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Shadow War

Page 5

by Chuks Gerry

  I left my mobile with him to download recent musics and games.

  My God, mine was on silence,’Nneka exclaimed. I’d over twenty miss calls

  Bullshit same with mine. It was also on silence all because of that damn quiz. Over twenty miss calls too, mostly from Eugene.Your sweet heart did well,’ he hushed grinning mischieviously at Amina. Now is the time, go. I went Nneka, followed by Ibrahim with Amina bringing up the rear. As she was about talking her seat, Mr Abiodun turned around sharply.

  Yes who’re you and why are you just coming now?

  Sir, I’ve been around, I—-i—i only step out to urinate,’ she stuttered meekly

  Is that so? He asked, his gaze directed at Eugene who was sitted closeby.

  Yes Sir, she has been with us from the beginning,’ Eugene responded boldly though apparently he didn’t sound convincing.

  What’s your name? He asked perusing the attendance sheet through his bespectacled lense.


  Hmm hmm, and what state are you from?

  I’m from Kogi state sir.

  Alright you can have your sit,’He said returning back to the board to continue writing his note. As she sat down in relieve, Mr Abiodun suddenly paused, turned around and ask her to summarize what she’d learnt so far from the day’s topic.

  She blank out.


  After his encounter with Sanni, Aliyu had gone to the central mosque for evening prayers instead of heading home instead. As soon as the prayers was over, he was immediately surrounded by a lot of people mostly friends, business associates and colleagues of his father as well as well wishers who came to commiserate and offer their condolence. He was somehow pissed off by the way the people acted as if his father was dead already when it isn’t so but he took it all with as much grace he could muster while looking for the right opportunity to sneak off. While he thought of the best escape strategy, the people kept pouring encomiums of his father benevolence; some shook their heads in despair others wept silently. He felt an arm on his shoulders, jerking he came to be but didn’t seems to recognize the oval face smilling at him. The man took him aside, he looked very wealthy from the way he was dressed and smell. He went on to explain to Aliyu that he was one of his father closest business associate before going ahead to offer his condolence like the others. When he was through he took out a complimentary card and gave to him, telling Aliyu to call him anytime that he would be please to hear from him. Aliyu collected the card, thanked him and headed straight to the pavement not heeding to other calls from behind. It was almost evening when he got home; the entire family was assembling for dinner as he went straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

  His father’s compound was huge with three separate structures inside. The main duplex where his father resides was the largest of the trio with an equally large sitting room where he entertains his never ending guest. Aside from immediate family members, there was also a host of other entities living inside the compound ranging from employees, relatives to squatters. After his engagement ceremony some months ago, his father had decided it was proper for him to have some privacy of his own, so he gave him a modestly furnished studio apartment inside the compound. He stays there anytime he wants to be by himself or alone with his fiancé or when his friends comes visiting, other times he hang out at the duplex where he also have his own bedroom.

  After he’d cleaned up, he put on his favorite RnB collection and settled down on the sofa. He would rather be alone as he wasn’t in the mood to associate. Today had been quite eventful indeed he reminisces. He’d mix reactions prior to the activities he’d withnessed but was mostly saddened by it. When Nneka replied no to his request, it broke his heart. While the aftermath of his good pal now a proud bonafide member of a separatist terror group was like pouring acid to his injury, simply devastating. There were many things going wrong this period in his life he wished it was a bad dream that would simply fizzle away once he wake up and everything will be back to normal. His phone jilted him, looking at the screen it was his mother. She wanted to know where he was to which he replied he was indoors. Sevaral minutes later there was a mild tap on the door, he wanted to scream go away but chilled. The door opened and Aisha entered holding a tray filled with dishes. He scurries to his feet to render assistance surprised because he wasn’t expecting her. When she done placing the dishes on the glass table he leaned forward for an embrace, her presence lightens his heart.

  My love where have you been all day? She asked after they’d disentangled. I and my mother have been here since two pm.

  I’d a lot on my plate today and wasn’t even able to get it all done. See those items over there; I’ll have to go to the park tomorrow immediately after prayers to send it to Val, very urgent. Now tell me how you are my dear, did you miss me?

  Miss you, offcourse not,’ she dimissed with wave

  Liar, I know you not only did but were probably worried. It’s obvious no matter how much you try to feign.

  She gave a short laughter nodding her head,’you’re right, actually I’ve been very worried about you. I still think it’s not safe out there.

  Please don’t be, I’m an adult capable of taking good care of himself,’he said dimissing her worries with a kiss. I guessed it was my mother who told you I was here right?

  Yes and she also mentioned you might be hungry.

  She’s quite correct, I’m very hungry indeed. I haven’t eaten anything since morning,’he yawned rubbing his stomach.

  Okay dear, let’s eat. She proceeded to serve the meal after which they washed their hands and ate mostly in silence.

  I hoped you enjoyed the food? Knowing your favorite I prepared it specially aside from what was being cooked.

  That is sweet of you, it was quite delicious,’ he complimented getting up to switch on the television set while she cleared the dishes. There was breaking news on air, another village community from a neighbouring local government situated less than ten kilometer from garuba was recently attacked. As usual the hoodlums raided the market carting off with goods and cash worth millions, killing one person and injuring five others. The reporter interviewed one of the victims who claimed the hoodlums came in three trucks brandishing all sorts of weapon ranging from cutlasses to locally crafted rifles and were mostly young men in their teens and twenties. Behind the scene, were people wailing in the background and making incoherent statements which made it difficult to hear precisely what the guy narrating was saying. A policeman at the scene was later interviewed to which he assured the public not to panick as the case is being handle urgently to bring those responsible for the mayhem to book, pleading for the public corporation.

  Gosh this is outrightly inhuman,’ he lamented outloud in anguish. How long will this continue and what is the government actually doing to stop it. People are being killed en mass almost every day while our government sit on their fat asses in their air conditioned office claiming they are on top the matter. This aint fair he muttered shaking his head in a pity. Aisha returned from clearing the dishes and sat besides him, noticing his disgruntled countenance inquired what the problem was.

  Nothing dear,’ he grunted

  That is a lie. You didn’t eat much even when you said you were hungry and yet you insist nothing is perturbing you,’she frowned

  Baby,’his face brightened with a smile as he drew closer to her,’ when i said I’m alright, I mean it okay,’ he gave her a reassuring look. Now tell me what is it you want to tell me that made you called very early this morning. You insisted on telling me in person.

  You know I haven’t been feeling too well for sometime now, hormonal changes I haven’t felt before.

  Have you gone for medical checkup?

  I wanted to, but after confiding in a friend she insisted I take a pregnancy test instead which, ‘she heaved,’-—which came out positive. Those words caught him mid air, when he came around he was both estatic and befuddled.

  Are you for real, that my baby is
growing inside of you right now? He asked twitching his eyebrowse.

  She nodded

  Alhamdudillah! He exclaimed with joy. Sweetheart I love you so much,’ he said pulling her closer to himself planting tender kisses on her lips which soon amounted to intense snuggling.

  Is your mother aware?

  No, not yet but I guess she suspects. Ever since I returned home yesterday she keeps asking me how I’m feeling. It won’t be long before she finally summons the courage to ask me outrightly. Offcourse being a part time nurse and midwife, she’s quite conversant with issues like this.

  Yea, that’s true but there’s no need to worry because we belong together. This unexpectant news is the highlight of my day. C’mon dear I really missed you, his kisses cascaded from her lips down to her bosom, mumbling sweet words in her ears as she gasped and move her body in unison to his. With a little effort, he undid her blouse burying his face in between, gently caressing one turgid nipple as he nibbled on the other. They were both moaning in pleasurable delight, completely lost in the euphoria of the moment oblivious that his kid sister had step into the room.

  Ahem! She cleared her voice startling both of them back to earth.

  I am sorry to intrude but mother request your presence,’she said with a sneer directing to Aliyu.

  Tell her I’ll be there in a jiffy,’ he manages to mutter. She eyed them both and left.

  Okay, where were we,’ his attention focused on her almost nude body and going for her panties.

  My love I think you should go and see your mother, she’ll be waiting,’ she hesistated.

  I’ll but not now, I want to be with you,’he said passionately resuming his kisses on her ear lobes.

  But you’ve to; I don’t want them suspecting anything improper. But he was far gone, fondling, caressing and kissing every exposed skin on her body. She responded eagerly to his sexual prowl then slightly shoved him over and laid on his top his hands groping firmly her ass cheeks. She stewed on for several more seconds then stood up and started putting on her clothes while he watched nonplussed as she made for the door.

  Baby, what do you think you’re doing, I need you,’he pleaded eagerly. Cant you see I’m all up for you,’ inferring to his erect phallus piercing through the light cotton fabric of his boxer.

  She burst into laughter at his vulnerability.

  I know what you want, it was what put this inside of me pointing to her tummy.There is time for everything my love.

  But I want you right now,’he whined

  Haba, not today but I promise to be here tomorrow evening on my own just give me a call. For now let’s go meet our waiting mothers. Despondently he stood up to put on his shorts grumbling.

  Baby you’re already denying me my rights as your future husband.

  Don’t worry, I’ll more than make up for it,’she giggled clinging to his wrist as they left the flat together. His phone immediately began ringing after they’d left. It ranged for several more minutes before going flat.

  The next day was a very busy one for the Danbaba’s. The iman had to come to their residence to preside over the prayer procession. The compound was filled with many guests who came to render support and commiserate with the family. After the event was over guests kept pouring in from all walks of lives, Aliyu’s friends were present too. As Aliyu meander his way in the midst of the crowd engaged in flippant discussions he noticed a familiar face waltz into the compound in the midst of his entourage. He proceeded to greet the entire family where they were seated offering kind words of comfort and encouragement. Aliyu who was with a friend noticed his mother awkward behaviour towards this particular man. She seemed cold and withdrawn even with his warm gestures and words of sympathy. At exactly one pm, he managed to break free from the myriads of guest to go to the motor park to waybill Val’s Ipad to him. He went to his mother to seek her permission to leave; she consented but pleaded with him not to stay out long because his presence is quite needed. As he was about leaving, he paused and turned to his mother to ask who the man earlier was. She was fazed and couldn’t seem to remember before exclaiming, that was Alhaji Nasiru a former friend and colleague of your father.

  Why are you asking about him?

  Just curious, I observed you weren’t too please to see him. That forlorn expression plastered on your face when he greeted you was obvious to all.

  She sighed and continued,’he was one of your father’s numerous business associates. They were once very close but that was a long time ago.

  I saw him yesterday at the mosque. He was friendly and nice towards me even giving me his card to call him anytime should I ever require his assistance.

  His mother looked at him sternly then with a firm and calm voice said,’your father was intelligent, shrewd and altruistic. One of the smartest business man around and I’ve never had any reason to doubt his judgement. Please disregard this man ostentatious charade and be as wise as your father by keeping your distance. Now hurry along and don’t be late.

  Yes ma,’ he replied and disappeared.

  He thought of using one of the vehicles lying around but decided not to least he might be tempted to stay out longer. The atmosphere was too depressing already; a stint of fresh air will be to die for. He took a cab instead, after delivering the items at the park returned immediately. Upon his arrival everywhere was unsettled; it was like the aftermath of a pandemonium. People were gathered in small groups talking, arguing, others crying and shaking their heads in despair. It was obvious something had gone wrong as he wondered what must have transpired in his absence. As he alighted and paid for the cab, there were dozens of stolen glances he caught staring at him which made his heart sank. He prayed all was well that those stares were nothing more than mere sympathy. He walked steadily mustering all the nerve in his body to brace himself even when his feet felt like molten magma. He reached the gate and was about getting in when it opened and a friend of his step out coming face to face with him. The guy pulled him aside in a flurry rambling nervously,’there are some uniform men in there with a warrant for your arrest.

  What! He exclaimed,’why do they want to arrest me, what offence did I commit?

  They said they’ve evidence linking you to the kidnapped and possible death of your father and the three men with him.

  That is bullshit,’ he spat sauntering inside the compound.

  Inside he was a police van with a driver in the front seat, everyone stared as he approached. He went straight to the sitting room where he encountered three other policemen; one of them was addressing his family that he was needed for questioning as they have uncovered irrefutable evidence incriminating him as their main suspect.

  Are you Mr Aliyu Dansuki Danbaba? The detective paused to ask him immediately he stepped inside.

  Yes, I am he,’he answered briskly.

  Alright, Mr Aliyu Danbaba Dansuki you are hereby arrested for the suspected murder of Alhaji Dansuki Danbaba and three other people found dead on the twentieth of this month, as well as robbery and fraud. Anything you say can and will likely be use against you in the court of law. You’ve the right to an attorney, corporal handcuff him,’he ordered.

  You must be out of your mind thinking I’ll go anywhere with you people. Are you guys kidding me or what? That I have a hand in my own father’s death, for what benefit? He blurted

  Something is wrong somewhere, my son can’t be responsible for murdering our husband and his own father. Officer I’ll adviced you cross check your facts,’ his mother pleaded.

  Madam I’m here to do my job without hinderance. I’m following instructions and if he refuses we’d have to bring him in by force.

  And I said I’m not going anywhere with you guys,’He reiterated defiantly.

  Two policemen approached him, the one with a handcuff placed a hand on his shoulders which he wriggled himself from. The other cop threw a jab at him sending him to the floor recoiling in pains. Everyone stood up in awe, as his mother, step moms and siblings rushed to his s
ide screaming they shouldn’t hurt him while the rest family members yelled abuses on the policemen with some of them threatening to go physical on them for hitting him. The detective pulled out his .38mm special magnum pistol from his holster behind his waist and pointed it at everyone yelling for peace. As the women assisted him to his feet, the rest family members murmured with muted tempers because of the pistol glaring at them. His mother who was quite sullen with bereaved her eyes teary her frame feebly trembling as she encased him in her hands. The others were no different as they watched, confused and distraught. This was too much for her and the entire family. He turned to his mother again this time his gaze was fixed on her,’I’m not going anywhere,’he said faintly.

  What did you say? She asked gleaning closer.

  I said I’m going nowhere with these pseudo,’he barked wringly his grip again from the policeman who wanted to handcuff him.

  Mister, remember what I said earlier you better behave yourself,’ the officer cautioned.

  Aliyu please do as they say, we know you’re innocent of such heinous crime. I will do everything within my power to prove it. Barrister Thompson will get you out in no time I promise you my son,’his mother reassured him.

  Mother I don’t care because I don’t trust these men and their claims therefore I’m going nowhere with them, over my dead body,’he exclaimed. The cop with the handcuff held onto his wrist twisting it till he flush in pain but he acted fast by throwing a punch at his face which sent him reeling backward. The second cop rushed towards him with fury, but he moved over swiftly dodging his vice like grip embrace. Picking up an aluminium tray on the table, he used it to bat the man face; he fell flat on the floor. He then dashed for the door, just as the first cop soon regained himself and came after him eagerly.

  Stop him, stop him,’the officer yelled after Aliyu,’he must not get away.The second cop got to his feet too and joined in the chase, bringing up the rear was their boss. Aliyu dart out of the compound into the streets with the cops on his trails. But he knew their hope of ever catching him wasn’t likely especially with him being a good althlete and quite conversant with the terrain, meandering from one street to the other, intermingling between people and lanes. He soon got to the pave road where he halted a cab and entered. His heartbeat was hammering within the confines of his chest which he tried to relax by taking several deep breaths. Peering through the windscreen, he searched for the cops but they were nowhere insight.


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