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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

Page 19

by Reese Madison

  “Would you rather just go home?” Meaning the RV. Right now I am his home. At least for the next two and a half months.

  “No. I want you to find us a place to eat this prime rib so we can go home and I can take my frustrations out kissing you.”

  I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my back pocket. “I think you need a lot more than kissing.”

  “No shit. Speaking of which, are you on birth control?”

  “Yes.” I found a place that will work and pulled up the directions via GPS. “Got it. Follow me.”

  “Like I have a choice.” He complained maintaining his grump. He’s unusually moody. Maybe he is pent up. No. I think he wants more than satisfaction. He needs intimacy. Something I’m not very good at, but I need to consider trying. It’s probably time to get on with my life now anyway. This being a jerk all the time is even starting to get old to me now. Maybe it has something to do with cutting all ties with my traitorous family.

  I climbed on my bike and led us to the steakhouse a few miles away. During the ride I thought about what it would be like between us if the clothes were off and the game was on.

  The mental image of him inside me while kissing me almost made me pull over as my whole body shook with a newfound desire. When, not if, this happens, it’s going to be intense. I get the feeling ‘intense’ is an understatement. Once I tell him I want him, he’s going to pounce.

  That I can handle. It’s the aftermath that’s going to get interesting. Can he really handle living on the road like I do? How long before he realizes he could have as many women as he wants? He’s incredibly sexy with that ex-con bad boy thing he’s got going.

  I’d rather think about the sex than the inevitable failure of our supposed relationship.

  Lars and I have an agreement about shopping for a reason. I should have known he wouldn’t do any better in a restaurant.

  When he snapped at the server I kicked him under the table. He didn’t even flinch. “Lars. You can’t talk to people like that.”

  “Fuck ‘em.” He’s talking to his beer.

  “Hey? Look at me.”

  He looked up. Damn those eyes are going to be my undoing yet.

  “I know you don’t like it here, but can you pretend to enjoy this? For me?” I begged, and I don’t beg, but I need some semblance of normalcy even if it’s only for an hour.

  He sat back keeping his eyes on mine. “It’s not right that he got away with what he did to you.”

  So that’s his problem. “That’s why I won’t take the money. If I do then I have to share it with them. I won’t pay him for raping me.”

  I pinched my nose and closed my eye. “Until we came back here I rarely thought about it, or him. They haven’t felt like family in so long it’s easy to say I don’t have one. The truth is I miss having a family. I just wish it wasn’t those assholes.”

  Our food arrived so we didn’t say much again until our plates were cleared and I’d requested the check. Part of me wanted to get dessert, but the part of me that needs to fit in my jeans didn’t need it won out.

  Since Lars has moved in I’ve gotten off my workout routine and gained a few pounds from eating all the food he cooks. He requires more calories than me to fuel that bog body of his. I used to only eat when I was hungry. Now I eat all damn day long it seems like.

  I’d just paid the tab when all four of my siblings walked up to our booth.

  I stood getting between Lars and the eldest Eric who had molested me. “What do you want?”

  My sister Paige poked me in the chest. “I want what’s mine you bitch. You have no right to keep that money from me.”

  I grabbed her wrist and twisted it to the point it was one muscle movement from snapping. Then I let go and shoved her back into Brian. “Get her out of here.”

  “Why are you still here??” He asked moving her behind him as I felt Lars rise up behind me. “you should get out of town. Staying here is like rubbing your lies in our face while dangling the money that’s our rightful inheritance in our faces!”

  “We can’t drive the RV without a door. The door is on order. Just walk away. If you don’t leave now I can’t protect you from this.” I thumbed over my shoulder but Lars is already at my side locked onto my eldest brother who destroyed any chance of me being a normal person. “Shit. Lars, you need to get out of here before you end up back in prison.”

  “Back in prison huh?” My sister asked like she’d just been given some kind of vital piece of information to use against me.

  “He’s out legally Paige.” I snapped.

  “Yeah, but I bet one wrong move they’d lock him up for a good long time.” She threatened.

  Lars is backing my molester towards the bar. Words were exchanged I couldn’t hear over the music. Next thing I know my brother’s chest inflated and he made fists with both hands before Lars laid him out with one punch to the face. Eric bounced off two barstools before landing hard on the concrete floor.

  I looked at Paige. “If you report this I’ll kill you. Why would you bring that piece of shit in here?? Are you trying to get… you are.” Light. Bulb. “You’re a bitch.” I grabbed Lars by the hand and dragged him out the front door. “And you’re an idiot.”

  “They set us up. Does Paige know about your situation? That you could go back to prison by assaulting her?”

  “Yes, they set me up and you fell for it hook line and sinker. Bitch watches too much TV. Ten bucks says she was looking for a reason to press charges so she could say she’d drop them if I give up the money. We need to get out of here.”

  “Where are we going to go without that door? Fuck. Is the restaurant going to call the cops?” He threw his leg of his large bike.

  “Probably.” I mounted my bike. “Follow me. I want to show you something before we never come back to this shit hole again.”

  There’s a lake north of town off a windy road I used to escape to when I was a kid. It’s a good three miles from where we lived so I’d end up disappearing for days at a time until my brothers and sisters moved out. Then it was just me and Mom, so I stayed home a lot more.

  I like the curvy ride better than the curvy walk, even if it’s a much shorter trip. My hand hurts like hell, but I can move my arm well enough to ride with both hands on the handlebars if I need to. My bike is fairly lightweight compared to his. It’s not easy to ride like this, but I need to see this spot one last time.

  Everything is a little more overgrown since the last time I was here. I almost missed the path down to the lake. Lars probably thinks I’m nuts for bringing our bikes back here, but it opens up to a nice firm beach where we can park safely.

  He stopped just outside the tree line to park. I turned around because my military training taught me to leave your vehicle in a ready to leave position. Every second counts in battle. I feel like I’m in a battle with my family. Again. At least this time I have back up. Someone who believes me without question, other than my poor helpless overworked mother.

  Lars must not have seen the need to turn his bike around because he dismounted and removed his riding gloves. “Nice. I should have found a place like this instead of hunting hookers when I got out.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, you probably should have. Speaking of hookers. How do you know you didn’t catch something from one of them?”

  “I used protection, never kissed one, and they were expensive hookers. Hence the reason I’m broke.” He complained walking towards the water.

  “I thought the last one stole from you?” I followed after leaving my gloves on my seat.

  “She said something about having a shoe fetish and a shit ton of credit card debt. I should have known she was desperate when she kept offering to do some rather kinky shit for more money.” He looked over at me. “Can we leave that subject behind now?”

  I took his hand to walk over to a large fallen log from a long dead tree and sat. “Sure. You brought it up though.”

  “Not intentionally. How did you know about t
his spot?”

  “Before everything went down I used to come here to get away from my brother. I think we should leave that subject behind too. I’d like to leave a lot of things behind.”

  “But you can’t.” He prompted.

  “Not everything. Walking away from my family for the last time feels liberating. One day I hope to feel that way about the other part of my life.”

  “Think then you might be more willing to settle down?” He asked carefully.

  “If I can ever live a day without looking over my shoulder it’ll be a miracle.”

  “That wasn’t an answer Angel.” He scolded me.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. You were inside a lot longer than me. Don’t you want to see the world?”

  “Only if you’ll go with me.”

  “No, I mean it. With or without me, what do you really want to do now?”

  He let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulders. “I’m doing it right now.”


  We were talking about going back to the RV to get my fishing gear and coming back to catch dinner when a Dodge Challenger’s front end popped through the woods behind us. We both stood and turned to see who it was. I pulled my gun regretting not having Theo here.

  When the familiar form emerged from the driver’s side and folded his arms over the top of the door’s frame I smacked my palm to my forehead then shook my head. “Why me?”

  “You know this guy?” Lars is on full alert.

  “Yes. His name is Morty. Do me a favor and stay here. If anyone can goad a person into punching them first, it’s this asshole.” I turned to look up at him. “I mean it Lars. This has to be handled very carefully. He has the power to split us up for good. Got it?”

  “I don’t like this one bit.” He won’t take his eyes off Morty’s slick new black Dodge.

  “Neither do I.” I walked over to my nemesis, and sometimes fuck buddy, and folded my arms across my chest. “The fuck do you want now?”

  He closed the door and stepped up confronting me like he does to prove his power over me. “How’s life with the ex-con?”

  “Profitable and annoying. Why are you here?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. I heard about your father, and the inheritance.” How does he find all this out so fast?? “I’m also here to ask for your help on a case. Ever since you traded up to that giant RV I haven’t been able to track you down. What are you using to keep that thing off my radar?” He asked curiously.

  “I don’t know, some kind of new technology. What case?” I asked wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. I can feel Lars’s eyes on us.

  “The case is something I’ve wanted your help on for a while but couldn’t get clearance until you dropped off my radar. Turns out they would rather have one eye on you than none at all. If you don’t help me I have to take you in.”

  “Fuck. What about what happened back at the restaurant? Is Lars in trouble?”

  “Nah. I talked to the manager. He said all four of them were looking for a fight. When I asked who threw the first punch he claimed he didn’t know. Mr. Benjamin can be very convincing.”

  I laughed. “There was only one punch thrown. Eric couldn’t get up in time to retaliate.”

  “Yes dear, we’re all well aware of that. Looks like you still have some friends here because nobody was willing to say Lars threw the first punch. Their word against yours, I chose yours.” He nodded towards Lars who I swear I can feel getting closer now. “You happy with him?”

  “I don’t do happy, but yeah. He’s okay.”

  “You sleeping with him?”

  “None of your business.”

  He nodded. “That means yes.” Then came the big jealous sigh. “Fix your door, and lay low. Meet me in San Diego next Friday. Get rid of that RV so I can track you.”

  “I could bolt and stay off your radar.” If Joe lets me keep Lily. That’s not going to happen, but it’s worth a try.

  “You’ve been trying that for the better part of three years honey.” He reminded me. “Work with me, or I have no choice but to step up my efforts and drag you back in. despite our differences I’d rather not have to do that.”

  “You’ll have to go through me.” Lars ground out over my head as his hands gripped my shoulders.

  I rolled my eyes. “See you in San Diego Morty.”

  “Yes you will.” Asshole opened his door and dropped down into the driver’s seat with a knowing shit-eating grin on his face.

  When he was almost out of sight I turned around and looked up. “We’re going to San Diego, but first we have to return Lily. Evidently Lily has been keeping me off their radar and it’s pissing them off. I’ve also been recruited to help with a case.” I put my finger to his lips. “That jerk just kept you from being arrested for assault. We’re doing this.”

  He took my wrist and pressed his lips to my palm as he closed his eyes. “He touches you and I’ll bury him so deep his body will surface in China.”

  I rolled my eyes and pulled him down for a kiss. How could I not? For once, since my mother, someone actually cares about my wellbeing. Someone wants to protect me with a fierceness I’ve only seen in the Army. I miss my team. I miss that life.

  Right now I miss it a little less as his hands and mouth make me forget my name.


  Lars is putting the door on because, well, he decided it was his job and I just don’t care enough to argue about it. It’s not my RV. If it was I’d have told him to go sit down, not the other way around.

  A car pulled up and my sister got out just as I was about to top off my wine. Great. Now what?

  She walked over and sat across from me at the picnic table. “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t see about what, but go ahead.” Fuck it, I topped off my wine.

  “I talked to a lawyer about suing you for dad’s inheritance. He told me a little while ago that when he tried to file the paperwork you came back deceased. How is that possible?”

  I snorted with laughter.

  Before I could recover Lars showed up and asked, “Everything okay here ladies?”

  I waved off the laughter. “Sorry. Yes. Paige here just found out I’m dead.”

  He looked at me funny. “Run that by me again?”

  “When I escaped they declared me dead to close any open local cases involving my manhunt. It’s no big deal, I’d just forgotten about it until now.”

  “How can you forget something like that?” Paige asked.

  Lars shook his head and went back to installing the new door.

  I shrugged. “I’ve been using fake names for so long I don’t even think about it anymore. Anyway, what do you want?”

  “I need that money Angela. I don’t understand why he would promise it to me then lie about it. I feel betrayed.”

  “HA! Welcome to the club.” I toasted her then took a sip.

  “You and I both know Eric never touched you. Why can’t you just-“

  “You don’t know shit Paige. You weren’t there. You were sound asleep in your own room while he was sneaking into mine. I was too young and scared to stop him. He raped me night after night after night. By the time I found the strength to say something all of you just turned your backs on me, except mom. She was the only one who believed me.”

  “Why didn’t you got to a hospital? Get a rape kit test or whatever they are?” She asked still not believing me.

  “Because by then it had been months since he did it and the proof was long gone. It would have been my word against his, and as it turned out, all of your words as well. You all called me a liar. Mom and I talked about it for a very long time. My anger over the whole deal started taking over my life so I joined the Army. End of story. You should leave now.” I got up to go find something stronger than wine.

  “Wait. What if I say I believe you? Will you at least hold up your end of the deal with me? Maybe Brian and Derek too? They didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did I. We hones
tly thought you were just being a teenage bitch for the attention.” She seemed to confide.

  “No. I’d rather that money go to charity in ten years than suffer one more second in your presence, or theirs. You’re nothing more than a reminder of a past I’d like to leave behind me once and for all. Go get a job and stop trying to mooch off an inheritance you don’t even have a right to.” Whoops. I swore to mom I’d never tell them, but mom’s not here, and well, maybe it’s time they all knew.

  “Excuse me??” She got up following me to the fire pit. I’ll get the whiskey later after she leaves. “What does that mean?”

  “Find some of the old fucks hair and get a DNA test. Mom cheated on dad a few times. The only ones that are truly entitled to his money are me and Brian. The rest of you are probably the spawns of one of mom’s many some one-night stands. She couldn’t even remember their names.”

  She slapped me hard across the face. Twice. “Bitch!! How dare you??!!”

  I shrugged. “I honestly don’t care if you believe me.”

  Lars showed up again getting between us facing her. “I’ve never hit a woman, and I don’t plan on it, but if you strike my wife again I’ll shove you in the trunk of that car and roll it off the nearest cliff. Get the fuck out of here. Now.” His tone was deep and scary enough she ran to her car and peeled out throwing gravel everywhere.

  I laughed. “Stupid bitch.”

  He touched my chin and inspected my cheek. “You’re going to swell. Let’s go put some ice on that.”

  “I want ice on my whiskey too. How soon before we can get out of here?”

  “The door is done. We can leave whenever you’re ready.” He assured me on the way to said door.


  Two hours into our drive my phone rang. Lilly answered it for me and put the call on speaker. Slider’s voice filled the cab. “I need you two to head back to here to AJ.”

  “Is there a problem?” Lars asked taking a seat on the passenger side.


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