Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 17

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “So tell me how you managed to find such a beautiful girl who actually would claim to be your girlfriend” Donna says while placing our drinks down on the table. “She was my friend first” Tammy quips as she slides a straw into her Pepsi. “I was Tammy’s roommate” Seven says with a smile. “Was?” dad questions as he raises his eyebrows. Seven turns bright red and tries to hide her face from my father. “Seven broke her hand and had to have surgery a couple weeks back. It was just easier for her to stay with me so I could help out” as I lean over and place a soft kiss to her hair. “How did that happen” Trent sneers while tossing a glare at Seven. “She fell” Tammy quickly injects as she lowers her eyes at him.

  I smile at my sister; it was nice to see her standing up for her friend and not the piece of trash she brought with her. “Well Seven I’m glad my boy ended up with someone so beautiful” Donna says as she walks back to the kitchen. I give Seven’s leg a squeeze under the table to try and erase the look of worry she has on her face. “So Donna’s burgers are life changing” opening the menu in front of Seven. “That one” pointing to the bacon burger plus bacon. “I can’t eat all that” her eyes grow wide as she reads the description. “Don’t worry dear, whatever you don’t finish that hallow tank next to you will” dad mentions as he fold his menu and sets it down in front of him.

  “Trent what are you going to have” dad turns to look at him. “Yeah I don’t really eat at diners” he says from behind his menu. I shoot dad a look of disgust and he catches it with an eye roll. “Baby the burgers are great” Tammy quickly says to Trent. “Yeah don’t rush me” as he flips the page. “Okay so I already know what you both want” Donna looks at dad and I with a smile. “What about you lovely ladies?”

  “I guess I’ve been told to try the bacon burger plus bacon” Seven smiles as she hands Donna back the menu. “Ah I see Stone wants leftovers” she laughs. “Donna it’s been too long, I might need a midnight snack” taking a swig from my beer. “Grilled chicken sandwich” Tammy offers with a smile as Donna waits for Trent.“Whatcha having sugar?”

  “Nothing really appeals to me, I guess a grilled chicken salad” he huffs as he closes his menu. Dad snorts as he grabs the menu from in front of Trent and nods his head at Donna who is trying hard not to walk over and knock some sense into the rude little shit sitting at her table. “Alright guys you know where the machine is for refills, I’ll bring your dinner out when it’s done” she smiles at the rest of us then glares at Trent who is now trying to find reception on his phone.

  “Tammy are you getting any signal here?” Trent goes all Lion King on his phone, holding it to the ceiling looking like a damn fool. “Babe it’s like the house, you’re not going to get internet” she says quietly. Trent groans and sets his phone down on the table then wraps his arm around Tammy with his hand resting inches from her chest. I notice the old man’s eyes bug out of his head when he sees how close Trent is from copping a feel. “I bet dad will take a swing at him before the weekend is over” I whisper in Seven’s ear. She brings her hand to her mouth to stifle a small giggle; I can only hope it gets to be me this time to cause this douche bag pain.

  “Donna that was delicious as always” as dad uses his napkin to wipe his mouth. Seven lets out a groan as she pushes her plate further away from her. “A box please Donna” letting my mouth salivate over the leftovers that are going to be eaten later tonight. “Hey daddy, can we use your truck to stay in town for a little while” Tammy says while batting her eyelashes. “Are you guys heading home” he looks over at Seven and I. “Yeah dad, I don’t think we had plans tonight” gently kicking Seven’s foot.

  Oh there are plans tonight, but it takes place after everyone has gone to bed and we sneek down to the tack room. Seven almost chokes as she takes a drink of her pop when our feet connect. I can’t help but flash a wicked grin; she knew exactly what I have in store for her later this evening. “Sure baby girl, just be careful and call your brother if you need a ride home” dad says while handing the keys over to Tammy. “Thanks daddy” leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Take care of her Trent” dad warns him as he throws his napkin on the table. “Yep” was the answer he gave as they flew out the door.

  “Fucking gem she has there” dad mumbles quietly. I can’t help but laugh at my dad who is watching the two of them meticulously as they climb into the truck and leave. “Don’t worry sir; we can always hope he won’t find his way back, or maybe gets eaten by a pack of coyotes” Seven offers with a smile. “I like the second idea better, but it’s Dad Seven” as he pushes his chair back and walks over to the register to pay. “I tend to recall we have a date with the tack room tonight” leaning in I lick the soft spot behind Seven’s ear.

  “Stone not here” she hisses and pushes me away. “You’re going to be singing a different tune tonight” giving her a naughty wink as I offer my hand to help her up from the table. Seven quickly glances around then reaches over and cups my crotch. “I don’t want to be singing tonight” she says in a low tone. Pushing her hand back I readjust myself and shake my head, I don’t even know how to reply to that right now.

  “Go grab two sweatshirts from my room please” as I help Seven out of Ol’ Red. “You guys taking off” dad asks while heading up to the house. “I am going to take her over to the east pasture, meet me down in the barn Seven?” flashing my dad a smile I head out back to saddle up the horses. I pull out Romeo since Seven is already comfortable with him, and grab Monty my dad’s young Tennessee Walker who could use the extra burn off of energy tonight. Hurrying into the tack room I grab the saddles and bridals, starting with Romeo first I load him up and walk him out front to tie up. It takes me a little longer with Monty as keeping still isn’t one of his favorite things to do, but I finally manage to stuff the bit into his mouth and lead him outside to wait for Seven. I notice she is already outside standing next to Romeo gentling scratching him behind the ears, talking softly to the big beast.

  “You ready” I announce causing her to jump and startle Romeo. “I’m sorry baby” she coos to the horse as she glares and hands me the sweatshirt. “What?” I ask with a chuckle and toss the sweatshirt over my head. Seven unties Romeo from the post and flips the bridal over his neck. “Need help” I intentionally start staring at her ass in those jeans. Seven just rolls her eyes as she sticks her foot in the stirrup and hauls herself over. “I take that as a no” following suit and turning my horse to the east, easily calling him into a trot “you coming?” glancing back at Seven. She just flips me the bird as she gets Romeo moving. I blow her a kiss and smile; I love the confidence she was sharing tonight.


  “Where are we heading?” I ask Stone as we slow our horses down to a walk. “There is a small pond out on the east pasture.” The cool crisp air feels good on my face, making all my senses take notice and feel alive. “Where did you learn how to ride?” Stone asks. I swallow the vomit that makes a sudden appearance in my throat, I can’t keep everything about my past a secret. At least I shouldn’t.

  “I took lessons growing up; mostly English and I did a little jumping too.” I pray to the gods he doesn’t want more. “I figured you were English by the way you sat in the saddle” giving me that sexy smile of his. I let out a small sigh as silence fills the air, he obviously knew I didn’t want to talk anymore about it and my answer had done the conversation justice. We ride in the darkness of the night, letting the silence fill our minds with questions till we reach the pond that’s filled with silver color from the moonlight.

  “Stone this is beautiful” as I dismount Romeo and pull him closer to the water’s edge. “Just let him go little one” he nods at the reigns. “You sure?”

  “They won’t go far trust me” he walks up behind me and wraps his arms across my chest, pulling me back into his body. “I used to come out here to think before games. There is something calming about being out here; the rolling hills, large pine trees, the water seeming so still on the surface” he says quiet
ly. I watch the water move gently with the breeze; the ferns around the bank have turned brown with the fall weather upon us. “I know you don’t like to talk about you’re past, but know that I’m always here to listen when you want to.” I don’t know if it was the magic from being out here but I feel like I need to tell him some of my story. Let him in on some of the secrets I have been locking away.

  “Can we sit?” Stone nods and let’s go of my body as he gradually lowers himself to the ground. I follow his lead and curl my body into his side. Reaching over for his hand to interlock our fingers, I take a deep breath and find a tall fern to fix my eyes upon.

  “I meet Anderson my sophomore year of high school. He had just transferred from another private school and we had been placed together as partners in chemistry. We instantly clicked and he became my best friend; we spent every single minute together doing anything any everything. It wasn’t till he started playing lacrosse our junior year did he become friends with Trent, after that point our relationship was different. We didn’t spend as much time together but we still had that connection you know? Trent always had something against me, I later found out what it was but it didn’t matter really” I pause to wipe a tear that is trailing down on my cheek. Stone gives my hand a reassuring squeeze but keeps silent as I take a moment to compose myself.

  “We started dating after homecoming that year; it just seemed like the logical thing for us to do. We both had feelings for each other and everyone was always telling us we should be dating, basically a country club match made in heaven. He was my first for a lot of things; I honestly thought he was the one for me, that I would never find another man just as wonderful as he was. No surprise but Trent and I never got along; it was like oil and water when we were together. I really tried for Anderson’s sake to suck it up and be nice to Trent; I knew it bothered him to have the two people he cared for so much for despise each other. I knew there was always something off about Trent; I couldn’t trust him completely, hell in reality I didn’t trust him at all. But I sucked it up for Anderson; I loved him too much to let Trent ruin anything we had. But he did.” As I try and choke back the ugly sobs and drop my head to look at the ground.

  “Come here” Stone says while pulling my body to sit between his legs. “You don’t have to finish Seven” he kisses the back of my head. “Yeah I do” as I wipe my face with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. “Anderson had decided to go to Dartmouth to play lacrosse next year and I was accepted into Baylor, so the distances between the colleges was hanging over our heads causing us to fight way more than we ever had. I tried to be reassuring telling him we would make it work, but he always had something to say about it not being realistic. I am pretty sure it was Trent blabbing in his ear about all the reasons it would suck going into college attached to someone so far away, but how do you reassure those thoughts when you don’t even really know if that was the real issue? Anyways, it was our senior prom and we were really on thin ice with our relationship; I knew we would untimely make it work but he still had his doubts and started to verbally take them out on me. It was like a completely new side of Anderson, the person I called my best friend and fell in love with had changed right before my eyes. I had gotten into an altercation with Trent and he lied to Anderson on what really happened. He never really liked us together so this was his way of getting rid of me.” I couldn’t stop the tears from splashing down my face; my heart felt like it had been rubbed raw from the emotional ass kicking I am handing myself.

  “Anderson got mad, really really mad that he demanded we go home. I begged him to let me drive cause they were drinking from a flask Trent had hidden in his tux all night, but it was his car and he was the man. He started speeding and swerving all over the road and we slammed into a telephone poll.” I quickly stand up and tightly clench my fists at my side; I wanted to stop talking desperately but my mind kept screaming at me to keep going. Ripping my shirt up I expose my stomach and the scar I know Stone has seen millions of times. “This is what I walked away with! I have a fucking scar and Anderson lost his life! I lost my boyfriend that night all because of the lies Trent told. And to put the icing on the cake, Trent told everyone that it was my fault. Hell my parents believed his bullshit story about me wanting in his pants; I lost everyone I ever cared about that night. My entire world shattered when we hit that telephone pole, I never even got the opportunity to say I loved him after the fight. The world just ended for me in the darkness on the highway, and I will never get it back” I scream. Stone was on his feet in seconds wrapping his arms around me tightly. “Let me go” I push against him sobbing. He continues to hold me tighter as the only sound filling the air are the cries of my broken heart falling to pieces all over again. One by one the bricks I have built to protect my traumatized life are falling down, and all that I have left is the girl standing right here in the moonlight.

  I manage to control my ugly cries into soft whimpers when Stone finally breaks the silence. “Baby I’m so sorry that you had to go through all that” as he continues to hold me tightly. I try to speak but the words can’t seem to make it out of my mouth. My mind is swirling with things I need to say, instances I need to further explain but I can’t bring myself to open up anymore. “Seven you are an amazing person; I can’t even begin to explain what you’ve brought into my life since we meet. Baby when I think of my future all I can see is you, I don’t know what I’m going to be doing but I know your standing there next to me whatever it is.” I wipe the tears away from my cheeks and look up at his handsome face.

  This man isn’t going to run from my past, the walls that I created to protect myself need to stay down in order to have a future with him. Standing up on my tiptoes I press my lips into his, closing my eyes to savor the moment. It was this exact second that my life started to make sense, I was going to survive after all.


  The ride back to the house was silent, but not in an awkward kind of way. I keep glancing over at Seven who seems to be lost in her own thought, I’m glad she opened up to me tonight but I can’t help but feel there’s more to the situation then she is letting on. I shake my head to try and clear the doubt in my mind, I need to be satisfied that she shared so much with me tonight. She has never given me a reason to doubt her, so why would I start now?

  We reach the barn and Seven flashes me a small smile that melts my heart on the spot. She climbs off Romeo and starts to lead him into the stall to take off his gear. I hear her yawn as she slips the bridal off and slides on the halter. “Baby just go into the house and climb in bed” sliding the stall door open for Monty to pass through. “I’ve got it Stone” she says while rubbing her eyes. “Go” I laugh and point to the house, I’ll meet you in bed soon.” Seven nods and walks out to close the stall door, placing a kiss on my arm as she walks by. “Wait what about the tack room” she stops in the doorway. “Don’t worry little one, we have plenty of time for that this weekend” I let a little grin escape on my face.

  I creep quietly into the room noticing Seven didn’t even move when the door screeched open. She is curled up in the bed on her side all tucked into the blankets. Her right hand rested on a pillow in front of her, I wonder if all the activity today caused some pain tonight? I slide my pants down and grab a pair of sweats from my bag. Tossing my shirt into a pile in the corner I climb over her, cautiously not to bump her body as I slide under the covers. Leaning over I place a light kiss on her bare shoulder, “I love you Seven.” It didn’t take long before I close my eyes and let darkness consume me.

  I woke up to the moonlight streaming through the blinds, casting a glow on the white sheets wrapped around Seven. Brushing her hair away from her face, I lean over placing a soft kiss to her forehead. Even if she couldn’t share her entire story with me it didn’t really matter anyways. I was in love with this woman, gladly taking the ugly times for more moments like tonight.

  Chapter 13


  I woke up to a cold empty bed as I stretch and roll
over to look at the clock. The red pulsing lights flash fifteen past eleven. Holy ice capades, I slept in super late today as I scramble out of bed. Tossing on a pair of shorts I throw my hair back up into a ponytail and head out to the kitchen. “Moring Seven” Tammy says while eating a bowl of cereal at the breakfast bar. “I can’t believe I slept that late” as I get into the fridge to pour myself a glass of orange juice.

  “What time did Stone get up” sitting down on the stool next to her. “I have no clue, I wandered out maybe a half hour ago.” Tammy continues to stuff cereal into her mouth. “I guess we were both tired then” letting out a small laugh. “Trent still sleeping?”

  “Yeah we didn’t get in till early this morning” Tammy exclaims as she gets up to place her bowl in the sink. “Well I’m going to go shower before the masses get here” she says as she walks out of the kitchen. “Masses?”

  Placing my glass in the sink I grab a sweatshirt and my shoes to wander outside and find Stone. I find his dad and him out in the barn tinkering around on the gator. “Hey there sleeping beauty” Stone says as I stand next to him puckering my lips for a kiss. Stone does not disappoint as he gives me a hot smooch that makes my knees weak and panties instantly wet.

  “Tammy said something about the masses today?”


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