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Forever Spencer (B&S Series #3.5)

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by Kimberly Knight

She slid the ice up and down her slit, the ice disappearing as I watched. My hard, throbbing cock pressed into her outer thigh, loving the feel of her skin as I slid two ice cubes around her torso.

  The ice melted, and I grabbed the champagne again and slowly poured it over her stomach. “Mmmmm, you taste even better like this,” I said, drinking the champagne from her chest valley and navel.

  She reached her free hand between our sides and stroked my dick, and I hissed out a groan at the contact. “Will you do it—please?” she begged.

  I loved watching Spencer please herself, but I loved being the one to make her come, knowing it was my touch that pleased her. She released me, and I moved between her legs, crouching down and licking between her legs, drinking her arousal. She moaned, and I glanced up, peering at her as my tongue continued to lick and Spencer kneaded each tit.

  My tongue slid up, swirling around her clit, and she moaned again. I loved hearing her moan in pleasure—pleasure I was creating.

  “Even though,” I said between a swipe with my tongue, “I just tasted this not that many hours ago, I will never get tired of tasting you.

  “Yeah… don’t stop,” she moaned again.

  I didn’t stop. My tongue flicked her clit until she screamed, her orgasm causing her to stiffen and arch off the bed. “Fuck me!” she panted.

  “Oh, I plan on it, future Mrs. Montgomery. On your knees.”

  She lay there for a moment, her body coming down from her high with me admiring her beauty as I sat back on my heels. Spencer was going to be my wife, and she made me a happy man—a very happy man.

  She got to her hands and knees, and the bed dipped as I came up and positioned myself behind her. I pressed against her pussy, her juices coating the tip of my cock, and I slid in, not thinking twice about using a condom.

  Her back arched like a cat, her warmth engulfing my dick. My balls slapped against her pussy as I increased my thrusts, gripping her hips tight as I pounded into her.

  Spencer bucked her hips back, meeting my thrusts. “Fuck,” she moaned, her body shattering and gripping my cock tight, causing me to lose it, and I came, groaning my own release.

  I pulled out, cum dripping down the back of her thigh. Reaching over, I grabbed a tissue from the nightstand to clean it up.

  “This is one bad thing about not wearing condoms,” she said.

  “What is?”

  “It’s messy,” she said, giggling slightly.

  “Now I just need to invest in tissues instead of condoms,” I said, kissing her right butt cheek before slapping it playfully.

  After cleaning up, we lay wrapped around each other, and I fell asleep with my fiancé in my arms.


  My morning with my fiancé was perfect until Blake dropped the bomb that he’d flown not only several thousand miles without calling me, but he told no one that he was coming to California, either. He didn’t tell my parents, and he didn’t tell his girlfriend, Stacey.

  I was pissed to say the least.

  After Blake and I got into a little bit of a banter, I called my parents to let them know Blake was with me. I didn’t want them to think he was in jail again, or worse… dead. I let them know that Blake used his airline ticket that Spencer and I got him for Christmas to come out to San Francisco. It was a roundtrip ticket, but given that Blake told Spencer that he was staying “a few days—a week tops,” I knew that the other half of the ticket went to waste, or he’d upgraded it to First Class. He probably assumed I would pay for his ass to get home and knowing me, I would.

  My parents actually sounded relieved after my mom stopped worrying about where he was and that he was okay. It was probably because he was out of their hair and now my responsibility, even though he was an adult.

  Despite what Blake thought, he couldn’t take care of himself, even if he was twenty-eight years old.

  During the rest of our lunch, I didn’t talk to Blake. I wasn’t usually one to hold a grudge, but I had a feeling that his visit wasn’t going to be pleasant, and the more he pounded his Pepper Jacks, the more I knew his drinking wasn’t under control, even with his recent DUI fiasco that caused him to move back in with our parents.

  After lunch, we spent the day touring Alcatraz, and afterwards, I could tell Spencer wanted to go home—so did I. Blake and I had made amends; it was only brotherly banter to begin with, and we ended up having a good time on the tour.

  “I think Spencer and I are going to head home,” I said.

  Since Blake had made it to our house without anyone knowing, I figured I could leave him in San Francisco to find his way home when he was ready. I wasn’t leaving a car for him since he had been drinking almost the entire day.

  Part of me understood that he was letting off steam, and in time, I would find out exactly why he was running. If I still lived with our folks, then I would be running, too. But he did it to himself.

  He needed to grow up and stop acting like a kid.

  “Why don’t you two go out, maybe call Jason to come as well? I’ll just go home and check on Niner and catch up on TV,” Spencer said.

  I looked at her, questioning her silently. I wanted to go home and spend time with her, maybe do what we did the night before. But before I could tell her that I would come home, too, Blake spoke up, loving the idea.

  “Yeah man, I haven’t seen Jason in a long time. Call his ass!” he said, gesturing for me to call Jason.

  “Babe, are you sure?” I asked Spencer.

  “Of course, go have fun. Blake isn’t here that long and needs to let off some steam. I get to keep you forever,” she said, giving me a little kiss.

  Just her soft lips on mine had me wanting to tell Blake to fuck off. I loved this woman, and unlike most guys, I loved spending time with her as much as possible.

  “Spencer, have I told you how much I love you?” Blake asked.

  “No, but I’m glad you don’t hate me,” she replied, laughing.

  “You’re going to fit right in,” Blake said, nudging his shoulder with hers.

  “She’s a perfect fit,” I said, wrapping my arm around her to bring her to my side, and kissed the side of her head.


  We walked Spencer to where Blake had parked her car. Luckily there were no scratches on it, because I would kick his ass. Spencer loved her car, and I was surprised she didn’t fight me when I suggested that Blake drive it to meet us for lunch.

  “Call J and get this party started!” Blake said as soon as Spencer drove off.

  “Yeah, he should still be at the gym,” I said, looking at the time on my phone.

  “Can’t wait to see the place. Maybe I’ll come into work with you in the morning.”

  That wasn’t a bad idea given his track record; I could keep an eye on him. “Yeah, and maybe I’ll put you to work to pay for your visit.” I laughed; I was only half joking.

  “I’ll train the ladies,” he said with a smirk.

  I continued laughing, shaking my head. “You’re not certified to train anyone.”

  “They’ll never know.”

  “I will and could get sued if something went wrong,” I said, pushing the Call button to call Jason.

  “Whatever,” Blake said as soon as Jason picked up.

  “Hey,” I said, replying to Jason’s hello greeting. “Blake’s in town.”

  “For real?”


  “Jason, come get your drink on!” Blake shouted into the phone.

  “I guess you’re not lying,” Jason said, laughing.

  “Yeah, he wants you to meet up with us for a drink.”

  “Why aren’t you with your girl?”

  “We were with her, but then she suggested we go out, and Blake jumped on that,” I said.

  “All right, let me tell Bec, and then I’ll meet you down at Bourbon & Branch at six.”


  “So, let’s cut the shit. Why’d you fly here without telling anyone?” I asked Blake.

e sat in a booth at Bourbon & Branch with our second pitcher of beer, an empty shot glass in front of each of us.

  “Ah,” Blake said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he looked between myself and Jason. “Exactly what I told you at lunch. Mom and dad want me out of the house, and Stacey wants me to get a place with her.”

  “So you ran?” I asked.

  “No! I just needed to clear my head.”

  “I usually do that on the shitter,” Jason said, laughing.

  “I tried that,” Blake said, laughing as well. “But every day I’m getting hounded, and I had nowhere else to go.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here, but bad timing,” I said.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be gone in a few days.”

  “You know, Jason’s good at giving advice like a girl. What do you suggest Blake do?” I asked.

  “Fuck you!”

  “It’s true!”

  “Whatever,” Jason said. “I think we should man up and drink this pitcher of beer and not talk about this shit anymore.”

  I had to laugh. Now that I was calling Jason out on his girly ways, he was trying to play it off. But over the years, Jason had given me a lot of advice about women. By the end of the night, Doctor Jason Taylor, Psychiatrist, would be giving Blake relationship advice; there was no question in my mind.


  “Another round,” Blake said.

  “Fuck, we’ve already had four pitchers and,” I paused, counting all the shot glasses on the table, “nine shots. I’m done.”

  “Last round,” Blake pleaded.

  “No. Brando’s right,” Jason slurred. “We’re done.”

  “Well, I’m not done.”

  “Yeah, you are,” I said, swatting Blake’s arm down as he tried to call for another round.

  Apparently I wasn’t successful, or Blake ordered more without me knowing, because another pitcher and more shots were placed in front of us a few minutes later, and that’s all that I remembered for the rest of the night.


  I rolled over, wrapping my arm around the warm body, burying my head into the crook of Spenc… “What the fuck?” I shouted, pushing the muscular body away from me as I willed my eyes open, my head pounding at the sudden movements—and daylight.

  “Hmmm?” he asked.

  “Why are you in my bed?” I asked my brother only to look around. I wasn’t in my bed. It wasn’t my and Spencer’s bedroom—we were in Jason’s guest bedroom.

  “Stop shouting!” Blake groaned, throwing a pillow at me.

  How did we get to Jason’s?

  I couldn’t remember leaving Bourbon & Branch the night before. I didn’t remember riding in a car, walking into Jason’s house… falling asleep in the same bed as my brother.

  I grabbed my phone, expecting to have missed calls and texts from Spencer, but there was nothing. Fuck!

  I left Blake, searching for Jason—searching for answers. Becca was in the kitchen at the breakfast table, sipping tea.

  “Want some coffee?” she asked.

  “How did I get here?” I asked, not answering her question. How could I have a cup of coffee when Spencer was probably worried sick about me. I would be searching the streets if she never came home from drinking… but I didn’t even have a missed call from her. She must be pissed!

  “I picked you up.” Becca took another sip of her tea, acting like it was no big deal.

  I ran my hand through my brown hair, my head still pounding. “Okay?”

  “Don’t worry, I texted Spencer to let her know you were here.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “Now do you want a cup of coffee before I drive you to your car?”

  “Yeah, and four Excedrin Migraines.”

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I held my breath when I saw Spencer’s name on the screen and a text from her.

  Spencer: I’ll see you after work.

  I was fucked; she was pissed. I didn’t need to hear her voice to confirm it. I didn’t need to see her face—I knew from the short text.

  “Man, I’m going to love fucking with you all day. I haven’t seen you this hung over since college.” Becca laughed, scooting back in her wood dining room chair, causing the most piercing noise I’d ever heard.

  “Great,” I moaned, trying to think of a reply to Spencer, but my head hurt too much for me to think of a way that Spencer wouldn’t be mad at me—at least not for long.

  Jason walked in, looking just as hung over as I was. “I’ll take a cup, too,” he said, sitting in the chair Becca had just got up from.

  “And four Excedrins also?” she asked.

  I lifted one eye at Becca, seeing her smiling, evil face.

  “Please,” Jason groaned.

  “Coming right up,” Becca said, clinking dishes together too loud for my hung over ears, her evil grin spreading across her face as she left the kitchen.

  “Your wife’s evil,” I said.

  “Do you blame her? I puked out the window of the car as we were driving home.”

  I laughed, only to cause my head to hurt more. “I don’t remember anything.”

  “Me either, but Bec made sure to remind me that I puked and it got all over the side of the car when she got out of the shower this morning and saw that I was awake.”

  “Oh God, stop. You’re going to make me puke.” I glanced at the clock on the wall. “I better go get Blake so we can get to work and prepare for my telephone conference with Paul at noon.”

  “He’s coming with us?”

  “I’m putting him to work. This is all his fault.”


  I tried to stand, but the room started spinning, and I sat back down, resting my head on the table.

  “Here you boys go!” Becca shouted, rattling the bottle of pills.

  Just kill me now!

  After some time had passed and the room stopped spinning, I walked down the hall to finally wake Blake, typing a response to Spencer.

  Me: Future Mrs. Montgomery, I’m so sorry! Fucking Blake kept buying me drinks and before I knew it, I was waking up in Jason’s guest bedroom. Call me on your lunch. I love you! Please don’t be mad at me :(


  I kept my door and blinds closed for the day, trying to block out all light from my pounding head. I still hadn’t heard back from Spencer by the time I was ready for my noon phone conference. Spencer had never given me the silent treatment before. I’d fucked up—bad.

  Me: I have a meeting in a few minutes… please let me know you made it to work okay.

  I was going to kill my brother. He didn’t force me to drink too much, but I’d lost count of how many shots we were taking, and you know what they say: Never mix.

  We were mixing beer with… oh God, just the thought of vodka was enough to make me throw up. And Blake was buying for once in his life, so how could I say no?

  Spencer: Yes, but I’m not at work.

  I responded right away.

  Me: Why? Where are you?

  Spencer: I’m here.

  She’s here?

  I bolted out of my chair, swinging my office door open to meet my girl.

  “Hi!” she said, holding up a brown bag with a huge grin on her face.

  She was smiling. I instantly relaxed. She was smiling!

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her like I hadn’t seen her in a month.

  “I brought you lunch.”

  “You’re not mad at me?” I asked.

  “Not really. But let’s not make this a habit with Blake here.”

  “I won’t. Let’s eat. I’m starving and don’t have much time. I have a conference call starting in a few minutes.”

  “Do you mind if I eat in your office while you’re on the phone? I have an hour until I need to be back.”

  “Of course not,” I said, grabbing her hand and bringing her into my office. “You’re going to be bore
d, though.” I closed the door behind me, Spencer walking to sit in a chair across from my desk.

  “I think I’ll live,” she said, smiling again and handed me a sandwich.

  I took the sandwich and sat in my desk chair, my office phone ringing right at noon.

  Engrossed in my phone call with Paul, talking numbers about a new gym, I didn’t see Spencer stop eating her sandwich and walk up to me until she stood beside me, unbuttoning her jeans.

  I swallowed hard, watching her slowly unzip her pants and slide them down her legs. “Yes, Paul, Jason and I are sure.” I raised an eyebrow at her. Was this really happening? I’d fantasized about fucking Spencer on my desk since I’d fucked her on the desk at her office, but was she fucking with me to get back at me for the night before?

  “No, we will not pay more than one point five mil for the warehouse space,” I said, reaching out to touch Spencer’s underwear, hoping this wasn’t a dream.

  She slapped my hand, wagging her finger at me. I knew it was too good to be true.

  My conversation with Paul faded, and I wasn’t sure if I was responding to his questions correctly, but all I kept saying was “uh huh” as I watched Spencer slip her fingers in the cotton of her underwear and shimmy them down her legs, tossing them onto the increasing pile of clothes.

  Spencer sat on my desk, straddling my legs with hers and motioned with her finger for me to slide in closer. My eyes never left her naked bottom half as she spread her legs exposing her bare pussy.

  Dear God, please don’t let this be a dream!

  I vaguely heard Paul talking about increasing our offer for the warehouse we wanted to buy, and I wasn’t sure how I had the sense to respond as I wheeled my chair closer to Spencer’s heaven. “I understand, but you’re good at what you do. If they want to sell bad enough, they’ll accept the offer.”

  I could smell Spencer’s arousal as I got closer, wanting a completely different lunch now. I was so hung over, but I didn’t want Spencer to know. When she said she got us lunch, I wanted to hurl, but this… this I could eat anytime, anywhere.

  Resting the phone in the crook of my neck, I wrapped my arms around her waist, my hands grabbing her ass to scoot her to the edge of the desk so I could bury my face between her thighs.


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