Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 18

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “Oh it’s not that many, my daughter is way too dramatic” dad says as he wipes his hands on the front of his shirt. “Just my aunt and uncle with my three cousins, nothing too big I promise” Stone states as he leans back over the engine of the gator. “Oh I didn’t know I was meeting the family” I nudge my side into Stone. “I’m going to go start the salads and cooking the potatoes” I babble because I’m sure the boy’s weren’t listening to me. They continue to mutter something to each other, still hunched over the engine when I make my retreat back to the house. “Hey Seven, make sure Tammy does something please” dad yells from behind the hood. Well at least they realize I wasn’t still standing next to them as I shrug and walk over to the back door.

  I have most of the salads done and the second round of potatoes boiling on the stove when Tammy finally comes back into the kitchen. “Oh do you need help or something” she asks standing uncomfortably in the kitchen. I wipe my hands on a towel and toss it at her, “I’ve got to clean up before everyone arrives, can you watch the potatoes?”

  “Yeah I guess” as she walks over to look in the pot on the stove. Walking back to the bedroom I notice the shower going with who I’m betting is Trent. I groan as I close the door, praying that there is hot water left for me to take a quick shower. Pulling out a clean sweater and jeans I grab my stuff and head into Stone’s bathroom. Setting my things down on the counter I was just going to wait till I heard the water turn off in Tammy’s shower, but what the hell maybe I can freeze the fucker’s balls off.

  I crank the shower on and turn it as hot as it will go, watching the steam quickly fill the room. I can’t help but smile as I strip my clothes off, maybe the cold shock will cause him to slip and fall. I can only hope that he hits his head on the way down and it causes brain damage. I’m sure I’m not lucky enough for that to happen as I climb into the hot water.

  I quickly wash my hair and body to try and save a little water for Stone and his dad to clean up later too. The steam has fogged the small mirror over as I step out of the tub. Pressing my lips to glass I leave a imprint and write I love you next to it. Taking a step back, I watch the cool air slowly dissolve the steam, smiling like the Cheshire cat hoping that he sees it when he showers later. I towel dry my hair and take the time to put a little makeup on, nothing really fancy but I want to make a good impression meeting some of Stone’s extended family today. I braid my hair to the side as I walk out to the kitchen to save Tammy from the cooking; silently hoping she didn’t ruin anything while I was gone.

  “Oh hi sweetie, aren’t you a cute little thing” a large older women came strolling out of the kitchen when I round the corner. “Hi I’m Seven” extending my hand to greet her. “Oh that’s cute sweetie but we hug in this family” she says while pulling me into her arms. I gingerly pat her back as she squeezes the life from my body, I normally didn’t do hugs they always felt so weird. “I’m Aunt Linda, and that’s Uncle Gene” she points to a man sitting on the couch watching football. “Nice to meet you both” I say with a smile, as I brace myself for another hug I feel is coming. “Did you do all this” pointing to the bowls filled with food lining the counters. “Yeah” I say casually as I walk around her to check the potatoes. “Well I like you already my dear! I came over here expecting to do everything and you gave me a nice surprise” she beams while clapping her hands. “Did Tammy leave” I glance into the living room looking for her. “Yeah her and that boy she brought went back to her room” Aunt Linda huffs as she busies herself arranging a veggie tray.

  I can’t help but shake my head at Tammy; she was really letting herself go now that Trent seemed to control her life. I hope she wises up soon before he ate her alive.

  Stone’s dad walks into the kitchen a little while later and goes over to place a kiss on Aunt Linda’s cheek. “Oh my baby brother you’re so sweet. Did you know this woman Stone somehow got is absolutely wonderful” she says to dad with a smile. He glances over at me washing the remaining potatoes and tosses me a wink. It feels good that his family was accepting of me, considering mine still didn’t talk to me after the funeral. “I’m just going to change then I’ll head out and fire up the grill” he says to Aunt Linda who is now cutting up some fruit for the new trays. “Are the girls still down in the barn” she turns to ask Steven. “Yeah they are out messing with one of the yearlings” he mentions while walking out. “Those girls are addicted to horses, they would spend all their free time out here on the ranch if we let them” as she whacks at the stem of a pineapple. “Do you guys live close?”

  “Just in town sweetie, I grew up out here and to tell you the truth I’m more of a city slicker then I ever was a country girl” she says with a smile. I dump the remaining potatoes into the pot and haul it back over to the stove. Pushing up the sleeves to my brown sweater I wipe my forehead with the back of my arm. It is getting warm in here with the stove going most of the afternoon; I couldn’t image what it would feel like with all of us crammed into these two rooms later.

  It wasn’t much longer when Stone came sauntering into the kitchen, head to toe covered in grease. “You need to shower” I laugh at him. “Come give me a kiss” he holds his arms out like a zombie looking for brains. “Stop right there Stone Hastings” I hold the wooden spoon out in front of me. “Boy you know better than to get this kitchen dirty, your mother would have tanned your hide if you got your greasy little fingers on her countertops” Aunt Linda yells. I can’t help but let a shit eating grin come across my face as he gets a verbal ass kicking by his aunt. “Sorry Aunt Linda” Stone mutters as he gives me a wink while walking back to his bedroom.

  “That boy must be crazy in love with you to walk in here looking like that” she swirls her spoon in the air then goes back to mixing the Jell-O salad. My heart skips a beat and my stomach starts doing flip flops when she mentions love, yeah he loves me but I love him ten times more.

  I was mashing the last bit of potatoes when three blonde haired girls come barreling into the living room. It was hard to hear anything over their bickering but Aunt Linda quickly put an end to it. “Girls if you can’t stop the fighting you will each sit in a room alone, no food or drinks, and you will eventually starve to death ALONE” she warns the girls while giving them the stare of death. “Sorry mom” all three mumble as they pull up the bar stools.

  “Girls this is Seven, Stone’s girlfriend” she nods in my direction. “Hi girls” I give them a smile and go back to mashing the potatoes. “Seven this is Savannah, Abigail, and Elizabeth” as she nods to each girl. “So are you and Stone getting married” the littlest asks. I drop the spoon into the pot causing a clanging noise when the handle hits the side. “One day we will” Stone’s voice comes from the doorway.

  Breathe Seven, you’ve got to fucking breathe I mentally curse at myself. Stone comes and places a kiss on the back of my neck “Thanks for the message baby” he whispers in my ear. I try and grab the stupid spoon but miss it several times due to the shocked nature of my mind right now. “Give me that” Aunt Linda reaches over grabbing the pot out of my hands. “Go relax sweetie, you’ve done so much already” she flashes Stone a smile.

  “Oh okay” I mutter as I let Stone take my hand and lead me outside. His dad was already manning the grill on the side deck when Stone lead us over to join him. “Did she finally kick you out of the kitchen” dad asks as he flips a steak over. “Yep” I say while taking a seat on the bench. “I’m surprised you lasted that long, she normally tried to kick Pam out in the first twenty minutes of her being in there. She must really like you” he takes a long pull from his beer. My brain scans the name Pam over and over, finally coming to the conclusion it was Stone’s mother’s name, duh.

  “Tammy still in her room” dad asks Stone as he pokes a steak with the prongs. “Yeah dad, that asshole has her holed up in there” the hatred oozing out of his voice. “I don’t get what she sees in him” his dad mutters as he picks his beer back up. Both of the guys turn to look at me like they expect the magi
c answer to come from my lips. “I don’t like the guy, so don’t expect me to give you both an answer” I point out. “I’m hoping this infatuation doesn’t last” Dad shakes his head. “When does it ever” Stone pipes up as he reaches for his dad’s beer. The spatula suddenly shoots over and smacks Stone’s hand away “get your own son” his dad growls. “Ever hear of sharing dad?”

  “So I think I’m going to have enough credits to graduate this winter” Stone mentions as he pops the top to his Bud light. “Really son, that’s incredible” his dad beams as he reaches over and slaps Stone on the shoulder. “Thanks, I didn’t know for sure so I didn’t say anything to anyone. But I think I’ve got it all figured out” as he tips the beer back and lets a smile creep over his face. “Yeah congrats” I can’t help but say with a hint of anger in my voice. “I didn’t want to say anything in case it didn’t happen Seven, I promise I wasn’t trying to keep it from you.”

  “I’m not mad” I lie to Stone, fuck that I’m ficken’ livid. “So what are you going to do after you graduate son?”

  “I don’t know dad, Jason needs some help with the gym and I will have a degree in business. I can work there for a while till I figure out my next move” he shrugs his shoulders. I can’t believe this is the first I’ve heard of this, Stone is just springing it on me now that he graduates in a couple weeks and has no clue in the direction he is going? I find myself getting more agitated by the second so I quickly stand up and head inside to find something to do.

  “You headed in Seven?” Stone calls out. “Yeah I’ve got to go do something with myself” I snarl and slam the door shut. I wince when the door connects with the jam making a loud noise, causing everyone in the living room and kitchen to look at me. “Oops, I didn’t realize it closed that easy” I lie. “Well I’m almost done in here, so whenever those boys get done messing with fire we can eat” Aunt Linda says from behind the bar. “I’m just going to go do something in the bedroom real fast” I mutter as I quickly walk down the hall to Stone’s room. I couldn’t get there fast enough before the tears star to fall.


  I know instantly the moment I say the word graduation I’m going to be in trouble with Seven. I didn’t want to say anything to her before I knew that my application went through, nothing like having a conversation about being denied to fuck with your head and feelings. “You might want to go kiss a little ass Stone” dad mentions as he starts to plate the steaks. “Yeah I know” I mutter as I gulp the remainder of my beer. “Don’t mess that up Stone, she is the best thing that has happened to you buddy.”

  “I know dad, that woman in there is the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with” as I peel the label off the beer bottle. “Well then you better start learning how to apologize son, you’re going to be doing that a lot in marriage” giving me a wink and turning off the grill. “Hey Stone, when you’re ready I’ve got your grandmother’s wedding ring in the drawer inside” he says with a smile. “Thanks dad” I grin as I toss the bottle in the garbage. I know in my heart she will wear that ring sometime in our future, I just can’t screw up till I have it resting on her left ring finger.

  Knocking on my bedroom door I wait for a sound from Seven before I turn the knob. “Seven can I come in?” a small yes comes from the other side of the door. Sitting on the bed Seven has her legs curled up into her chest and her head buried in her knees. “Baby I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean anything by not telling you. If I didn’t get approved I didn’t want anyone to know” lowering myself to sit next to her.

  Seven lifts her head from her knees and offers a weak smile. Her cheeks are stained from the tears she was crying, but her eyes were dry from the wetness now. “I sorry I overreacted Stone, it was childish of me to throw such a fit” she says while placing her feet back on the floor. “So you were more wrong then me?”

  “More wrong? Are you sure you’re graduating” she laughs. I tackle her back onto the bed and press my lips against her harshly. “Of course I am” I mutter into her mouth. She wraps her hands into my hair and presses our kiss deeper, letting our tongues glide over one another. “Dinner” Aunt Linda yells down the hall. “Let’s go eat some grub little one” as I pull her to a standing position. “I’m proud of you Stone” she says with a genuine smile. “Thanks babe” while giving her ass a quick pat. “Now go, steak is calling my name.”

  “Amazing dinner ladies” dad says as he pushes himself away from the table. “Well I have to thank you for grilling the steaks and Seven for getting started before I even got here” Aunt Linda praises as she sends a smile down the table at Seven. I glance over at Tammy who has been pushing her food around her plate for the last half hour, she barely ate anything and when she did it seemed painful to her.

  “Hey Tammy when are you guys heading back” Seven asks. “Um I don’t know, I’m thinking Saturday maybe” glancing over at Trent for the answer. “Tomorrow, I’ve got things to do at the house” he says while tapping the back of his fork on the table. “There is nothing going on at the house this weekend, what are you talking about Trent?” I question the lying sack of shit that’s sitting across from me. “Pledge stuff, besides your barely active anyways” he says in disgust as he walks away from the table leaving his plate. Tammy quickly stands and grabs his dish with hers, smiling as she walks them into the kitchen. “Tammy thanks for offering to clean up since Seven and I did all the cooking” Aunt Linda says with a smile directed at dad. I can’t help but release a little snort when I see the look of Tammy’s face; Aunt Linda wasn’t a woman you wanted to talk back too.

  “Well I’m going to go take a nap then” Trent scowls as he sends a glare at Tammy. “Hey Trent, Stone is going to head out to dig up a fence post that needs replacing. I’m sure he could use the help” Dad says while winking at me. I know what he is thinking; he wants me to set this kid straight, as if that could ever happen. “Yeah, I’ll head out in like fifteen. You might want change” smirking at his khakis and his pretty pink polo. “I didn’t really bring anything to work in, sorry” he mumbles. “That’s fine, I’m sure I can find you something” I comment as I walk over and hand my dishes to Tammy.

  Trent rolls his eyes and heads to Tammy’s bedroom “Be careful” Seven whispers in my ear as she sets out to help Tammy. My sister doesn’t deserve her friendship, let alone her help in the kitchen right now. I press a soft kiss to her temple, “I wouldn’t worry about me in this situation little one” my mind begins to run wild with the things I can make this idiot do. The possibilities were endless on the fun we were about to have.

  I don’t even knock as I fling the door open and toss a pair of pants and a shirt at Trent, “I’ll be waiting at the gator so hurry it up” as I slam the door shut. I know I didn’t need to close it so harshly, but I thought it added to the vibe of this whole position he was getting put into. I give Seven a wink as I head out to the barn. I can tell she is dying to tag along, but knows I’ll fill her in on the little pricks ass busting this evening. It takes a good fifteen minutes before I watch Trent wander down the grass.

  “Yeah I’m not really into this, so I’ll just wait in the four wheel thing” he mutters as he sulks down into the seat. “First it’s called a gator, and second you will help me or I’ll just leave your ass out there for the coyotes to eat when the sun goes down” I say with a smile as I press the gas before giving him an option to getting out.

  “Alight grab the bucket while I get the shovel” pulling up to the back fence. Trent lets out a little huff as he climbs out and walks to the back of the gator. “You’re seriously going to make me help?”

  “Yeah get over it pretty boy” as I walk over to the post that’s spit down the center. “We need to dig this up and replace it before a cow knocks the whole fence down” handing him the shovel.

  “I’m digging” his face twists with shock. “Afraid so, no one out here to tell you otherwise” giving him an evil smirk as I wait for him to grab the shovel. “Whatever Stone” snatching it from my
hand he slams the head of it into the hard ground. “Let me know when you are close to being able to pull it out” I say with a smile as I take a seat back in the gator to watch the loser shovel the hard ground. Since I couldn’t pummel him into the earth might as well take some satisfaction in watching him work for a change, sure I would never see it again.

  “You know you’re dating a tramp” Trent says casually as he scoops more dirt from around the post. “If you want to save all your teeth I would suggest you refrain from talking about Seven” I glare at him. “Whatever man, you don’t even know what happened that night.”

  “For your information fucker she shared what happened. It’s you that has a problem Trent, what happened sucked but there is no reason to keep bringing it up like the asshole you are” I threaten. Trent sticks his shovel into the ground and wipes his hands off on the jeans, “You have no clue then” an evil smile creeps across his face. “I don’t want to hear your lies Trent, just finish the fucking post” as I get out of the gator and walk closer to him. “She wanted me Stone. She wanted me to do her in the bathroom at prom, she begged me to slam her into the wall and take her right there” Trent says with an ice cold look on his face. “Shut your fucking trap Trent, I mean it” inching closer to the loser.

  “I wouldn’t do that to my best friend, she was a pathetic girl that wasn’t happy with what she had. She wanted more and I wouldn’t give it to her, so being the good friend that I was told Anderson what a filthy whore he was dating” the corners of his mouth turns up as he called Seven a filthy whore. I can’t listen to this piss ant's lies anymore; with one quick blow I land a punch right to the side of his jaw, knocking the idiot down hard on his ass.

  “Feel better knowing the truth Stone” he hisses as he cradles his face with his hand. “Fucking finish the hole so we can get the hell out of here” I sneer at him. I can’t let him get to me, that is exactly his tactic when he said those lies about Seven. He wants me to question the trust Seven and I have built, and she has finally began to open up her life for me. I can’t let this fucker into my head, I know Seven and she would have never gone after Trent like he says she did. I close my eyes and try to force the voice of doubt to the back of my mind; Seven still has things she is keeping from me. Could that really be one of them? I glance back at Trent and send him a pissed off glare, how dare the fucker cause doubt in my relationship. I need to get my mind in check; the lies coming from his ugly mouth can’t really be true.


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