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Tangled: A Dark Protectors--Reece Family Novella

Page 8

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Sirens trilled in the distance, and people started coming out of homes to see the catastrophe. Fuck. They had to get out of there.

  Theo tripped over a snow-laden bush, and Chalton stumbled, keeping them both going.

  They found Jared free of the house, facedown in the snow. Flames licked across his vest, having burned through his jacket. Theo grabbed a handful of snow and slammed it down on the fire until the flames hissed into steam. “Jared?” He turned his brother over.

  Jared’s nose was broken along with what looked like his cheekbone. Blood flowed freely from a cut across his cheek. His breaths were shallow, but he was breathing and his heart seemed steady.

  Theo shook him, but he didn’t awaken. “We have to go.” Grunting, he lifted his brother, and with Chalton’s help, got him over Theo’s shoulder. “Jesus. He weighs a ton.” Staggering under the weight, bleeding, and with more bruises on his brain than he could count, Theo followed a limping Chalton through the backyard and toward the SUV they’d stashed down the private street.

  They reached the vehicle, and Theo shoved Jared inside, following him into the backseat.

  Chalton dodged around the front and ignited the engine, heading for the back exit to the subdivision. The sirens got louder, and the fire crackled merrily, even with the storm. “Fucking setup,” Chalton muttered, swinging around a group of people in pajamas, boots, and heavy coats who were heading toward the fire. “How did he set us up?”

  Theo shrugged, removing Jared’s vest and lifting his shirt to see a myriad of bruises and obviously broken ribs. “Whoa.” He patted Jared’s hard cheek—the good one. “Wake up, bro.”

  Jared didn’t move but tingles cascaded from him, so at least his system was repairing the damage. Good.

  Theo shoved his tattered jacket off and gingerly felt along his own ribcage. Pain drew inward and spiraled out. Yep. Broken. He kept his eyes open but started sending healing cells first to his brain and then his body. “We need to figure this out.”

  “The trace on his call was good,” Chalton said grimly, whipping the vehicle out onto a main road. “Saul did call for the car, but he must’ve realized we were ready to make a move. How? How could he possibly know we were working with Ginny and not against her?”

  “She didn’t tell him,” Theo said wearily, leaning back.

  “You sure?”

  Theo studied his brother. “I’m sure.” Even to get her father back, she wouldn’t send Theo to his possible death. “I should tell you that we decided to mate. To save her life.”

  Chalton eyed him through the rearview mirror. “To save her life.”

  Jared snorted. “I’m half unconscious and even I know that’s bullshit. To save her life. God, you’re clueless.”

  Theo cut him a look. “Why don’t you fix your face and not worry about me right now?”

  Jared groaned and stronger tingles cascaded around him. “Veronica likes my face. I should heal it.” He shifted on the seat. “You know what this means, right? The fact that we didn’t find Saul?”

  Theo nodded, grimness clutching his heart. “Yeah. Ginny has to go forward with the meet.”

  “If she hasn’t already,” Chalton said quietly.

  “She hasn’t,” Theo snapped. “There’s no way she turned us in to Saul.” The woman might be a thief and a manipulator, but she wouldn’t purposefully cause harm. He just knew it.

  “Say you’re right and your future mate didn’t call Saul and give him our information.” Chalton sped up, moving quickly toward the city. “What if she didn’t mean to tell him, but he still heard it from her?”

  Theo rubbed his aching ribcage. “What do you mean?”

  “What if—”

  “Oh, shit.” Theo smacked his head and then winced at the instant pain. “The anklet with GPS.”

  Chalton nodded, spraying snow and ice. “Yeah. It broadcasts location, but what if it also broadcasts sounds? What if he’s been listening in the entire time?”

  Theo’s breath caught, and he fumbled for his phone, quickly dialing Ginny. “If he knows we left her…”

  Chalton shook his head. “We left the place well guarded. If there had been any sort of problem, the guards would’ve called in.”

  Good point. But Theo’s heart started beating faster as she didn’t answer. “Ginny. Call me. Now.” He left a message.

  “She’s probably asleep,” Jared mumbled, keeping his eyes closed.

  Theo looked at his brother. “Fix your face, would you?” That was true. Ginny could be asleep. But wouldn’t she answer, considering he was on a mission to take out Saul? She would. He dialed the guards. “Check my apartment. Now.”

  “Affirmative,” came across the line.

  He held his breath. Heavy footsteps sounded, and then nothing. “Hello?” he said, his voice clipped.

  The guard cleared his throat. “The apartment is empty. She didn’t get by us, and there’s no sign of a struggle.”

  “Secure the location,” Theo said tersely, clicking off. “I’m going to fucking kill her.”

  Chapter 11

  Ginny climbed through the vents before dawn, her hands freezing and her nose numb. After riding subway cars for hours and then maneuvering through the cold city, she’d finally arrived back at Theo’s building. It wasn’t dawn yet, so perhaps he hadn’t made it home. She had to believe he’d lived through whatever Saul had planned for him.

  Saul had almost caught her several times during the last few hours, but she was a master at getting in and out of tight spots.

  The planekite had left her system, so she was feeling marginally better. Whatever she had in her pocket had kept Saul from killing her or even dosing her again, so she desperately needed to open that envelope.

  But first, she had to get safely back into Theo’s place.

  Hopefully, he hadn’t made it home yet.

  She slid the vent in front of the kitchen open, dropped to the counter, and then back-flipped to the floor. Then she turned around and let out a small shriek.

  Theo sat in a kitchen chair, bruises across his face, fury burning hot and bright in his dark eyes.

  She clasped her hand to her chest and felt her thundering heart. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  He cocked his head slowly, the movement predatory. His dark shirt emphasized solid muscles, as did his faded jeans. Although his feet were bare, even they looked capable of great danger.

  She swallowed, taking in his bruises. “I’m glad you’re all right. I was worried.”

  He arched one dark eyebrow.

  Okay. So he was a little angry. “I didn’t know that Saul was setting you up,” she said, trying to keep her voice calm.

  Theo didn’t move, but somehow more tension poured off him. “How do you know we were set up?”

  She winced. “I may have seen him earlier tonight.”

  Both eyebrows arched.

  “I, ah, saw him and ended up running all over the city trying to get back here,” she said in a rush. Why couldn’t she breathe? It wasn’t like she was afraid of Theo. Not really. Sure, he looked like he could kill somebody right that moment, but why would he want to kill her?

  “Are you all right?” Theo rumbled.

  She nodded. “Yes. He engaged the anklet, but I got away. It was hours ago.” Though she was starving all of a sudden. “What happened with you?”

  “It was a trap that blew up. We’re all fine,” he said shortly, not losing any of his hard look.

  She fought the very real urge to run out of the kitchen. By the look of him, she wouldn’t make it. “I didn’t promise to stay here.”

  Oops. He moved from the chair, walking for her fast, with a determined clip.

  She backed up and hit the countertop. “What’s—”

  Then his hand was suddenly tangling in her hair and twisting. He moved her head to the side and pulled back until she faced him. Her brain just plain and simple stopped working. Vulnerability and an intriguing breathlessness caught her and held as tig
htly as he did.

  He lowered his head until his eyes were right above hers. All of those interesting shades of black. As she watched, the sparkle turned to a deep metallic green. Stunning. His vampire colors. “I told you to stay here,” he gritted out.

  “I know.” Wow. Those eyes were amazing. The myriad shades of both green and black was fascinating. “I, ah, am not really a sit around and wait type of lass.” Her brogue emerged with her breathiness.

  If anything, more anger poured from him. “In direct opposition to your sweet and helpless act.”

  She frowned. “Well, yes. I thought you knew that.” Her brain was still fuzzy. He was too close. Lord, she still couldn’t breathe.

  His phone rang a bizarre tune that sounded somehow frantic. An emergency tune, without question. Without releasing her, he reached for it on the counter and pressed a button. “What?” he barked.

  “Tell me Ginny didn’t rob a Realm bank tonight,” Chalton said urgently. “Please.”

  She blanched.

  “Damn it,” Theo muttered. “Give me the status.”

  “Dage called and has me tracking down who robbed the bank.” Chalton’s voice was both panicked and weary.

  She barely kept back a smile. “He won’t find me.”

  “Don’t speak,” Theo snarled, tightening his hold in her hair. “Not a fucking word.”

  Chalton sighed over the line. “I’ll have her in about an hour. The surrounding buildings have devices I invented with heat, video, and even sound. The devices are compiling a recording right now of the person who broke into the bank, and she’ll be recognizable by morning.”

  Her stomach dropped, even while her mind finally engaged. “I would love to see that technology. Fascinating. The surrounding buildings—what a remarkable idea.”

  Theo growled. A true, furious, masculine vampiric growl.

  She shivered. Her nipples went hard as rocks. Even her knees weakened.

  “How long can you hold off on telling the king?” Theo ground out, his breath warm on her face.

  “As long as you need,” Chalton said. “Want me to blow the evidence?”

  Theo closed his eyes and quickly reopened them. “No. The king is almost a brother to you. I appreciate the offer, but do your job. Just do it slowly.”

  “Copy that. And good luck.” Chalton clicked off.

  She twisted her lip. “So. I may have broken into a Realm bank tonight.” Would the king call for her head? She’d heard he was a reasonable guy, but he was still a vampire. “Is there a Realm prison somewhere?” She’d escaped a human prison back in the seventies, and it’d be nice to test those skills again.

  “You’re not going to prison,” Theo said. “We’ll figure something out. What did you find?”

  She took out the envelope and ripped it open, dropping a flash drive in her hand. “To think we can now take each other down with these.”

  Theo grasped it and plugged it into a tablet on the counter, the tension still pouring from him. “It’s encrypted. I’ll set a program on it while we conclude matters.” He typed on the small attached keyboard and then turned her way.

  She wanted to back away again, but there was nowhere to go. “I can handle prison.”

  Theo shook his head. “I don’t think the king would send his best friend’s brother’s mate to prison. Dage is all about family and connections.”

  Her mouth opened. “You still want to mate me?”

  “Yes. Right now, actually.” He didn’t offer any other explanation, and the green in his eyes completely overtook the black. “You need it to survive, and I need it to have a hold on you. Forever.” Then he kissed her. Holding her in place, he plundered deep.

  Electricity jolted through her body. The kisses from him before… Those were different. Sweet and exploring. This was firm, deep, and hot. A claiming. Whatever she’d sensed in Theo, that predator he banked low with humor and watchfulness…was unleashed. He treated her like she was a strong woman. One who could take what he wanted to give.

  That alone made her want to mate him. She was a gambler, and this would be the biggest gamble of her long life.

  Then he gentled the kiss, starting to back her across the kitchen. Oh, hell no. If this was going to happen, and she wanted it to happen, he didn’t get to treat her like the fragile thing she’d pretended to be for so long. She jerked her mouth free. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to the bedroom.” His hold lightened, even as his body was a long tense line of contained power. “I won’t hurt you, Gin. You can trust me.”

  Ah, the sweet vampire. If she’d wanted to be coddled, she would’ve accepted one of the many offers to basically sit on a mated pedestal through the years. So she shot a punch into his gut, giving her just enough room to slip out of his grasp.

  His chin lifted in warning, and those stark eyes glittered. “What are you doing?”

  She edged around the counter and toward the door. “I don’t want gentle or sweet. In fact, I don’t want a wimp of a mate. I need pure strength and power.”

  Now his chin lowered. “You think I can’t protect you?”

  Sure, he could protect her when she needed it. But she wanted all of him—not just the protector. “I’m fairly capable, Theo.” She moved backward, keeping him in her sights, into the living area. Pain flashed along her palm. Real pain, like a deep burn. Oh God. She glanced down. The marking. The Celtic knot, winding and beautiful, that presented itself when a witch found her mate. She couldn’t breathe.

  He stalked her, his steps slow and measured. “What game are you playing now?”

  She swallowed, focusing back on him. This was really happening. “No game. I don’t want a mate I can lead around by the nose. You want me?” she whispered, stepping toward the sofas.

  “You know I do.” He kept coming, his movement fluid. “Stop playing.”

  “Make me.” With a quick move, she made it around the sofa, putting it between them. Her heart thundered, and her body had sprung fully alive. Pushing him was a bad idea, horrible, really, yet she knew what she wanted. Theo unleashed. “I used to watch you, T.”

  “Did you, now?” He stopped on the other side of the sofa, in complete control of the room. “And?”

  “You’re uncontrollable.” The idea thrilled her to the point of being too dangerous. “That’s why I didn’t choose you back then.”

  At the reminder of her messing with his brother, he changed. Nothing obvious. She noticed it because she’d watched him secretly for years. She’d wanted him so badly for eons. His eyes glittered, focusing on her with a preternatural stillness. Here was the deadly soldier she’d heard whispered about from immortals who actually feared him.

  The predator he hid down deep. Brutal, primal, and terrifying.

  She wanted to make him hers. “Your calm façade is disappearing, Reese. You’re looking a bit deadly,” she breathed, her abdomen quivering.

  “I am deadly. You might want to keep that in mind.” His voice had lowered, turning gravelly hoarse.

  The tone bit across her skin, heading down to the pulse between her legs.

  He lifted his face, his nostrils flaring. “You’re aroused, baby.”

  “That’s impolite,” she returned, moving slightly to the left.

  “We left politeness a long time ago.” He matched her movement. “I’m going to give you one more chance. Get your ass into the bedroom. Now.”

  “That’s not what I want,” she whispered, eyeing him, preparing to run. “Not even close. The question is: What do you want?”

  “You.” He was up and over the sofa in a wisp of sound.

  She’d been waiting. She somersaulted in the air over the nearest chair, landing by the window. “You’re fast.”

  “So are you.” He stalked her around the chair, his hungry eyes unblinking and focused like any predator on prey. Her challenge had stripped him down to the dark and primitive beast at his core.

  At that look, alarm trembled through her along with anticipati
on. She’d wanted him unleashed. Now could she handle him? The need to run was real this time. She feinted left and went right, rushing for the bedroom and the door that hopefully had a lock.

  He caught her by the nape and the waistband, ripping her off her feet and flinging her over his shoulder. Not missing a beat, he strode toward the bedroom and kicked the door shut with enough strength to crack the door frame. One hand planted on her ass, and he flipped her over, tossing her on the bed.

  Her shoulders hit first, and the wind whooshed out of her lungs. Before she could strike out, he’d ripped her jeans free of her body. She rolled to the side and tried to lever off the bed, a shocked laugh escaping her when he planted one hand across her entire lower back and somehow ripped off her shirt. She squirmed on the bed like a wriggling kitten, fighting to get free, wanting him to keep her close but unwilling to give in so easily.

  She couldn’t dislodge his hand.

  He waited, the patient hunter, with her wearing nothing but her thin bra and panty set.

  The bra released. “You ever been tied up?” he asked, no exertion in his voice.

  “No,” she gasped. A slow burn rolled through her body. He held her down with one hand, her face in the bedclothes, her feet kicking uselessly. The man had been bruised and burned. How was he fighting so well and easily? Adrenaline was flooding her body, giving her strength, but she couldn’t match him.

  Her thighs rubbed together, and she bit back a groan. “If I had my fire, I’d burn you to a crisp.”

  “This is for leaving the apartment.” The smack to her ass shocked the heck out of her. She arched, gasping. Fire shot through her skin, followed by a chill that made her tremble.

  He slapped her butt again, making her skin come alive with brutal tingles. “This is for robbing a bank. A Realm bank.” Three very hard smacks followed in rapid succession.

  She cried out and arched again, every nerve sparking. Nobody had dared treat her so, and yet she was primed and ready for him. Her breasts felt heavy and needy, while her sex contracted several times, needing something. Needing Theo Reese. She clenched her jaw to keep from begging for him.


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