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Saving America

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  She walked out of the room and went to the moving stairs leading to the first floor. She stepped on them and suddenly saw Andrew waiting at the bottom of the stairs leaning against a marble pillar. She saw him staring at her and she kept her eyes on him as she stepped off the stair. He stood up from the pillar and walked over to her. Maranda said in a neutral tone, “You look good in your admiral’s uniform.”

  Andrew shrugged, and the corner of his mouth went up, “I look better than just good.” Maranda chuckled, and Andrew suddenly reached out and pulled her into an embrace. He kissed her, and Maranda’s body stiffened in response…for a moment. Then she relaxed, and Andrew released her. Maranda opened her eyes and asked, “What was that about?”

  “Well, it’s like you told me in the ready room,” he replied.

  Maranda’s head tilted, “Uhhh…what exactly did I tell you?”

  “That it’s against fleet regulations for a superior officer to have a personal relationship with a junior officer under their command. I am no longer a subordinate on your ship and I’m not a junior officer, although you do have more seniority. We’re not violating any fleet regulations if we have a personal relationship.” Maranda stared at him in silence and he saw her anxious expression. “What’s wrong, Maranda?”

  Maranda huffed out a breath and shook her head, “Andrew, I’ve never had a personal relationship with anyone. I have no idea how to act or what to do in a relationship.”

  Andrew’s head went back slightly, “Don’t tell me that you’ve never been asked out at the academy. You’re far too pretty to go unnoticed.”

  Maranda rolled her eyes, “Of course I was asked out, but I promptly sent everyone that asked packing. I was driven to graduate number one in my class and I didn’t have time to waste on foolish men trying to waste my time. I wouldn’t know what a relationship looked like if it slapped me in the face.”

  Andrew smiled slightly, and he took her arm and walked her over to a bench, “Let me see if I can help you understand the ins and outs of being in a relationship.”

  Maranda looked up and said with a hint of sarcasm, “This coming from the master?”

  “Just hear me out, Maranda.”

  “Oh, go ahead!”

  “First thing is that before you consider entering a relationship, you need to get to know the person first.” Maranda tilted her head and Andrew added, “I mean really get to know them.”

  “Go on,” Maranda replied.

  “Secondly, you must make sure that you and the person are compatible. You should share the same likes, dislikes, and dreams. If you’re not compatible, then even the strongest attachments could be sundered.” Maranda’s expression turned neutral as she listened to him. Andrew saw her expression and said, “Good, you’re thinking about it.”

  “And just how do you know that?!”

  “I know that expression; I’ve seen it enough on the Songbird. The final thing is that you’re physically attracted to the person desiring to be in a relationship with you.” Maranda blinked and was silent. Andrew looked into Maranda’s eyes and asked, “Do you know me, Maranda?”


  “Do you know me? It’s not a hard question. The problem with the start of most relationships is that the parties don’t reveal who they really are. They only show their best behavior at the start. You’re actually dating their representative instead of the real person. But you’ve seen me at my worst and best during our time on the carrier. Do you think you really know me?”

  Maranda stared at Andrew and remembered how he challenged her during training and was an ass after she told him he was being promoted. But she also saw him at his best and was often amazed by his insight and intelligence. She finally nodded and asked, “Do you think you know me, Andrew?”

  “I do. I must confess that I initially thought you were an arrogant, haughty, egotistical kid. But I quickly realized that you had to be like that to keep the older officers in line. That included me. I watched you closely over the weeks and I saw that you are incredibly intelligent and possessed a powerful sense of identity. You were good to look at but as I came to see you for who you really are, you only grew more beautiful.” Andrew paused and continued, “That leads us to compatibility. We both command one of the most powerful warships ever built and we love what we do. We’ll never tire of telling each other what happens on our ships and we will also have high interest in what the other is saying. We are naval officers and we come from a common background. Our goals, drives, and dreams are very similar. Can you agree with that?”

  “I guess,” Maranda replied.

  “That brings us to the final requirement of a good relationship. Do you find yourself attracted to me, Maranda?” Maranda was silent, and Andrew added, “I’m eight years older than you and I’m not quite the hunk I used to be at your age. Do you find me attractive?”

  “Do you find me attractive, Andrew?” Maranda suddenly interjected.

  “I’ve already told you that I thought you were absolutely beautiful. I’m amazed by your inner strength, your intelligence, and what I’ve seen of your heart.” Andrew smiled slightly, “You try to keep it hidden most of the time.” Maranda remained silent and Andrew stared intently into her eyes. After a moment he asked, “Do you remember how I greeted you?” Maranda thought of him kissing her and gave a slight nod. “Then simply ask yourself if you want me to do it again.” Maranda stared at him in silence and Andrew stood up, “I know this is sudden and you probably need some time to think this through. I’m going to be training my crew and you’re leaving for the void tomorrow. Contact me if you’re interested. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll have my answer.” Andrew stood up and walked away. Maranda watched him go and wanted to call him back, but her voice didn’t work. This would have been a perfect time for him to kiss her again…but he didn’t. She stood up as he headed toward the front entrance and suddenly felt an arm on her shoulder. She turned and saw Taffy standing next to her.

  “He’s a pretty remarkable person, isn’t he?” Maranda nodded and turned back to see Andrew exit the building. “There’s going to be a lot of broken hearts in fleet over this.”

  Maranda jerked her head back to Taffy, “What are you talking about?”

  “I can’t tell you how many women are angling to get his attention. If you’re claiming him and taking him off the market, they won’t be happy.” Maranda glared at Taffy and she smiled, “Stay in touch, Maranda, I miss you.” Maranda nodded, and Taffy walked away to join Grady at the bottom of the stairs. Maranda turned back to the entrance and sighed. She just didn’t know what to do. This was unexplored territory for her. She finally left and boarded her shuttle to go to the Songbird in orbit. She arrived on the bridge and saw a Captain standing next to her chair, “Sir, I’m Captain Dungy and I’ve been ordered to report to you as your Second-in-Command.”

  Maranda took her chair and saw the captain was all spit and polish. He reminded her of herself at the academy. “Captain Dungy, what is the first order of business when commanding the ship?”

  “To insure it stays safe, Sir.”

  “Have you successfully completed all the carrier training simulations?”

  “All but four, Sir.”

  “You will successfully complete them before you take your position on my ship, is that clear?!”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Maranda glared at him and waved a hand at him, “You’re dismissed. You may start the simulations immediately.” Dungy went to attention, did a perfect about face, and went to his console. It took more than two weeks for Maranda to hammer him hard enough to soften his hard exterior. When she wasn’t on the bridge the crew commiserated with him insisting the admiral wasn’t treating him properly. The crew’s sympathy for him brought them together and Maranda finally let up. He was ready. The Songbird entered the void and joined the other two carriers supporting the squadrons of fighters. Launch and landing operations were continuous, and the time quickly passed.
/>   • • •

  Finally, there was a mass exodus of the remaining Fagan Fleets holding formation in the edge of the Sagittarius-Carina Arm closest to the Perseus Spiral Arm. The three carriers remained on station for two more weeks and were then recalled to Melbourne. Ten wings of stealth scouts moved out and replaced them as the warships assigned to the void turned and headed home.

  • • •

  The Songbird moved into orbit above Melbourne and Maranda saw two brand new carriers out from the planet going through maneuvers. They were slightly different from the Songbird with different sized blasters on their hulls. She contacted Fleet and was told that the first three carriers would undergo modifications for the next three months and that her crew was given liberty until the modifications were completed. She looked at the new carriers and then made the announcement that the crew would disembark for three months of shore time. The cheers deafened her, and the carrier’s crew began collecting their belongings to catch a shuttle to the surface. Maranda remained on board until most of them had boarded shuttles and left the ship. She stood up and looked around the empty bridge for a long moment. She was going to miss it. This was her home and she considered the crew her family. She lifted her communicator, “Prepare my shuttle, Lt. Sherrell.”

  “We’re standing by in the forward bay, Admiral.”

  Maranda landed on the roof of the Fleet Operations Building and spent a day going through debriefing by Fleet Intelligence. The next day, she took her shuttle to the Meadow’s Mansion and dismissed the shuttle crew. She exited the shuttle and found Ben and the entire serving staff awaiting her. They began clapping as Ben walked up and hugged her, “Welcome home, Miss Maranda. How long will you be staying this time?”

  “Several months, Ben. It’s really good to see you.” He released her, and she walked to the serving staff and hugged many of them as she renewed old acquaintances.

  • • •

  A week later, Andrew moved the Garrion into high orbit above Melbourne on one side of the planet and Richard’s Sea Hawk took position on the opposite side. The Garrion is a huge bird-of-prey that was on Melbourne long before the fleeing colonists on the Australia arrived at the planet. It made an Eagle look like a sparrow and it was a real threat to the colonists before it learned that attacking them led to death. Now they flew over the oceans taking huge sea creatures foolish enough to come close to the surface. The original colonists called the Garrion ‘Silent Death’ until it learned to stay away from the human settlements. The Garrion were intelligent and deadly. It was a good name for his carrier.

  The two new carriers were high above the three carriers in low orbit and Andrew launched defense wings to move out and start scanning for any ships moving toward Melbourne. The three carriers had arrived from the void eight days earlier and he hadn’t heard from Maranda. He sighed and guessed he had his answer. He turned to Captain Lyla Forest, “Captain, you have the ship.” Lyla stood up and went to his chair. He went to his quarters and started looking at the scoring of the maneuvers his wings had just completed. After a few hours, he smiled. The ship was ready.

  It wasn’t easy making the bridge crew into a team, but Ensign Oliver had been promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to his carrier from the Songbird to assume the pilot’s position before it left for the void.

  Millie Oliver was an incredible asset that made a huge difference in bringing the crew together. She didn’t censor her thoughts and made comments that had the bridge crew howling in laughter numerous times. But her comments made them think and the crew eventually found commonality and came together. It was odd that just one right person in just the right place could make such a huge difference.

  Suddenly, the monitor in his room activated and he turned to see Maranda. His eyes narrowed, and he commented, “Long time no see.”

  “I’ve wanted to contact you so many times since I’ve arrived back at Melbourne.”

  “Why haven’t you?” Andrew asked with a slightly angry tone.

  Maranda shrugged, “I’ve been rehearsing what I’d say to you and just couldn’t come up with the right words.”

  Andrew leaned back in his chair, “Do you have them now?”

  “Not even close, Andrew. But I decided that I’d just forget trying to come up with them and just contact you anyway.” She paused and asked, “Do you have some free time? What are you doing?”

  “Holding a defensive position above Melbourne at the moment; why do you ask?”

  “I’m at home and was hoping that you might come and talk to me.”

  Andrew sat up straight in his chair, “What about?”

  “We’ll discuss it when you arrive, can you come?”

  “I can possibly arrive in a couple of hours.”

  “That’s too long. Come now!”

  Andrew saw an address appear on his monitor as Maranda disappeared from his communicator. “LT. JOHNSTON, FIRE UP MY SHUTTLE NOW.” Andrew said over his communicator, “Captain Forest, you are in command until I notify you otherwise.”


  “Contact me if you have a problem, Captain.” Andrew ran out of his quarters toward the front bay and contacted Admiral Mulvaney, “Sir, I need some time off.”

  “How long, Admiral?”

  “I’ll let you know. I’m going to meet with Admiral Meadows.”

  Mulvaney smiled, “Take all the time you need. Let me know when you find out.”

  “I will, Sir.” Andrew boarded a cart and flew down the tube at maximum speed. He arrived at the bay and ran to the shuttle.

  • • •

  Maranda shut down her communicator and hit the desk with her fists, “STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!” She should have had it together before she contacted him. She threw herself on her bed and still didn’t know what she was going to say to him. Twenty minutes later, she heard a noise outside her bedroom. It had to be a shuttle landing outside; she was shocked at how fast it had arrived. She leapt off her bed, ran out of her room down the stairs, and rushed by Ben as he opened the front doors. He was startled and flinched as she ran past him, “What’s going on?”

  Maranda sprinted up to the shuttle just as Andrew exited. She came to a stop in front of him and Ben saw that neither of them were saying anything. They just stared at each other in silence. Suddenly, Maranda rushed forward, wrapped her arms around the man and put her head on his chest, as she started crying. He saw the man close his eyes and pull her closer.

  Andrew felt Maranda’s tears on his chest and opened his eyes. Maranda was out of uniform wearing a yellow and royal blue sundress and he shook his head at how beautiful she was. He raised an arm and caressed her hair before he looked over her and saw the tall servant standing behind her. He looked up at the huge mansion and asked in a bewildered tone, “Is this where you live?”

  Maranda released him, wiped her eyes with a handkerchief Ben handed her, and nodded, “My family build it and lived here until my parents died. My company now owns it, but it is still my home.” She saw him shaking his head and she smiled, “Come with me and I’ll show you my room.” She took his hand and pulled him up the stairs, “Ben, can you have a dinner ready in two hours?”

  “It will be waiting for you, Miss Maranda.”

  Maranda pulled Andrew up the stairs and they disappeared into her personal quarters. Ben turned to a servant and smiled, “Have a dinner ready for Miss Maranda and her guest in three hours.” The servant nodded, and Ben was spot on in the time. Maranda discovered that there were more important things than words; they would come later.


  Grady and Taffy sat in their living room with Rory and Abby watching a soap opera. Suddenly, the Prime Minister appeared on the huge monitor in front of them, “I apologize for contacting you at this late hour, but I’ve just received some reports from our scouts in the Sagittarius Arm that concerns me. I hope you don’t mind if I discuss them with you.”

  “What’s going on?” Grady asked.

  “Have you ever won
dered why the Fagan warships aren’t very advanced?”

  Rory nodded, “I have, Sir. They only use blasters that aren’t that powerful.”

  “Well, we have an answer to that question now,” the Prime Minister responded.

  “Do tell,” Grady commented.

  “They don’t have advanced warships because they haven’t needed them, not because they couldn’t build them.” The Prime Minister saw the four were confused by his statement and he added, “One of our scouts intercepted a communication from that High Leader that was sent out to all the planets in their civilization. It appears that every one of those planets have ship building factories on them, but they aren’t being used. It also appears they possess advanced weapon technology that they have always been developing but not using as well.”

  Taffy shrugged, “Why divert all the time and natural resources to build something you’re not using, right?”

  “That’s right, Mrs. Henricks. They were safe in their territory and didn’t need to build huge fleets they didn’t use. But that changed with their run in with the Britannia Aliens. The High Leader has ordered warship construction to commence using all the advanced technology at their disposal. He also ordered a vessel built that can take on the alien planet killers. The scouts report that construction activity in their space has exploded. In less than a week after the High Leader issued his orders, one of our scouts recorded four large warships going into orbit above one of their planets. Those ships had larger blasters and missile ports on their hulls. The scout took a huge risk, but he actively scanned one of the ships. He managed to escape the pursuit of the defensive forces above the planet and sent his scan to our scientists.” The Prime Minister paused and said, “What made escaping so difficult was those four new warships participated in the pursuit. They’re extremely fast, Grady. The scientists say they may be as fast as the Super Rabbits. They also appear to be more than a match to Earth’s newest warships. Reports coming in indicates the Fagan are building them at an incredible speed.”


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