “Sorry to bother you but my insurance has been covered right” Seven asks the lady quietly. “Yes dear, there was no issues” and the lady goes back to her computer. “Thanks.”

  “Insurance problem babe” holding the door to the waiting room open for her. “Oh no, I was just checking to make sure it went through” she says nervously. There is something different with her response, almost like she is guarding herself again. I know there are tons of things that she keeps under lock and key from me, yet I thought we have come to an understanding now.

  Shaking my head we walk over to Hunter who is caught checking out women in the parenting magazine. “Thanks for bringing me Hunter” Seven says with a smile and a wave with her newly free arm. Hunter reaches out to high five her hand and I quickly smack it away. “What the hell Hunter, she just got the brace off” glaring at the fool. “Oh shit Seven I totally didn’t even notice” he stands up and gives her a light hug. “No biggie, it feels so good without the confinements of that brace.”

  “Well I’ve got to hit the gym” Hunter says while flexing his muscles. Seven just giggles as she walks out the door before us, my loser of a best friend sure did know how to make a fool of himself.


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