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Womanizer Heir (The Heirs Book 4)

Page 14

by Brandy Munroe

  He cupped my chin and raised my face to meet his fiery eyes, confidence returning.

  “I guess I should start looking for a new photographer. Unless I can convince you to come work for me.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to work for me, Jackson. I like being my own boss. Taking the jobs I want to do, not what someone else wants me to do.”

  It was one thing to help him with this because I could. It was a totally different scenario to give Jackson more control over my life than I’d already had.

  It was not about being paranoid or obsessive. It was about keeping some sort of control over my professional life when I so freely gave him control of my personal life. He must understand how important that was to me.

  He smiled at my response. That Jackson Naile, the world is great smile. The one he showed the world, the one that didn’t quite reach his eyes. The smile I never expected him to feel he had to use on me.

  “I have no clients until next weekend. I can spend my time here helping with the campaign.” I wanted to give him my support. I just couldn’t give him complete control. “I can help interview a new photographer, if you like?”

  I wrapped my hands around his neck and stood on my tiptoes. I brought him to me for a soft comforting kiss.

  “Do you want me to stick around and see if there’s anything in the studio I can salvage, or do you want some time to process all this?”

  “I’m going to call Anita back in and we are going to continue this meeting as planned.” He kissed me on the forehead and headed out to get Anita.

  We spent the better part of the afternoon choosing a collection of photos that would work for the campaign Jackson wanted to present to Richard. It was a productive day. I could see the weariness and tension slowly leave his shoulders as the day progressed.

  I knew we agreed he would spend the nights at my place until the weekend, however today’s revelation threw a wrench in the mix. Not entirely sure what Jackson was feeling, I wondered if I should question if those plans had changed.

  “Will you be going home to change before you head over to my place?” I phrased the question hoping he would interpret it more as a statement.

  His eyes met mine. They were tired, unreadable. He hesitated. The silence was deafening.

  “Jackson, are you coming home with me?”

  Chapter 24


  “Jackson, are you coming home with me?” She had a concerned glint in her crystal blue eyes.

  It had been a long day. The last thing I wanted was to be held up in my pretentious penthouse by myself. I closed the gap between us and wrapped her tightly in my arms.

  “There’s no other place I’d rather be.” I kissed the top of her head. “I still have a lot of work to do before I can call it a day.”

  “I’ll wait up for you.” She splayed her palm across my chest. “Did I tell you how handsome you look in your suit?” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

  Bringing her lips to my ear, she whispered, “But I think I’m going to like you better out of your suit. I’ll have dinner ready when you get home.”

  With an alluring sway of her hips, she left the room.

  I finished as soon as I could. I had someone waiting for me and I didn’t want to make her wait one minute more than she had to.

  By Friday, I had a working copy of the campaign to present to Richard, thanks to Angelic. I wished I could convince her to officially come on board. Unfortunately, she could only see it as working for me, not with me.

  Tonight was our date at The Swan. I called ahead and reserved a VIP room. I wanted to show her my appreciation for all her hard work this week.

  I asked her to wear the blue dress. The crowd at The Swan was exclusive. I didn’t want her to feel out of place. It wasn’t her crowd. She only agreed while I was pleasuring her.

  I found it to be the only time she let her defences down. I liked her with her defences down. When she let me in.

  I spent the week in her world; tonight, she would spend some time in mine.

  When she opened her door, it took my breath away. Was she this beautiful at the wedding?

  The dress hugged her curves like it was tailor made for her. She gave me a little twirl and the brief flash of her bare back had my cock pressing uncomfortably against the seam of my trousers.

  I behaved like a gentleman and offered my arm to escort her to the car. What I would rather be doing was slowly peeling that dress off her sumptuous body and bury myself deep inside her.

  My driver opened the door and she slid in. With her back to me, I did a little adjusting.

  We made use of the time it took to drive to the city by making out like teenagers. The driver gave us a ten minute warning before arriving at the club. Time needed to pull ourselves together.

  The Swan was one of those exclusive clubs. Everyone there was on equal footing. My money meant nothing. In this crowd, I was considered middle class and my net worth was in the billions.

  I saw the usual crowd milling about. I ushered Angelic to the back of the room. I was not interested in sitting in the middle of the place. I wanted to dance, show Angelic a good time, not draw unwanted attention.

  I confided to Angelic that I did not want to flaunt my past conquests in her face. Looking around the room, I debated the wisdom of bringing her here.

  I would not be able to shield her from my reputation forever. I hoped I had not miscalculated her feelings for me.

  We had a couple of drinks before heading to the dance floor. The fluidity of her movements attracted stares that sent a conflicting surge of jealousy and pride. I kept her close, indicating that she belonged to me.

  Shit, did I just think that? She belonged with me. When did I become my father, believing I was entitled to anything I wanted?

  I knew, about the same time Charles Langford began leering at my Angel. That was one asswad I didn't want her anywhere near. He was the type of self indulgent prick that gave the male species in general a bad name.

  I steered ourselves to our private table at the back.

  The music was on point. The drinks were flowing. Acquaintances came and went. The conversations were light and easy. There were a few questions about my new business venture. Many were curious about the wedding and the island.

  Angelic relaxed against me. I was relieved. She contributed to the conversations surrounding politics, stock market and general goings on in the city.

  There were some mentions of recognizing her from Brentwood. Everyone was discreet with not prying too deep into our relationship. Overall, the night was proceeding as I had hoped, showing Angelic a little of what it would be like to live in my world.

  I spotted my assistant, Anita, barreling across the dance floor, heading our way.

  “Angelic, Jackson, isn't this place amazing?” She sat beside Angelic and gave her a hug.

  “I’m such a newbie and I don't care who knows it.” She leaned in, attempting to whisper with little success. “And I’m such a lightweight. This is only my second cranberry and vodka.”

  She gasped, then blurted, “You don't think someone slipped something in my drink, do you?

  I took the drink from her hand, “Why don't I get you a bottle of water and a fresh drink?”

  Theo plopped himself beside his sister, water in hand. “Good call on the water, not so much on the drink. Anita stopped counting after her second.” He wrapped her in a headlock and kissed the top of her head. “Bar staff have been warned, sis, you're cut off until you’ve had at least one more of these.” He released her from his grip and handed her the water.

  Anita took the water and grabbed Theo in a bear hug. “I love you, Theo, you’re the best big brother ever.” Seeing this exchange reminded me that I haven't seen my own brother in quite some time. I made a mental note to rectify that.

  I gave Theo the standard bro handshake. “Theo, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Angelic.” She didn’t flinch when I used the word girlfriend.
I felt my smile widen with the knowledge that the label did not frighten her.

  She took his hand for a handshake. He brought it to his lips and placed a gentlemanly kiss on the back.

  She pulled it back and narrowed her gaze, sizing him up. I knew that look. It screamed back off with the flirting, I’m not one of those women.

  Theo smirked, but he got the message.

  “Thanks for helping Anita.” Theo stared my way. “I appreciate you giving her the opportunity. I would have set her up, but…” he hesitated. “My lifestyle’s not the most nurturing.” He glanced at Angelic, gauging her reaction. “I’m a rockstar,” he whispered, like it was a secret.

  Angelic played along. “You don't say, a real honest to goodness rock star… T-Bent."

  I had to give my Angel credit, Theo played right into her hands.

  We boldly laughed. “Of course I know who you are, Theo. I can understand why you wouldn't want someone as impressionable as your little sister along for the ride. Jackson will take good care of her.”

  “Speaking of taking care of, the band is thinking about going indie, dropping our label and rebranding. I’d like to know if you're interested in throwing your hat in the ring when we're ready to switch. Everything we do is connected to the label. We’ll be starting from scratch.”

  “You're not worried about being accused of nepotism?” I addressed Theo as I threw back my drink.

  His raspy rock star voice echoed, “This grand institution of ours was built on nepotism.” He raised his glass to his lips and winked at Angelic.

  Finishing his drink, Theo reached over for the standard goodbye bro hug. “Keep this one, Jackson, she’s a class act. Any of your other women would have been crawling all over me looking to get their tits autographed.”

  He let me go and nodded to Angelic, “Nice to finally meet you, Angel.” With his signature rockstar stance, he strutted through the club.

  Avoiding any further interruptions I pulled Angelic to her feet. “Come with me, I have a surprise for you.” Her eyes sparkled with anticipation through the dimly lit club.

  She told me she shot a bachelorette's party here. I bet she didn’t get to experience the VIP room. That pleasure was going to be mine alone. My heart thumped with anticipation to her accepting this part of my lifestyle.

  She stepped into the room and I closed the door and turned the lock. I immediately backed her up against the wall, beginning my calculated assault on her senses. I claimed every bit of air from her lungs and gave her barely a moment to breathe.

  Keeping a watchful eye on her expressions, I only released her when I had that dazed flushed appearance on her skin and that lustful look in her eyes.

  With ragged breath, she clung to my shoulder for support.

  “VIP room?” she asked.

  I simply nodded.

  “Jackson, what are we doing here?” Her lustful gleam dissipated.

  “I’m thanking you for all your hard work.” I told her in my low seductive growl and panty melting glare.

  She shrugged, “Doesn’t look like much.”

  She was right. The room was a good size with a black leather sofa against one wall. That was, until I swiped the band that was clipped to my wrist when we entered The Swan.

  A panel opened revealing a fully stocked bar.

  “Champagne?” I offered with a slight curl of my lips.

  “Now that’s a little more impressive.” Her tone suggested she was not impressed, at all.

  I sauntered over to the other wall and slid my wristband across it. I knew where all the camouflaged panels were hidden.

  This time the wall converted to one way glass walls, allowing us a perfect view of the dance floor. Another swipe piped the music into the room, giving us our own private dance floor.

  She walked over and touched the glass. “Double pane, one way?” She’d seen this before. Given her previous line of work, I wasn’t surprised.

  I took her hand and guided her to the other side of the room. I turned her facing the wall and pressed her into the glass.

  Brushing her hair from her neck, I pressed my lips against her ear. “Watch this.”

  I could see her shock and my smirk as the glass transformed into a mirror. Her hot breath steamed the mirrored wall. Taking her ring finger in my hand, I traced a heart in the fog.

  I brought my palm to her beast. Her heartbeat was heavy and fast, indications of her arousal.

  My other hand was gliding over her dress, exposing her bare shoulder. The seduction was slow and meticulous. I’d done this a thousand times.

  “Don’t close your eyes, Angel. I want you to watch what I see when I make you come.”

  Staring at her reflection, she didn’t look like a woman in rapture. Not yet. This was what I did. Brought woman to the VIP room and showed them how good I could make them feel.

  “Who’s my naughty girl?” I rasped into her ear, reminding her of her own wanton inhibition. The one she had been so willing to previously express.

  I grazed my thumb across her tattoo and felt the scar hiding beneath. My mission was to take away all that pain. Chase away all those nightmares.

  Me, not Liam. My sudden possessiveness surprised me. I wanted to claim her. Mark her so deep that mine was the only name that would ever cross her lips again.


  Grazing my teeth along the long lines of her neck, I nipped at the smooth hollow of her collarbone. Fondling the tight peaks of her breast, a sigh escaped her lips.

  I turned her and clamped down on her pouty lips. She unbuttoned my shirt and ran her perfectly manicured nails across my taut nipples. I pressed her against the glass and ground my hips into hers.

  My cock was hard enough to cut the glass we were pressed against. Sliding my hand under her dress, I slid my fingers between her legs and felt the moisture soaking her panties.

  I knew her body would be responsive to my touch.

  She broke away from my kiss and placed her forehead against my bare chest.

  “Fuck, Jackson, I want you...but not here, Not in public,” her breath was coming in short pants. Clamping her hand over my mouth to keep me from changing her mind, she continued.

  “I know we’re in a private room. But here like this…” She took a deep breath, “it’s no better than those slutty rock stars. The ones who fuck in the backroom of that seedy club across town they hang out at.”

  I slid my wrist across the panel, changing the mirrors back to reflect actual walls. I didn’t want her to see the frustration on my face. I took a step back. If I continued to touch her, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “There’s a ladies room across the hall. You can touch up your makeup and fix your hair.” I sounded so fucking needy. “I’ll wait in the hallway. When you’re done, we can leave.”

  She skirted under my arms and made a beeline for the door.

  I filled the void between us with two strides. Cupping her face, I glided the pad of my thumb across her bottom lip. The heavy predatory growl did all the explaining. “This is far from over, Angel. I will see you naughty.”

  She practically ran for the door.

  Was she as hurried and excited as I to continue this in private, or had the possessiveness screaming off me scared her away?

  Chapter 25


  The intensity wrapped around Jackson had me running away, again. The expressed possessiveness had me reeling. I was excited and apprehensive at once.

  The full reality of the situation hit me. Someone cared about me with that much passion.

  It was unsettling and invigorating. How was I supposed to reconcile those conflicting emotions?

  Had he actually intended on having sex with me in that room? For a brief moment, I was going to let him. No, not let him, participate, his need pouring into me. Maybe it was a reflection of my own need pouring out of him.

  I sat in the bathroom stall, gathering my wits. Letting my libido cool down. Giving his libido a chance to cool down. If I did
n’t, we might not make it home before giving in to this primal urge that surrounded us when we are alone.

  No sex in public places. That included the back seat of a limo.

  I heard the door open and the sounds of heels on the tile floor.

  “Did you see Jackson brought a date?” I heard the nasally whine of one of the women.

  “I wonder if he took her to the VIP room yet?” The other snarked, her voice deep and sexy.

  “She didn’t look like the naughty girl type to me.” The nasally voice snickered.

  “Guess she won’t be invited to his playroom.” They both laughed.

  I placed hand over my mouth to avoid them hearing the shocking gasp that escaped. I did not want to give myself away.

  The room fell silent. I was grateful for their departure. I extricated myself from the confined space. Thanking god I did not have a panic attack then and there.

  I checked myself in the mirror.

  No tears, I silently scolded myself. I’d only been with Jackson a week. I understood the man he was before me. I hoped bringing me here wasn’t out of habit, something he always did.

  I took a couple of deep breaths.

  Could a tiger change his stripes? Was him bringing me here him slipping back into his old habits?

  Was I a passing fancy? I had to ask these questions.

  He wanted me to spend time in his world. He gave me one week. I would give him the same. He deserved that.

  I deserved that.

  I wanted that.

  Plastering a passable smile on my face, I left the confines of the ladies room. As promised, Jackson was waiting anxiously. His features signified he was probing my face for signs of something.

  His slight frown alerted me to the fact that he knew I was in the ladies room at the same time as those two women.

  He was worried.

  He should be.

  “Ready to go?” he asked in his low needy growl, sending a shiver of arousal down my spine.

  No sex in the limo, I reminded myself.

  Gliding into the limo, Jackson pulled me to his chest, stroking my hair. He kept the touching PG. That did nothing to keep my arousal in check. On the quick ride to the townhouse, we sat in comfortable silence.


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