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Magic and Mayhem: Witchin' Up A Spell (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 5)

Page 9

by Isabel Micheals

  "Where the hell is she?" Alec screamed as he frantically starts to look in all directions until he’d made a complete circle, while trying to contain his frustration that Brittney had once again slipped through their fingers. This was supposed to have worked. Tonight should have been the end of this mess. Now, they were back at square one. He knew she'd never let them get that close again. What in the hell were they going to do now?

  Chapter 10

  Brittney was almost to Jasper when Demonica and Angelica stopped her dead in her tracks. They’d used her middle name, Brittney Rose, and they only did that when she was in danger. When Demonica quickly explained it was a trap, she suddenly realized that she needed a diversion. Since Sheriff Elmo Buford was constantly making an ass of himself in Don Juan’s, she decided to cast a spell that would make her look like him. Waving the gun in the air, she decided to take out her aggression on Shorty. In Elmo’s whiny voice, she kept it simple and used the stupid phrase the Sheriff always said when he arrived on a scene… Nip. It. In. The. Bud. Who in the hell still said that these days? It was the 21st century and Bass Ackwards was no Mayberry.

  One minute she was waving her gun and yelling at Shorty, the next, one of the Goddess awful animals on the wall was blown to smithereens. Her instincts were telling her to flee, but Angelica and Demonica insisted that she remain exactly where she was because no one had realized that she was Sheriff Buford. Heeding their advice, she continued to play along as Zoe took the gun out of her hand. She knew they'd never hurt Elmo and would let him go without incident because everyone in town knew the man was harmless… well, as harmless as one can be with a single bullet in his pocket.

  When Zara finally unfroze everyone and Zoe said a spell that clouded the patrons’ memory, she continued to play along until finally they let her leave. Thank the Goddess no had realized Sheriff Buford's patrol car wasn't outside. She quickly jumped in her Ford Focus and made a beeline to Serena's cottage. She was madder than a hornets nest, which meant Jasper and his friends were going to pay for their deceit.

  Since they had left her no choice in the matter, they only had themselves to blame for what happened next. She didn't understand why people always acted like summoning Demons was a bad thing. Was there a chance that one of these Dukes of the Underworld might cast her into darkness and misery? Possibly. Would they subject her to their unending, hellish thrall? Most likely. But she could also get hit by a car or catch pneumonia and die. Let's face it! No one is promised tomorrow, even a powerful witch. She'd learned the truth of that from watching them take down her cousin, Serena.

  Besides, the King of Israel summoned Demons on a regular basis. Hell, he even used them as builders. Therefore, if it was good enough for him, then it was good enough for her. In her heart of hearts, she firmly believed that not all Demons were bad. Tricky as fuck? Yes. But not completely bad. Mind made up, Brittney prepared the cottage to summon up a Demon to do her bidding.

  "I don't think this is wise Brittney. Everyone knows that you should never force a Demon to do your bidding. Well, not unless you have a death wish," Angelica said, hoping to be the voice of reason.

  "Oh My Goddess! That's such hogwash, Angelica and you know it. She just needs to remember to be courteous in her summoning. I mean, yeah, they get a little pissy when you try and command them or state that you're their master, but other than that, most Demons are harmless… and tricky as hell. I guess that's because they reside in Hell. Hmm. Go figure! Besides, it's not like she's going to try and summon Lucifer," Demonica replied, as she continued painting her toenails fire engine red.

  "Hush you two. My mind is made up. Now help me prepare the room, so we can get started," Brittney demanded. "Help me make sure the room is free of any religious articles.

  "Religious articles?" Demi asked with a confused look on her face. "Um… Did you forget this is Serena's house and she wielded Dark Magic like most witches change underwear? Well, that is if you choose to wear the constricting things."

  "Demi. Focus," Angelica admonished. If they were going to summon a Demon, she didn't want to get caught in the crossfires because they had forgotten to make sure the room was religious free. Yet, she did have a point about Serena. Turns out the woman was a dark as they come. Who knew?

  Once the room had been cleared and everything was in place, Brittney took in a deep breath and began lighting the candles. At the stroke of midnight, she began her summoning.

  North, South, East and West,

  I call upon the Fallen Angel who suits me best,

  He's known as the ninth Spirit of Solomon,

  And I feel as though we have a lot in common,

  He rules as a King and commands a legion of Demons in Hell,

  Obedient to only Lucifer, he appears as a crowned man showcasing lots of bells,

  Preceded by many musicians with trumpets and cymbals,

  He subjugates people to the will of the magician,

  He will give the answer to any question I seek,

  I need to know how to trap the love of the man I seek,

  Be he far or be he near,

  Bring the demon Paimon here,

  So mote it be!

  True to form, Paimon's entrance was preceded by a host of spirits appearing as men playing trumpets, cymbals, and other diverse instruments. He was sitting astride a camel and wearing a glorious crown. His mighty roar could have woken the dead and almost burst Brittney's eardrums. To say he was drama personified was an understatement.

  "Who dares summon me?" Paimon roared.

  It took a few minutes to bolster up her courage, but Brittney did and finally said, "Me."

  "And who are you?" he asked in an unnaturally, loud voice.

  Remembering the tips she had read about summoning Paimon, Brittney cleared her throat and summoned him to alter his speech in order for her to understand him better and so she wouldn't go deaf.

  "I need your advice on how to trap the love of the man I seek. His name is Jasper and he's a wolf Shifter. Although he's found his mate, I need you to bind his will and love to me, not the gypsy," Brittney explained.

  "You sure do want a lot, Sexy One. But I have one question for you. What's in it for me?" Paimon asked.

  "Hmm. So you think I'm sexy?" Brittney asked, as she ramped up the charm.

  "You know you’re gorgeous. Stop trying to be coy," he replied. "I ask again. What's in it for me?"

  "Let's see. How about you get to slaughter everyone who gets in your way?" she said with glee.

  "Hmm. Tempting and I always enjoy a good slaughter, but I'm going to need more," he demanded.

  Feeling as though her negotiation was going south, and terrified that he'd want to drag her to Hell for all eternity, Brittney new she had to think fast or all would be lost. Then a light bulb came on and she knew exactly what to say in order to entice this Demon. Adjusting the girls and putting a little, extra swing in her hips, she sashayed toward Paimon and in a husky voice full of sex and innuendo, she said, "You can have the auburn-haired beauty they call a gypsy for all eternity to do with as you please."

  "Oooohhh! The only thing I like better than slaughtering innocents is ravishing a concubine. So gorgeous, you have a deal," Paimon replied.

  "Brittney. No," Angelica exclaimed.

  "Be quiet. Now. I'm trying to close a deal her," Brittney murmured through gritted teeth.

  "Oh My Goddess! She's really done it now. Why didn't I listen to you Angelica? If this doesn't work out for the Demon, we're all going to hell. You know I hate the hot climates. It's bad for my complexion," Demonica whined. "Don't just stand there. Do something to get us out of this mess."

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Angelica counted to ten before responding to her sister. For Goddess’s sake, she was tired of always having to cover her sister's ass… sometimes literally and today was no different. Once again, they'd gone off half-cocked and come up with this hair-brained idea to seek revenge. Everyone knew that revenge was a dish best severed cold, so why in the hell had
her sister encouraged the nitwit to summon a Demon of all people was beyond her. "Sure. Now all of a sudden you want to listen to me. You always do this and I'm so sick of it. Why should I help you?"

  "Because if I go down, you do too," Demonica said with a smirk.

  "Point taken," Angelica said in defeat. "But be forewarned, it's going to take some time and ingenuity to undo this mess. Our girl has no idea she's just made a deal with Lucifer himself.”

  Chapter 11

  It had been months—eight to be exact—since anyone had seen hide nor hair of Brittney since their failure to capture her at Don Juan’s. Had he been disappointed when they’d broken the news to him and Claire? In some ways, yes, yet in others, no. While he wasn’t a fan of Fate, he knew she could be a cruel bitch. Hell, between her and Brittney, he was screwed nine ways to Sunday. If he ever had both women in the same place, at the same time, he had a few choice words for them. But now was not the time to dwell on the past, even though it was playing havoc on his future.

  It was almost All Hallows Eve and the morale of the team was sullen. Realization had struck them like a smack on the head when everyone finally accepted that Brittney would never allow them to get close enough to capture her again. All had been quiet on the home front and although he was eager to move home, he and Claire remained at the farmhouse for safety reasons. Normally, he would have been climbing the walls, but instead, enjoyed his time with Claire despite their tenuous situation.

  They’d gone for long walks, talked about everything under the Sun, and learned each other’s nuances. Although he couldn’t shift, he loved curling up with her at night in their bed. He loved the way she caressed his fur as they fell asleep together. The way the loneliness in the pit of his soul had dissipated. The more time he spent with his auburn-haired beauty, the more he never wanted their time to end. It was becoming harder and harder to control the Beast and despite everyone’s best efforts, his memory hadn’t come back… yet. He only knew what was happening because of their weekly meetings, which in all honesty, wasn’t much.

  Regardless of the fact there wasn’t much news forthcoming, his Alpha insisted on meeting tonight. It seemed as though in addition to glamouring herself, Brittney had suddenly turned into a Master Illusionist and disappeared into thin air. Zeva and Phoebe had kept tabs on Serena’s cottage, but it was as quiet as a mouse. The entire magical community had been placed on high alert. Everyone in town had been instructed to keep an eye out for the conniving witch and to report any sighting. Again, there was nothing. Yet, something in his gut told him a storm was coming and soon. He wasn’t sure if he had been tapping into Claire’s visions, or if his wolf knew something he didn’t, but either way, they were going to need help. He’d definitely have Claire mention his concerns in the meeting tonight.

  Sighing heavily, he accepted the fact that they were stuck in limbo until Brittney made a move. So instead of continuing to dwell on the situation, he snuggled in closer to Claire and moaned when she began stroking his fur. He loved the way she smelled of strawberries, rainbows, and sunshine mixed with a unique essence that made him want to howl at the Moon. The first thing he was going to do after they broke Brittney’s spell was take Claire in his arms and kiss her for all he was worth. Then, he’d figure out a way to convince her to stay in Bass Ackwards with him. He knew deep down in his heart of hearts that they would have an amazing life. Just the thought of them together for eternity gave him hope. To hell with Fate and the horse she rode in on because Claire was the key to his Happily Ever After and he’d never let her go. No matter what.

  “What are you thinking about so intently,” Claire asked, as she continued rubbing Jasper’s fur.

  “On the one hand, I’m thinking that our situation sucks and when I get my hands on Brittney, it will most likely take everything in my power not to strangle her for what she’s done. On the other, I’m thinking if this hadn’t happened, we wouldn’t have met and for that I’m eternally grateful because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Jasper replied with baited breath, hoping his confession wouldn’t make her run for the hills.

  “For the record, I’m glad we met too. Although I must admit, I had my doubts in the beginning. You were cocky, yet so damn sexy, I had to put my girl parts in check,” Claire admitted.

  “Soooo! What you’re saying is that you were immensely attracted to me before you saw The Beast? Good to know,” Jasper replied with a shit eating grin.

  “Fine. I’ll admit it. I was attracted to you before you exposed yourself and let out The Beast, but only because I saw what a kind and caring man you could be when everything went down with Alec and Sophie. Not to mention you were willing to risk your life in order to save me.”

  “Just so you know, I’d risk my life for you again in a heartbeat, sweetheart,” Jasper said softly.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Claire murmured.

  “Don’t be! While I’d rather us be on this Earth together, if it comes down between me, or you, then I’ll always choose you. There’s no doubt in my mind, I won’t survive without you,” Jasper admitted in a low voice.

  “Let’s make a pact,” Claire suggested. “No matter what’s thrown our way in the future, promise me that we’ll both survive.

  “I promise,” Jasper replied without hesitation. “Now let’s get some shut eye. It’ll be time to get up before you know it.”

  Claire nodded in agreement and continued caressing Jasper’s fur. She’d never felt more at peace than when she was with him. He had a way of calming the angst simmering in her soul. She never felt lonely when Jasper was around. Instead, he made her feel content, wanted, and loved, of which she would be eternally grateful. Over the months, not only had she gotten to know Jasper on a more personal level, but she had also slowly fallen in love with him. She needed to find the right time and place to tell him how she felt because Fate would not win this round.

  Chapter 12

  Claire, Sophie, Lola and Sarah had volunteered to cook for tonight’s meeting, and the smells coming from the kitchen were delicious. Jasper sat quietly in the corner and watched as the women joked and laughed as they cooked up a feast fit for a King. Even though things had been crazy in the beginning, he was glad Lola, Iggy and Armand were adjusting to their new lives in Bass Ackwards. He found it interesting that witches, Shifters, warlocks and Demons didn’t seem to bother them. Maybe it’s because they’d spent years as mice living in a closet without knowing it. Regardless of the reason, he was happy they were able to accept the magical community. He just hoped that Zeva and Phoebe had better luck coming up with a spell to break the curse on Sophie’s house than they had in locating Brittney. The patrons stuck in Chez Parée Deux deserved to be set free. The more he thought about witches who abused their powers, the more he wanted to strangle Brittney for being one of them. Lost in thought, he almost hadn’t heard Claire’s question.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, sweetheart. Just thinking about everything that’s happened over the last couple of months. It seems as though these days, I’m a glutton for punishment.”

  “Everything’s going to turn out okay. Don’t worry so much,” Claire said.

  “You’re right! Brittney will eventually pop up because her ego won’t let her stay away. Zeva and Phoebe will come up with a spell to break Sophie’s curse, and things will go back to the way they were,” Jasper replied.

  “Well, hopefully not exactly the way they were,” Claire teased.

  “From your lips to the Goddess’s ears,” Jasper said with a smile.

  “So mote it be,” Claire mumbled under her breath.

  “Claire did you hear what I said?” Sophie asked.

  “No. I’m sorry. What was that?” Claire replied.

  “I said that everything is ready. Let’s take all the food in the dining room and we’ll be ready to eat,” Sophie said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Claire said with a smile. She had really enjoyed her time at Sophie’s
farmhouse. There was something peaceful about the place that kept her centered. Maybe it was the fresh country air? Or, the new friendships she’d made? Or, maybe it’s the fact that you’re head over heels in love with Jasper, she thought with a smile.

  Dinner was full of laughter, good conversation, and new beginnings it seemed. Armand, Iggy and Lola announced that they’d like to stay in Bass Ackwards indefinitely, especially given no one remembered they’d existed in years. Lola and Iggy were looking to buy some farmland not too far from Sophie with the help of the magical community and Iggy had struck up a deal with Shorty to upscale Don Juan’s. When he asked what the first thing they would change about the place, in unison, everyone yelled the animals mounted on the wall. Armand pointed toward his temple to say he had made a mental note of their request and the dinner conversation continued as pasta, wine, and bread was passed around the table for those who wanted seconds. Once dinner was finished and everyone had enjoyed at least one piece of Lola’s scrumptious lemon meringue pie, Alec cleared his throat and addressed the elephant in the room.

  “Although everyone has been on the lookout for Brittney, there has not been one sighting of her in months. Could someone please explain to me why we’re having such difficulty tracking down one witch? How did she slip through our fingers so easily that night at Don Juan’s?”

  “I have a theory about that,” Zoe said.

  “Please, Zoe. Enlighten us,” Alec encouraged, barely containing his anger boiling below the surface.

  “I’m not sure how she knew it was a trap, but I believe when Zara accidently blew up one of the mounted animal heads, it was enough of a distraction for her to glamour herself. What we didn’t realize was that she never left the bar that night,” Zoe explained.


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