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Shadow War

Page 26

by Chuks Gerry

  But mom I’ve been through this path before, the choice I made ruined me,’he said sobbing. Can’t anything be done to stop me from repeating this same mistake again?

  Some choices just like mistakes are inevitable. What matters most is you rise above them. Whatever decision you make determines where your destiny lies and it’s veritably obvious where it does,’she said softly with tears in her eyes. The voice called out to him over and over again, his mother gave him an approving nod. Embolden by her consent, he step away from the boat back into the haze to face his destiny.

  Aliyu, Aliyu the voice kept calling.

  Where are you,’he responded with his hands stretched out searchingly. He felt a jolt and turned around but saw no one, and then he felt it all over his body again. He batted his eyes weakly with a yawn.

  I told you he will be fine. His temperature is almost back to normal and gradually the fever will follow a voice was saying. He opened his eyes and slowly make out the presence in the room, a non-descript figure talking to Rabiu.

  Place this on his temple to further alleviate the temperature but alert me if you observe anything unusual.

  Will do so thanks,’responded Rabiu.

  Where am I, what happened to me? He asked after he came to be.

  You’re on your bed and as for the latter I should be the one asking you that. I saw you barely conscious, hyperventilanting on the floor. My thought is you probably had a minor heart attack or something. Why don’t you drink this now,’Rabiu said pouring a glass full of dark substance.

  And what is that?

  Don’t know, apparently a mixture of roots and herbs to make you feel better.

  No I can’t drink that; if I’m ill then I need to see a real physician rather than self medicating on a stinking cadaver smelling liquid.

  Rabiu drop the glass, shooks head and heaved.

  Some times your sarcasm gets me confused, making me wonder if your remarks are real or faux. Apparently I can’t deal,’he sighs walking to his bed corner.

  But you’ve got to know its not intentional dude. I’ve been under the weather lately however I trully appreciate your effort and I’m sorry,’he said stooping forward to grasp the glass which he drank in a single gulp, eyes tightly shut.

  Please pour me some water, this thing taste worst than it smells,’his face wrinkle in a grimace.

  Urrgh,’he belched after drinking two glasses of water. I’ve got to see Nneka.

  Not now, rest a little let the drug work its magic.

  But I’ve to, it is urgent.

  And I said you can’t, you know the rules. We are still indebted to the brotherhood and won’t be allowed unsupervised mingling with infidels anytime we want.

  Don’t rate her so low, she isn’t and never will be an infidel. She is divine.

  Alright but wait till evening by then you’ll be feeling quite better. Aliyu concurred and lay back allowing the drousing effect of the drug to take its course.

  One day she will be all mine, I’ll make sure of it,’he mumbled dizzily.

  While you rest let me hurry and scavenge something for you to eat when you awake. Aliyu was already snoring softly before he was through with the statement.

  He awoke to sudden pants of hunger triggered perhaps by the drug. His stomach rumbled as if the worms were rioting, fortunately for him there was a plate of food awaiting on his bedside stool. As he gobbled down the meal he was grateful to Rabiu for his foresight. Outside the rain has fizzled leaving a remarkable scent of moisture and earth in the damp evening atmosphere. After he was through, he put the dishes inside a nylon bag and set out for the kitchen. He got there and met the place almost empty; making a few inquiries he dropped the dishes and made for the stream. The stream bank was crowded with people engaged with one activity or the other. He looked around and saw Nneka doing lundry, a huge pile of fabrics lies between she and Amina. He took permission from one of the positioned gaurds, a nice young fellow before going over. Amina saw him and quickly alerted her friend whom in return gave him an elated smile.

  We heard you fell ill, it’s such a relief to see you back on hale and hearty,’Nneka beamed elatedly at him.

  Some potent bullshit I drank did the magic. It’s lovely seeing you both.

  Yea, I was scared we might loose you. I missed you.

  You won’t lose me, I promise you. As they spoke, he wanted her even more, his heart quiver and longed for a time they will be together and all their worries be a thing of the past. But right now as they stood smiling cheek to cheek, he did all he could to restrain himself from even holding her hands in this ethereal moment.

  I’ve to get back to my chores, ‘she said cutting abruptly their discussion. As she spoke her smile became stiff and voice shaky. From behind Sanni approached alongside a retinue of other guards, taking brusque step triggered by indignation. He went after the guard on duty why he granted him permission, ranting and flinging things around including the basin the ladies were using. His angst was sighting Aliyu with Nneka among other things and he soon apportioned them to a different task while Aliyu watched enraged.

  You know the rules, recruits are not allowed to socialize with hostages until the fulfillment of their obligations to the brotherhood,’he yelled repeatedly at the guard on duty. Defaulting has its repercussion.

  Sanni you know it is my fault,’ Aliyu interjected. I know the rules but chose to subvert them, let me bear the brunt of your anger alone. Leave the kid at of it.

  Really, how sweet of you but I’ve other idea’s in mind, something that will keep your insubordination in check. We can’t risk it resulting to dissension within the brotherhood. Bind them,’ he ordered.

  The gaurds pounced on both Nneka and Amina tying them up.

  Sanni I know why you doing this but please don’t hurt them, take me instead,’ Aliyu pleaded in eagerly.

  I have given my orders; they shall be locked up for the next three days. You won’t set eyes on her again until after you come back from your next mission, that is if you return alive, ‘he said brushing him aside, walking off with a sardonic expression leaving a despondent Aliyu on his trail.

  Histar valley had become a beehive of activities over the next couple of days after the proclamation with intense drilling sessions, testing of weapons and machinery in progress. Two newly bought M1-24 was delivered to the valley by experience pilots. Despite the deluge since the early hours, it did nothing to dampen their spirit rather it tends towards the opposite as more carriage trucks made their way into the valley bearing goods ranging from food items to weapons. Aliyu in the meantime spent the afternoon occupied with the repair of an old truck in the company of an experience mechanic who provided meaningful insight, aiding in honing his skills. Under the instruction of his new boss, he made his way to the warehouse in search of a list of items needed for the repair. As he was being attended to he spotted Mariam at the entrance of a cubicle engaged with a host of other personnels. She saw him as she walks past, and her gesture suggested for him not to approach. He thought it wise to not disregard her subtle warning though he wanted badly to speak with her. The attendant wrapped all the items he requested and handed it over from the counter, he turned around and quickly caught her askance glance beckoning at him just as she opened a door stepping into a small corridor. He went after her. Entering the corridor, he saw her going through another door at the extreme. That door leads to the back of the building which is rarely ever used. Outside was a lonely bush path that led all the way to the stream, he looked ahead and saw her silhoullete in the distance. He turned and thought of going back instead but decided against it. He can’t risk it without being seen, either way may not be too convenient for him so he went ahead. As he went further he felt a cold grip pulling him aside, her springing on him from an obscured angle resulted in a spontaneous start from him.

  What took you so long,’she snapped impatiently at him. Waiting isn’t one of my fortes.

  I had to be cautious so as not get noticed. How’s
she? He asked breathelessly.

  She’s coping well. Your last written note worked magic, alleviating her worries. But she’s down with the flu at the moment. When she gets out tomorrow, I’ll take care of it personally.

  What? My love is sick and you making it sound trivial,’he flipped

  And what am I suppose to do about it? You’re aware access to both of them is highly restricted.

  There must be something you can do,’his tone relaxed but persistent.

  Offcourse but only when she’s out which will be by tomorrow’s evening and by then you will be gone to battle,’she shrilled. Now do you have any message for her?

  Yes, give her this note and also,’he paused swallowing hard,’also let her kno-—know I love her deeply and will do all I can to protect both our families from harm,’he spoke assertively. I believe news of this battle is partly responsible for her illness but tell her not to worry.

  Oh she wouldn’t,’Mariam said snapping the note,’leave it all to me, just make sure you return alive. I am approaching the end of my sojourn here, so please don’t do anything stupid out there.They both need you, I need you.

  I won’t that is a promise.

  Another ten hours later the carrier trucks finally came to another halt. Wearily but gladly the passengers alighted, Aliyu was most pleased. His legs had been clamped in between baggages making even the minutest adjustment imposible. Rabiu came over to where he sprawled an attempt to get rid of the cramps bearing a can of bottle water.

  They must have had you holed up in a real shithole,’he said shaking his head mockily.

  Worst and looking from the way it is I doubt I can survive this journey yet alone do battle,’he said snatching the water from him. We’ve been on the road for over a day, for godsake when are we getting there?

  It’s nice seeing that aplomb spirit.

  Well anything to bring this schlep to an end.

  It will end soon, tomorrow evening at the outskirts of Garuba. His statement landed like a resounding slap on Aliyu cheek.

  What do you mean, are we heading towards Garuba? He asked shakily beffudled.

  Yes, I heard there was a last minute change to the arrangement; it was reversed such that the last became the first. Garuba was initially our last target but not anymore. The rest towns will follow suit on our way back.

  Aliyu was both confused and enraged prancing with a grimace.

  Who made these changes, Husseni? He asked suddenly.

  Heck how am I supposed to know, offcourse it’s the authorities. Husseni alone don’t have the will power to do so on his own. Honestly I thought you knew,’he said taking a bite from a loaf he brought out from his bag.

  I don’t, this just make the entire ordeal all the more excruciating. I was of the thought that when the news of attacks on neighboring towns get to the government it will spur an immediate action on their part to beef up security and no harm shall befall Garuba. Apparently I was wrong or perhaps the authorities had the same thoughts and decided to restrategize,’ he was saying more to himself.

  They were soon called upon to help set up camp for the night in the open fields. Aliyu went on with his chore with a sense of deep sadness weighing on his shoulder,

  Despair not bro, Garuba is a large city and we might not get to that part of town where your folks reside. Also they might have probably left the city by now,’Rabiu said reassuring to assuage his sorrows but its effect was negligible.

  This is the end for me, I w————-,

  Shsss,’ Rabiu whispered upon spotting Sanni and Rasaq approaching. They both had varied expressions on their faces. Rasaq was forlorn and grim while Sanni’s was weary and coy.

  No two aside this evening, you guys better hurry up and join the others. Everyone has to be gathered for the final instruction from the headquarters,’ Rasaq instructed after which he went off while Sanni dilly dallied a little taking into cognizance what they there were doing before leaving.

  We have to talk about something else before someone holds us accountable for treason,’ Rabiu whispered nervously.

  Alright let’s finish up quickly. As they worked their thought dwell on the onerous task that lies ahead filling them with anxiety.

  Oh when the saints go marching on,

  Oh when the saints go marching on,

  Lord I want to be in the number,

  When the saints go marching on, a loudspeaker blasted from the Anglican Church having weekly outdoor program which attracted more traffic than ever to the busy Barua district with its pothole infested pavements. Eugene hummed, nodding to the beats on his earpiece connected to his mobile device while taking occasional sips from his fruit juice to alleviate his thirst in the blistering afternoon sun as he swerve the vehicle effortlessly through the jammed traffic.

  Follow the next bend to the right, I want to buy some groceries,’Mrs Nwankwo instructed after she’d disengaged from her handset where she had been conversing for the past fifteen minutes. They had gone to drop Val and Amara at the motor park to take a bus head bound for Lagos. Val thought it wise for Eugene his new best friend to be around, entrusting him his mother’s care while he is away to drop his kid sister in Lagos. Eugene was more than glad to render his assistance and be of help to his friend and the people he now considers family. Granted his mother condition has greatly improved but Val still insists she shouldn’t be alone all the time even when she strongly insisted she was fine. He will be gone for about a week because after dropping Amara at their uncle’s he will be heading back to Abuja for his seminar defense before coming back to Garuba to help his mother pack.

  They bade farewell to their mother and fifteen minutes later the bus left the park. As customary with most drivers after loading, they’d queued up to buy petrol at the first filling station located along the expressway and as usual this act is usually met with nostalgia amongst their passenger who sometimes vents their frustration at them for their lack of sensitivity. But the drivers’ were usually no slouch on their own including the present one they were with, giving anyone who dares him a piece of his mind in conjunction with narrating his woeful tales as to why he was unable to obtain the product earlier, and that they should blame the government for their delays, not him. While all these drama was unfolding, Amara nudged him that she was press and needed to urinate.

  Driver,’he called out,’ my sister wants to make use of the convenience right away.

  Bros I can’t allow it o. All the time wasted in the park why didn’t she urinate there,’ he grunted derisively.

  That was a stupid remark and Val needn’t reply him as other passengers pounced verbally eviscerating him with insults. Shamefully he got out, opened the passenger door for anyone who wish to go about their business to willingly do so but not without making it clear he won’t be waiting for anyone when his tank is finally filled. This remark was equally met with prompt insult and abuses which almost resulted to physical threats on his life by some ascerbic passengers.

  Whilst all these were going on, Val took his sister into the filling station minimart to do her business while he perused the various items on the shelf. The confectioneries section was filled with some of his sister’s favorites so he decided to splurge a little as a surprise treat to her. At the cashier’s counter there was a small cue being attended to, so he joins the line and waited for his turn. The lady at the desk seems to be busier with her phone calls than the strings of customers waiting patiently to be attended to. Meanwhile a truck that just drove into the petrol station was already causing frisson outside. Its driver was shouting at the petrol attendant to refill his truck immediately at the expense of those that were there earlier. His action prompted angry response from the rest people which soon progressed to full physical confrontation as more people got out of their vehicles charging forward. Someone landed a nasty blow on the divisive truck driver and suddenly more than a dozen people jumped out of the truck wearing black, welding various weapons. At first observers thought they were some sort of secu
rity or vigilante group but all that change in a jiffy when they started beating people, ordering them to the floor and shooting sporadically at anyone. People immediately took to their heels not minding being hit by a stray bullet as commotion enshewed everywhere. Val and the other customers inside the minimart watched all that was happening with a deadpan expression even though his heart was almost bursting from the scenes beholding him. In that instant the difference between myth and reality hit him hard when he came face to face with the obvious. The turgid jeep owner who slapped the driver was already in a messy bloody semi-conscious state, being beaten to a pulp by four armed men. The rest went on a pilfering spree on the customers ransacking them and their vehicles. Val saw two of them accosting one of the workers into the minimart and quickly went down on his belly behind one of the large fridges, his mind delving to his sister in the convenience. He wondered how she would react to all of this, praying for the police to have gotten hint and quickly arrive in time to put an end to these mayhem. They were now emptying items into large jumbo bags while another emptied the cash box; the filled bags were hastily carried to their truck. A loud shriek caught everyone’s attention, they paused to see as one of their colleague gripped Amara pulling her along alerting them what he found lurking in one of the toilets, sneering at her passionately. Val sprang to his feet instantly upon hearing her voice but didn’t know what to do without risking losing his life, so he just stared contemplating.

  Leave me alone,’ she cried hitting him hard with all her might. I’ll report you to my mummy,’ she yelled repeatedly.

  Shut up,’ he growled. You’re not seeing your mummy again because you’re coming with us.


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