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Saving America

Page 5

by Saxon Andrew

  Des stared at the map and said under his breath, “I believe she’s right, Sir.”

  Grady jerked his attention to Desmond, “Why do you say that, Captain Frye?”

  “Sir, we didn’t find them in the Perseus Arm. That must mean they went somewhere else or were destroyed. The spiral arm Captain Meadows is suggesting appears to be the best choice if the America wasn’t destroyed in the Perseus Arm.”

  Grady stared at Desmond for a moment and then said, “Computer, designate an area on the Sagittarius-Carina Arm between sixteen and twenty thousand light years from Earth’s location.” A bright yellow area appeared on the map and Grady stared at it. He looked at the monitor and said, “We’ll go and check out that area. We’re headed back toward Melbourne on the outer arm and move into that area from the far end. Power up and follow me.”

  The monitor went dark and Des looked at Maranda, “Thank you.”

  Maranda scowled at him, “For what?!”

  “If you hadn’t shared your knowledge with Grady, this mission would have ended quickly, and you’d be free. Maybe the third colony isn’t there, but you did the right thing to tell him. You put the mission ahead of your own needs.” Maranda closed her eyes and turned back to her console. She was troubled that Desmond had seen she was withholding information. She really didn’t know if she would have shared it without his prodding her. She especially didn’t like his being able to read her expressions. He really wasn’t all that bad, but he stood between her and commanding this mission. He had to go…or she did. He stood in the way of her advancement and that just couldn’t be allowed. One day she was going to command all of Melbourne’s military and he was slowing her down. She forced herself to be patient; it was only a matter of time until he made a critical mistake and then she would take his place commanding the ship.

  • • •

  Maranda sat in the pilot’s chair and stared out of the viewport at the stars they were passing at high-speed. Des was in his bedroom sleeping and she liked being alone without him sharing the bridge. She thought about finding the third colony and knew if they did, she would be given credit for coming up with its location. That should get her the command she deserved. The display on her console activated and Maranda saw Taffy Henricks. “How may I help you, Sir?”

  “Dispense with the protocol, Maranda. I’m on duty and it’s beyond boring flying out here. I thought I’d contact you and pass a little time talking.”

  “About what?” Maranda asked.

  Taffy’s smile appeared instantly, “Are you always this paranoid, Maranda?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, Sir.”

  “Drop the sir and that’s an order.” Taffy giggled, “Now that’s rather stupid, isn’t it? Drop the sir and that’s an order.”

  Maranda smiled, “Yes, it is.”

  “Why are you so uptight, Maranda. Are you always like this?”

  “I am who I am, Si…uhh…Taffy.”

  “Goal driven, aren’t you? Your future success is what motivates you, right?”

  “I guess. I was motivated to graduate number one in my class and now I’m working on moving up in the Navy.”

  “To what end?”


  “To what end? I mean why are you driven to move up the ranks?”

  “I’ve set a goal to one day be the Supreme Fleet Commander.”

  “Why?” Maranda paused and struggled with how to answer. Taffy continued, “You are driven to be the best at everything you do. You’re motivated to become the supreme commander because that’s as far as you can go in the Navy, right.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Then what?” Taffy asked.

  “I haven’t thought past that. I’m focused on that and I’ll worry about what comes next when I accomplish that goal.”

  Taffy shrugged and sighed before saying, “You’ve never been in a romantic relationship, have you?”

  “I think that’s getting a little too personal, Taffy. I prefer to not share anything about my personal life.”

  “You don’t have to answer, Maranda. The answer is obvious; there’s no room for anyone else in your life because they would get in the way of your goals. I know pretty much who you are now.”

  “Oh, is that so? Why don’t you enlighten me if you’re so certain about that?” Maranda replied sarcastically.

  “You come from a wealthy family for starters.”

  Maranda was surprised by Taffy’s remark, “And just how do you get off saying that?”

  “Because you are. You exhibit all the behaviors and traits of a child born in a very wealthy family.”

  “And just how do you know that?”

  “Because I was born in an extremely wealthy family on Britannia. My father was the richest person on the planet and I got to see first hand how wealthy people structure their lives. They trust no one, they have security set up to keep anyone not of their status at a distance, and they are ruthless in protecting their assets. Anyone getting in their way will be ruthlessly removed as a possible adversary. You exhibit all those traits, Maranda. I suspect you are even now trying to come up with a plan to get Desmond in trouble, so you can replace him. You see him as an adversary blocking your path to accomplish your goals.” Maranda was shocked; this woman was dangerous. Taffy laughed, “Don’t get upset, Maranda. I’m not going to blow your cover and tell everyone what we’ve discussed. I just wanted to let you know that I see who you are, and Melbourne needs people like you that are driven to succeed.”

  “If you were born into wealth then you should be just like me,” Maranda responded.

  “I ran away from home when I was seventeen years old, Maranda. I watched my father’s ruthless behaviors and he told me that I would have to learn to be just like him when I took his place. He didn’t love me; I was just a tool he used to find his adversaries.”

  “And just how did you do that?”

  “I was trained to lip read at age eight and I told him what people invited to his receptions said when they thought they wouldn’t be heard. He ruthlessly destroyed anyone that gave the slightest indication they were working against him. I watched it happen and I decided that I couldn’t live like that. So, I ran away at seventeen and moved in with some of the common people on Britannia. I found the happiest time of my life living among them.”

  How did you end up with your husband?”

  “That was a twist of fate the universe threw at us. I’ll tell you about it another time, if you’re interested. But finding Grady was the best thing to happen to me. I would be dead but for him. He saved me when the aliens attacked Britannia. I watched my parents die when their home was blasted by the alien’s warships. Grady is all I have now and he’s all I really need.”

  “So, you turned your back on wealth to live a life having to work for a living. I don’t see how you could have done that!”

  “Maranda does your father provide the defense industry with electronic equipment to build their warships?”

  Maranda’s eyes narrowed, “Maybe.”

  Taffy giggled, “You’ll probably find out eventually, so I might as well tell you now. Are you familiar with Spring Hill Foods?”

  “It’s the largest corporation on Melbourne.”

  “Would you say it’s larger than Meadow’s Industries?”

  “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  “Grady and I own fifty-one percent of Spring Hills.” Maranda’s eyes flew wide open. “If you are born into wealth, you learn how to acquire it. And you don’t have to run over everyone around you to get it. You have been indoctrinated into being a single minded, driven woman that will do whatever it takes to get what you want. It’s a shame you never took the time to get to know those you’ve harmed getting where you are. I don’t blame you for who you are, Maranda, like I said, Melbourne needs people like you. I look at you and see my father in you. I suspect your father is also in you. Anything less than complete success is unacceptable to him…and you.”

you judging me, Taffy?”

  “No. Be who you choose to be, Maranda. I just regret that your life is going to be empty emotionally and that is something you’ll one day look back on and regret. I’m actually a big fan and hope you find great success in your life. What we’ve discussed tonight will stay between us, ok?”

  “How long did it take you to figure me out, Taffy?”

  “I guess the moment you asked to call Admiral Mulvaney, I saw who you are. I just want you to know, I know.”


  “Because I will not allow you to harm Desmond. Complete this mission and I’ll have Grady give you a glowing report that will give your career a kickstart. But if you set Desmond up to take a fall, that won’t happen. He doesn’t deserve your angst and you should do everything you can to insure this mission is a success. Do we have an understanding, Maranda?” Maranda stared into Taffy’s unblinking eyes and she nodded. Taffy laughed, “Good! We can be friends if you want. I know you’re going to be a huge asset on this mission. Have a good night.”

  The screen went dark and Maranda’s eyes narrowed. She initially thought that the cinnamon colored haired captain was a ditz, but she was wrong! That woman was dangerous! She sighed and knew that Taffy had also nailed who she is. This mission just took on a level of danger to her reaching her goals. She had a lot to think about.

  Chapter Four

  The three Super Rabbits arrived at the Sagittarius-Carina Spiral Arm and moved in toward the area where the third colony ship should be located. Grady ordered over the monitors, “We’re starting twenty-five thousand light years and moving back toward the point where the America entered the arm. Move into your positions and start moving at half-speed back toward the Orion Spur. Set your scanners to detect old electronic emissions and notify me if you detect anything.”

  The three black ships moved into positions and started forward. After two days, nothing had shown up. Desmond stared at the monitor and suddenly saw it change. He looked at Maranda, “What are you doing?”

  “Just checking to see if there are any other type of emissions coming out of that arm.”

  “We could miss detecting the colony…”

  Maranda’s eyes flew wide open, “Detecting high frequency communications, Captain!”

  Des jerked his head to the monitor and saw thousands of blue blips on the monitor. Those frequencies had to be coming from an advanced civilization. He punched the communicator and said loudly, “WE’RE DETECTING ADVANCED HIGH FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONS EMINATING FROM THE SPIRAL ARM, COMMANDER!”

  Grady was surprised by the announcement and he ordered, “All ships stop where you are and activate a full passive scan of the spiral arm!”

  Grady heard Abby shout, “Sir, there’s thousands of frequencies originating from the arm!”

  Grady quickly said, “Computer, analyze those frequencies and tell me what you detect.”

  “They are extremely high frequencies that have extreme range. They could only be produced by an advanced civilization.”

  Grady looked at Taffy and saw her anxiety. He looked at the display on his console and pressed a button, “Captain Frye, how did you detect those frequencies?”

  “Sir, you have to credit Captain Meadows with finding them. She ran a full passive scan to determine if we were missing anything.”

  Maranda’s eyes narrowed as she heard Grady say, “Thank you for doing that, Captain Meadows. It appears this arm is inhabited by an advanced alien civilization. The America must have flown into their territory and who knows what happened after that.”

  “Sir, I suggest we continue to look for the colony,” Rory suggested.


  “Because the America arrived in this area more than seventeen thousand years ago. They may not have encountered the aliens and found a planet to settle. We need to find out for sure.”

  Grady glanced at Taffy and heard Abby say, “Sir, our ships will not be easily detected, and we should at least find out if the America survived.”

  Grady nodded and said, “Maintain your current distance from the arm and go back to searching for electronic emissions.” The three ships began moving forward and the next morning, Maranda detected ancient audio-visual emissions.

  • • •

  Grady saw the star ahead of them and the computer announced, “Commander, the number of high frequency emissions has dropped off considerably.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It appears the aliens don’t have a large presence in this section of the arm,” the computer responded.

  Grady turned to Taffy, “I guess we’ll find out how good our absorptive hulls are.” He pressed his console and said, “We’re going in to scout this star system. Desmond, you will form the point of a triangle and lead us in toward the star.”

  “Sir, may I suggest we go in over the top of the sun?”

  “Why would you suggest that, Maranda?”

  “Because if the colony is here, it could be on the other side of the sun. We’re no longer receiving any audio emissions and we need to find a planet that is habitable.”

  Grady shook his head and ordered. “Follow the Brer Rabbit. Take us in, Desmond.”

  • • •

  Maranda was right again, and the habitable planet was located on the other side of the sun from the approach of the three Super Rabbits. The three ships moved in slowly toward it and Maranda announced over the communicator, “I’m detecting debris around the planet, Sir.”

  Grady saw the huge debris field and said, “Analysis, Computer.”

  “The debris is made up of advanced metals, Commander. There are two different types of ships in the field and it appears there was a large space battle that took place years ago.”

  “How many years ago, Computer?”

  “Judging by the decay of the radioactive elements in those destroyed ships, anywhere from seventy to a hundred years ago.”

  The three crews heard the computer’s analysis and Grady stared at the distant planet. He turned to Taffy, “Have you detected any ships near the planet?”

  “No, Sir, I have not.”

  Grady stared at the monitor and Abby interjected, “There could be stealth ships at the planet, Sir. We wouldn’t detect them.”

  Grady wondered why no ships were around the planet and he had to make a hard decision. “Captain Frye move your ship into orbit above the planet. We will move in with you and defend your vessel if it’s attacked. Send us a feed on what you find on the planet’s surface.”

  Maranda rolled her eyes and knew if there were warships at the planet using stealth technology, they might be attacked before the other two rabbits could respond. She powered up the Brer Rabbit’s defenses and saw Desmond nod. “Activate your optical system, Maranda.”

  “Why? If they have stealth technology…”

  Des interrupted her, “We won’t detect them electronically, but even with black hulls, they can be seen visually.” Maranda stared at him and activated the optical system. She didn’t think of that. She was letting the stress of the moment get to her.

  As the Brer Rabbit moved in, Taffy said over the monitor, “We’re scanning for any gravity or energy disturbances around the planet. If we detect anything, I’ll notify you and you’ll need to get out of there at maximum speed.”

  “Will do, Captain!” Des responded. The Brer Rabbit arrived in orbit above the planet and Des said to Maranda, “Use the optical system to scan the planet. See if you can find any intelligent life on the surface.”

  “I’m already seeing what appears to be large cultivated fields on the planet’s surface, Sir,” Maranda replied.

  “Move the view in and send the feed to the other two ships.” Maranda nodded and wondered how Des could be so calm. The view moved in closer and then they saw humans working in the fields. Every one of them had a collar around their necks that had a flashing orange light on it. Maranda moved the view across the field and stopped it as an alien appeared.

  Grady sa
w the alien and was surprised by its appearance. It appeared to be a hairless bi-ped standing about five feet tall. It was dark brown in color and had a pot belly. It wore a bright yellow colored uniform that stood out in the field. Grady suspected that was to make sure it was seen by the humans farming the field. The view moved out slightly and he saw numerous yellow uniforms scattered around the giant field.

  Large harvesters were moving through the field gathering the crops and processing them as they were collected. Bales of the crops fell out of the harvesters into a vehicle moving directly behind them and, when it was filled, another truck moved in behind it. Grady glanced at Taffy and she shook her head, nothing had been detected above the planet.

  Suddenly, the view changed, and it went in close to an alien running through the rows of crops. The alien arrived where a man was lying on the ground trying to get up. The alien said something, and the man rose to his knees and then fell. The alien took a device off his belt and a woman and young child came rushing up throwing themselves on the man. The alien pressed a button on the device and the collar around the man’s neck tightened suddenly and his head was separated from his body. The woman and child were wailing, as the alien lifted the device and said something into it.

  A small sled came rushing in above the dead man and lowered to the ground. The man’s body was thrown on the sled and the alien pointed the device at the woman and child. He nodded toward the sled and the woman lifted the child and hesitated. The alien raised the device at them and she quickly went to the sled and sat down in it.

  “Des follow that sled and see what it’s up to!” Grady ordered.

  “Got it, Sir.”

  The humans working in the field stared at the alien and he lifted the device and pointed it at them. They immediately went back to work. The sled lifted, as the driver kept a device pointed at the woman. It moved out of the giant field and headed out toward a large forest about thirty miles away. It arrived at the edge of a large clearing and the driver said something to the woman. She was weeping as she pushed the body of the man out of the sled to the ground. The sled immediately moved into the center of the clearing, went to the ground, and the woman and child were ordered out of the sled. The driver pointed the device at the woman and suddenly, their collars fell off. The driver kept, what appeared to be a blaster pointed at the woman as he gathered the two collars and went back to the sled. The driver raised the sled, and it quickly flew away back toward the farm.


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