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Sold at the Ski Resort

Page 10

by Juliana Conners

  When I don’t hear anything after a second courtesy knock, I let myself in.

  As I expected, the room’s empty. Completely and slept in.

  “Well,” I murmur to myself, heading to the bathroom and undressing, “that’ll give me time to freshen up a bit before any company.”

  After undressing, I turn on the water for the shower and climb in. Not long after the warm water begins to run down my body, my thoughts return to Alex. To all the ways in which he touched and tasted me. All the ways he filled me. Not just physically, but emotionally as well.

  And to think I was just coming on this trip for Mariah. For her fulfillment. I grab a lavender-scented bar of soap, and began to lather it on my tender, happy skin. As I do, memories of my wild and satisfying night bubble up. But I was actually the one who got my needs met. And I didn’t have to live vicariously through my friend. I worked the soap into my creases, enjoying bits of sensitivity as I do. And I finally found the man I’ve been dreaming about. I sigh, feeling some of my floaty feeling dissipate. But I can’t get too serious about him. This is just for the weekend. Just for this trip. I can’t ask for any more than that. I rinse the soap from my body, watching it go down the drain. To do so would be selfish and stupid.

  Chapter 17


  December 25— Christmas Day.

  Fresh mountain air rushing past my face is the only thing that cools my memories of last night. Of Jane swinging helplessly and lusciously sex swing to my every whim. My every motion and desire. More than that, the feeling of her hunger — her equal willingness to submit as my will to dominate — that’s what excites me, even now. Even as I’m skiing down a more difficult run with my brother.

  Jordan’s here as well, but he lingers on the side of us. Closer to the woods, the wild side of the slopes. The way he moves, it’s like he’s a member of my wolf pack, working to corner Paul when he refuses to answer us.

  With a simple gesture from me, Paul’s escape route is cut off by Jordan. “That’s our money that went into your good night, man.” Exactly as I’d silently hoped, the way he’s positioned himself, means that Paul can’t just get away. Sneak past, like he’s done for the last hour and a half. “You’re, like, obligated to tell us how it went. What happened.”

  At least that’s what thought. Until my brother just activates his super-Jaguar powers and bends past and through Jordan. It’s like he’s not even there. “I don’t remember that being part of the deal,” he answers. “You wanted me to forget about Darla, and I forgot about her.” He zips down a bit of an incline, purposely spraying some snow in Jordan’s face. “Mission accomplished.”

  Jordan shakes off the snow, and flips him the bird. Of course, my brother returns fire, which only pisses off my friend more. I watch as Jordan skates down toward him saying,. He skates down toward me. “That wasn’t a five-dollar fuck, yo. We deserve some details.” He pauses, looking frustrated at more than just the snow that’s melting into his jacket. Into his uncovered spots. “I mean, at least give me something, man!”

  I choose this moment to coast up to my brother and whisper, “He didn’t get any girl to take his bid, so his bed was empty.”

  A snowball collides with the side of my head almost instantaneously. “Hey! You said you wouldn’t tell him that!”

  I dust the snow off, talking over Jordan’s temper tantrum. “Seriously, though. I’d like to hear something about what it was like with her, bro.” I pat my brother on his snowflaked shoulder. “At least so we now our money went to a good cause.”

  My brother sighs in defeat, throwing up his hands. “Fine. It was great.” Watching the idiotic grin that spreads across his face, I know he’s not lying. “Well worth the money. Every dollar of it.” He shrugs, deciding to leave me behind in the powder. “Happy?”

  “Yeah,” I say, bringing up the rear. “I guess I understand you not wanting to go into too many details.” In my head, Jane’s there again. Naked. Blindfolded. Nipples clamped, and pussy pink and puffy. I poke my ski poles into the snow, but my mind is still on her. On my cock poking into her pot. Sliding into her folds, like the skis slide through the ice and snow. “I bought her friend,” I murmur, trying to put my mind on something concrete before I get a boner in below-zero weather. “You know, Jane?”

  My brother swivels around to face me. “Yeah?”

  I blush more deeply than I think I’ve ever blessed. “Well, she was worth it, too,” I mumble. “When she said that she was open to anything, she meant it…” Before I’ve even done speaking, I’m back to fantasizing. Feeling the tickle slapper and butt plug in my hand, instead of my skis.

  Something in me stirs. Just as I conjure up the feeling of Jane’s breasts, the feeling of her pussy closing around my fingers, I get the urge to look down toward the lodge. Toward the café down below.

  Jane and Mariah are down there, sipping cups of warm drink. Probably coffee, knowing Jane. Or a mocha. If I went down there, I would know for sure. As I’m watching her — drinking her in like caffeine — I don’t even realize how far forward I’m leaning. How intense my gaze is. If I went down there, I could offer to pay for more food. Or drink. Whatever she wants.

  The sound of my brother’s voice shakes me out of my meditation.

  “I’m going to go talk to her,” he says suddenly, as if he’s just been possessed by a winter demon.

  Jordan rushes up toward us. “Who?”

  “Mariah.” Without wasting another second, Paul digs my ski poles into the side of the hill, and launch himself down a barely-visible path toward her.

  “You’ve got it bad, man,” shouts Jordan, coming to stand right my brother was a second ago.

  He’s not the only one has got it bad, I think, watching him float effortlessly down the snow toward his lady. If I followed you, I’d be going to the gates of heaven too. That thought sits in my head like a heavy blanket. Who would’ve thought you would get that serious about her…and when you swore never to get serious about anyone. I smile, calling down to him, “You really like her, don’t you?”

  “I’m not getting serious about her,” he shouts back, as if he can read my mind. “I just like hanging out is all!”

  “Suuure, whatever you say, dude!” I say, teasing him. But I know that by teasing him I’m teasing myself. I’m serious about Jane, too. But unlike my brother, I’ll admit it.

  Just maybe not right away.

  I’ll enjoy hanging out with her more at the café first. With this thought in my head, I drop down off the incline and head toward the warmth of the café, and Jane’s company. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll tell her how serious I really am.


  Jane’s eyes light up under a million-dollar smile the moment she sees me. Though her and Mariah have formed a tight bond at a small table near the window, the minute I come into the space, she gravitates toward me. Comes close, as if she’s always been in my orbit. “Good morning, Alex,” she says. The emphasis she puts on my name is laden with every touch, every thrill from last night. “You look well rested.”

  “So do you,” I say, guiding her over to a big cushy sofa in front of a roaring fire. Underneath us, there are snow-white fur rugs. From what animal, I don’t know and I don’t care. As we turn our backs from other café goers to sit on the couch, I pinch her nipples. I can just barely see them picking up at me from her layers. “Perky. And early in the morning, too.”

  As we get comfortable, I hear Paul and Mariah talking. He’s probably taken over Jane’s seat at the table. I relax and cuddle up to her. I do so more than I usually do, knowing that Paul is going to be well occupied for a while.

  Jane molds her body to mine, allowing me to cuddle into the perfect space under her arm, and right next to her voluptuous, bouncy breasts. Ones I dare to squeeze, even as people move around behind us. Jane, unlike any other girls I’ve ever dated, just sits there. Let’s me do it. Sure, her cheeks are turning a deep Crimson. Her eyes glow with embarrassment, but not as much as other women I
’ve dated. Or tried to fondle in public. They usually scoot away by now, telling me, “Are you nuts! You can’t do that in public!”

  But not Jane, she just purses her chest more into my hold, and “encourages” me to play with the zipper on her jacket. “Well, of course I’m perky,” she purrs. “I’m super happy to see you, so of course I’m perky.” She leans in, nibbling my ear. “If you had your fun big black bags with you, you could play with me here.” She brings my eyes to a stairwell. It does to the second floor of this café. Where they have a small bar and grill. “You could put the swing right there, and have your way.”

  “Naughty girl,” I growl, “wanting to have sex in public, where everyone can see you?” I click my tongue at her. “If I’d known you were so wild, I might’ve punished you a bit more last night.”

  Jane bites her lip, and it takes all my control not to just straddle her, pull up her layers of clothing, and start sucking on her tits. Biting them, while her hands are pinned by her sweaters. “Well, if I’m such a bad, naughty girl, perhaps you should punish me more, Daddy,” she whispers. It’s so sexy. So hypnotic, the hairs on the back of my neck.

  I slip my hand down behind her back, and squeeze her ass. “Be careful what you wish for, baby girl,” I whisper back. “Or your ass’ll be mine.”

  To my unending enjoyment, I actually feel her stiffen. Squirm under this comment. And that’s when I know I’ve got to get her somewhere all to myself again. My dick’s starting to tingle. Warm under partially-formed thoughts of her hot, tight asshole clenching around me.

  I turn to her, putting her hand on my lap. On the part of my pants with the biggest bulge.

  Deliciously, her eyes widen feeling my erection.

  I smile. “You wet?”

  Jane just smiles wickedly.

  “I know how I’m gonna get you wetter, baby girl,” I say, surprised by the deepness in my voice. “I’m going to fuck you in the ass, like I promised.” I pause. “Since you wanted punishment.” I lick my lips, stringing her along my thought process. “I’m gonna do it in public, Jane, because I know how loud you are.” Jane blushes beautifully on “loud.” It deepens when I add, “You need to be trained on how to be good and quiet, and I’m going to do that by fucking you in a dressing room at the boutique.”

  I watch her face for a reaction. I get what I want. Not shock and horror, like I’ve gotten with other girls. Instead, I get excitement. Willingness. Disbelief, but in the positive.

  Unfortunately for me, though, that vanishes under some dark thought. Some unsavory revelation. And whatever it is, it has to do with Mariah. Because she’s turned slightly to watch them. “I can’t just leave her,” she murmurs. “I can just abandon Mariah.”

  I sigh heavily, feeling my dream dissolve in the emotional slush.

  But it doesn’t last for long. Even as I succumb to the possibility that my fantasy won’t become reality, I see my brother coming our way. And he’s got Mariah with him.

  Chapter 18


  Just when I’m about to give up on any idea of getting to get fucked by Alex in my favorite boutique in my last virgin hole, Mariah comes to the rescue. I see her approaching us from a café table, Paul right by her side.

  As has become expected between us, Mariah answers me before I can ask any of the questions I have for her about where she’s going with him, or what they’re planning to do. We’re just psychically linked like that. “Paul invited me to go up the mountain with him,” she says. She smiles, glancing at Alex briefly, before switching back to me. “He offered to go with me on one run. One on one of the more difficult courses.”

  I act surprised, but I’m not really. In her eyes, I see more than what she says out loud. Hopes and wishes like mine for another fuck. I’m not the only one with the bigger appetite this morning. “Oh, okay.” I sling my arm around Alex’s waist, like I’m the boy and he’s the girl. Mostly for Mariah’s benefit, so she doesn’t worry about me or what I’ll do without her. “Have fun, you two.” I pack those words full of innuendo. Intonation, hoping Mariah will get that I get what’s really on her mind.

  True to her more responsible, virginal, outlook on life, it completely blows past her. Instead, she replies as if I’m jealous. Anxious to have her leaving, not to have her gone.

  “I’ll be back after one run, okay, Jane?”

  Internally I roll my eyes. “It’s really okay, Mariah,” I say. If I could say to you what I really needed to, you would know how much I want you gone. Out of here for at least an hour.

  Again, Mariah reads the irritation in my face wrong. Reads it like I’m unsure of her being in Paul’s company, not that I want to be out of hers.

  “I’ll be back after one. I promise,” says Mariah, almost treating me like a mother, not a best friend.

  I wave her away, hugging Alex to me. Please go do something besides worry about me, Mariah. I think this, taking a moment to savor Alex’s smell. Freshly showered. I thought I could wait a little longer for another taste of him, but I can’t. I’ve been hungry for him ever since I got out of the shower! Out loud I say, “Whatever, lady. Just do you, and I’ll see you when you get back.” I wink at Paul, making a hidden gesture about more sex. Somehow, I hope this will encourage him to encourage her to be gone longer.

  Of course, like the good older brother, he doesn’t answer my gesture with one. He just Mariah’s hand a little harder, before turning and walking toward the entrance to the café with her. Before long, they are both of the doors, and why did out by the falling snow.

  When I’m sure they’re gone for real, I turn back to Alex. I pull my arm out from around his waist, saying, “so, did you mean it?”

  His eyes gleam. “About the dressing room?”

  I nod, lacking the ability to speak or breathe now. Though he has and laid a hand on me my mind is awash with the possibilities. With how and where he’ll touch me first; what he’ll use on me in the dressing room, even if he didn’t bring his little black bags of fun.

  “Are you questioning me?” he says, pulling me up off the couch with him. As he did when we arrived at the lodge last night, he makes me walk ahead of him out the doors of the café, and into the snow. “If you think I’m dishonest, let me show you just how serious I am.” As we walk across the short bit of pavement that connects the café to the ski boutique, I hear him unzip or pull down part of his pants. Then, he lets me feel his hardening dick on the small of my back. He is lifted up a small bit of my jacket and sweater to do so. “Still don’t think I mean it?” he whispers as we step into the shop.

  I know I should answer him, but I’m too excited to answer. Just looking at the restrooms, is enough to make my stomach flip.


  “Get up on that bench. Kneel on it,” orders Alex the minute we whirl into the dressing room, after faking out the clerk with a handful of garments we said we were going to “try on.” He ditches the clothes, and takes down mine. I haven’t even gotten into much of a kneeling position, and already he’s pulling my sweatpants and panties clear off my ass. “And get off that sweater,” he adds, whipping down his own clothing. His rock-hard penis springs forward almost immediately, standing straight and tall. It glistens silently, taunting of the unknowing people on the other side of this dressing room.

  I lift up my jacket and sweater quickly, moving to take them off entirely. But Alex stops me. “Oh, no, no, no,” he scolds, coming over to adjust my clothing for himself. “You’re going to need something to keep you quiet, while you’re being trained.” He removes my arms from the sweater, and then uses the body of that sweater as a makeshift gag around my mouth. “Keep your teeth in that. And keep quiet, baby girl.” He ties the arm sleeps together around my head for extra measure. “Just because you have something covering that big mouth doesn’t mean you can go around squealing like a hungry porn star.” Despite the gruff tone he’s taking with me, I see a smile in his eyes. Warmth around the edges, which does nothing but make me feel more tingly. Cold with
excitement. Anticipation. “You need to keep quiet,” he tells me. “Wouldn’t want to alert the clerk that we’re not trying on sizes of jackets, now would we?”

  On “sizes” I see Alex stroke his dick. He’s positioned himself so I can see what he’s doing. With a flourish, he takes a condom out of his back pocket. He waggles it at me, before tearing it open with his teeth, and folding it sexily onto his shiny, red tip and working it down his lengthy, happy shaft.

  When it securely on, he grabs something else from another back pocket. A bottle of travel -sized lube. As he makes his way over to me, adjust my posture on the bench so I’m dealing with my ass higher up in the air, he squeezes a good amount in his hand. He then rubs it between his fingers, before rubbing it in between my ass cheeks, and finally dipping it deep into my hole. As his slick, warming fingers penetrate my ass, I feel queasy. Not like I’m going to throw up, but like I’m about to do something really risky. Naughty.

  Which I am. If I don’t keep quiet, Alex and I could end up in jail. With Daddy having to bail us out.

  I blush, feeling his fingers penetrate me a bit deeper, before he squeezes the rest of the small bottle of lube on his cock, and strokes it over each thick inch. After making sure he is covered from tip to shaft in good, he moves to take up his position behind me. As he pushes down his dick so it’s in line with my teased and waiting back door.

  “Remember: stay quiet. No matter what you feel, you have to keep your mouth shut.” Alex pauses, letting me hear just how many people are right outside the thin walls of our dressing room. How many potential witnesses there would be, if I so much as let out an errant whimper.

  I nod.

  “I’m putting my cock in your ass now, baby girl.” He pauses, sticking his fingers in my tender but welcoming pussy. Even just that little bit of flash on flesh makes my body temperature spiked. Makes me sweat and drool, though I should be cold from the drafty air. “It’s not gonna feel like you’re pussy. It’s going to feel different. Tighter. Maybe a little more uncomfortable, but that’s just before things get going.” At the entrance to my ass, I can feel his head beginning to poke. Prod. Test the waters, and they’re a little more inviting than he or I am expecting. After just a little bit of poking, my asshole practically reaches out and grabs him. Sucks him in without much forcing or effort.


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