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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

Page 5

by Reese Madison

  “She was a little bitch. Speaking of little bitches, how’s Eve doing? She mentioned not wanting to be a third wheel of sorts last week when you first got here. I tried to reassure her, but you know me. I mean well but the words don’t always come out right.”

  “She doesn’t want to start out as the outsider. It’s a chick thing. She had to explain it to me.” I laughed.

  “Fine, but I’m stealing this to seal our new deal. No more brining up old shit.” He declared then stole my mouth into a once familiar kiss. Oh god how I’ve missed this. Eve is an excellent kisser. So nice in fact she’s addictive. Cord just has a different way about him. Manly for one, but more consuming. There’s history here too. Like going home.

  I found myself lost in no time. So lost I lost track of time.

  I heard the clapping first, then my sweet Eve’s voice. “Yeah!! Mommy and daddy made up!!”

  Cord gave me one last nip on the lip then rolled to the floor. “We’re working on it.” He sat up suddenly. “What the hell happened to you??”

  She proudly flaunted the blood all over her, his, old jeans and blue flannel shirt. “Mystic had her baby. Bernie says I can name her, but I have to have it approved by you first.”

  “Name it whatever you want.” He fell back and put his forearm over his face. “I think I just had a heart attack Myk.”

  “You and me both.” I climbed over him and took her off to get cleaned up. “Boy or girl?”


  “Have you thought of a name?”

  “Several. Are you and Cord made up now?” She leaned in and whispered as we passed him from behind the couch. “Is he still a good kisser?”

  “Too good.” I complained catching a whiff of the blood and placenta. “You stink.” I complained while secretly enjoying the metallic funk.

  Cord Colson

  I can’t tell you how nice it is not to be throwing insults at my wife about our past. It’s almost as nice as her not throwing them at me. We still give each other a hard time, but it’s funny now. Taking the painful stabs out of the banter changed everything. It changed the dynamic between us.

  Eve is on cloud fucking nine. I love that she’s so happy, but it’s freaking me out to see Mykela so happy. For three weeks now I’ve been trying to think back to a time when she was smiling nearly as much. Somewhere around seven years old her smiles faded. By fourteen they were all but gone. Seeing them now… I’m riddled with a shit ton of guilt.

  I wanted to save Mykela from her father, but I didn’t. I was too young, too stupid, and too gullible. Instead of stealing her away from the gore and evil that man shoved down her throat I opened my mouth and took a taste. I had to see what she was going through. I just had to know. I was such a stupid kid.

  What I learned changed me for life. When the club found out what Machete had been doing to his victims, and how he’d lured us into being his apprentices, they had him killed. Unfortunately there was a spy in the club at the time. A cop. A cop that mysteriously disappeared shortly after Lars went to prison for killing Machete.

  Lars Colson, one of my many half brothers, is due to get out of prison this year. I look forward to shaking his hand. He killed a serial killer, but because he showed no remorse and refused to cooperate with authorities he got ten years. Hopefully he’ll get out sooner for good behavior or some shit.

  Mykela didn’t take her father’s death quite as well as the rest of us. She was furious that the club could make such a decision without her. She told Slider she should have been the one to kill him, not some stranger she didn’t even know. They had a huge fight and my wife left me for the first time. Not the last.

  She took her inheritance money and hightailed it up to Chicago where she lost herself in the busy city and college. Then she went to med school and began her internships. I’d go up a few times a year and visit. Things were strained between us, but we were always a match in bed.

  Then a string of murders started happening and the cops somehow connected her to her father all the way from Arizona. I flew in and flew her out of town so fast their heads spun. That’s when I tried to bring her up here to get away from everyone. She lasted a week.

  Fortunately they found the real killer a month later. Myk was furious with me for thinking it was her doing the killing. I’m still not convinced she didn’t piggyback on a couple of those murders like a copycat. A couple of the victims had her M.O. They were dicks.

  I was too in love with the mountains to chase after her again. Too ready to start a new life up here. I was done with the drama and done with her. I let her go. I spent a couple weeks in denial before I lost my shit. I chopped enough trees down to clear a place for my first house. Every few weeks I’d go down and pick up whatever supplies my dwindling funds would allow.

  The first winter was pure hell. I lost a piece of my sanity in that shed of a house that year. Fortunately I met Larry on a trip down into town and things got better. He’d just lost his property to back unpaid property taxes and needed a place to go. He’s older than me, and has a wife about his age, so he knew he couldn’t do it alone. Their kids were young enough back then that moving was an adventure.

  Larry and I have been best friends since. We’ve had our blowouts, but we’ve always come back stronger. The second winter was better because they’d helped me add onto the dwelling making it a lot bigger for all three of us. This meant more room for food storage and such too. He taught me a lot that second winter about surviving up here.

  I still learn something new every day. Like the fact that the government is letting me squat on billions of dollars of untapped oil. I tapped a tiny bit of it and took the news to them right away. They sent an FBI agent out who in the long run finally relented to buying a portion of it in exchange for fair market value, and my shut mouth. He was vague about their reasoning, but I’m guessing they decided the less the world knew about an untapped oil supply on US soil, the better.

  Everyone up here knows about it, but they also know better than to say anything to anyone. One blurp in the paper and the government comes in and sends us all packing. I can’t have that. Right now things are perfect. I sell them just enough to refine for whatever they deem needed for a price, and they leave me alone to do it.

  Right now I pull in about a million a year off my sales. The silver mine is extremely small so it only brings in nickels and dimes for the residents. I haven’t touched it other than to make sure it’s fairly camouflaged from the air and ground. I’m not worried about the government finding it, we’ll work out a fair deal, but I don’t want civilian flying over and getting curious.

  Not too many people wander aimlessly up here, but it does happen. About once a year I fly up and around to help with a rescue mission. Two years ago Larry spotted a family that had gotten lost while I was navigating around a lake we get water from and these tricky mountains. He saved their lives because I couldn’t see them and fly at the same time.

  I can hear the little cheerful thing coming and sat back to wait for blonde curls and curvy hips to grace my office.

  She all but jumped in the door and put her hands on her hips like I was about to be in serious trouble. If it wasn’t for that sparkle in her eyes I might be concerned. “We have a serious problem.”

  “I see that.” The first and foremost being she still has her clothes on. Although I do like these dresses she bought. She’s a flowing ray of sunshine followed by floral prints and soft colors.

  She pointed at me as she approached. “You don’t have enough carrots to last all winter.”

  I laughed a little too hard. “That’s because you keep feeding them too my horses all day long. Stop spoiling my horses and they might last.” I teased taking her by the hips and setting her butt against my desk in front of me.

  “You don’t spoil them enough.” She schooled me. “They need to be fat for the winter.” Eve has become quite the horseman in the last month. I like it.

  “It’s too late in the season to grow any more. Th
ey’ll have to make do, which means you’ll have to stop spoiling them so much.” I started walking her dress up to get a peek at those legs.

  “I have an idea.” She took my hat off and put it on her head. This isn’t the first time. Although last time I had to chase her down to get it back. Again, not complaining.

  “I’m listening.” My fingertips felt something other than flesh making my eyes suddenly curious. I moved the fabric up out of my way to find a simple black garter. I knew she had stockings on, but this? “I’m not listening. Holy shit Eve. Are you trying to turn my balls blue??” I looked up to find her quite happy with herself.

  “No, but I see they have the same effect on you as they do our wife. Speaking of which, Myk said she’d help me with my idea, but like everything else around here it has to be approved by you first.” She half complained.

  I unclipped two of the straps and slid my hands up to grip her hips. She grabbed my shoulders when I popped her butt up on my desk. “Keep talking.” I scooted closer in my chair and moved her knees apart.

  She leaned back propping herself up on her hands. Something fell off my desk. I could care less what it was. “I want my own garden.”

  “Seems fair.” I unsnapped the three little snaps keeping me from the promise land. She smells fantastic. I can’t wait to get my tongue in there.

  “I want it to be a greenhouse too.”

  I moved the silk and lace up and out of my way. “Lay back. I want to see you.”

  “Do I get my greenhouse?”

  “We’ll see how much we can get done before winter.” I can give her that much.

  She slowly lay back on my desk giving me a good look at soft pink folds. “I guess that’s all I can- the door’s open.”

  “Yeah, not giving a shit right now.” I dove in and had her squirming all over my desk in no time. Every time I get my hands on this woman she gets more delicious. Sorry Myk, but you’re going to have to start sharing.

  Eve cried out for the third time making my jeans even tighter. That’s when the door closed and Myk’s voice made us both jump. “You idiots. Close the fucking door next time Cord. That’s my wife you’re defiling over there.”

  I sat back wiping my face as Myk pressed a kiss to Eve’s lips. “Having fun?”

  “I didn’t mean to.” She started.

  Myk put her hand up, “Don’t. Like I said, just Cord. Nobody else.”

  “I know, but I should have waited for you.”

  “Only for the first time like we talked about. Foreplay doesn’t count.” She turned to me and chucked a vanilla envelope at me. “Fax from the airport. You need to re-up your spot.”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve been waiting for these. Thanks.” I set the envelope aside and helped Eve with her garters. “I take it you’re okay with this garden slash greenhouse?”

  “She seduced me into the project this morning. Except she was where you are now.”

  I smacked my forehead as the image slammed into my brain. “Get out. Both of you.”

  Eve giggled as they left.

  I waited until I heard the door shut before opening my eyes. “Hey. What are you still doing here?”

  “We need to talk.” Myk sat her left butt cheek on my desk.

  “I hate conversations that start like that.”

  “No, this one you’ll like. Eve wants to be there the first time things get serious again between us. I think I told you this a while back.”

  I sat back adjusting my jeans to stop the pinching. “Yeah I know. Shit.”

  “I know she’s ready, and I know you are…”

  “But you’re not.” I finished for her.

  “It’s not that I’m not ready, it’s just that… I’m still struggling with living up here. What if I can’t? What if I panic and run again? I’ll take her with me. Where will that leave you? And it’s going to hurt her to leave you. I just- I don’t want to keep hurting people.”

  “Then suck it up buttercup.” I stood and walked around to take her hands in mine. “Tell you what. Promise me you’ll tell me when you feel a panic coming on.”


  “And nothing. Promise me right now that when you feel that flight kick in, you’ll tell me. Don’t just bolt like you have before. I want this to work Mykela. I need you. I love Eve to pieces, and you know I love you. Always have, always will. If leaving here and living in the city for a few months is what you need to keep us together, then that’s what we’ll do. I won’t lose you again, and I damn sure don’t want to lose her.” I kept her hand in mine while pointing to the door.

  “That’s the other thing. She won’t want to go with me, but I’ll take her anyway.”

  I moved in and held her hands at her lower back. “I see your last name is finally catching up to you.”

  “I love her.”

  “I know you do. I won’t lose you again Mykela. You’ve been mine since the day I found you. I’m just sorry I didn’t take better care of you.” I closed in and kissed my wife with her wife’s sex still on my tongue. Baby melted in my arms before climbing me like a tree.

  I kicked her out just shy of fucking her up against the door. “Holy shit these two are doing to be the death of me.” Going back to work was out of the question so I rode out to the river and took a very long cold skinny dip. I’ll probably end up with a cold, but fuck it. Maybe they’ll bring me soup and lay with me to keep me warm. A man can dream.


  Mykela Colson

  Eve is fidgeting like crazy so I pulled Cord aside where she can’t hear. “Not tonight. She’s too nervous.”

  “What’s she nervous about?”

  “Something about not being able to handle it all. She’s not even sure. She’s never done the threesome thing. Then again neither have I, but I don’t get nervous.” I waved it off. “I just think she needs more time. More confidence maybe? I don’t know. I suck at this shit.”

  “Fortunately you have me. I’ll talk to her. You open some wine.” He smacked my ass then walked around me to get to her.

  I shook my head and gladly went to open a bottle of white and a bottle of red. I like red, she likes white. Cord won’t drink until later. Not that he can’t handle his liquor, he just wants to remember every detail of tonight, if it happens. I don’t like Eve this nervous. She should be looking forward to it, not scared of it.

  Personally I can’t wait. To have the only two people I love in my arms at the same time?? I might just believe in heaven by midnight.

  Cord Colson

  I took her hand and pulled her down to sit on my left thigh as I sat down on the couch. “We don’t have to do this tonight. I am curious why you’re so nervous.”

  She exhaled obviously relieved. “I thought this is what I wanted, but now… I don’t know.”

  “What’s changed your mind?” I touched her chin. “Look at me.”

  She blinked big brown eyes up at me. “Are you sure you don’t want Myk to yourself the first time? I mean, you are married, and it’s been a long time. I don’t want to-“

  I put my finger to her lips. “Stop right there. You’re a part of this now Eve. There is no me and Mykela. There is no you and Mykela. There is only you, me, and Mykela. No pecking order. No favorites.” That’s when it hit me. I leaned back and tilted my head so I can read her whole face. “You know you don’t have to sleep with me to stay here, right? This is your home either way.”

  Busted. Her face told me that’s exactly what she thought.

  “Okay, let’s get something straight right here and now. You don’t do anything you don’t want to do. I took earlier today as a hint you were interested, but if you’re not just tell me. I’m not going to be offended, and I damn sure won’t treat you any different. My wife wants you here, therefore so do I. Actually I want you here because I like you. You’re fun, funny, and sweet as can be. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

  She looked down at her fingers. “I want to. I mean, I think I do, I guess I’m afraid to trust. I�
��m scared to death of being a third wheel. What if Myk decides she doesn’t want me anymore when you guys get back together?”

  “We’re already back together. Myk’s not going anywhere without us. She told me she loves you Eve. I’m not bothered by that one bit. Hell, you give her so much I can’t. Without you to balance us out, we don’t work. Stop using that term ‘third wheel’. I don’t want to hear that again in this house. If you start feeling neglected you speak up and tell one or both of us. We’re not perfect and neither are you. This is going to be tricky, but it’s also going to be good. Damn good. I can feel it in my gut.”

  She smiled and I swear I felt her body shed ten pounds of tension. “I guess I’d rather be second to you than her work.”

  Myk pulled her chin up a little to hard. “You are second to no one in this room. I have a wife, and I have a husband. Period. There is no hierarchy, just some legal bullshit.” She turned to stab me with blue eyes darker than mine. “No thanks to that asshole.”

  I flicked her off and sat back giving them room.

  Eve stood to hug Myk. “I don’t want to come between you, and I can’t let you go.”

  “Nobody’s going anywhere.” Myk cupped her face and drew her back to look right into her eyes. “I was going to wait to say anything, but I think I found a way to keep busy up here without killing anyone.”

  My eyebrow shot up at her choice of words.

  She shot me a dirty look. “Very funny. I’ve been talking to your paramedic up here. You’re severely under stocked. For one thing he can’t get his hands on half the shit this valley needs.”

  “What’s the other reason?”

  “No funds. They use what you give them to maintain, but it’s not enough. They haven’t said anything because they’d rather figure it out on their own.” She explained settling in the opposite corner of the couch with Eve now between us and leaning back against her.

  “They should have said something. Did you make a list of what they need?”


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