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Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2)

Page 3

by Rayne Reilly

  “Gee, thanks, Grant,” Kellie said sarcastically and grimaced.

  Acacia laughed. Kellie didn’t want to admit to herself just how much Holden was on her mind. At the thought of seeing him again, suddenly she had a million butterflies in her stomach. There was something about him that affected her in a way no other man ever had. “So tell me exactly what Holden said about me?” Kellie asked feeling giddy with excitement.


  It was early evening when Holden showed up at Grant and Acacia's home. Acacia answered the door and was surprised to see him.

  “Wasn’t sure you’d come. Nice to see you!” She hugged him as she spoke.

  Holden embraced her in return then stood up tall. Doing his best to appear confident, he was prepared to provide any explanation he could except the truth about the reason for his visit. He had been waiting for just over three weeks for the newlyweds to return from their honeymoon so that he would have a reason to visit Seattle.

  “I did say I would be here,” he grinned.

  Acacia stepped aside and welcomed him in.

  “Grant is in the living room, go on in,” she said, politely.

  Holden strode toward the large room. Grant was seated on the sofa reading a book and looked up.

  “Hey, Little Brother, how are you?” Grant smiled pleasantly and closed the book he was holding.

  “Great. How are things with you? Enjoying married life?” Holden's tone was serious as he took a seat across from Grant.

  Grant laid the book on the sofa next to him and frowned, obviously concerned about his brother.

  “Things are great with us. Couldn’t be better, actually. But what’s really going on with you?” Grant asked with genuine interest.

  Holden admired his big brother and though there were times that he found himself envious of Grant, at the end of the day his brother meant more to him than anyone else in the family did. If anyone could help him make sense of his feelings, it was Big Brother Grant.

  Holden let out a large breath of air while running his hands across his thighs. “I’ve been giving a lot of thought to my life lately,” he mused.

  “How so?” Grant’s brow shot up as he spoke.

  “Seeing how happy you and Acacia are has left me wondering if I'm doing the right thing in not allowing myself to get involved in a long-term relationship.”

  “What’s brought this change of heart about?” Grant crossed one ankle across the other knee and sat back with interest.

  Holden chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment as he chose his words carefully.

  “To be honest…your wedding. I…experienced something I hadn’t before and it’s left me feeling a bit out of sorts,” admitted the younger Beringer.

  “Don’t be so cryptic. What the hell are you talking about? Do you mean Kellie? Did you feel something when you danced with her? Is that why you walked away from her so abruptly?”

  “You saw that?” Holden’s usually confident voice wavered slightly.

  Grant nodded. “Why did you do that? What happened?”

  Holden stared at Grant hoping his brother would understand what he as trying to say. Grant piped up again. “You have feelings for her?”

  Holden licked his lips nervously. “Yes. Something happened when our eyes locked. I felt something…I’m not sure what it was. I only know that it has left me thinking about her every day since the wedding and I don’t know what to do about it. I had hoped it was just the wedding atmosphere and that it would wear off. The feeling of a connection with her has only gotten stronger.”

  Grant chuckled warmly and rubbed his chin. Holden worried about what Grant would say now that he had revealed more than a physical attraction toward Acacia’s best friend.

  “You’ve found your mate, it seems,” Grant smiled.

  Holden let out a snort of derision.

  Grant’s lip curled as he continued to speak. “I know you don’t believe in the whole 'fated mates' scenario but it’s real, I assure you. I knew it the moment I saw Acacia. Has your inner bear said anything?”

  Holden had, in fact, noticed that his inner bear roared with excitement every time Kellie had been close. It was the reason he had behaved the way he did on the first night they met. He had rejected the idea that nature chose his mate. But after seeing Kellie several times at various events, he realized that there might be something to the myth. He wasn’t about to admit that to Grant though.

  “I haven’t been spending much time letting my bear side out, or even speak. Living in Vegas doesn’t exactly allow me to run through the forests. So no, my bear has no say…either way,” Holden lied.

  “Right. Whatever you say Little Brother. My advice is simple. Ask her out and see how she feels,” Grant said in an off-hand manner.

  “I’m not sure that she would be interested now. I wasn’t exactly charming when I saw her last. Besides, I live in Vegas, not Seattle. It would be hard to make things work.”

  “Now you are just making excuses. When you sat down, you said you had been giving your life some thought. Could it be that you no longer want to live in Las Vegas and that you’re just maturing, realizing that you want something more?” Grant asked in a fatherly tone.

  Holden shook his head. Grant was right. The only reason he had moved to Vegas when he turned twenty-one was to piss off their father because of his domineering attitude. That was seven years ago. It had also been made clear to Holden early on that his father didn't expect much from him. It felt as though his parents thought of him as an immature child and not the man that he felt he was. Grant had always been there for him and supported him. He was grateful that his big brother always had his back. If he moved back to Seattle now, it would be on his own terms.

  “I suppose you have a point. I guess I should see if there is anything to these feelings,” Holden said matter-of-factly.

  “You need to be more honest and communicative with her. Women like that. They also like to know that you mean what you say,” Grant advised.

  Holden ran a hand through his hair. “She already knows I’m a shifter, right?”

  “Yes, she does, and according to Acacia, she finds it a turn on. But for heaven's sake, don’t tell her I told you that!” Grant rolled his eyes.

  Holden laughed. At least that was one less worry about dating Kellie. His only problem now was how to go about actually following through on asking her out.


  The day had been more hectic than usual with another staff member calling in sick. It meant that Kellie had to work nearly twice as many tables as usual. She couldn’t wait to get home and take a hot bath. Her feet were burning in her shoes from being on them all day.

  Wearily, she pulled into the driveway. Her phone rang as she got out of the car. It was Acacia. She tried to muster a smile as she answered the phone.

  “Hi,” she said into the phone as she closed the car door and headed toward the house.

  “Hi, are you at work?” Acacia asked.

  “Just getting home. It was a long day. I’m exhausted. I can't wait for a hot bath and then I’m going to put my sore feet up,” Kellie moaned.

  “You may feel better when you hear what I have to say,” Acacia teased.

  Kellie stopped walking and bit her lip. “Oh, really? It will have to be pretty great to pick me up at this moment. I’m so tired of my job…I really am!” Kellie stated in frustration.

  Acacia’s voice sounded excited and happy. “Holden arrived today and had a chat with Grant. I overheard them in the living room talking about you.”

  Kellie felt a bolt of energy course through her body. She smiled, a rush of warmth flooding into her chest.

  “What were they saying?” she asked.

  “It would seem that he wants to ask you out. At least, that is the gist of it,” Acacia said gleefully.

  Kellie’s eyes widened and suddenly the feeling of exhaustion was forgotten. She listened intently as Acacia continued speaking.

  “We three
are attending a birthday celebration for Forrest Beringer tomorrow night and I wanted to know if you would like to go with us. It will be a great excuse for both of you to see one another. I don’t want to embarrass Holden by letting him know that I overheard them.”

  Kellie agreed. Reaching the front door, she unlocked it with one hand.

  “I'll see if I can get tomorrow night off work. I’ll call you back later!” she said, excitedly.

  Kellie shook her head in disbelief as she walked inside and shoved her phone into her pocket. Glancing toward the living room, she found her father and Felicia cuddled on the couch watching television. She groaned inwardly as she watched them for a moment.

  “Hello,” she said, quickly.

  The couple smiled at her.

  “Dinner’s in the oven.” Felicia said warmly.

  “Thanks,” Kellie said nonchalantly, turning toward the stairs and rolling her eyes.

  Plodding up the stairs, her thoughts returned to the conversation with Acacia and the party tomorrow night.

  So Holden did feel something for her? Kellie hugged herself as she thought about what could be if he just allowed himself to get close to her.


  Kellie had spent the better part of the following day shopping for a dress to wear to Forrest Beringer’s party that night. After taking her selection home, she stood in her bedroom admiring the dress that accentuated her curves and made her feel like a star.

  She smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she played with her hair, arranging it up and then letting it fall down around her shoulders. There was a soft knock on her door and she turned her head quickly, dropping her hands to her sides.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened slowly and Felicia stepped in with a handful of clean and folded laundry. Her mouth curved slightly at the corners as she looked tentatively at Kellie.

  Turning toward Felicia, Kellie could see that her father's girlfriend had done her laundry.

  “What’s this? Why did you do my laundry?” Kellie asked with a tilt of her head, anger rising inside her.

  “It was in the hamper next to the machine and I was washing a few things so I didn’t think you would mind,” she said, sweetly.

  Actually, yes, I do. “You didn’t have to do that,” Kellie said, pursing her lips and trying to hide her annoyance.

  “I'm sorry if I've overstepped...?” said Felicia, sincerely. “I only meant to help.”

  Sighing quietly, Kellie paused before moving toward Felicia. Indignation dissolved into minor irritation as she took the pile of clean clothing from her and placed it on the bed.

  “It's all right,” Kellie said awkwardly. “Thank you.”

  Felicia hovered at the door for a moment.

  “I love your dress. What’s the occasion? If you don’t mind my asking?” Felicia asked.

  “No, I don't mind. It’s for my friend's father-in-law’s birthday. I was just trying it on,” Kellie revealed.

  She turned toward the clothes on the bed and absentmindedly began sorting them out.

  “It looks great on you,” Felicia offered with a kind smile.

  “Thanks,” Kellie replied, putting away the clothes and not looking at Felicia.

  The woman left closing the door behind her without saying another word.

  Kellie sighed heavily. Reaching for her phone, she called Acacia. It rang a couple of times before she answered.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” Kellie moaned into the phone when Acacia answered.

  “Believe what?”

  “Felicia is doing my laundry now. That's a bit personal and I wasn't impressed. But on the other hand, she’s making it hard to not like her and that's pissing me off, too!” Kellie shook her head and continued speaking in a low voice into the phone, “Last night, I came home to dinner being cooked. That's the second time that she's done that.”

  Acacia chuckled. “So? That’s a good thing isn’t it?”

  Ignoring Acacia’s remark, she continued to complain, “Then I found that she left some of her things in the bathroom. It’s like she’s moved in with us. Can you believe it?” Kellie asked, incredulous at the thought of this sudden turn of events.

  Acacia laughed for a few seconds without responding.

  “What’s funny?” Kellie asked.

  “You! You’re funny. I’ve never seen you like this before. Are you seriously jealous of your father having a girlfriend?”

  Kellie felt her face flush with embarrassment. Acacia was right, she was being ridiculous and she knew it.

  “It’s always been just the two of us and now she’s here all the time. Plus I've always been the one who takes care of him.”

  “Yes, that's true. But it's not your job. You're his daughter. I think you will have to get used to this change, Kel. Aren’t you the one who told me that you haven’t seen your father so happy before? So what’s the problem? Besides, you may be moving on in your own life soon!” Acacia said.

  “I wish! You are right, though. I can see that she makes Dad happy. I just haven’t really had a chance to get to know her and she's kind of moved right in,” Kellie pouted.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the floor.

  “He deserves to be happy as much as you do. Both of you are great people. On another note, are you excited about tonight?” Acacia asked, cheerfully changing the subject.

  “Oh, God, am I ever! I bought a new dress and can’t wait to show it off!” she said optimistically. “If Holden doesn’t ask me out after seeing me in this number, then he is really too far gone to be helped!” Kellie gushed as she smoothed the dress with one hand.

  Acacia burst out laughing and Kellie joined her. Several seconds later, Acacia added, “I hope he does and I hope you have a good time. We’ll be around to pick you up just after six.”

  Kellie couldn’t wait to see Holden again. This time he would not get away so easily.


  Sometime later Kellie padded downstairs to grab a snack and found Felicia at the kitchen table staring pensively at her phone.

  Kellie’s brow furrowed. “Are you okay?” she asked hesitantly.

  Startled, Felicia jumped and put her phone down.

  “Um…Yes. I’m just worried about your dad. Today he is supposed to be arresting someone involved in a big case he’s been working on for months. Usually, he calls to check in but I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Why aren’t you working today? Aren’t you working on the case with him?”

  “Not this one. But yes, I am heading into work shortly,” Felicia pushed her chair back and stood. “I'd better get going. I'm due at work within an hour. I'll try to reach him once I get there.”

  Kellie tried not to think about the dangers of her father's job. Growing up, it wasn’t clear until she was a teenager just how dangerous his job was.

  With him working as a detective now, she hoped that the risk would be lessened. The feeling in the pit of her stomach told her that she was deluding herself. Her appetite was gone.

  Watching Felicia leave the room, she knew that as a police officer there was always a risk. And of course, Felicia knew it, too.

  “Have a good night,” Felicia said, her tone distracted and tense.

  “Stay safe,” Kellie said, forcing a smile.


  The afternoon rain fell gently as Grant-bear and Holden-bear raced one another through the forest. The layered fur of their bear forms kept them warm, allowing the rain to roll off them as they ran on all fours.

  Exhilarated by the sense of freedom, Holden loved the rush of air in his fur as he ran. It had been many months since he allowed his bear to come out and play. It didn’t take much coaxing to get Grant to go for a run with him. The men drove to the nearest state park and walked deep into the woods where they could undress and leave their clothes until they were back in human form. Fortunately, no one had crossed their path entering or leaving the park.

  “I forgot how gr
eat it feels to let loose!” Holden said, energized from the run. The men got into the car to head back to Grant's home.

  “I come out at least once a week to spend a half hour in the woods. It’s good for the soul…You really should honor that side of yourself more. It’s who we are,” Grant offered.

  Holden shrugged. Grant was right, of course. As usual.

  “So did you get Dad anything for his birthday?” Grant asked.

  “No. I figure that my showing up is gift enough. I don’t see what the big deal is. He’s only fifty-five. It isn’t as though it’s a huge milestone,” Holden chided.

  “You know Mom,” Grant replied. “Any excuse for a party. She likes having us all around her. I think she gets lonely sometimes.”

  “In a house full of domestic help? I doubt it,” Holden said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

  Grant put the car into drive and headed back to the house. Holden stared straight ahead silently for a few minutes.

  Grant’s voice interrupted the silence. “So have you given any more thought to speaking to Kellie again? Maybe even asking her out?”

  Holden had thought of nothing but Kellie. Ever since he confided in his brother about the connection he felt with her, he was constantly reminding himself that he would have to choose just the right moment.

  “Thinking about it,” he responded.

  Grant snorted and shook his head from side to side. “Come on, Holden. She is a really sweet woman. You don’t have to worry about her motives for liking you,” he added.

  “I know. She's not the reason I'm hesitating. I’ve been wondering what father will say when he finds out I, too, have a human mate?” Holden chuckled at the idea. He knew his father cared less about what he did or who he dated. It was Grant whom he held in high esteem.

  “Mother and Father met her at the wedding, remember? They both really seem to like her,” Grant stated.


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