Book Read Free

Flaming Hot

Page 19

by Lynn LaFleur

  Kirk’s admiration for Josh rose several degrees. A lot of people would blow the inheritance without thinking about what they would do for money in the future. Josh had brains as well as good looks.

  And he smelled incredible.

  Conversation halted when Jami brought their food. Kirk chuckled to himself when Josh picked up the large slice of purple onion on his plate and stared at it. “Am I supposed to eat this or wear it as a hat?”

  “I recommend eating it,” Kirk said. “It’s sweet and delicious.”

  Josh looked at him. “I’m all for sweet and delicious.”

  It might have been his imagination—or wishful thinking—but Kirk thought heat flashed through Josh’s eyes before his lids narrowed a bit.

  Kirk hadn’t detected any interest from Josh when they first met, but perhaps Josh did the same thing as Kirk—hid his true feelings until he knew it would be safe to reveal them.

  His heart pounded in his chest at that thought.

  “Okay, I’m game.” Josh lifted the top bun, placed the slice of onion on the meat. “Luckily I don’t plan to kiss anyone today.”

  “No little honey waiting for you at home?” Kory asked.

  “Nope. Haven’t had a honey in a long time.”

  “You should come with Kirk and me to Fort Worth Saturday night. We’re gonna hit some clubs.”

  “I appreciate the invitation, but I promised to have dinner with my parents and sister Saturday.”

  Kory straightened his shoulders. “You have a sister?”





  Josh grinned. “You’re way too transparent, Kory.”

  “Damn,” Kory said, snapping his fingers. “And I thought I was being subtle.”

  “You’re about as subtle as a freight train.” Kirk squirted a generous amount of ketchup by his fries. “Don’t give him any information about your sister, Josh.”

  “Oh, come on, bro.” He grinned wickedly at Josh. “I promise to show her a really good time.”

  “You apparently don’t have a sister or you wouldn’t suggest what you’re suggesting.” Josh bit a French fry in half. “Pass.”

  Kirk grinned to himself. Josh may have spent most of his life in school, but he’d learned some life lessons along the way. He could handle himself fine.

  “Born to Be Wild” came from Kory’s cell phone. He wiped his hands on a napkin before he unclipped the phone from his belt and checked the display. He smiled. “Maybe I won’t go clubbing this weekend after all. Excuse me.”

  Kory rose from the booth and walked toward the restrooms as he answered the call. He stepped out of range before Kirk could hear anything he said that might indicate who had called him. Kory met women all the time, so he could be speaking to anyone.

  “What kind of club do you and Kory go to?” Josh asked.

  “Kory likes country music, so we usually go to a place this side of Fort Worth. I call it a bar, he calls it a club. Lots of dancing.”

  “You like to dance?”

  “Nah. I have two left feet. I like to sit at a table and watch people. Kory’s the party animal.”

  “Y’all have to be twins to look so much alike, yet you’re very different from him.”

  “Kory’s the one who wants to tease and play and never settle down. I’m quieter. I’m happy to stay home and read a good book. I don’t think Kory has opened a book since high school.”

  Josh washed down his bite of burger with a gulp of Coke. “Who’s your favorite author?”

  Kirk didn’t even have to think about his answer. “E. P. Payne.”

  “No kidding?” Josh’s smile spread from ear to ear. “He’s mine, too. Loved Black Illusion.”

  “I still love it. I’ve read it at least five times.”

  Kory groaned as he slid back into the booth. “Don’t tell me y’all are talking about reading shit.”

  “Some of us like discussing things other than the best brand of beer to drink, bro.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Kory popped a fry into his mouth. “Change of plans. That was Anna Hopkins. I met her at Boot Scootin’ a couple of weeks ago when she was in town visiting a friend. She invited me to a party at her place Saturday night. Said there will be between twenty and thirty people there. I asked her if I could bring my brother and she said yes.” He grinned and bobbed his eyebrows. “She said brothers are sexy.”

  Which meant Kory would try to convince Kirk to participate in a ménage. Kirk had gone along with his brother once, and once was enough. He couldn’t help but get off with the woman’s warm mouth wrapped around his dick, but an orgasm didn’t mean enjoyment.

  Before Kirk could comment, he remembered what he and Kory had promised to do Saturday after closing the store. “Hell, Kory, we can’t go. We promised Dad we’d do that inventory spot check while he and Mom are at the home improvement show.”

  “Shit,” Kory muttered. “I forgot about that.”

  “Is there something I can do to help with your inventory?” Josh asked.

  “Yes,” Kory immediately said. “You can take my place.”

  Kirk scowled at his brother. “Kory, you can’t ask Josh to do that. He hasn’t even started working for us yet.”

  “I don’t mind, Kirk. That way your brother can still go to the party.”

  “What about your dinner date with your family?”

  Josh shrugged one shoulder. “I’ll call my mom and tell her I’ll come next weekend. She’ll understand if I have to work.”

  “Great!” Kory beamed. “Then it’s settled.” He offered his hand over the table. “Thanks, my man.”

  Josh accepted Kory’s handshake. “No problem.” He looked at Kirk again. “Unless you have a problem with it.”

  It wouldn’t be easy to be alone in the store with Josh and keep his hands off the other man. But Kirk would do it. Despite the pull he felt toward Josh, Kirk would never do anything to make him uncomfortable.

  “No problem at all.”


  Kirk watched Josh ring up Mrs. Campbell’s purchases. He gave her a wide smile, which made the elderly woman blush adorably.

  No one would be able to tell Josh had never held a job by watching him now. He’d worked at Wilcox Lumber for four days and caught on almost immediately to whatever Kirk showed him how to do. First-time clerks sometimes had trouble with the cash register, but Josh had breezed right through Kirk’s lessons, enough to where Kirk put him at one of the checkout stations on their busiest day of the week.

  He’d turned into a much better employee than Kirk anticipated.

  Once Mrs. Campbell left Josh’s station, he rolled his shoulders a couple of times before he smiled at the next customer waiting in line. Kirk knew Josh had to be sore from working outside in the yard the past two days. Even someone who worked out regularly in a gym would be sore after lifting and hauling lumber and bags of cement since they used muscles rarely utilized. He’d bet Josh would pay just about anything for a massage.

  Kirk would happily give him one for free.

  A glance at his watch showed Kirk it would be time to close the store in five minutes. He’d already called China Palace to deliver his and Josh’s supper about six-fifteen. They’d eat first, then work on the inventory. Kirk figured it shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to finish the spot check, which would leave Josh plenty of time to enjoy the rest of his Saturday night.

  Kirk had caught Josh watching him several times over the last four days. Kirk wanted so badly to see interest in Josh’s eyes, yet couldn’t honestly say he had. Josh treated all the employees and customers to his friendliness and smiles.

  Every day working with Josh had been part pleasure and part misery. He wished he could touch the other man, wrap his arms around him, kiss those full lips. He wanted to take what he knew would be a magnificent cock down his throat, taste Josh’s cum.

  Before his dick responded and let every customer i
n the store know his thoughts, Kirk moved to the front door. He slid the sign to “Closed” and waited while the last two customers bought their items. Once they left, he locked the deadbolt.

  Kirk said good night to the other three employees in the store. By the time they clocked out and left via the back entrance, the delivery guy from the Chinese restaurant arrived at the front door. Kirk took money from the register to pay for the food and tip, then locked the front door once more.

  Facing Josh, he held up the two large white sacks. “Hungry?”


  After turning off the lights by the entrance, Kirk led the way to the break room. Josh took a Coke for him and Dr Pepper for Kirk from the refrigerator and set them on the table. “Want silverware?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” Kirk began removing the small cartons from the bags. “And plates. I ordered a bunch of different dishes since I wasn’t sure what you like.”

  “If it’s Chinese, I’ll eat it.” He selected two forks from the silverware drawer. “How many spoons?”


  Josh set six large serving spoons on the table, along with two plates. “Anything else?”

  “Grab some paper towels, too.” Kirk quickly located the egg rolls and bit into one.

  “Hey, no fair eating before me.”

  Kirk offered the container of egg rolls to Josh. “Here.”

  Josh bit off half a roll in one bite. “Damn, that’s good.” He took the chair opposite Kirk. “What else did you order?”

  “Broccoli and beef, pork chow mein, sweet-and-sour chicken, fried rice, teriyaki wings, shrimp lo mein, and mushroom chicken.”

  “How many people you planning on feeding?”

  “Just you and me. But do you know what’s so great about Chinese food?”


  Kirk grinned. “Leftovers.”

  Josh returned his grin. “Amen to that.” He spooned some of everything onto his plate. “So, boss, how am I doing?”

  “You know you’re doing great.”

  “I feel like I am, but I want to be sure. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve learned so far.” He rolled his shoulders the way Kirk had seen him do after waiting on Mrs. Campbell. “Even if every muscle in my body hurts.”

  Kirk chuckled. “Told you you’d be sore.” He unscrewed the cap from his drink. “You have a natural gift with conversation. The customers enjoy talking to you.”

  “I enjoy talking to them, too. Especially the older people. The elderly woman I waited on right before closing was sweet.”

  “That was Mrs. Campbell. She’s a widow. Married sixty-four years before her husband passed away two years ago.”

  “Wow. That’s a long time to be together.” Josh stabbed a large mushroom. “It’s a lot of work to be with one person your entire life.”

  “Yeah, but worth it if you find the right person.”

  Josh selected a wing from its container. “Finding that right person ain’t easy.”


  Kirk could feel Josh watching him as he chewed his bite of wing. “I’ve seen Kalinda flirting with you.”

  “We’re just friends.”

  “She’s pretty. And smart. And obviously has a thing for you.”

  “We’re just friends,” Kirk said again.

  Wiping his hands on a paper towel, Josh leaned back in his chair. “Why?”

  It seemed as if Josh taunted him to tell the truth, to admit women did nothing for him. Kirk didn’t know if Josh asked because he might be interested in Kalinda, or if he might be interested in Kirk.

  He yearned for the second option.

  If Josh wanted the truth, Kirk would give him the truth. He set his fork on his half-empty plate. “Because I’m gay.”

  “So am I.”

  Even with Kirk’s hope that Josh might be gay, it still surprised him for the man to admit it. “I thought you might be interested in Kalinda and that’s why you asked about her.”

  “No.” He laid the paper towel next to his plate. “The only one I’m interested in is you.”

  Kirk’s heart took off at a gallop. His dick swelled in his briefs in anticipation of Josh’s lips wrapped around it.

  “How about you?” Josh asked. “Are you interested in me?”

  “Yeah.” His voice came out husky, rough. “I’m very interested.”

  Josh pushed back his chair and rose. Kirk’s gaze snagged on the other man’s fly as Josh rounded the table. The large bulge behind the jeans zipper proved Josh’s interest ran as high as Kirk’s.

  Josh tugged on Kirk’s chair until he turned it to face him. Leaning over, he placed his hands on the seat on either side of Kirk’s thighs so their faces were level. “I hoped, but you didn’t give off any signals.”

  “I’ve become really good at hiding how I feel.”

  Josh’s gaze traveled from Kirk’s eyes, to his lips, and back to his eyes. “I don’t want you to hide anything from me.”

  Kirk only had enough time to inhale before Josh kissed him. He released the air in his lungs on a long moan. Josh’s full, soft lips moved over his, turning one way, then the other, in a gentle kiss of hello.

  “Nice.” Josh cradled Kirk’s face, gave him another long kiss. “I want more.”

  “So do I.”

  Josh’s gaze dropped to Kirk’s lap. One side of his mouth quirked. “I can tell.” He looked into Kirk’s eyes again, all traces of humor gone. “You want some help with that?”

  Kirk swallowed, but his voice still came out hoarse. “Yeah.”

  Josh dropped to his knees between Kirk’s wide-spread legs. He took his time unbuckling Kirk’s belt, unfastening the buttons of his fly, as if trying to build up Kirk’s anticipation of what would soon happen. Kirk didn’t need any buildup. His cock felt as if it would blow with the first touch of Josh’s tongue.

  “Lift up,” Josh commanded softly.

  Kirk did as instructed. Josh grasped the waistbands of Kirk’s jeans and briefs, tugged them past Kirk’s hips. His dick sprang up full and hard against his belly.

  “Mmm, yeah.” Josh ran one fingertip down the heavy vein. “Very nice.”

  Kirk clenched his hands into fists to keep from grabbing Josh’s head and forcing his cock into the other man’s mouth. It would happen soon. He just had to be patient.

  Being patient didn’t sit at the top of his to-do list right now.

  Josh pressed his nose against Kirk’s balls and inhaled sharply. “You smell good.”

  “Jesus, Josh.”

  Holding tightly to Kirk’s cock by the base, Josh ran his tongue up the vein to the tip. “I like to savor.”

  “Savor later. Suck now.”

  He chuckled. “This is going to be fun.”

  Josh’s definition of fun must be completely different from Kirk’s. He couldn’t imagine how slow torture could be fun.

  Then Josh opened his mouth and engulfed Kirk’s dick until his mouth touched his fist. Kirk jerked and arched his hips without thinking about possibly choking the other man. Josh must have anticipated that might happen and that’s why he’d wrapped his hand around the base of Kirk’s cock.

  Whatever the reason, Kirk closed his eyes to better enjoy the sensation of that wet warmth surrounding his hard flesh.

  “I have to warn you,” Kirk managed to say between pants, “it’s been a while for me. I probably won’t last long.”

  “Good.” Josh ran his tongue around the rim, licked the top of the crown. “I want to taste your cum.”

  “Ah, fuck!”

  “Later. But for now …”

  Josh took him again, even deeper this time. Helpless to do anything except enjoy, Kirk tunneled his hands into Josh’s hair. He loved the way the wavy strands curled around his fingers. He also loved watching the way his shaft disappeared into Josh’s mouth, only to appear again when Josh pulled back to the head. Saliva coated his flesh, making it easier to slide in and out of Josh’s mouth.

  The tingling started at the base o
f his spine, the first indication of a building orgasm. Kirk hated to come too soon, hated to remove his cock from Josh’s mouth. Yet Josh said he wanted to taste Kirk’s cum. That would happen far sooner than he probably expected.

  His balls tightened. Gripping Josh’s head firmer, he pumped his hips to drive his dick farther down Josh’s throat. So close. Just a little longer …

  A wet finger shoved into his ass sent Kirk over the edge. He cried out as the orgasm barreled up his shaft to explode in Josh’s mouth.

  Realizing he was pulling Josh’s hair, he slowly released his grip. Josh gave Kirk’s cock a final lick and suck before he sat back on his heels. “I knew you’d be delicious.”

  Kirk leaned forward, grabbed Josh’s head again, and kissed him. He didn’t give him the soft, tender kisses Josh had given. He kissed the other man with passion, with hunger, with all the yearning he felt deep inside.

  Heat flashed in Josh’s eyes when Kirk stopped the kiss. “Damn, Wilcox, you do know how to kiss.”

  It pleased Kirk that Josh thought so. “I like kissing.”

  “So do I. And I like blow jobs.” He stood, reached for his belt buckle. “You want to return the favor?”


  Kirk pushed up Josh’s T-shirt while Josh unfastened his belt and jeans. Dark hair swirled around Josh’s navel, climbed up his torso, made a nest at the base of Josh’s cock. Kirk planned to explore every bit of this man’s body later. Right now, his mouth watered at the thought of taking Josh’s dick as deep in his mouth as Josh had taken his.

  Josh pushed down his jeans and briefs to reveal a long cock with a curved tip. Pre-cum leaked from the slit, making Josh’s mouth water even more. He swiped his tongue across the head, gathering the salty essence.

  Josh cradled the back of Kirk’s head. “I won’t last long either,” he whispered.

  Which worked fine for Kirk. He longed to taste even more of Josh’s essence, have it fill his mouth, slide down his throat. Kirk cupped Josh’s balls in one palm, gently massaged them as he slowly slid his lips down the hard column of flesh. He slipped his other hand over Josh’s hips to grip a tight cheek.


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