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Cassandra's Chateau

Page 18

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘Can you think of anything, my dear?’ he enquired politely.

  Cassandra thought swiftly. ‘It seems quite warm to me,’ she said softly. ‘I think perhaps they should be rewarded for their efficiency.’

  For a moment his face darkened, and Rupert and Françoise glanced at each other in surprise.

  ‘Why don’t they have tomorrow afternoon off and we can arrange a little sports competition for them in the gym,’ she added. ‘The winner can have Peter as a prize and the loser …’

  ‘Will go to the punishment chair,’ he finished shortly. Then he smiled at her. ‘How clever of you, Cassandra. You’re a far more thoughtful employer than I am, I fear.’ The maids knew better, and knew too that their sense of fear would continue to mount all through the night and the following morning until the competition was held.

  Content that the entertainment for the following afternoon had been organised, and pleased that this would involve Nicola in a less active role than the one she would play that evening, and therefore enable him to judge how she responded in a situation where she was a controller, he turned his attention back to the meal.

  The main course of duck with prunes was one of the baron’s favourites, and much to the waiting maids’ relief he found no complaint with it, even going so far as to instruct them to give the chef his compliments. The dessert was a mango ice cream served in individual egg shapes, and the shell of the eggs was represented by a thin layer of bitter chocolate, while at the heart of the ice cream itself there was a spoonful of mango purée.

  To the baron’s delight, Nicola took a great fancy to this and when offered more accepted gratefully, so that by the end of the meal she’d consumed four of the deceptively rich desserts as well as more than her share of the petit fours that were served with their coffee.

  The baron had already instructed Cassandra to remain at the table for coffee. When they left the dining room for their evening’s excitement they would all be together. At last he rose from his chair, walking round behind Nicola’s and stopping to let his hands adjust the Alice band. ‘Whose idea was this?’ he asked in amusement.

  ‘Françoise thought it would help to keep my hair behind my ears,’ explained Nicola. ‘I’m trying to grow it,’ she added.

  ‘Françoise, you are wonderfully decadent!’ laughed the baron. ‘If you have your way she’ll look no older than twelve by the time you leave.’

  ‘But I thought …’ murmured Nicola.

  ‘It suits me very well for tonight,’ the baron assured her with a sideways glance at Cassandra, but she wasn’t taking any notice of the conversation because she was talking to Giovanni, who was sitting on her left and whose hand was covering hers where it lay on the tablecloth.

  ‘Cassandra!’ he said sharply.

  She lifted her head and looked at him questioningly.

  ‘Is everything ready?’

  ‘Of course. Shall I lead the way?’

  The baron nodded, and when Nicola rose from her chair he took hold of her by the elbow and guided her firmly along the corridor and up a short flight of stairs she’d never seen before until they came to a small room with a padlock on it. As the baron removed a key from his pocket and unlocked it, Nicola started to back away but Rupert was just behind her and when the door swung open she was carried into the room by the pressure of the others behind her.

  She stared about her in surprise. It looked more like a doctor’s consulting room than a drawing room in a French chateau. A high examination couch was set in the middle of the floor, with a white trolley next to it containing numerous instruments, pairs of gloves, sets of towels and other medical-style aids, while over by the window there was a long, low chair that she suddenly realised was the kind favoured by dentists with the tip-back head and adjustable footrest.

  A thick carpet covered the floor, and heavy shutters were even now being drawn across the windows so that it was necessary for Cassandra to turn on the lights in order for them all to be able to see.

  Giovanni looked about him in as much surprise as Nicola. Although he knew very well the kind of things that must go on in the chateau it was still an incongruous room to find in such a tasteful building. Just the same his excitement rose, particularly when he realised that it would be the naive young English girl who was to be the recipient of their attentions.

  As Cassandra arranged some of the more vital instruments on the trolley the baron stood behind her. ‘About this afternoon,’ he murmured, his hand staying on hers for a moment. ‘You did enjoy it, didn’t you?’

  ‘With Giovanni?’ she asked innocently.

  ‘No, with me. What we did, it gives you pleasure does it not?’

  ‘You saw what happened; if that’s pleasure, then yes, it did.’

  ‘Cassandra …’ He hesitated. ‘I had to do it. I needed to see you like that for me.’

  He had never come so close to an apology and she was startled. Turning her head she smiled softly at him. ‘It’s all right. After all, sometimes I ask for it.’


  ‘Besides, I assumed it was part of the game,’ she added, although she was well aware that it hadn’t been; that it had been a rare moment of loss of control on his part, caused by watching her with the Italian.

  He smiled more easily. ‘You are right of course; as long as you understand that.’

  ‘I understand you quite well I think,’ she murmured.

  ‘Excellent. Now, let us see how well Nicola does tonight. You must help her all you can, Cassandra.’

  ‘I know.’

  While they talked together, Nicola was trying to back away from the examination couch so that she was near the door, but to her horror she found that the baron’s manservant, Peter, was blocking the exit and then when the baron and Cassandra stopped talking all the people in the room except for Peter began to take off their clothes.

  ‘Hurry up!’ said Françoise. ‘Dieter hates to be kept waiting.’

  The silk dress was easy to remove, having a concealed zip down the left hand side, and to her relief Nicola wasn’t the last to remove everything. That was Rupert, but apparently Rupert could do what he liked because the baron merely glanced round the room for Nicola.

  ‘Come here, little one,’ he said encouragingly. ‘Tonight you will lose your virginity in a different way. Giovanni, help her up onto the couch.’ Giovanni’s strong hands grasped her above her hips and he lifted her into the air and then laid her on her back on the hard couch. She stared up at the ceiling and felt her teeth starting to chatter.

  ‘Turn on your side so that you’re facing the door,’ the baron said softly. ‘Rupert, you’d better come a little nearer, in case she needs some diversion. Cassandra, slip a towel beneath her hips. We don’t want any accidents.’

  ‘Lift your hips, Nicola,’ Cassandra said quietly, and then a thick cotton towel was placed beneath the quaking girl’s lower body. ‘That’s good; now bend your knees and pull them up tight against your chest.’

  Puzzled, Nicola obeyed, and immediately felt an uncomfortable pressure in both her bladder and bowels. Suddenly she wished that she hadn’t eaten and drunk so much during the meal. The baron ran a hand down the curved back and then over her waist and across the tight stomach, letting his fingers spread out and press firmly above her pubic bone. She flinched and he nodded in approval.

  ‘As you know, Nicola,’ he said gently, ‘I believe in people learning to control their bodies. You have already begun to learn how to control your orgasms, tonight you will also learn mastery of your bladder and bowels. At the same time you will be pleased to hear that you will experience some extremely strong orgasms that should compensate for your afternoon with Françoise!’

  Giovanni decided to join the baron and Cassandra at the back of the girl, and so it was he who was allowed to spread the cool jelly around her virginal rear entrance for the very first time and immediately Nicola began to protest.

  ‘No! I don’t want to do that,’ she cried, remembering watch
ing the pearls slipping inside Cassandra two days earlier. ‘It will hurt.’

  ‘It will only hurt if you don’t relax,’ said the baron, his voice soothing. ‘I assure you that the delights to come far outweigh any initial discomfort.’

  Nicola started to move, and immediately Rupert pinned her to the table again. ‘It’s pointless to struggle,’ the baron continued. ‘After all, this is why Sir James sent you to me. There’s more to sex than the missionary position you know.’

  Once more his hand kneaded her stomach and again Nicola felt pressure on her bladder and her bowels began to churn. ‘I think she will have to be cleansed before we begin,’ the baron remarked. ‘Cassandra, the enema bag please.’

  Françoise saw Nicola’s face as she heard the murmured instruction, and a thrill of excitement ran through her. She loved to watch initiations of any kind, and this one promised to be highly enjoyable.

  ‘Hold her legs where they are,’ the baron instructed Giovanni. ‘Make sure her knees stay bent, it will make things far easier. Now Nicola, press down so that we can get the head of the tubing in more easily.’

  Nicola didn’t feel as though she dared to push down. Terror had turned her bowels to water and she was already gripped by fierce cramps even before the enema had been administered. Cassandra stroked the cheeks of the girl’s bottom, soothing her and at the same time causing small frissons of pleasure in the area. ‘Do as he says, Nicola. Believe me, it will all be worth it in the end. I’ve been in your position myself, so I know what I’m talking about.’

  Rupert began to play idly with one of Nicola’s nipples, pressing it flat against her breast and then watching it rise up again as soon as he released it. Her long nipples fascinated him and her softly whispered plea for him to stop never even registered.

  The baron carefully lubricated the end of the tubing Cassandra had handed him, and then inserted it into the already greased opening between the buttocks. He eased it in very carefully, but Nicola still cried out and begged him to stop.

  She hated the feeling of being so totally in other people’s hands. Rupert was playing with her breasts, Giovanni was holding her legs in place and Cassandra was talking to her. She seemed to be nothing but a toy for their amusement.

  ‘Now tighten a little,’ murmured the baron, and when Nicola obeyed the tubing slid further inside her back passage until it reached the white line drawn round it. ‘Stop there,’ he said quickly. Next he carefully filled the bag at the opposite end with soapy water and squeezed.

  As it rushed up the tube and into the trapped girl’s body her stomach heaved and she struggled frantically to free herself. ‘Keep still!’ said the baron curtly. ‘If you wish to please me then control yourself. This is only the beginning.’

  Since she seemed unable to distract herself from the sensation he pressed again on the sensitive spot at the base of her stomach, which meant that now her overfull bladder made itself felt as well and she moaned afresh as she fought to stop her body from disgracing her.

  When sufficient liquid had been pumped into her the tubing was withdrawn, but Nicola had to remain on her side for several minutes in order to make sure it did its work thoroughly. She could feel the sharp contractions of her stomach as her bowels twisted and turned and strange shooting sensations travelled between her thighs and along her lower stomach.

  Rupert decided to help her pass the time by licking the nipple nearest to him, covering it with saliva and then removing his mouth so that she could feel the liquid evaporating as the nipple remained rigid.

  Both Cassandra and Françoise knew how the girl was feeling. They knew that every part of her would seem full to bursting point and that the flashes of pleasure mixed in with the streaks of pain would be hard to distinguish at this early stage. ‘Take her behind the screen,’ said the baron at last. ‘It should have worked by now.’

  Silently Cassandra helped Nicola off the couch and led her behind a Chinese lacquered screen in one corner of the room. There she was shown a portable toilet where she was at last allowed to release the soapy mixture from her back passage and as it gushed from her she felt the heavy swollen pressure in her stomach ease a little.

  ‘That’s all,’ said Cassandra, suddenly realising that Nicola was hoping to relieve her bladder as well. ‘Come on, they’re waiting for you. The worst’s over now.’

  Nicola crossed the carpeted floor and climbed onto the couch without raising her head. She simply couldn’t look at any of them, but once she was lying back in the same position and opened her eyes to stare at the door where freedom eventually lay, she saw Rupert’s straining erection on a level with her face.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ laughed Françoise. ‘He’s saving it for later.’

  ‘Now,’ said the baron with satisfaction, ‘we can really start teaching you the pleasures of anal sex. First I think we need to find out how tight you are. Cassandra, hand me the gauge.’

  Nicola heard sounds at the trolley and tried to turn her head to look but Rupert held her face between his hands. ‘More fun to wait and see how it feels,’ he said with a smile.

  ‘I’ll do it for you,’ said Cassandra to the baron and she kept the smooth piece of polished ivory in her own hands. It was a good seven inches long with a small rounded head and the length had been carved into ever increasing undulations that would slowly stretch Nicola’s rectum until it would be able to take Rupert’s straining and thick erection.

  Cassandra covered the head in more lubricating jelly and then pressed it against the tender bottom mouth, but Nicola clenched herself tightly against it. The baron tickled the base of her spine, brushing the downy hair there and causing an involuntary relaxing of her muscles. Cassandra took advantage of this to press the head of the ivory column home and then as Nicola tightened around it she kept it still.

  ‘Move it from side to side,’ suggested Françoise. ‘That can feel quite nice, even early on.’

  Cassandra did, but Nicola gasped as the walls of her back passage reacted violently against the touch coming so soon after the enema and on top of two glasses of a cordial specifically designed to stimulate all her nerve endings and increase every response.

  ‘Please, I don’t want to do this,’ she begged the baron but he simply continued to stroke her back and shoulders, murmuring words of encouragement as Cassandra very slowly twisted and pressed against the ivory until the first four undulations had been inserted.

  ‘That’s probably enough,’ remarked the baron. ‘Hold it there for a time, and move it back and forth, she should enjoy that.’

  Nicola was so tight everywhere, so sensitive and tense, that she only wanted to be left alone but as Cassandra moved the object gently back and forth, sharp jolts of arousal began to travel from her abused rear opening through the dividing membrane to her vagina and up along the connected nerves to where her pressurised bladder was already struggling to cope.

  The baron let his hand cup her swollen stomach and felt the frantic ripples beneath the skin. ‘You’re doing very well, Nicola,’ he said kindly and she felt a moment’s delight. ‘Remove the ivory now,’ he continued. ‘We’ll lie her on her front for a change.’ Rupert and Giovanni grasped Nicola and turned her over so that she was lying on her stomach, the ivory expander had now been extracted but her flesh still seemed to feel its presence.

  ‘Move her up the couch,’ suggested Françoise. ‘I’ll sit at the end then she can give me some pleasure if she gets bored!’ Nicola couldn’t imagine feeling like doing anything for anyone else at the moment, but within seconds she was being pushed up the couch until her head was over the end where Françoise had seated herself on a stool with her clearly excited breasts just in front of Nicola. ‘Suck me,’ she ordered the girl. ‘Let’s see how well you remember what your own nipples liked. I want mine to grow as large as yours did this afternoon.’

  There was the sound of a quiet laugh from Rupert. ‘That would be a miracle, Françoise!’

  ‘There’s no harm in trying,’ she respon
ded coolly. ‘Start now Nicola, before Dieter distracts you again.’

  Realising that this might give her a moment’s respite from the baron’s manipulations, Nicola hastily moved to obey, but again this was something new for her and her tongue was soft and hesitant against the Brazilian woman’s breasts.

  ‘Harder than that,’ complained Françoise. ‘And suck on them as well. Remember how yours like to be sucked?’

  Nicola did, and the simple pressure of the hard couch beneath her breasts, coupled with Françoise’s words was sufficient to start them throbbing again. She wished that she hadn’t been given more of the green cordial to drink; it seemed to have this effect on her, making even simple movements feel like sensual caresses and keeping her in a constant state of arousal and need.

  As she tongued the tanned breasts in front of her, the baron got Cassandra to slip a long thin cushion beneath and across the prostrate girl, positioning it so that it rested at the base of her stomach, maintaining relentless pressure on her bladder.

  Once it was in place, Nicola tried to shift her lower body in order to ease the sparks of discomfort, but the baron’s firm hands pressed down against her back and this made the sensations worse. ‘Lie still or I’ll strap you in place,’ he said dispassionately. ‘Even the maids have learnt how to cope with this; surely you can do as well as they can?’

  Nicola wasn’t sure, but she tried to distract herself by working more feverishly on Françoise, whose breasts responded with gratifying speed. ‘Very good,’ murmured Rupert’s wife. ‘We must spend more time alone together.’

  The baron took advantage of Nicola’s distraction and pointed to something on the trolley. Cassandra’s eyes opened wide and she looked at him questioningly. He nodded, and realising that she shouldn’t be trying to spare Nicola any of these trials, Cassandra gave in, handing over what she had always considered was the most cruel of his toys, particularly when the recipient was in the state that Nicola was in.


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