Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2)

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Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2) Page 7

by Rayne Reilly

  “Thank you for not telling me. I’m not sure what I would have done if I'd known it was moving here. I know I should be angry that he didn’t call me but I am so happy, I could burst!” Kellie responded.

  “Looks like you're going to get your own happily-ever-after now!” Acacia said, gleefully.


  The Tudor revival home was set on Lake Washington with extraordinary views of the city and lake. Kellie marveled at the sheer size of the home and wondered why Holden chose to buy something so large.

  “My dad’s house could fit into one room here,” she giggled.

  Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten lunch yet. She ignored it, gazing at the incredible home that she was now being shown. Holden smiled and put his arm across her shoulder as they stepped inside the arched doorway. The huge hallway had white flagstone floors and a curved staircase with beige carpet leading to the upper floor. Holden stood back and reached for Kellie’s hand.

  “Ready for the tour?” he asked winking.

  “Yes, please!” Kellie said happily. "Do you mind if we go for lunch after the tour? I didn't have lunch today," she asked feeling slightly embarrassed.

  "No problem," Holden grinned.

  The hallway opened to a large sitting room with white walls and a marble fireplace. To the left were tall French doors that opened to a solarium. Kellie imagined herself sitting in the solarium having coffee and staring out at the beautiful green grass and gardens outside that led down to a private dock.

  The only room that had furnishings was the kitchen with all stainless steel appliances.

  “Do you like it?” Holden asked, as they stood in the large empty space.

  “Do I like it? My God! It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. It's got a lot of space.”

  Holden grinned.

  “I have more money than I could ever spend. I thought I should take advantage of that. Besides one day I would like to have a family."He winked.

  Kellie smiled. Oh.My.God.

  "How will you maintain such a huge house? It will take days to clean.” she blurted without thinking.

  Holden laughed. “I will hire staff to take care of the house."

  "Of course...I sometimes forget just who you are." Kellie giggled.

  Holden stroked her hair. "Just one more thing that I love about you. It's clear to me that you care about me and not my money."

  Kellie put her hands on her hips. "I'm happy to hear you figured that out. I wouldn't care if you had nothing...I just want to be with you." She embraced him, placing her head against his chest. "I see the man you truly are. Not what other people think they see." she said sincerely.

  Holden leaned down and kissed her head. "I know." he said. He stepped back and put his hands on her shoulders.

  "I know the house still has to be decorated and furnished but I wanted to invite you here to have some time alone with you. We haven't really been completely alone, with no potential for interruptions. I hope you don't mind?"

  Kellie chuckled. "Hardly. I made out with you in your old bedroom...I'm not afraid to be alone with you now," she joked. She hoped they would do more than kiss this time. She felt completely at ease with Holden and didn't want to be anywhere else in that moment.

  Holden gave a sexy grin. "I have one more thing I want to talk to you about before we continue our tour. I have been wanting to mention this for some time but didn't quite know how to broach it with you," he said casually.

  Kellie raised one brow. What has he been thinking about that he couldn't mention to me?

  Holden stood tall and proud as he spoke. "You are an amazing singer. Have you given any thought to pursuing that?”

  "Are you kidding me? That would be a dream come true! I don't think it will ever happen but it doesn't stop me from dreaming about it." She said happily.

  “If you ever want to pursue a singing career just say the word and I will help you to meet the right people,” he offered confidently.

  Kellie leapt at him and squeezed him gratefully.

  “Really? I would love that! Thank you!” she exclaimed. Kellie couldn't believe his words and that he had given it so much thought. His faith in her singing voice was flattering. Of course only time would tell whether she could make a go of being a singer or not. Having his encouragement would help a lot.

  "I'll arrange it. There's a record company here in town and I know some people over there so..." he beamed and bounced his eyebrows up and down.

  Kellie laughed. "You are filled with surprises today aren't you? I can't wait to meet them!"

  Holden put one finger in the air. "And that is just the beginning of my surprises for you today. I have to make up for lost time. Come with me." he said taking her hand.

  He pulled her toward a second staircase that also led to the upper floor. She giggled like a school girl as he winked and took her by the hand and led her up the stairs. They stopped in front of double wooden doors. Letting go of her hands, Holden pushed the doors open. Kellie gasped at the room before her.

  A large king-size four poster bed stood at one end beautifully decorated with rose petals and flower bouquets had been placed in vases around the room. The bed looked smaller than it should in the vastness of the room. On the floor was a blanket with a picnic basket and a bottle of champagne.

  Kellie did a double take, deeply touched by all that he had done.

  “This is beautiful, Holden! Now I know what you were up to for two hours today,” she winked.

  He smiled and rubbed his chin. “Yes. Well, I wanted to make your first visit special.”

  Kellie’s stomach growled and she looked at the picnic he had prepared for them.

  Holden chuckled and said, “I’m glad you’re hungry. I had some help preparing it but Grant told me how much Acacia liked the picnics he took her on so I just thought…” the corner of his lip curled and he lowered his eyelids.

  “It’s perfect. Who knew you were such a romantic?” she said.


  After they had eaten and shared some champagne in celebration of Holden's new home, Kellie felt like she was ready to be even closer to Holden. His presence filled her with so much desire and need for him that she wasn’t about to waste the moment on being coy. She moved next to him and tucked herself into the crook of his arm in silence. She heard a growl come from deep within him and she leaned away looking at him. “You aren’t still hungry are you?”

  Holden put a hand to his abdomen. “No. It was my bear…he’s pretty pleased with himself right now and was just reminding me that he was right about you.”

  “How so?” she asked, excited at the reminder of him being a bear-shifter.

  “He told me the first time I saw you that you were our mate but I chose to ignore it…my loss. He’s pretty happy right now and beating at my insides to be near you,” Holden said, licking his lips.

  Kellie tilted her head and batted her eye lashes flirtatiously.

  “Tell him I want to be near him too. But first I want to be with you.” Kellie said in a sultry voice, getting up and standing in front of Holden. She was feeling turned on being so close to him. The thought of him being a bear shifter made the idea of intimacy with him even more interesting. It had been a long time since she had slept with a man and she didn't want to deny her desire for him any longer.

  Holden stood and his bear emitted another growl. Kellie’s eyes caught sight of his groin area and she could see that he was very aroused. She bit her lip. Her own center began to grow even more moist. She wanted him to touch her, to make her feel as good as she wanted to make him feel.

  Holden put his hands to the sides of her head and kissed her, his tongue passionately searching every corner of her mouth. She felt herself go weak. Nothing was going to interrupt them; they were completely alone in their new home. She had fantasized about this moment.

  Her hands went to his chest and she quickly undid his shirt, pushing it aside as they continued to explore one anoth
er's mouth. His bare chest was even more fit and muscular than she had thought it would be.

  She moved her hands down to the fly of his trousers and undid them, slowly unzipping and pushing his clothes to the floor. Holden began undressing her as well, undoing Kellie’s jeans and pulling her top off over her head in between kisses. She loved the way he bit his lip when he looked down at her. It filled her with even more desire for him.

  Soon they were both naked and pressed together as they stood stroking one another. Holden picked her up and carried her to the bed. He slid on the bed next to her. His lips found the sensitive skin of her breasts and nipples.

  She moaned as his hand moved down her stomach to her moist center. He slid two fingers inside and gently stroked her sweet spot until she was writhing beneath him. She pulled him toward her wanting and needing him to be inside her at last. Holden gave her a sexy grin and moved down the bed until his head was positioned between her legs. She closed her eyes as she felt his hot kisses on her inner thighs and then her pleasure spot.

  When she didn’t think she could take any more, the wave of a long-awaited climax finally washed over her.

  “Please, Holden…I want you…now!” she begged.

  Holden looked up with hooded eyes. He bit his bottom lip. “Your wish is my command!” he teased as he positioned himself above her and reached down to place his large erection against her. She pushed her groin toward him and felt him enter her. Both of them moaned with the sheer pleasure of the moment.

  “God, I’ve wanted this for so long Kellie. You are so beautiful,” he said as he pushed himself into her slowly at first and then faster and faster. He leaned down to kiss her. Kellie closed her eyes and wrapped her legs around him.

  The energy between them was electric as they moved in perfect rhythm with one another. For Kellie, it was the perfect end to a perfect day.

  Afterward, they held onto one another as Holden lay next to her kissing her and smoothing her hair away from her face.

  “I love you Kellie,” he said, as he looked into her eyes.

  “I love you too Holden,” Kellie replied.


  Several weeks later as promised, Holden set up a meeting for Kellie at a Seattle Independent record label and they agreed to sign her once they heard her voice. The record company immediately set about having Kellie record a single that met with immediate success. Now she was recording her first full album and Holden could see how happy she was.

  With his move now complete he was able to help manage her singing career and looked forward to watching her continued success. As he waited outside for Kellie he thought about the past month and how their love for one another had grown so much stronger.

  Working together and helping Kellie with her new career gave him a new sense of purpose that he otherwise would not have had. He loved seeing her so happy every day. He grinned now as she approached him with a big smile on her face.

  “How did your recording session go today?” Holden asked as Kellie embraced him.

  “Great! I’ll be so excited to hear the whole album once it’s done. Everyone is great to work with. Have I told you how grateful I am that you introduced me to them?” she gushed.

  Holden chuckled and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Several times I think.”

  The pair walked to Holden’s vehicle and hopped in. He looked over at Kellie as they each buckled their seat belts.

  “I spoke with Mike and he asked me to discuss your tour dates with you. They are setting up rehearsals as soon as the album is done.” He mentioned.

  Holden had met with the record company people earlier that day and they had discussed what would happen next for Kellie. He wondered if she realized how much work was ahead of her.

  Kellie’s eyes widened. “So soon? I mean…I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet.” She tucked some hair behind her ear.

  “You won’t go on tour for another six months. Don’t worry you will do fantastic when the time comes. I have faith in you and your abilities, so does Mike.” Holden reached out and took her hand.

  “I’m a little scared of going on tour as it is. I’ve never really gone anywhere…I don’t want to do it alone.” She said hesitantly.

  “You won’t be alone. I will be there with you.” He reassured.

  Kellie smiled and cocked her head to one side. “I’m lucky you are my business manager. It gives me a good excuse to want you there. Things seem a lot less intimidating when you’re with me.” She smiled.

  Holden squeezed her hand and let go to start the car. Turning to look back at her he gazed at her big green eyes, filled with excitement and a little trepidation.

  “As long as I am around, you have nothing to fear.” He grinned.


  Kellie was spending more and more time at Holden’s now that they also had a business relationship. Not having to work as a waitress any longer was a great relief for her. She pinched herself everytime she stepped into the recording studio. Just like Acacia, she had found her own happily-ever-after with the man of her dreams. With the additional bonus of the career of her dreams. She didn’t mind that she was signed with an independent record label so long as she got to sing for a living.

  She loved that Holden picked her up from the studio most days and that he was helping her with her new career. He always seemed so proud of her and very supportive.

  This evening they had discussed business on the drive back to his house and she felt much better about the upcoming album release as well as the tour.

  After having a quick meal the pair moved to Holden’s bedroom for a little intimate play time. Kellie loved the time they spent together and hoped that her burgeoning career would not upset that.

  She stroked Holden’s chest with her fingertips as they lay next to one another naked on top of the blankets.

  “Do you think we will have as much time together once I’m officially a recording artist?” She asked feeling her voice tighten a little.

  Holden smoothed her hair down and grinned. “You are already officially a recording artist."

  He chuckled as he stroked her playfully. "We will still be together every day, even on tour…You do still want a recording career don’t you?” he asked gently. “I support you whatever you want to do, you know that. I’m not going anywhere so you don’t need to worry about that either.” He finished confidently.

  Kellie nodded. “I do want a recording career. So much has happened since I met you…Sometimes I worry that it won’t last.” She pursed her lips and paused.

  "Relax and enjoy the moment," he murmured and pulled her toward him kissing her tenderly.

  Kellie sighed and felt herself becoming aroused again. She closed her eyes and tucked herself in close to Holden feeling his arousal as well. She had wanted him for so long that she couldn’t afford to let another moment of insecurity and worry hold her back. This was exactly where she wanted to be. They began to kiss passionately, allowing their desire to take over again.


  About an hour later Holden’s phone began to ring. Kellie watched him roll his eyes.

  “I don’t want to move right now,” he said slowly as he stroked her arm.

  “It might be important,” Kellie said, softly.

  The phone continued to ring for a few more seconds. When it rang off, they cuddled up close and Holden sighed.

  Holden’s phone rang again moments later. This time Kellie got a funny feeling in her stomach and she sat up.

  “I think you should answer it,” she said. “Whoever it is clearly needs to speak with you.”

  Holden groaned and rolled off the bed. Bending to grab his trousers, he pulled out his cell phone and noticed that it was Grant calling him. Kellie watched the muscles in his naked body flex as he moved. She never tired of looking at him.

  He answered quickly. “Hi, Big Brother, what’s so – ” Obviously cut off by Grant, the color drained from his face as his eyes fill with dread. He stumbled toward the bed a
nd sat down, putting a hand to his head.

  “He – he’s gone?” he stammered. Kellie felt sick to her stomach. Who was gone?

  Holden was always so self-assured and confident. Now here was the man she loved suddenly looking dazed and confused.

  He hung up and placed the phone on the bed next to him. Kellie moved to hug him from behind, propped on her knees.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, worried.

  “No. Not really.” He placed a hand on hers. His voice quivered. “My father is dead.”

  “What? What happened?” Kelly was in shock.

  “He was in a car accident.” Holden mumbled running his hands along his naked thighs.

  “And your mom – ?” Kellie couldn’t finish the question for fear of the response. She sat back and moved to get off the bed.

  “She wasn’t with him. She’s okay. I need to go to her…now,” he said meekly, standing and picking up his trousers.

  Emotion welled up inside her and she stifled the urge to cry. She could see that Holden was barely keeping it together and he didn’t need her to be a blubbering mess.

  They both dressed quickly in silence. “I would like to go with you to your mother's house, if that's okay?”

  Holden turned and touched her cheek with the back of his hand. “I would like that and I am sure she would as well,” he responded, gratefully.


  It didn’t take long to get to the Beringer Estate from their new home. Holden was relieved to see Grant’s car was already parked in the driveway. He reached for Kellie’s hand as they approached the house. His heart was pounding in his chest.

  Holden opened the door and they went inside quietly. He could hear his mother’s sobs as they walked down the hall toward his father's study. Grant was sitting on one side of his mother and Acacia on the other side. Both had their arms around her.

  Dabbing her eyes, Marcia Beringer looked up at Holden and Kellie.


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