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Love and Lyrics (The Wild Diamonds)

Page 8

by Piper Snow

  We found a space on the dance floor and I promptly began swaying my hips to the music, closing my eyes so I could truly get lost in the beat. I felt hands on either side of my hips, and my eyes snapped open to see Drew standing only inches away from me. My normal reaction would have been to take a step back, keep my distance. But I felt so attracted to him, I was drawn to him like a magnet, so I stood my ground. He looked at me with fierce heat emanating from his dark caramel eyes, and I realized the intensity of their performance earlier that night was nothing compared to his own personal brand of intensity.

  His fiery gaze moved down my body, lingering for a moment on my cleavage, searing my skin and dampening my panties at the same time.

  He edged closer once more, and I teased him with a slight brush of my hips against his own. I looked up at him, notching his eyes firmly planted on my mouth, and for a moment I lost myself in his gaze, tracing my tongue over my top lip seductively. As soon as I did it, I began to panic. This suggestive behavior wasn’t like me at all, but it felt so good.

  My thoughts were interrupted by the force of his mouth on my own, his tongue parting my lips passionately. All thoughts faded away as I lost myself in his taste, and I threw my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. I’d kissed guys before, but it was never like this. This was thrilling, this was wild, I could feel it electrifying the deepest, darkest parts of me.

  He ran his hands down my back, cupping my ass as he pulled me against him, igniting a fire in my belly. The blaring music and sound of the swarm of people around us faded away as our tongues danced and twirled, and a light moan surfaced from deep inside me, somewhere I rarely gave attention to.

  I dipped my head back as his lips fluttered along my jawline and down my neck, before pausing by my ear to whisper something. “Why don’t we take this back to your hotel room?”

  Suddenly, the reality of what he was asking, of what we were doing, sunk in, and fear took over. I stepped backwards, unable to look him in the eyes, fearing I’ll get lost in them again. Could I really do this? Could I have a one night stand? And could I do it with a rebel like Drew Miller?


  I wished I could, but I didn’t have it in me.

  “Kelly? What’s wrong?” Drew yelled over the music, trying to make eye contact with me.

  “I’m sorry,” I yelled back. “I can’t do this.”

  I spun around and began weaving through the mass of people, suddenly feeling suffocated. I needed to get some air. I pushed through the door of the club and ran to the curb where the Wild Diamonds limo sat waiting for us. I shielded my face from the flashing cameras as I jumped into the back before slamming the door shut and asking our driver, Dave, to take me back to the hotel.

  The limo pulled into the street and began driving away as I looked out the window, wondering if I’d just made a horrible mistake. I watched as Drew burst out the door, worry on his face as he searched for me amongst the crowd of people and photographers.

  Chapter 2

  I closed the door of my hotel room, kicked my heels off and fell onto my bed, embarrassed for having freaked out like I did. At this rate, I would be a virgin until the day I died. I thought of all the other times I’d run away like this, how I’d go on a few dates with a guy, we’d make out and even do some light petting, then I’d panic, leaving both of us high and dry.

  Although, none of those guys were like Drew. They were clean-cut, not a hair out of place, the kind of guy your grandmother would like you to date. They definitely weren’t exciting or passionate. Not like Drew. I covered my face with my hands, kicking myself for turning down what was guaranteed to be a night of passion and wildness. I wondered what we would have been doing right now, had I brought him home with me.

  I closed my eyes, sliding a hand down under my dress to stroke my still wet panties. I remembered the taste of his tongue, his soft lips, the feel of his hands on my ass, that bulge in his tight pants...

  “Drew,” I whispered, my fingers circling over my tiny nub faster and faster, imagining it was him pleasuring me. My chest rose and fell as my breath quickened, making me dizzy with delight. I ran my spare hand over my breasts, fantasizing about what it would feel like to have him sucking on my nipples. I bit my lip, the thought of him on top of me too much to bear, and within seconds I was exploding in climax. Pleasure rippled through my veins as I held the memory of his kiss in my mind, and I wished I hadn’t been such a coward.

  Just as I came down off my high, there was a knock at my door. I jumped out of bed and tried to compose myself as I walked towards the door, taking a look in the mirror to make sure I wasn’t too flushed.

  I opened the door to see Jaz and Ella standing in the hall, and they sighed in relief when they saw me.

  “Are you okay?” Jaz asked, looking me up and down to make sure there was nothing wrong with me.

  “I’m fine, what are you doing here?”

  “Well, first of all, you left this in the club,” Jaz said, holding out one of the two award statues she was holding in her arms.

  “Oh crap! I can’t believe I forgot this! Thank you so much, girls,” I said as I grabbed the award and held it close, shocked at my forgetfulness.

  “Secondly,” she continued as she and Ella came in and sat down on my bed. “Drew said you ran off, that you looked terrified. Did he hurt you? If he did, I swear, I don’t care how big and strong he is, I’ll kick his ass.”

  “Calm down,” I said, stifling a smile at her over-protectiveness. “He didn’t hurt me. In fact, it was quite the opposite. That’s the problem.”

  They both looked at me, tilting their heads in confusion, so I told them what happened – all of it. I told them about the kiss, how amazing it was and how I wanted more, but when he asked to come up to my room, I freaked out.

  “Awww, Kell!” Ella said as she hugged me tight. “It’s okay, sweetie. It’s natural to be a bit intimidated at first.”

  “It’s not okay!” I blurted out. “I really wanted to fuck him! I could feel it, I’ve never been more turned on in my life.”

  Their jaws dropped. I very rarely swore like that, and I’ve never said I wanted to fuck someone before, so I could understand their shock. We sat in stupefied silence for a moment, before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. I collapsed onto the bed, partly because of the laughter and partly because I was just so frustrated with myself. Jaz and Ella laid down on either side of me, still giggling.

  “You know, Kell,” Jaz said. “If you really want it that bad, and you feel ready, you should go for it. There’s nothing wrong with being pleasured, and having fun now doesn’t mean you won’t find your Prince Charming later.”

  “I agree,” Ella said. “And Drew would be the perfect distraction while you wait for your Prince. A very yummy, sexy distraction. I’m sure he’d definitely be willing to have some fun with you.”

  “I’ve actually met Drew a few times, back in New York,” Jaz said. “He’s got the same manager as Eli. He’s a good guy. He looks after his little sister, putting her through school, cooking for her, taking her to soccer practice. Eli said he’s saving money to put her through college, too.”

  “Plus, yum!” Ella laughed, slapping me on the thigh. “He was really worried about you tonight. He said to tell you he’s sorry if he offended you. It was kinda sweet.”

  I sat up, pondering the idea. I’d been holding myself back for so long, waiting for some perfect guy who obviously wasn’t ready to show up yet. I was sick of waiting. I wanted to be pleasured, to cry out in orgasm and to have hot, animalistic sex.

  “But Drew Miller?” I thought out loud. “For my first time? All that heavy metal stuff? He’s just so... hardcore.”

  Jaz and Ella flashed me evil smiles. “Exactly,” they said in unison.

  I imagined again what it might feel like to sleep with him. The thought alone made me tingle with anticipation. I remembered how good his lips felt, how electrifying it was when he touched me, the memory of our brief encounter makin
g me wet, sealing the deal then and there.

  “Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath in. “I’m choosing my heart over my head with this one. I’ll do it.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it your heart.” Jaz chuckled, and I rolled my eyes at her.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” Ella asked, and I nodded in reply.

  “Yep, it’s time I finally experience what you two have been talking about. No more living vicariously through you girls. I don’t want to be afraid of it anymore. I just hope Drew can forgive me for being so rude tonight.”

  “Kelly,” Jaz sat up, holding an arm around me. “The way he was looking at you tonight, you don’t have worry about that. Trust me.”

  “Did you get his number?” Ella asked.

  “No, but I invited him and his sister to our show tomorrow night. If I could just find out what hotel he’s staying at, I could have some tickets sent over to him.”

  “Leave it to me,” Jaz said. “I’ll ask Eli to find out from his manager.”

  And with that, it was done. If all went according to plan, and I hoped desperately that it would, I would be seeing Drew tomorrow night, and I would give him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

  * * *

  The next night, I was getting ready in my dressing room, smiling at the thought that I could be losing my virginity in just a matter of hours.

  I’d dreamt about Drew’s ebony eyes all night long, and could hardly keep him off my mind while Jaz and Ella took me lingerie shopping that morning. It was all a bit overwhelming for me, but I was starting to feel confident and very sexy in my blushing pink lace push-up bra and matching panties.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking for the first time in my life that I looked like a woman, with my curves, feminine pink fabric and fantastic cleavage thanks to my new bra. I never knew I could look so sexy.

  I slipped on my outfit for the concert – a turquoise satin dress that really hugged my figure and emphasized my cleavage even more. I admired my reflection as anxious butterflies fluttered in my stomach, but I was determined to push through the fear. I wanted it more than I was afraid of it now, and that was enough to make it happen. Besides, I’d never felt more confident with my body that I did right then, and I couldn’t wait to see Drew’s face when he saw me emerge on stage.

  I looked at the clock on the dressing room wall, knowing he and his sister would be taking their places in the front row by now – if he came, that is. I’d had the VIP passes sent to his room earlier that day, along with a note that read: ‘Hope to see you tonight. Looking forward to meeting Lacey. Kelly xo.’

  I was slipping my heels on when there was a knock at the door.

  “Hey honey!” Jaz said as I opened the door. “I just wanted to come by and make sure you’re ready to do this tonight, you know, with Drew.”

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied. “In fact, I’m pretty excited!”

  Jaz hugged me tight. “Good. But remember, it’s okay to change your mind. Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I won’t,” I promised. “Besides, if anyone’s going to feel pressured, it’ll be Drew! I won’t let him go until I’ve seduced him tonight.” I chuckled as we started walking down the hall to meet with Ella and Jesse at our designated starting point underneath the stage.

  A few minutes later, I was rising up through the floor of the stage, reveling in the sound of the crowd going wild.

  I grabbed the microphone and began our introduction, while subtly scanning the faces in the front row, trying to locate Drew. My eyes landed on him, and my heart skipped a beat to see his eyes locked on me, and he smiled. He was even dreamier than I’d remembered.

  He broke our gaze when the young brunette girl next to him embraced him in a hug, a wide smile spread across her face. I could tell from her resemblance to Drew that it was Lacey. She had long pitch-dark hair just like he did, but her eyes were lighter. She looked adorable in her Wild Diamonds t-shirt and carried a homemade sign that read: I’m WILD for the Wild Diamonds!

  I tore my eyes away from them, bringing my focus back to the music so I could give my all to the fans who had come to see our show. But knowing he was there, watching me as I danced and moved across the stage, was already turning me on. Tonight, I decided, I would let go of my inhibitions. I would be wild. On and off the stage.


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