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A Woman's Touch (And a Whole Lot More!): Five First Lesbian Sex Erotica Stories

Page 3

by Nancy Brockton

  “It’s a convention,” Lindsay said. She pressed the woman’s floor and also her own.

  “Sounds fun.”

  “Oh it’s very fun,” Lindsay said and as she did she gave another squeeze. Connie started to moan and then tried to disguise it with a cough. Lindsay held back laughter as the elevator stopped on the second floor. The woman left and Lindsay turned back to Connie and said, “I should have made you kiss her. I almost did.” That was a lie but the look in Connie’s face was priceless. “Now. How old are you?”

  “Ni,” Connie started and then swallowed hard. “Nine hundred and seventy-two years old.”

  Lindsay smiled and kissed her hard again while squeezing. The girl moaned and Connie kept it up until the doors open. Then she released her and backed away. “That’s much better,” she said. “Now you walk ahead and lift your cloak up over your waist because I want to look at your ass the whole way to the room.” The girl looked like she was going to faint from terror but she gathered her cloak up over her waist and stepped out of the elevator.

  That gave Lindsay a big thrill but she got an even bigger thrill because of what Connie said. She said, “Yes ma’am.”

  She walked behind the girl and did, indeed admire her little heart shaped ass and the way the leggings accentuated the form of it. God! She was going to spank it. She knew that for sure. At least two of three spanks on each cheek, not hard but just enough to let the girl know she meant business. That ass was beautiful. Connie was beautiful. It was wonderful, so damned wonderful. The idea she could be in charge was absolutely thrilling, and Lindsay waked behind her trying to find a pretense, any pretense for spanking. She couldn’t wait to get her out of those clothes, to just get the girl naked and have her way with her completely. The need that had built up in her from Alistair’s withholding was enormous, and it just got worse and worse by the second. Maybe she couldn’t have his cock. Maybe Lindsay couldn’t have him inside of her but she sure as well was going to have someone. Maybe she couldn’t know the joy of having Alistair spurting inside of her but she sure as hell was going to feel that girl’s tongue.

  Lindsay had to stop for a moment because an image hit her, the image of her pussy filled with Alistair’s seed and her hands wrapped up in the girl’s hair as she held her in place so Connie could lap up everything that leaked out. She took a deep breath and was grateful that Connie remembered where the room was and she didn’t have to speak. She took another breath as she walked to the door and inserted the key card. Connie stood nervously, and Lindsay smiled maliciously at her. When we get inside, Drusilla, I want you kneeling in front of the chair completely naked in exactly forty-five seconds.” She opened the door and added, “Don’t disappoint me.”

  She suppressed a delighted giggle as the vampire girl began fumbling with her clothes in a panic. Lindsay walked to the chair and sat down. It had taken Lindsay almost a minute just to get the girl’s corset off the first time. There was no possibility of success… for Connie. For Lindsay, Connie’s failure was great success. She’d get her excuse to spank the nineteen year old. She stared at the couch where she’d sat with her legs spread widely just a short time ago, performing for Alistair’s pleasure. The coffee table was still out of the way, and Lindsay looked at her watch. Thirty-nine seconds had passed. She turned to look at the vampire girl. She was naked from the waist down but still wore her cape and only had about a third of her corset unfastened. She smiled and then had to fight back a moan. The girl was all hers, and she was going to be late, and Lindsay felt excitement unlike any she’d felt in a long time. She was really dominating! She was really in control!

  She watched the girl struggling desperately with her corset. It took her another minute and a half before she threw it to the floor and then struggled to untie the string that held the cape around her neck. She was so damned cute, so beautiful and so eager to please. Lindsay watched her finally free herself from the cape and then rush naked until she stood in front of Lindsay before she dropped to her knees and stared up at her expectantly. Lindsay reached out and cupped her chin. “You’re so lovely, Drusilla.” She smiled in what she hoped was a menacing way. “And so very late.” The girl stared up at her. The only thing that seemed more powerful than the look of fear on her face was the intense arousal she could see in the girl’s eyes. The girl was so terribly cute that Lindsay felt an immediate outpouring of sympathy and it took a great effort of will to keep up the act. She took a breath, and still cupping the girl’s chin in her hand said, “Do you remember when you were a little girl and did something wrong, Drusilla? I know it was many, many centuries ago but try to remember.”

  The girl thought for a second and said, “Um… I got a time out.”

  Lindsay laughed. The laughter was genuine and flowed from her so damned naturally that it came out heartily and powerfully. She felt tears in her eyes from it, and even though it meant breaking character, she couldn’t help but hug Connie warmly. She backed away and said, “You’re kind of new to this whole cosplay thing, aren’t you?”

  Connie looked confused but the laughter was infectious so she started giggling as well. It went on for four or five minutes but it didn’t dispel any of Lindsay’s arousal. If anything, it made her want everything even more. When they’d calmed down, Lindsay said, “I really like you, Connie.”

  Connie smiled bashfully and it looked like she blushed a little bit. “I really like you, too.”

  Lindsay said, “Okay. So I want to take charge of you, make you do things, and I want to start out by spanking you. I mean, I want to make you use your mouth on me, teach you how to do that. But like I said, I’ve been thinking about spanking you, and I really want that. Not mean or really hard. I mean, it will sting a bit but it’s to be sexy and not to hurt you.” The girl bit her lip and smiled. Lindsay realized the idea turned her on quite a bit. “But you need to keep pretending to be Drusilla and I’m going to pretend to be Lindsay the Demon and not Lindsay the Girl.”

  Connie nodded. “I like that. It’s fun.”

  Lindsay smiled. “Did you like when Alistair and I pretended like I had to be forced to please you?”

  It was like the girl’s face flooded with color. “A whole lot. Wow. Yeah.”

  She smiled. “Okay. You’re almost a thousand years old, Drusilla. I don’t think time outs were even invented before like 1960 or 1970.”

  Connie’s eyes opened wide. “Oh! I understand now.” She cleared her throat and said with eyes downcast, “When I failed my mother or my father I was handed to the head of the servants, and he would take me over his knee and spank me. When I entered into life in the night, he was the first blood I took for daring to spank me.”

  Lindsay felt a visceral thrill and said, “Well, you’ve misbehaved again, and you’ve failed me. I’m not your mother or father, though, and I handle my punishments all by myself.” She could feel the excitement building in her, and she stood up and unzipped the back of the bodysuit. As she got herself undressed, far faster than she had for Alistair, she said, “But I am a generous mistress, and I will allow you to participate in your punishment. You may decide how many times my hand will fall over you.” She kicked her shoes from her feet and stepped out of the bodysuit. Her panties followed a moment later and she sat back down with her legs spread a bit. Connie looked between them and Lindsay was excited to see some of her nervousness return.

  Connie looked up at her with those wide-eyes that reminded her of anime girls and said, “Um… is ten enough?” The words were like Alistair’s orders. They touched Lindsay on a physical level. Before she could reply, though, Connie said, “I mean, like ten for each cheek?” It was almost impossible not to moan when she said that. Lindsay had planned on five or six swats total. Now she had twenty. Twenty!

  She had to stay in character, though, so she said, “That should be sufficient, I suppose.” Then, just because she felt herself losing some of the control, even if only in her own mind, she added, “But if your behavior doesn’t change afterward,
we’ll have to add more later.”

  The girl nodded, the arousal winning out over the nervousness but the nervousness so strong now it bordered on panic. Lindsay smiled and said. “I want you over my knee.” She didn’t know why it felt better to make the girl do it herself but there was something about the humiliation of the event, the way the girl had to rise to her feel and then stand in indecision as she tried to figure out how to go about things. She smartly chose to climb over one of the arms of the chair, and Lindsay closed her legs so the girl could bring her knees down. It was a large chair but Lindsay realized the couch would make things better because there was almost no contact with the girl’s body and she was more on all fours than over her knee.

  “Sill vampire girl,” she said. “Not here. On the couch.” Connie immediate scrambled up and off, and the scrambling was precious. Lindsay only caught sight of her face very briefly but the emotion evident in the girl’s fear of disappointing her demon mistress was shockingly real. Lindsay found herself torn because she desperately wanted to pull the girl to her, to ravish her right then but she also desperately wanted to spank her, to take absolute control. She lazily rose and made her way to the couch, sitting down and fixing her eyes on Connie. The young woman stared at her, and Lindsay said, “What are you waiting for? Did I not make clear what I wanted from you?”

  The girl nodded vigorously and rushed to comply, climbing onto the couch and then lying over Lindsay’s lap. The feel of her body over Lindsay’s thighs was wonderful, damned wonderful, and when Lindsay placed a hand the small of her back she could feel the girl trembling. She pressed firmly with that hand and then let the fingers of her other hand trail down to touch the girl’s thigh. She touched lightly and then gradually moved her fingertips along the girl’s thigh until she reached the curve of her ass. She moved up further, softly, until the tension was too much to bear and she lifted her hand up and let it fall in a hard slap against the girl’s right ass cheek.

  She’d spanked far harder than she intended to! The girl yelped, and Lindsay could see the pink impression of her hand on the girl’s cheek. She was about to turn her around and apologize but then Connie let out a breathy, “Thank you, Demon Mistress.” If the girl’s tongue had been on Lindsay’s clit, it likely wouldn’t have impacted her as powerfully. She let another spank fall on the exact location, and now the girl’s as was a deeper pink. There was another yelp and another murmur of thanks. Lindsay spanked twice more in rapid succession. The girl yelped, let out a very strained, “Thank you, Demon Mistress,” through clenched teeth and then seemed to relax. She sighed, moaned softly, and repeated the moan.

  That moan was even better than the first note of thanks, and Lindsay felt a spasm in her pussy. “I think you’re enjoying this Drusilla.”

  “Oh y—“ The girl caught herself and the next words were contrite rather than excited. “No Demon Mistress. It really hurts and it’s a very fitting punishment that I really deserve.”

  She was lying through her teeth but Lindsay loved the playacting and loved that the girl was enjoying the spanks. She looked down. The girl’s right ass cheek was mostly pink now, and there were some spots where it was dark enough to almost approach red. “How many spanks have you received, Drusilla?”

  Connie said, “Four. Four, Demon Mistress.”

  Lindsay lifted her hand and brought it down hard but stopped about two inches from the girl’s ass. She watched the girl lift her ass to receive the blow, flinch, and then let out a moan filled with both relief and disappointment when it didn’t land. “How many are left?”

  Connie’s voice was filled with desperation as she said, “Sixteen.” Lindsay gave her a second and then brought her hand down hard on the girl’s left cheek just as she remembered so that the Demon Mistress came out as a yelp. The girl trembled and Lindsay realized with a great deal of amazement and an equal amount of shock that the girl was really, really turned on. The shuddering almost made it seem like the girl could cum just from the spanking. She landed another spank on the girl’s left cheek. She moaned softly and thanked her again. Two more spanks got the same result but the strain in the girl’s voice was confirmation. Every spank was bringing her closer just as thrusts into her might.

  She landed another had spank on the girl’s left cheek and then another on her right. The girl moaned again and had to calm herself for a few seconds before she breathed out, “Thank you Demon Mistress.”

  Lindsay held back a moan of her own and said, “I think you’re enjoying this, Drusilla.”

  Connie swallowed hard and said, “Oh no, Demon Mistress! It hurts! It really does.”

  Lindsay smiled. She knew Connie was telling the truth about the hurting part. Something about the spanking, though, was forcing the girl’s body to react against logic. She spanked twice on Connie’s right cheek and then twice on Connie’s left. The girl was shuddering now, and she could hear her straining to speak. She was right at the edge. Hell, she might be past the point of no return. Lindsay began spanking hard and fast, moving from one cheek to the next. She lost count but thought she’d landed six or so on each cheek when the girl’s back suddenly arched and then her whole body clenched up. She let out a long moan as she came, and though she knew she was well past her allotted twenty spanks, Lindsay kept raining down blows on the girl’s as, and each one made the girl moan more loudly even as her ass cheeks changed from deep pink to an angry red.

  Each spank also made the girl’s body jerk and Lindsay realized the spanks were having the same effect of repeated thrusts would have after an orgasm. They were heightening the contractions and making them grip the girl even more tightly. She was spanking the girl and making her cum harder! It was too much for her, and she spanked for only five or six more blows before she wrenched the girl’s body around so that she was suddenly on her knees in front of her. She grabbed Lindsay’s head and pulled her face to her pussy. The girl looked up at her in shock and terror but her nervousness didn’t matter because as soon as her lips touched Lindsay’s clit, Lindsay came hard. By the time the girl got over her tentativeness and extended her tongue, Lindsay was already moving her hips wildly as she held the girl in place. Connie’s first experience pleasing a woman with her tongue really didn’t involve her tongue much as all. Instead, with her hands holding firmly to the girl’s head, she slid her pussy up and down and from side to side, using her nose, lips, chin, and cheeks to extend the pleasure. Lindsay rubbed herself against the girl’s face and stared down over her back at her abused ass cheeks as she came and she felt like the orgasm was far superior to any she’d had in a very long time. She lost awareness of time for a bit and when she finally came to her senses, the girl was softly nuzzling her clit and sliding her hands up and down Lindsay’s thighs.

  She released her grip on the girl’s hair as Connie kissed her clit softly and also all along her slit. Connie didn’t back away when Lindsay let go, and Lindsay sighed as she stroked the girl’s hair and said softly, “Very good, Drusilla.” She looked down at the girl’s ass cheeks in wonder. How could such a thing have resulted in an orgasm? Connie would have a hard time sitting down for at least a day or two but she’d behaved as though she would have been happy to be spanked forever. She couldn’t understand the reasoning. She’d always kind of wanted Alistair to spank her but she’d envisioned it as a very short part of foreplay and not an end in and of itself. She couldn’t even imagine going through what the girl had endured.

  “Was there something about the word behave that confused you?”

  Alistair’s voice startled her, and she pushed Connie away from her pussy and stared at him. From the look on his face, he was definitely capable of delivering far worse to Lindsay than what she’d given the vampire girl.

  My Lesbian Awakening with Hayden

  An Erotic Romance

  by Barbara Vanaman

  Copyright 2014 by Bright Lights Erotica Press

  The cover of this ebook uses a photography © Bruce E. Goodrich of Artfully Explicit Photog
raphy. Visit his website for prints, books, or for custom sittings.

  Tax return season was always stressful for Hayden and me. We worked for a tax franchise company, helping our franchisees set up those temporary offices in department stores, malls, and discount centers. From the end of February until the middle of April, it was nonstop work and a kind of controlled chaos that never seemed like it would work out but somehow did. We’d worked for the company for almost six years, both of us applying on the same day and both of us getting the jobs. We’d known each other for much longer, having met in elementary school, best friends from almost the first day.

  We were roommates in college and remained roommates after college, and after our first overwhelming tax season with the company, we went out and shopped like crazy to celebrate a return to normalcy. Every year since, the weekend after tax season was a weekend of new clothes and an impromptu fashion show for each other. It was a fun weekend, and it usually resulted in us heading out to a bar to pick up one night stands. A few years back, it had led to a nine-week affair for Alicia with a computer programmer on temporary assignment from New York, but the relationship hadn’t survived a week long distance.

  This year, we both found ourselves pretty well stocked with outfits, and most of our shopping was for lingerie and accessories. So, our little fashion show ended up being like some kind of porn shoot, and we giggled and laughed our way through corsets, stockings, garters, teddies, and more. Eventually, we were laughing and giggling about how we were like strippers and that, of course, led to lewd comments. I found myself on the couch waving a dollar bill while Hayden came over and gave me a lap dance. There was a lot of sexual tension, but I don’t think either of us recognized it as such. We’d known each other and been best friends for almost twenty years.

  From that point forward, as we changed into our various sets of panties and lingerie, we tried to out-sexy each other. That was pretty much how it all began. I don’t really know how it happened. Sure, I felt sexy, and so did Hayden; but we’d tried on and showed off new sexy clothes before in front of each other and we hadn’t gone crazy. Nonetheless, while she swayed and pretended that her new pink panties and bra were part of some kind of a strip tease outfit, I couldn’t help but realize just how attractive she was. We both were, really, bit while I was tiny, really short and petite; she was tall. We both had breasts proportioned to our bodies, and I think we shared another quality in that our asses were our best features. Her strip tease act was fun and sexy, and I swayed too and even started pulling at the corners of my panties as though I was going to take them off.


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