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Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby)

Page 2

by Grenier, Cristina

  Ashley gave Adrian directions to her home and they agreed that he would meet her there at noon. This gave Ashley two-and-a-half hours to get even more beautiful for Adrian for their afternoon rendezvous. No man had ever spontaneously set up something like this with her before. Adrian was really off to a great start in trying to get to know her better, and she could not wait to see what was in store for the next few hours. While Ashley ran around the house trying to pick out her outfit, jewelry and shoes for the date, she decided that she should probably let someone know of her whereabouts for the day. Although she knew of Adrian, she still did not really know him; she trusted that he would be a gentleman and not do anything crazy, but she still wanted to be safe. Ashley called Carrie, her sister who lived across town, and told her of her meeting with Adrian the previous day and their date that present day. Carrie was excited because she knew her sister had not been seeing anyone in quite some time, so this was progress. Carrie made Ashley promise to call her once she made it back home that night to fill her in on their date, and also to let her know that she made it back home safe and sound, most importantly.

  Although Carrie was Ashley’s younger sister by 10 years, Carrie had gotten married while she was away at college, had convinced her husband to move back to her hometown, and was now making a life there raising their two young children. Ashley loved having her sister so close again because they were really close when they were growing up, even with the age difference. In addition it was a joy for her to be able to spoil her niece and nephew too. Once a month the kids would come over to Aunt Ashley’s house to have “Friday Fun Night” where they ate junk food, watched movies, played games and spent the night while Carrie and her husband, Michael, would have date night. Then the next morning Carrie would come over bright and early while the kids were still sleep to have bonding time with Ashley. They would usually watch a horror movie over Starbucks coffee and bagels that Carrie brought along while cuddled up in Ashley’s huge queen-size bed. Back when Ashley was away in college, when she would come home for visits or breaks, she and Carrie would watch horror movies all of the time like that, so this was their way to keep the tradition going although they were now grown with their own lives now. The kids would usually awake about the time the sisters’ movie was ending. While the kids got dressed, the sisters would catch up on girl talk (usually focused on Ashley’s love life, or lack there of) and then Ashley would end their overnight adventure by treating Carrie and the kids out to brunch at her favorite café a few blocks away. Most of the time, their mom would join them if she and her stepdad did not have plans of their own. Having this bond and connection with her family was the reason that Ashley never seriously looked into moving away, although she most likely could have found better career opportunities, and more eligible men, somewhere bigger and better. For now, though, things were fine as they were in her life, although Adrian Cruz making his entrance into the picture seemed to make things even more interesting.

  Ashley was scrambling through her purse trying to switch into the one that matched her dress when her doorbell rang. “One minute!” Ashley yelled as she took one more look at herself in the full-length mirror in her foyer leading to the front door. The new MAC lipstick she bought last week looked perfect with her tone, her twist-out hair style was down and hanging below past her shoulders, and her short, fitted purple dress was cut just right to show a decent amount of cleavage and leg without being overtly sexy. Ashley was excited and anxious, but once her hand touched the doorknob to let Adrian inside she relaxed and opened the door slowly as if she was not in a hurry to see this sexy man face-to-face again. Adrian was already smiling when Ashley was able to catch a glimpse of him as the door opened, but once he caught a full view of Ashley she could damn near see all of his pearly whites as his eyes widened.

  “Wow, you look beautiful,” Adrian said not even trying to downplay his awe at how impressed he was with Ashley’s appearance. “I feel like I’m a little underdressed in my jeans and button-down shirt.”

  “Oh get out of here! You look just fine. This is casual too you know, but I do appreciate the compliment—thank you,” Ashley responded as she stepped back for Adrian to enter her home. As he walked past her, Ashley immediately noticed the smell of his cologne and caught a quick glimpse of his backside. Girl, calm down, Ashley thought, as she continued to try to play it cool with Adrian.

  After offering Adrian something to drink, which he kindly accepted, Ashley gave Adrian a tour of her house. She was proud of this house; her grandfather had this house built for his family—the house that her father grew up in. It was located just walking distance from the downtown area of town where it was away from traffic but also near enough where she often walked to the nearby shops and restaurants when the weather was nice. When her father and mother divorced when she was in elementary school, her paternal grandparents were about the only ones who continued to reach out to her and be a part of her life; her father had moved away, gotten married and started a new family. When her paternal grandparents passed on they had left the house to Ashley, which touched her deeply. She began remodeling the home more to her contemporary style, but also kept some things the same to hold on to the memories of the times she spent with her grandparents. She was proud of her home and loved to show her guests what she had done with the place over the past six years since her grandmother, the last of her paternal grandparents to pass away, had left it to her.

  Adrian was impressed with the history Ashley shared about her home, and loved listening to her talk and share so much about her life with him. Although he could hear the hurt in her voice about that time of her life growing up without her father, she expressed that her stepfather stepped in a few years later and became another male role model in her life. Not too long after that her sister Carrie was born. Her stepfather treated Ashley the same as he treated Carrie—as if she was his own. Adrian and Ashley hit the highway about 45 minutes later heading to the city, with Adrian opening up about his upbringing as he drove and Ashley enjoyed the smooth ride in his sports car. Their conversation flowed so easily that they found themselves in the city within less than 30 minutes. Both were famished after not having had breakfast that day, so the first thing on the agenda was lunch. Adrian took Ashley to his favorite steakhouse for lunch, which was across the street from Ashley’s favorite mall that she would often drive over to when time permitted.

  “You are going to love this place—excellent food,” Adrian said.

  “I love it already based on its location,” Ashley said and laughed as she pointed toward the mall.

  “Oh goodness, maybe I should not have brought you over here!”

  “No, I’m good—I can always come back to shop another time. I’m all yours today.”

  Hearing Ashley say those words to him in such a sexy yet sweet tone, and looking as gorgeous as she did, made Adrian’s temperature rise. He did not respond verbally but when he looked at her to smile, Ashley knew her words had him right where she wanted him. She simply smiled right back.

  Ashley enjoyed her lunch experience at Adrian’s favorite restaurant. One thing that he did that she never had any man do for her before was order the meal for her. Adrian had tried most of the items on the menu, and because Ashley was open to trying new things she told Adrian she would go with his recommendation; she was not disappointed with his choice either. They both had prime rib dinners that came with salads, rolls, side dishes, and a huge rich, chocolate dessert to share. Ashley was not the type of woman who was embarrassed to eat on the first date either, which actually made Adrian like her even more. Although she did not eat as much as Adrian, she did show that she loved good food and did not waste it. By the time they left the restaurant, they had learned so much about one another’s likes and dislikes, and the conversation continued to flow with ease.

  “What is next on the list, Mr. Cruz?”

  “It’s a surprise—we’ll be there shortly.”

  Twenty minutes later as they pulled up to thei
r next stop, Ashley let out a light squeal and began clapping her hands. “You are very observant!”

  Adrian smiled as he watched Ashley’s amusement at him choosing to take her on a tour at one of the local wineries. He noticed her wine-themed décor in Ashley’s kitchen and dining areas, in addition to the cellar that she had built in her basement. He was also a lover of wine; so it did not take him long to come up with the best winery in town to take her to in that short time. They were led on a tour of the winery, had a chance to sample several different wines with breads and cheeses, and then explored and shopped in the gift shop where Adrian treated Ashley to more wine décor and items to go in her kitchen. The more hesitant she was in accepting his offer to purchase whatever she desired, the more eager he was to purchase the items for her. By the time they got ready to leave the winery, they each could have easily called it a night because they were full from great food, relaxed from the wine, and worn out from the adventures of the day. Still, Adrian was not ready to part from Ashley, and she was not ready to part from him either.

  “So, what else is on the agenda, or is this the end of our rendezvous?” Ashley asked giving him an out just in case he was trying to figure out a way to end the date in a polite way.

  “Are you ready for it to be over?” Adrian asked somewhat defensively as he looked at her to see her expression.

  “No, not necessarily—I just did not want you to feel like you have to drag this date out if you were ready to get rid of me. I know you have to drive me back home and then I’m assuming you’re coming back here to your home, right? I just don’t want to keep you out late…”

  “Are you done?” Adrian asked cutting Ashley off from her rambling. “If I was ready for this to date to end and take your butt home, I would do just that and tell you that’s what I’m doing,” he finished without giving Ashley a chance to interrupt him back.

  “Well excuse me then!” Ashley jokingly said with attitude which made Adrian chuckle.

  “But seriously, are you having a good time?” Adrian asked looking Ashley in the eyes as they sat in the car.

  “Yes Adrian, I am having a wonderful time with you. Thank you so much for this,” Ashley said as she stared at Adrian’s lips wondering what they would feel like against hers. The wine had gotten her just a little buzzed so her mind was all over the place with the things that she wanted to do with Adrian. As if he was reading her mind, or perhaps it was just Adrian wanting to taste her lips too, he leaned in close to Ashley to the point that their noises touched. He had intended on asking Ashley if he could kiss her, but the words were not moving as fast as he was; he went in for the kiss gently which Ashley accepted without hesitation. It was a slow, sexy kiss that caused a warm feeling in both of them, making them want to lengthen it. Ashley tried to pull away in an effort to not appear to eager, but when Adrian moved back in for another kiss she found herself gently grabbing the back of his head and returning his kiss with an even deeper one. From there, they found themselves exploring one another’s mouths with their tongues and sucking on one another’s lips as they both lived out what they had imagined that their first kiss would be like. This was better than what either of them expected.

  Finally, Ashley pulled away realizing they were almost making out in the parking lot of the winery for anyone to see, if they wanted to. Honestly, she did not really care but it was funny that for those moments that she forgot where she was; it was as if her and Adrian were the only two people on Earth.

  “Maybe we better stop. I’m enjoying this too much,” Ashley said as Adrian made another attempt to kiss her again, this time with a soft gentle peck on her juicy lips.

  “Well that’s good to know. So, before I went in for that kiss I was going to suggest going back to my place. I wanted to show you my home, and I figured we could chill out a minute over some wine, maybe a movie or something, and then I would take you back if you wanted me to.” Adrian said looking at Ashley as she looked at him with a smirk.

  “Really? You didn’t just come up with that idea after trying to seduce me?”

  Adrian’s surprised expression made Ashley bust out laughing, lightening the mood after calling Adrian out on his attempt to get her alone in his home. The thing about it, though, is that she was longing to be alone with him herself but did not want to invite herself into his house. Ashley was actually going to suggest that when they made it back to her house that he come inside for a nightcap. Great minds think alike, she thought, but she was not about to let on to what was on her mind.

  “I do have to admit that after tasting those lips I want you to come over more now than I did before we kissed,” Adrian said with a smile. “But I’ll leave the decision up to you—I don’t want to force you into doing anything you’re not comfortable doing but know that I would never try anything you don’t want me to, Ashley.”

  “I know!”

  “Woman, you are a trip! What am I going to do with you?”

  After giving each other a look that spoke volumes about where their minds went for a moment in reference to what they wanted to do to each other, they both laughed as Adrian started up the car. Ashley agreed to go home with Adrian. It was still light outside and the evening was just beginning for many. On the way to his house, Adrian stopped at a nearby market where he ran inside to grab some snacks to munch on along with their wine. While Adrian was inside the market, Ashley texted Carrie to let her know she was still on her date and having a ball. Carrie’s response was, “I won’t call you until in the morning!” Ashley had also told her best friend from college, Monica, about her run in with Adrian and how they were going out, so she sent her a text as well letting her know she would call her Sunday evening; this was their usual night to chat and catch up with each other since they only saw each other every few months when they would switch off on making the two-hour drive to visit one another for a weekend of girl talk, spa days, shopping and fun. Monica responded that she would have her wine glass filled and ready on Sunday evening to hear about Ashley’s escapades, which made Ashley smile.

  Moments later Adrian was back to the car with a few bags and moments after that they were pulling up into his condo community that was located in a residential area that was a short distance away from many businesses and easy access to entertainment and other local resources. Ashley was impressed with the area and began envisioning how quick she would become familiar with the area on her weekends that she came to visit Adrian. Snap out of it, she said to herself once she realized she was jumping to conclusions about what may be in store for her and Adrian. Although things seemed to be moving in a good direction, Ashley had felt that way about some of her relationships before and started mapping out what her future would be with those individuals only to be disappointed. She refused to set herself up with that kind of hurt again regardless of how much she was feeling Adrian.

  “What’s on your mind over there?” Adrian asked as he noticed the look on her face.

  “I’m just checking out your area and how nice it is, that’s all. You live in a lovely neighborhood,” Ashley responded trying to change her expression and play off the sad place she had just drifted off to.

  “Yea, it’s pretty nice. I can’t complain. It has definitely become home for me.”

  Adrian jumped out the car to get around to the passenger side before Ashley attempted to get out. By this point, Ashley had gotten used to this gesture that showed how well mannered Adrian was, but it did take her by surprise when he did it earlier during the day. This was the first time any man had ever opened, or closed, the car door for her. Once he escorted her to his condo and let her inside, he directed her to make herself at home while he went back to grab the bags out the car. Ashley was in awe of Adrian’s home. From the outside, his home did not look as big as it did once you stepped inside. It was very elegant and spacious. Although he told her to make herself at home, Ashley still waited for Adrian near the entrance before stepping in too far. She took off her shoes, letting her bare feet touch the
glossy wooden floor. Once Adrian returned with the bags, Ashley began to enter and explore Adrian’s home as she helped him with the bags. It was very obvious that Adrian had good taste and loved culture, going by the artwork and decorations in his rooms. Once they took the bags to the kitchen, Adrian grabbed Ashley’s hand and gave her a tour of his home, from the main floor, on up to the loft and upstairs area. Adrian also had a basement but he admitted he did not want to show off that area just yet because it was under construction and renovation, which Ashley accepted and respected.

  Adrian turned the television on in the upstairs movie room he had set up and told her to get comfortable while he went to get their drinks and snacks. Once Adrian left the area, Ashley dashed off to the restroom around the corner to freshen up and check herself, just in case things got a little steamy like they started off back at the winery. It never failed, Ashley thought, that I get so freaking nervous on first dates like I’m some kind of love-stuck teenager. It wasn’t that Ashley was uncomfortable and distrusting of Adrian; she actually felt very safe and welcome in his presence. What had her nervous was her feelings for him, and how bad she wanted him. It was too soon to be wanting to move this fast with him, and she did not trust herself with him but at the same time she could not think of any other place she would rather be right now than here with him. Ashley made it back to her spot on the couch before Adrian had returned so she got comfortable and grabbed the remote control to flip channels and try to put her mind and body at ease. Minutes later she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Adrian emerging with a tray of goodies, a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of wine.

  For the next hour or so Ashley and Adrian drank and ate while laughing at a Kevin Hart comedy special they found on cable, and then continued to reminisce about their high school days and times growing up in their hometown. As the time passed and the wine made them more relaxed, the gap between them on the couch had closed as each of them moved in closer to one another to the point where they were cuddled up and Adrian had his arm around Ashley. As they began to find themselves getting quieter as the time passed, their minds were on the same thing—whether or not something was going to happen tonight. Ashley was so close on Adrian and under the crook of his arm that all he had to do was lean in for the kiss; Adrian, on the other hand, kept thinking of ways to make his move without coming on too strong and offending her. Finally, they found themselves looking one another in the eyes in the room now only lit by candles. Adrian decided to just go for it as he leaned his head down to make his lips meet Ashley’s. The kisses started off very light and delicate, but as they continued kissing, Adrian eased his tongue through her lips, making their kisses more sensual. Ashley placed her hand behind Adrian’s head pulling him in even closer and encouraging him to lean in on her making them fall over on the couch. The more they kissed and rubbed up against each other, the more they wanted more and found it hard to hold back.


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