Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2)

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Holden (Beringer Brothers Book 2) Page 8

by Rayne Reilly

  “Thanks for coming,” she said sadly as she rose from the sofa and approached them. Holden hugged his mother and then stepped aside for Kellie to embrace her as well.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss,” Kellie mumbled sincerely. Holden could see the look of empathy on Kellie’s face as she greeted his mother.

  Grant stood and walked over to Holden, giving him a hug. Kellie hugged Grant and went to sit with Acacia.

  “Have you called Reece?” Holden asked Grant. Marcia was already returning to the sofa to sit between Acacia and Kellie.

  “Yes, he is arriving by private jet and will be here late tonight,” Grant said in a serious tone.

  Holden nodded and looked over at their mother. She was chatting quietly with the two women. Holden motioned for Grant to follow him out of the room.

  When they were out of earshot of their mother, Holden asked, “So what happened?”

  Grant pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked more stressed than Holden had seen him in years.

  “It was a head-on collision. They think he died instantly. There was no chance for survival, apparently.”

  Holden was silent for a moment, letting the information sink in before putting a hand on Grant's shoulder.

  “I know this leaves you with a heavy burden. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help…just ask,” Holden said in a low voice.

  Grant pursed his lips and nodded. “Thanks. It means a lot to me but you also have Kellie’s singing career to oversee. I’ll be fine. I know that things are going to get more complicated now that Father is not around but I’ll sort through it. I just hope he kept his affairs in order at the company.”

  “I have confidence in you Big Brother,” said Holden reassuringly. “You are more than capable to handle the family business. It’s Mom that I’m worried about. Dad was her whole life. Do you think she will be okay?” Holden asked.

  Grant gave him a small smile and shrugged. “I think so, in time. She’s a lot stronger than I think any of us realize. Hell, she used to keep Father in check,” Grant said.

  Holden added, “How did Reece take the news? His last interaction with Dad wasn’t great.”

  Grant rubbed his forehead. “You know Reece. He keeps his feelings to himself. He seemed alright on the phone. He’s more likely to feel guilty since Father complained about him never coming home to visit.”

  "It's going to seem strange not seeing father again. I'm not sure how to feel right now." Holden stated.

  "I know what you mean. The most important thing right now is that we are here for mom. She will need us."

  Holden agreed and the men walked back into the study.

  Acacia got up and approached them.

  “I think we should stay with her tonight,” she whispered.

  Grant and Holden both nodded without hesitation.

  Marcia stood and turned toward them. Holden could tell that her bear-shifter hearing was working fine.

  “I would like that very much,” she acknowledged. “I don’t really want to be alone right now. I’ll have two rooms prepared by one of the staff.” Marcia turned to face Kellie. “You are all welcome here.”

  Kellie smiled and thanked her.


  Several hours later, Holden’s mother went to bed for the night, with Acacia and Kellie following not long after. Holden was glad to have some time alone with Grant while they waited for Reece to arrive. He mentioned the upcoming album completion and the tour that would follow for Kellie. He watched Grants face as he filled him in on the latest news. His brother seemed relieved to have something else to discuss besides their father.

  Grant poured drinks for both of them and handed Holden one. He sat down.

  “I was glad when you both finally got together. Even more so, seeing that you have found something that you clearly enjoy doing as a job” he smiled. “You have proved to be the man I always knew you were. You make me proud to be your brother,” Grant stated. Taking a sip of his drink, he sat back and smiled.

  Holden felt a sense of pride and sat up tall as he smiled back at Grant. Raising his glass, he spoke proudly. “Thanks that means a lot.” He paused and took a drink before adding, “Kellie makes me want to be a better man.”

  The room was silent for several minutes as both men sat lost in their thoughts.

  Holden recalled one of the last interactions with his father and how upset it had made Kellie to see him treated so poorly. He hadn’t gone to visit him since his birthday party in spite of now living in Seattle. His father had always diminished him and degraded him. In spite of that, the man was still his father and Holden would miss him. Their parents had been together nearly thirty-eight years and he knew that his mother would have the toughest time of all of them. Bear-shifters mated for life.

  "It's good that father met our mates. At least they will be able to understand the kind of man he was when we speak of him in the future." Grant said looking down at the glass in his hand.

  Holden was feeling very grateful for finding Kellie and knowing that she was his mate filled him with peace. She was a strong, yet kind woman and he felt honored to have her in his life.

  His mind then drifted to his brother Reece. Holden snorted.

  “What’s funny?” Grant asked, raising one eyebrow.

  “I was just thinking…I wonder what Reece will think of us both being with human mates. He didn’t bring anyone to your wedding, so I am assuming he is still single?”

  Grant nodded. “There’s only one Beringer brother left now to find his mate,” he remarked.

  Holden grinned. He hadn’t previously given a lot of credence to fated shifter mates but he knew that Reece believed in them.

  Around midnight, as the two brothers were reminiscing about their childhood they heard the front door open quietly and waited as Reece appeared in the doorway. They both stood to greet their brother. Reece looked tired and sad as he stood looking at them.

  “Welcome home,” Grant said hugging him. Holden followed suit.

  The three brothers chatted briefly before deciding to turn in. No one was looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

  Holden crept quietly into the bedroom he was sharing with Kellie. He heard the rustling of the blankets and a small lamp came on. Kellie rubbed her face and in a groggy voice asked, “Did Reece make it here okay?”

  Holden moved to the bed and sat stroking her face.

  “Yes. He’s here. Everything is going to be okay,” he said, trying to reassure himself as well as the woman he loved.

  Kellie laid back while he got undressed, turned off the lamp and slipped into the bed next to her. The warmth and softness of her body instantly made him aroused. He held her close as she drifted back to sleep. He sighed contentedly and whispered in her ear, “I love you.” Kellie’s mouth curled slightly in the corner and she wriggled a little closer to him.

  Holden knew that whatever was to come in their future, they would have one another. Kellie loved him unconditionally and that felt pretty fantastic.

  About The Author

  Rayne Reilly lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. In addition to writing paranormal romance novellas, she enjoys writing paranormal adventure stories with a strong dose of romance in them.

  Her shifter books always include a happily ever after because doesn't everyone want that? Her Shifter Series books are intended for audiences over 18+ only. If you enjoy steamy, sexy romance, with a touch of fantasy, these books are meant for you.

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  Other books by Rayne Reilly

  The following books are
best read in the order listed

  Shifter Series Novella’s


  Bear Boss’s Mate Volume 1

  Werebear’s Mate Volume 2

  Purrfect Mate Volume 3

  Vampire’s and Shifter’s

  Forbidden Mates -Part One

  Forbidden Mates - Part Two

  Beringer Brothers

  (Book 1) Grant- Available on Amazon

  Complete Box Sets Available

  Pleasantville Series includes Bear Boss’s Mate, Werebears Mate and Purrfect Mate

  Forbidden Mates Set includes Forbidden Mates and Exiled.




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