No Life, Only Death

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No Life, Only Death Page 13

by Francheska Fifield

  “Okay, so I would kill you. It’s not a big deal. No one would miss you. So, how about money? Everyone likes money and I own half this God-forsaken planet through investments. I could give you any amount you wanted. You could retire. Live a long healthy life. Or maybe a place in my private firm? I could have my handler set it up.”

  I didn’t want to seem desperate but I put the options out there like we were talking regular business. It made it seem like I was willing to negotiate without caring all that much. Maybe if he didn’t think I cared he’d take one of the damn offers and leave me alone.

  “People in your firm end up very dead. And I don’t want to retire. I want to work my way up. On my own. Not using money. You should know the feeling. You made general in two years. It’s almost impossible. But you busted ass and gained rank. I would like to follow in your footsteps there.”

  I smiled a sarcastic little grin. “Oh, how sweet. We can be a matching pair.”

  He laughed. At least he has a sense of humor.

  “No, what I want is to tell Nick that his dearly beloved is alive and using him to further her own career.”

  “You aren't a very good friend if all you want is to hurt the people who call you friend.”

  “This is a dog eat dog world, and well, he is the competition.”

  I laughed. “Are you kidding me? You want to tell him, hoping he’ll have a break down and get passed over for the promotion you want, but know you won't get if you are competing with him. This is ridiculous. We are all supposed to be on the same side.” I sighed and shook my head. “I told him he was too nice to be in the cutthroat army. Right before he left. No one ever listens to me though. Well, they didn’t use to.” I looked up to see him smiling. I knew this game.

  “Are you admitting you are her then?”

  “Oh, dear boy. You have seriously underestimated me if you think a hidden wire and recorder is the answer to your problems. Test it. Right now. I bet you’ll get nothing but static. I also bet that when you get it filtered nothing will come out. Do you want to know how I know? Because, my corporation has developed new technology that destroys all recording devices within fifty miles of the person wearing the particular object that the filtering system is put in. Mine is something I always have with me. It is superior to what the military has. It also makes it impossible for someone to tap your phone or break into a particular frequency. So, go ahead. Go running to Nick, tell him I’m Celeste and have no proof. He won't be pissed at me. I can guarantee that he will a bit pissed at you for bringing up such a painful memory though.” I smiled and waved at him.

  “Bye, bye boy.”

  If looks could kill, well his probably would have impaled me with thousands of spoons. Spoons hurt more than knives; more pressure is required since they’re not sharp. I figured he’d try anyway, but I could be a convincing actress and I would be convincing enough that Nick would think Bill was being a great, big ass.

  I leaned back into the chair and waited for him to leave. I wondered if he would attack me. But intelligence won, this time, and he left without another word. How stupid did he think I was? Better yet, how stupid was he to think he could get away with this?

  I knew he didn’t have files. My files were unprintable, except for with the printer in Jane’s personal office. At least they were without a code and a DNA sample of hers. I had worried for a second that he had gotten lucky, but no. He had seen the information but hadn’t been able to print it. Since he was sniffing for proof, that meant after the first hack Jane had updated online security and he couldn't get back to it. So he couldn't show Nick. So, I was safe, for now. He wouldn’t do anything without proof because then he might be the one on the receiving end of Nick’s anger. That wouldn’t work for his plan at all.

  I shook my head and smiled. This was fucking ridiculous. What was happening to this world? Or worlds? I mean, we are all being picked off by an alien race attacking our colonies and weakening us up so they could hit Earth, although in terms of resources, the colonies were richer. Instead of banding together people are picking each other off so they can get a goddamned promotion. Man, the military was so screwed up.

  This is why I was first and foremost a bounty hunter. I didn’t pretend to be someone’s friend just to turn around and kill him or her. I just killed them. I didn’t kill other military men. I could have many times. I never did. I might have hurt them, but only if they deserved it.

  Nick was the perfect soldier. He was fighting for a cause, he could take orders, and he certainly was badass. He just wasn’t cut throat enough to make the cut.

  “Oh well, nothing I can do about it.”

  “So, I just had an interesting conversation with Phillip. I think you should call his handler and have him committed to an asylum or something.”

  I smiled and looked up. Nick stood above me, looking very serious. I wondered what Phillip said. “Really? Gabe would be upset to hear that. What did he do to make you think he needs to be committed?”

  Nick sat down in the chair next to me and I figured that sleeping was definitely out of the question now.

  “Well, he kept asking me if I wanted to date you and was acting really weird. He said that if the guy you like likes you back it could get you in trouble. He wouldn’t however tell me what that had to do with me. What does it have to do with me, Helen?”

  I pretended to blush as I looked down. I had been made to practice all this fake crying, blushing and what not with Jane. It was something I could do while sitting in a hospital bed, mending. I used that skill now and looked away. When you like a guy you don’t look them in the face when they ask about it. Human psyche rule number one. Girls are such losers.

  “Who knows? Phillip is a bit jealous sometimes. It’s been just him and I for so long. I think he’s a bit upset. That, and Paris is where him and his sister lived before she died. He’s probably just having a hard time with memories, is all.”

  I looked back him and he was looking at me funny. So, Phillip had set him down the right path. At least he wasn't totally useless.

  “Do you know why Phillip asked to room with me?”

  I screwed up my face in confusion. Yes, I do. “No? I didn’t even know you could request a certain person. I definitely would have requested anyone other than Missy, that’s for sure.”

  Nick smiled and tried to cover up a laugh. I smiled in return.

  “Yes, I wondered why he was roomed with me and so I managed to sneak into the chaperon’s office while here. In her notes, it says he requested to be my roommate. The lame excuse was that he wanted to patch things up with me. Firstly, they have to be stupid to believe that. Secondly, what is the real reason?”

  I shrugged like I didn’t know. “Maybe he wants to keep an eye on you.”

  He gave me a suspicious look. “Why? I know it isn't competition. I mean, I’m good, but I know I am not as good as you or him. I’ve seen you fight and I’m guessing, since you and Phillip only work with each other, he had similar training. In which case, he is superior to me in every aspect. That, and the fact that he held the record for shooting before you took it, says something about him.”

  “Good memory.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Well, I have no idea. No one really knows what Phillip is thinking. Maybe it’s a male competition thing.”

  “Well, he mentioned not wanting me to date you, but how is rooming with me going to stop that? In that case, he should room with you.”

  I laughed. “Except boys and girls can't room together.”

  He nodded. He was back to being serious. Man, I’d have to be more obvious. I hated obvious. It meant pathetic.

  “And besides, you wouldn’t date me anyways. You can barely tolerate me. Well, you used to only barely tolerate me. Now we get along okay but that doesn't mean you want to date me. I think he’s lost his mind. Maybe Missy has fried his brain with her inane chatter.”

  He smiled and laughed at his own joke. Instead of laughing, like I rea
lly wanted to, I just nodded and looked down. He frowned. He stood and gripped the arms of my chair, leaning over to look at me closer. I started to feel crowded and backed up. He was in my personal space, way in.

  “Okay, now I think there is something wrong with you too. That would have sent you into hysterics at one point.”

  “It was funny.”

  “But you didn’t laugh.”

  He stared at me quizzically.

  “Kids, all of you that are going on the trip, come over here please and pick a buddy. We don’t plan on anyone getting separated, but just in case, I want everyone to have a partner.”

  He still stared down at me. If I missed the chance to get out of here because of him, I’d kick his ass, whether he was supposed to be dating me or not.

  “Umm, I was planning on going out shopping. If you don’t mind.” I motioned to his arms and he straightened up, still looking at me funny. I walked over to the group and he followed me. I would have been upset but this was supposed to happen.

  “You going to be my buddy?” I smiled, hoping it looked happier than I felt. Commercial planes really got to me. That, being roomed with Missy, having my identity known, and having to pretend to date my ex-boyfriend, while planning the assassination of his friend - who was waiting for proof of my identity to ruin Nick’s life - was getting to me. I should just kill everyone and make my life easier. Man, my life sucked. But I didn’t let it show. I smiled and played nice.

  “If you promise to tell me what is up when we get out on the street.”

  “Umm, I’ll try.”

  That seemed to be enough of an answer for him, because he stuck out his arm and waited for me to take it. I so was not used to gentlemen. In my line of work, it was me, Jane, and my boss whose face I had never seen.

  Everyone got a partner and I wasn't surprised to see Phillip and Missy partnered up. Her just chatting along, while Phillip listened with one ear and kept the other pointed my way. He had good hearing, but when we got outside it wasn't good enough to hear everything I would say. Thank goodness.

  We walked out onto the street. We were walking down pre-picked streets with miscellaneous shops. Everything from clothing, to music and books. The chaperons had it all figured out so that we couldn't escape. Yeah, right.

  “So, what is this all about?”

  I sighed. Damn, I would have to spell it out. He never had been able to tell when someone flirted with him. I shook my head. You’d think after being around girls like Missy for a while it’d be obvious. Damn men. Only him. I smiled. That had been one of the things I loved about him. He had never noticed anyone but me. I had been very secure in our relationship. Until he left. He cleared his throat, breaking my thought process. Okay, how to go about this…

  “All right, answer me one question and I can help you with Phillip.”

  “Okay, but I thought you were going to explain.”

  I let go of a sigh of exasperation. “Just work with me please.”


  “All right, tell me honestly. Who do you want to date or take as your date to the dance?”

  He turned to look at me, shocked.

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Please just answer. You said you’d answer me honestly and I can't help if you don’t.”

  “First tell me why it’s important.”

  “Urgg. You men are all so stubborn. Phillip is afraid you like the same girl as him, and that she would rather go to the dance with you than him.”

  “But he likes you. Why would he think you would go with me over him?”

  I looked at him from the corner of one eye. “Have you always been this dense about girls?”

  “Hey, wait a second. That isn't very nice. I don’t think I’m being dense so much as you two are confusing.”

  “Let me clear things up, then.” I let go of his arm and faced him. Everyone was filing into the first store; I wanted them all to get in there so I could run in and hide after I blurted this out. It probably looked like I was embarrassed, which would help to prove my point better.


  “Ha-ha. Okay, Phillip is acting all strange because I told him I wanted to go with you; he got all upset and we had a fight, and now he is trying to make me jealous with Missy, or keep us apart by rooming with you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some books I need to pick up.”

  I turned and practically ran into the store, leaving him shocked and most likely about to pass out. Once inside, I hid behind something in front of the window and looked out. Yeah, so I wasn't above spying to make my life easier. I was a bounty hunter slash spy slash military woman. The point is, spy is in there.

  All I really wanted was to be a pilot. Go figure. I hadn’t really seen much official flying time since hitting my superior. Thank God it wasn't counted against me.

  He stood there, seemingly thinking. Okay, a reaction would be nice. I hadn’t seen his initial reaction because I had been too busy running away.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, hey Phillip. I just told him I wanted to go to the dance with him.”

  “Oh, that’s why he looks, well, I don’t really know what that look is.”

  “I know, I’m a bit worried I might have overloaded his brain with shock. I think it would have been nicer to just go up to him and say I want to have his baby.”

  Phillip laughed at that.

  “You don’t think that would shock him?”

  I smiled. “Of course, it would, but look at him. That face. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s not shocked, or surprised, or angry, or annoyed, or anything. But it’s not blank either. At least if I said I wanted to have his baby, I know I would get shock.”

  “Hmmm. Maybe you should go out and tell him that. Maybe he’ll like the idea. Or you could just go out and say, ‘I am Celeste’. He might be shocked then.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Isn't this the reason we are going through this hell?”

  “Speaking of which, you owe me big time. Missy is burning my ears off with annoying stories about all the men she has dated or slept with.”

  I looked at him sympathetically. “Yeah, send Jane a bill. Add a bonus section for pain and suffering.”

  He smiled. “I’ll do that.”

  I nodded. I had no doubt he would. Jane would laugh. She would find it very amusing when he told her the particulars about his pain and suffering.

  “Oh, he’s coming, move, I’ve got to hide.”

  I ran further into the store. Phillip turned and laughed at me. I turned and stuck my tongue out at him.

  “Isn't this the opposite of dating?”

  “I’m playing hard to get.”

  I ran off, leaving Phillip muttering about it being too late for that and laughing to himself.

  Chapter Eight (Phillip)

  “So, Nick, you took a while to come in here. Helen ran back there somewhere. What happened? Did you harass her again? She was a bit red.”

  This was going to be fun.

  “No, I didn’t say anything. Why didn’t you tell me the reason you roomed with me was to keep me away from Helen, because you like her and are jealous that she wants to go with me to the dance?”

  Jealous. Oh Helen, I’ll have to torture you a bit. “Who said I was jealous? You obviously don’t know the whole story or you wouldn’t be asking me.”

  “Oh Jesus, what is with you people? Just tell me what is going on. Us going as friends shouldn’t be a big deal.”

  “Last night on the plane you told Helen to just tell the guy she liked that she has a crush on him. She pointed out he wouldn’t believe her. Well that’s obvious, since she just admitted liking you and you are way too dense to get it. She has a crush on you. I’m not jealous. I’m pissed. I have been there for her when she needed it. All you have done is harass her and she falls for you. You are way below her skill level and cause her way too much trouble, but that doesn't seem to matter. Are you listening to me?”

nbsp; “What? Oh, yeah. Are you trying to tell me that she has been acting weird because she likes me?”

  I rolled my eyes in frustration. “Wow, he does have a brain. I thought it was obvious. Everyone in this school seems to be stupid, but I thought Helen would be smarter than to fall for a stupid guy.”

  He gave me a dirty ‘up yours’ look. I smiled my most charming smile, which just annoyed him more.

  “I’m not stupid; I just thought she hated me. Well, not hated me, but definitely disliked or something along those lines. We have just started getting along.”

  “Are you saying you don’t like her in return? Not as a friend, but more? If not, be honest. She is way too good for you and you shouldn’t drag her along.”

  “So, that’s why you keep asking me if I like her? What, were you sniffing me out for her? Was your whole fight an excuse so I wouldn’t question your acting weird?”

  He narrowed his eyes. Okay, so the boy could figure that out, but Helen had to almost hump him to get it through his thick skull that she liked him. Geez, what was this world coming to?

  “No, we fought because the speech I gave you about not being good enough for her, I gave to her as well. Only the speech I gave her was longer and had examples of why you aren't good enough for her. I was probing you so I could up my separating you two, if you did like her. If you had told me yes earlier I would have put Missy on you like a dog in heat.”

  “That is a disturbing image.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. He looked shocked now. Maybe it hadn’t sunk in before our little chat.

  “Well, you asked. Anyway, I don’t think you two are a good idea. She’s a bounty hunter and a general. You are a good little soldier. I mean, she has killed innocent people because the money is good and you are too nice to accept that. Also, she looks like Celeste. She is going to always wonder if that is why you are dating her or if you really like her. It’s a big mess waiting to happen. Don’t even get me started on what Jane will say or do when she finds out. I mean, she is just like my handler. A one-night stand is acceptable but no relationships. Too much drama and complication.”


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