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Saving America

Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

  Andrew’s eyes narrowed, and he replied in an angry tone, “HOW COULD YOU HAVE RECOMMENDED ME TO COMMAND A CARRIER WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH ME?!”

  Maranda replied sternly, “I DIDN’T!”

  Andrew’s head went back, and his expression showed surprise, “What do you mean, you didn’t?”

  “I didn’t recommend you and at this point I don’t think I ever would.” Andrew was shocked by the revelation and Maranda sat back. “You were chosen based on the merits of your success during training. If you must know, I would never recommend anything that would cause you to leave my ship; I depend on you too much. This was done without consulting me. You were given the command because you earned it, Captain!”

  Andrew stared at her and then lowered his head, “I’m sorry, Admiral. I thought you made this happen.”

  “Andrew, you’re acting crazy. You are without doubt the best officer in fleet to command one of the new carriers; what’s going on?”

  “So, you didn’t want me to leave?”

  “I just told you I didn’t!”

  Andrew sighed and said softly, “I apologize, Maranda. I thought you wanted to get rid of me because of my challenging you during training.”

  Maranda stared at him and sighed, “I admit you really made me angry, but you proved just how talented you are during the rest of training. I would have no issues turning combat operations over to you. I know you would do as good a job as I can. I hate that you’ll be leaving the Songbird.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?” Maranda asked.

  “Do you hate I’ll be leaving you?” Maranda stared into Andrew’s eyes and then lowered her head. Andrew asked again, “How do you feel personally about me leaving?” Maranda kept her head down in silence and Andrew said softly, “You did say we could be informal and open in this room.”

  Maranda released a large sigh and looked up, “I really can’t answer your question.”

  Andrew saw something in her eyes and said, “You can’t say because I mean more to you than just your second-in-command?” Maranda lowered her head again and nodded slightly.

  “Sir, may I refuse this promotion?”

  Maranda’s head came up instantly and she started to respond but stopped. She leaned back in her chair and shook her head before saying, “Andrew, you need to think this through. It’s clear you haven’t.” Andrew’s head tilted. Maranda continued, “I’m not saying I have personal feelings for you but what would happen to us if I did?” Andrew stared at her in silence, and Maranda added, “Could either of us hide those feelings, if they exist? Fleet regulations forbids an officer from having anyone under their command that they have a personal relationship with. You would be forced to leave my ship if this were true.” Andrew stared at her and Maranda said softly, “It’s better if we both refuse to admit any feelings for each other and you take the promotion. Your duty is to defend Melbourne and commanding one of the new carriers is the best means of your doing that. You know it…and so do I. Some things are more important than our selfish desires. But either way, you would still end up leaving the Songbird. I see no way you would remain on board.”

  Andrew stared at Maranda, and though her expression was neutral, he saw pain in her eyes. He sighed and said softly, “You are wise, Maranda. I apologize for my behavior and I’ll change it immediately. I just thought you didn’t want me on the Songbird and let it bother me. I’m sorry.”

  Maranda nodded slightly and said, “I need you, Andrew.”

  Andrew had the answer he needed. She didn’t say she needed him to be her best officer; that would have to be enough. He stood up and forced a smile, “Thank you, Sir, for answering my issues.” Maranda nodded, and Andrew left the ready room. Maranda watched him leave and put her head in her hands. She stayed there until she managed to get her emotions under control. Then she went to the bridge and sat in her command chair. She turned to Todd and asked, “Status on the freighters assigned to the Songbird?”

  “They are in formation and fleet has authorized our departure.”

  “Captain Tarangelo, launch the defense wings and Lt. Tyers, set course for the far side of the Sagittarius-Carina Spiral Arm.” Syl pushed the thrusters forward and the large fleet of giant ships went into their stardrives and disappeared from above Melbourne.

  • • •

  The giant formations launched from Melbourne moved high above the Milky Way far above any scouts the Fagan might have above their territory. Maranda looked through the viewport at the Milky Way passing far below her formation and reveled in its beauty. Andrew had kept his promise and returned to his normal smiling demeanor and the crew wondered what the admiral had done to cause the change. But they put it aside, he was back to normal and the ship became a happy place to be. Andrew looked at Lt. Stahl as he announced, “We will be rendezvousing with the commercial freighters in forty-eight hours, Sir.”

  Maranda nodded and pressed a button. Grady appeared on her console’s small display and Maranda asked, “When do you want your scouts sent, Grady?”

  “Do you currently have scouts scanning the outer edge of the spiral arm?”

  “All three carriers have wings out between our formations and the Fagan, Sir.”

  Grady smiled, “Maranda, you outrank me now.”

  “No, I don’t, Sir. Fleet has you listed as Britannia’s supreme fleet commander. Besides, you’ll always be senior to me in my eyes.”

  Grady smiled and replied, “We won’t need them until you start moving in to America. Send them as you start moving into the far edge of the Sagittarius-Carina Arm.”

  “Will do. Stay safe, Grady.” Grady nodded, and the display went dark. Maranda sat back in her chair and decided that she needed to get some rest. She had been at her console for twelve hours, “Captain Connor, you have the ship.”

  “Yes Sir!” Andrew answered, and he moved to her chair. She left the bridge and went to her quarters. She collapsed on the bed and instantly fell asleep.

  • • •

  The Fagan High Leader looked at the Fleet Manager on his monitor and heard, “High Leader, we’ve not found any evidence of invisible ships. I’ve also determined that we can launch the invasion early if you so desire.”

  “How much earlier?”

  “Now, if you want?”

  The High Leader stared at the Fleet Manager in silence for a long moment and then answered, “No, we will keep the schedule we’ve made. Continue to search for that invisible ship.”

  “Yes, High Leader.”

  The High Leader worried about that invisible ship. If it was a scout for an advanced civilization and he sent the huge fleets gathered at the outer edge of the spiral arm now, would this imagined civilization attack? He didn’t know, and that uncertainty made him pause. He’d give the fleets more time to search. There was no need to rush the invasion with that uncertainty hanging over him.

  • • •

  The huge formation of Carriers and freighters moved out from above the Sagittarius arm and dropped toward America’s star system. The carriers launched all their Super Rabbit wings ahead of them and the twenty-four-thousand Super Rabbits spread out between America and Fagan territory. They activated their scanners and searched for any Fagan ships moving toward America.

  Maranda turned to Captain Tarangelo, “Status, Captain?”

  “Sir, all but five hundred of our ships have been launched. Those remaining have moved around the Songbird in defense formation.”

  “Do they understand their orders, Captain?”

  “They do, Admiral.”

  Andrew turned around and asked, “Admiral, what happens if the frequency the freighters are going to send doesn’t release the collars of the inhabitants?”

  Maranda shrugged, “Then this will be the fastest mission you’ll ever go on, Captain. We’ll be forced to back out and go home without them.” Andrew stared at her and Maranda leaned forward, “I don’t think that will be an issue.”

  “We’ve had stealth scouts at America for a month and they’ve recorded numerous instances of the Fagan killing inhabitants; the same frequency was used in every instance. The same release frequency was also used when the family of the one killed was taken out to die in the wilderness.”

  “Did we attempt to save the families, Sir?”

  Maranda shook her head, “We can’t risk being discovered, Captain. We were forced to not intervene.” Andrew nodded and turned back to his console. Maranda felt her anger rise and she looked forward to the coming mission. The Fagan on America would get their due shortly.

  • • •

  The Fagan Freighter moved through space and arrived above the conquered planet. Shuttles began moving out of the freighter toward the planet’s surface and in a matter of hours they began moving back to the freighter with the crops they picked up from the collection centers. The process continued for four days and finally, the last shuttle entered the giant freighter and it turned and began moving away from the planet. It activated its stardrive and flew out of the star system at its best-speed.

  Rory lifted his communicator, “All rabbits move into your assigned positions. Stealth freighters move into orbit above the planet and be prepared to broadcast the frequency on my command.”

  Maranda looked at Richard and he nodded, “They’re in position, Admiral.” Maranda nodded and turned back to the main monitor showing the planet. She knew twenty coated freighters were moving into position above America and kick off was about to commence. After what seemed like forever, Rory said over the fleet frequency, “FREIGHTERS’ BROADCAST THE FREQUENCY! RABBITS, YOU ARE FREE TO FIRE ONCE COLLAR DROP HAS BEEN VERIFIED!”

  • • •

  A stealth scout hovered above one of the giant farming communities and had its optical scanner focused on the fields. Suddenly, every worker in the field had their collars fall off. The scout yelled over his communicator, “COLLAR DROP CONFIRMED! COLLAR DROP CONFIRMED!”

  Five hundred Super Rabbits holding position above the giant collection buildings pressed their firing buttons. A white-hot beam came out of space above the collection buildings and blasted them into vapor. Simultaneously with the blaster hits, the workers in the field suddenly realized they were no longer wearing collars. They looked at each other in amazement as the Fagan in the fields were stunned by the explosion of the collection buildings. One of the workers turned and charged a Fagan standing close by. He raised his shovel and jammed it into the Fagan’s chest as it lifted its hand remote and continuously pressed it. The Fagan overlords were rushed and in a matter of minutes, all of them were stabbed or hacked to death.

  • • •

  The five hundred Super Rabbits flashed down to the surface and activated an external loud speaker. It immediately began announcing at an incredibly loud volume, “Attention all workers, attention all workers. We have come to take you to a safe place and will be sending a large vessel to transport you off the planet. Pack what ever you can carry and prepare to board the ship. You must do this quickly before the Fagan can send warships.” The announcement continued repeating and most of the people in fields could only look at each other in stunned silence. Then, a large shadow covered the field and they saw a giant ship moving out of the sky. The people suddenly realized what was being said and they rushed out of the fields toward the huts they lived in on the perimeter of the giant community.

  The freighter Captain saw the workers running out of their homes toward his freighter and nodded to his communication officer. He began announcing over the freighters loud speakers, “Do not rush the ship! Slow down and board the ship in an orderly manner walking slowly. We need time to get you organized inside and we have room for all of you. Stop running and enter the ship in an orderly fashion.”

  The mad rush slowed, and a large crowd gathered at the bottom of the boarding ramp. A sailor yelled, “Please walk up the ramp in ten lines and you will be directed inside on where to go. Form ten lines and enter the ship in an orderly fashion!”

  The crowd sorted itself out and ten lines of people began moving quickly up the ramp and into the ship. Out of chaos, came order and the process proceeded quickly.

  • • •

  Maranda had ten communities scheduled to pick up and it was at the third community that trouble raised its head. The scouts had reported that a large Fagan fleet had passed far out from America headed toward the outer arm. A single ship had left the fleet and headed toward America. The Wing Commander asked for orders and Abby replied, “If it continues toward America, you’re going to have to destroy it before it can communicate with that fleet.”

  The wing commander watched the Fagan warship continue toward America and when it arrived at the outer edge of America’s star system, he fired three mini-missiles into the ship blasting it into rubble and gas. He ordered three of his ships, “Go out and follow that Fagan fleet. Let me know if it changes course.” The three Super Rabbits accelerated away.

  • • •

  Twelve hours later, the Fagan Fleet Manager turned to his senior manager, “Has that ship returned from dropping off the worker?”

  “No, I’ve attempted to contact him and failed.”

  “Is he still in communication range?”

  “He is, Fleet Manager.” The fleet manager stared at the Senior Manager and ordered, “Turn the fleet around and head back to where that ship was dropped off.”

  • • •

  “Admiral, the Fagan fleet is changing course and moving back this way!”

  Maranda turned to Todd, “How long before they arrive?”

  “Two hours, Sir.”

  Maranda knew there was no way to complete moving the Americans on board in that time and if she tried to lift the ship, wide spread panic would erupt. She smiled and looked at Andrew, “You know what to do.”

  Andrew pulled Wing Commander Keller up on the main monitor and said, “Commander Keller, we know the Fagan can detect our gravity drives. Move out ahead of that fleet and activate your wing’s gravity drives. See if they’ll turn and follow your wing away from America.”

  Maranda ordered, “Lt. Stahl, put the wing’s scanner feed on the tactical monitor. Lt. Tyers, be ready to raise the ship.” The crew all stared at the tactical monitor and saw the huge Fagan fleet moving at high speed toward America. It moved in close to outer edge of America’s star system and then…it turned slightly. The change in course became pronounced and then started moving away from America.

  Andrew said over his communicator, “Commander Keller, lead that fleet toward the outer edge of the spiral arm closest to the galaxy’s core. Once you’re there, lead them along the spiral arm until the Fagan send in reinforcements to surround you. I need you to keep them chasing you for as long as possible.”

  “Will do, Captain.”

  Maranda exhaled sharply and said, “Thank heavens for that simulation.” The crew cheered, and Maranda knew Andrew’s suggestion during the training simulation saved her ship in actual combat conditions. She learned something in that moment; whenever it was possible, ask for suggestions before acting. She was lucky this time. “Thank you, Captain Connor. Your suggestion was timely and useful.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir.”

  Ashley announced, “Sir, the last of the people in this community will be on board in forty-five minutes.”

  Maranda nodded and turned to Syl, “Prepare to move the ship to the next community.” She turned to Andrew, “Captain Connor, take my personal shuttle along with Lt. Petra and go to the next community and start getting them organized to board the ship. We must pick up the pace. It won’t take the Fagan long to start wondering what the ships they’re pursuing were doing near America.”

  Ashley and Andrew ran off the bridge and Maranda knew time was growing short. The commercial freighters were the first to leave with an escort of Super Rabbits. Right behind them were the military freighters but the carriers were slotted to lift ten communities each. They needed to get moving before th
e Fagan showed back up. So far things had gone ahead of schedule. But the schedule was going to change. Maranda watched the final boarders enter the ship and she ordered, “Get us to the next community, Lieutenant!”

  • • •

  Commander Keller lead the Fagan fleet on a wild chase through the Sagittarius Arm and managed to avoid four other Fagan fleets that came roaring in to trap him. After five days, he realized that the numbers were too high to continue the chase. “All ships shutdown your gravity drives and find an escape route out of the ships around us. Form up above the spiral arm and wait for my orders.”

  • • •

  The Major Fleet Manager saw the High Leader on his monitor and he reported, “High Leader, we detected numerous gravity anomalies and we’ve attempted to trap them for the last five days. We just lost them from our scanners.”


  “High Leader, it is my opinion that they are aware we can detect whatever gravity system they’re using, and they must have shut them down.”

  “Where did you first detect them?”

  “One of my fleets had a ship leave to drop off a worker at one of the slave planets. It was late returning, and he turned his fleet around to investigate. He detected those gravity anomalies and gave chase on my orders.”

  “Did the ship report in?”

  “No, High Leader, it has not.”

  The High Leader’s eyes widened, and he shouted, “Get your fleets back to that slave planet. They had to be leading the fleet away from there!!”

  The Fleet Manager realized the High Leader had to be right. He started issuing orders and the giant fleet turned and accelerated toward America.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Admiral, the scouts are reporting a huge Fagan fleet moving through the arm at high-speed toward America. They’ll arrive in less than four hours.”

  Maranda connected to the external loudspeaker and ordered, “Everyone still not on board has thirty minutes to get on. Get moving now!” There were still more than two-thousand people still outside the ship but the people in line started sprinting on board. Those behind them fell in line and ran as fast as they could into the carrier’s huge landing bay where the crew directed them to open areas to sit down. Maranda looked at Syl, “I need you to lift the ship and get us out of here at our fastest speed. Move the ship directly away from the Fagan fleet moving toward us.”


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