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By the Light of the Moon

Page 3

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Dakota licked his lips. “You are so beautiful.”

  Sam grabbed Darren and pulled him into his chest. He crushed his lips to Darren’s, in a mind numbing kiss. He felt Darren’s hands in his hair and he slid his hand to his crotch, feeling a nice hard cock. Sam squeezed, hearing a soft moan in his mouth and that about pushed him over the edge. “Jesus.” Sam breathed. “Fuck, I want you.”

  Dakota felt his breath leaving him as Sam took his mouth again. He was crawling into his lap, his tongue meeting with Sam’s. Dakota’s ass was up against the steering wheel and Sam’s hand was running up his back. “God...I want you too.”

  The loud honk had them pulling apart quickly and Sam had to laugh. “Your ass is honking.”

  “I feel sixteen again.” Dakota tried not to blush. “ My cock feels sixteen again.” Sam laughed loud. He looked at Darren and smiled. “Stay here, okay? I’ll get you a room.”

  Dakota watched him get out and go to the front of the building. At some point, Sam was going to have to let him out to go pee. Well, his wolf side out. Fuck. Now what? As bad as it was, he had to get out now. Dakota tried to find something to write with. Shit, he had to hurry. God, he felt like a huge asshole. Here the guy had gotten in Taylor’s face and saved his ass and he was pretty damn sure Sam had been the one buying his drinks. Now he was getting him a room for the night, so that he wasn’t

  out in the cold?God, I am such a dick.The longer

  Dakota sat there, the more he knew his legs weren’t going to move and then Sam was coming back to the truck.

  “I’m glad you let me do this. Look, I want you to have

  this, okay?” Sam gave him a wad of cash and closed his hand over it. “I’ll feel better if I know you have somewhere to go at night, and get some warm clothes.” Sam walked Darren to his room and turned to face him. Sam had thought for sure Darren wouldn’t be in the truck when he came back and was surprised when Darren’s head popped up in the cab. Sam turned to leave and felt a hand on his wrist.

  “Did…did you want to come in?” Dakota felt the tendons tense up in Sam’s wrist. “ I didn’t know if you wanted me to.” Sam turned to look in Darren’s eyes. God yes, he wanted to come in; Sam wanted a lot more than that.

  “ I want you to, I want you.” Dakota ran his hands up Sam’s chest through his jacket. “I want to see what’s under this.”

  Sam nodded and Dakota opened the door to the room. He walked in holding Sam’s hand. The door shut behind them and Dakota locked it, turning to face Sam. His hand slid up Sam’s jacket, taking the zipper of his parka down and Sam shrugged it off. Sam’s flannel shirt was almost soaked with sweat. The buttons were coming off slowly and Dakota pushed the shirt off of Sam’s shoulders. One hell of an impressive chest stood there before him.

  Dakota ran his fingertips over the tattoos on his chest; he looked up to see Sam’s eyes closed. His breathing was slightly labored as Dakota ran his hands down his chest. God, he wanted to lick him, taste him. He ran his lips softly over Sam’s chest, flicking a nipple softly. His hands played at the waistband of Sam’s pants, running his fingers just underneath the band. His fingers brushed the soft hair below the naval and Dakota let his tongue trail down Sam’s chest.

  Dakota wanted to taste him, wrap his lips around that raw power. He undid Sam’s pants, pulling them down and ran his face over the barrier of black cotton briefs. He bit Sam’s hard cock through the fabric and felt a hand in his hair, pulling his face up. Sam was looking down on him and Dakota ran his hand up his inner thigh, making his way up to grip the hard prick tenting Sam’s briefs. The brown eyes closed as Dakota gripped him, squeezing until there was a wet dot of precome on the briefs. He pulled them down enough to see the tan cut head of a beautiful cock. Dakota flicked his tongue through the slit, tasting warm precome; his cock filled more, making his jeans tighter. Dakota’s tongue licked around the crown, flicking, teasing, and leaving small bites around the rim. Dakota licked a long line from root to tip, exposing more of Sam’s delicious cock. “Jesus, you fucking taste so good.”

  warm mouth took him in and his hand clenched his hair. He felt a puff of air on his stomach and looked down to see Darren, nosed pressed to his skin, sucking him in deep. Soft fingers played at his tight sac, teasing and rubbing, making their way back and sliding softly over his opening. God, he wanted to pull Darren onto his cock, fuck his mouth until his lips were swollen. He held back and enjoyed the slow measured sucks on his cock and the finger teasing his ass. The warmth left his cock and Darren was making his way back up his chest, kissing and licking as his hand caressed Sam’s balls.

  “Oh Fuck.” Sam fought to keep standing as Darren’s Sam felt soft lips on his own. His hand snaked around Darren’s waist and pulled him up to his mouth. Just like the night before, the kiss had Sam in a state of euphoria. Darren was wrapped around him and was trying to get his shirt off, as he fought to keep their lips together. Darren’s t-shirt finally came off and Sam ran his hands across the smooth chest. They made their way slowly to the bed and Sam kept Darren cradled in his arms as he laid him down, keeping their mouths fused together. Sam grabbed Darren’s zipper and pulled it and his pants down in one movement. He found a hard prick, slick with precome and he wrapped his hand around it, giving it a good pull before settling into a rhythm.

  God, he’d never felt like this with anyone else. Sam wanted to possess him, own him, and mark him. He wanted to sink into Darren and never come out. Their breaths ragged as they both gripped each other, Sam moved Darren’s hand and stroked their hard pricks together, all while keeping his mouth securely on Darren’s. He felt a hand on his own and then he was being guided to Darren’s hole. With his right hand pumping, he took his left and ran his fingertips through the flowing precome of both their pricks. Making sure he was slippery, he teased Darren with one finger as he quickened the pulling on their pricks.

  Long strong strokes from the root up, had Darren writhing beneath him and he’d never witnessed anything more beautiful. Sam broke from the kiss, looking into grey eyes. He watched Darren’s face as he pushed in another finger. Darren moaned and arched his back as Sam pushed in, rubbing upwards. Sam’s own orgasm was threatening to spill over, as Darren’s noises were making him stroke faster. He wanted to hear him, push him over the edge until he was screaming under Sam in pleasure. Sam’s mouth descended again and Darren whimpered into his mouth. Jesus, but he was so fucking turned on. Sam pushed his fingers in further and felt Darren meeting them, pushing down, and trying to get more inside. Sam heard the catch in Darren’s throat. He stopped and looked down into what could only be described as the most beautiful face he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Are you alright?” Sam looked at the line of sweat on Darren’s forehead. “ Mmmm…” Dakota felt the stinging in his gums and closed his eyes. His body was reacting and he fought to stay in control. He managed a nod and Sam’s finger’s resumed their torturous, yet pleasant assault on his senses. Dakota had never really been with anyone that wasn’t a wolf after he’d been changed. He couldn’t afford to let Sam see him. Fuck, but it felt so damn good. He hadn’t had another person touch his cock in months. His ass clenched around Sam’s fingers and his stomach warmed, spreading throughout his body. The release was coming and Dakota hoped his body didn’t flip out and change mid orgasm. Sam brushed his swollen gland and Dakota lost it.

  “ Oh God…I’m coming…” Dakota grabbed the sheets and his back arched, sending a spray of cum all over his chest in spurts. His body jerked and his hips kept pumping as he emptied himself.

  “ Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” Sam lost it. Just seeing the man on the bed in pure bliss had his own bomb going off. He let out a low groan and came hard, balls emptying all over Darren on the bed. Sam slumped over on top of Darren and tried to regulate his heartbeat. Holy hell. They were sticky and sweaty and he was suddenly very hungry, not to mention exhausted. Sam licked the side of Darren’s neck, biting it softly. He heard a low growl and smiled. “Like that?”

akota sat perfectly still. Oh shit. Sam didn’t seem to think it was weird that he growled, so fuck it. “Yes, do it again.”

  Sam let out a soft chuckle and ran his tongue up the side of Darren’s neck, sucking and biting softly; he felt arms coming around him and closed his eyes. “God, the way you make me feel.”

  “Sam?” “ Yes?” Sam was in a pleasure induced coma. He figured he’d stay there for another half hour or so before he attempted to use his legs.

  “ What do you do? You know, for work?” Dakota ran his hand through the soft black hair. His eyes travelled the room and he was relieved to realize he could see colors.

  “ I don’t think you want to know Darren. Let’s just say I’m in the extermination business.” Sam rolled over on his back and dragged Darren into his side. He pulled the sheet up and covered them both.

  Dakota lay awake watching Sam. When he figured he was down for the count, he wrote him a note on the motel pad of paper. He left the money next to it. He figured once he got his wallet he’d be good. He told Sam that he himself was going to Fairbanks and maybe they would run into each other there. Dakota took one last look around the room and quietly made his way out. Grabbing his clothes, he put them in the bed of the truck. He’d need them when they got to Fairbanks. The last thing he wanted was to be running around Fairbanks in wolf form. Dakota made his way back into Sam’s room and looked around, making sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. Closing the window, he got on all fours to change. God, he wished he could just show Sam who he really was. But that would have to wait.

  ~~ Sam woke up about an hour later to an empty bed. He sighed and rubbed his face, sitting up. The room was dark, save for the light on the small table. He saw the wad of cash he’d given Darren sitting on top of a notepad with a pen. He pulled himself out of bed on unsteady legs and had to smile. Jesus, he’d never felt like this. He grabbed the cash and read the note:

  Sam, I appreciate all you did for me. I’m heading to Fairbanks myself as soon as I get my wallet. Look for me at the Northern most Denny’s. Darren.

  The northern most Denny’s? Sam shook his head and grabbed his clothes. He grabbed his room key and made his way back to his own room. Dakota sat in the middle of the bed in his usual sleeping position; flat on his back, legs spread, taking up most of the bed. Sam smiled, took his clothing off and crawled under the blankets, pushing Dakota over on his side. He got a loud sigh and then Dakota snuggled into his side. Sam closed his eyes and thought about Darren, his soft hands, his talented tongue. Sam had only been with one other guy and he hadn’t affected him the way Darren had. He wanted more. Sam rolled on his side, throwing his arm over Dakota. He was going to have to take a trip home to see the parent’s. Sam hadn’t seen them in almost six months and his Mother had been bitching at him. “Night Dakota.” He smiled at the soft snort.

  ~~ Sam had to smile. They’d been on the road for about an hour now, and Dakota had his paws up on the dashboard, whining. He nudged Sam’s arm and licked his face, whining a little more loudly this time. “Rest stop, buddy?” Sam smiled when Dakota put his paw on his arm.

  Sam pulled over and let Dakota out. Standing there, it occurred to him that he was in the middle of nowhere and he’d just let Dakota out with no leash. Shit. He stood by the truck for five minutes before getting worried. This was silly; he was attached to the wolf. Sam made his way into the trees calling Dakota’s name. After ten minutes, the panic set in. He felt like he’d lost his best friend. “Dakota!” Sam whistled loudly, hoping to hear something. There was a low growl to his left and Sam turned around. A large tan wolf was staring at him; teeth bared, ears down and haunches ready to pounce.

  Sam felt for the gun in the back of his pants. He put his hand out in front of him and took a step back. “Easy, I don’t want any trouble.” The wolf came out of the brush more and Sam got a good look at it. The damn thing had to weigh about two hundred fucking pounds. Jesus, he didn’t want to shoot it. From out of nowhere, Dakota jumped in between Sam and the wolf. Sam scrambled to grab Dakota around the neck. “Dakota, back away.” Sam grabbed him by the nape of his neck and drew his gun, pointing it at the other wolf. “I don’t want to kill you buddy, but I will if I have to.”

  Sam walked backwards pulling Dakota with him. He loved nature as much as the next guy, but shit, that was too close even for him. The loud growl took them both by surprise as the wolf jumped on Dakota, sending him down on his stomach. Sam backed up out of the way, trying to avoid teeth and claws. Dakota maneuvered himself out from underneath the wolf and bit his back leg. There was a yelp and then the other wolf ran into the woods, Dakota right on his heels. “Dakota! Wait!” Sam ran after them, his lungs freezing, as cold air shot into them.

  Sam watched as both wolves ran right across a frozen lake. Dakota’s feet went out from underneath him and he fought to stay upright as the other wolf slid across the lake. The other wolf finally got his footing and looked back, watching Dakota try to stand up. Dakota finally got his footing and took off again. Large cracks were forming under the other wolf as he ran, finally clearing the lake making a run for safety. Sam watched with baited breath as Dakota slid to a stop, the cracking noise rising to a deafening pitch. “Dakota! Don’t move!” Sam dropped down onto his stomach and shimmied across the ice, trying not to put too much weight in any one spot.

  Sam watched in horror as the ice broke up into chunks, and then Dakota was sucked in. “Fuck!” Sam made his way closer, watching the ice continue to break apart. The breaks were coming closer and closer to Sam. Dakota was attempting to get both paws on the ice, but he kept slipping. Sam made his way closer, trying to get a hold of Dakota’s paw. “I’m coming Dakota.” Sam grabbed his paw and then tried to grab his upper leg. Pain seared into his flesh as Dakota dug his claws in, trying to hang onto him. Sam’s other hand gripped at the fur of Dakota’s neck, pulling him out of the water and dragging him backwards to safety. Sam’s left arm was torn up, but he got Dakota off the ice and landed on the shore, breathing hard. Sam closed his eyes as the cold bit through the layers of his jacket. Dakota lay on his side panting, white swirls of breath flowing upward. Sam’s arm was on fire and he stood, trying to get blood flowing. “Come on, Dakota.”

  They’d finally made it back to the truck and Sam opened the door. Dakota jumped in and sat down and turned, looking at him. Sam brushed his fingers over Dakota’s muzzle and grabbed a blanket from the back seat, wrapping it around his fur. Sam quickly changed into new pants and a flannel shirt and inspected his wounds. They weren’t as bad as he’d originally thought. He couldn’t see his bone, which was a plus. Sam cleaned it out with alcohol and wrapped it in a bandage. He grabbed his jacket, putting it on and looked at Dakota on the seat. His head was down and Sam pulled Dakota’s face up, looking at him.

  “ Hey, don’t look like that, ok? I’d do it again if I had to.” Sam petted his head and mussed his coat. Dakota licked his face and Sam smiled. “Now, let’s get warmed up.”

  The rest of the trip was uneventful and Dakota managed to sleep through most of it. Sam stopped at a gas station and Dakota opened his eyes. Sam was filling the tank while a woman at the next pump was bent over her hood, looking at something. Jesus, if he could roll his

  eyes he would. Could shebemore obvious? He didn’t

  find women attractive. Well… some he did, but they looked manly. Dakota felt a chuckle brewing as he narrowed his eyes at the woman. She was smiling at Sam and motioning to her dip stick. Dakota bet she’d like for Sam to dip his stick in her. Sam bent over the hood and the woman stepped back, head tilted, admiring the view.

  Dakota pawed at the window and let out what he hoped sounded like a, hey- I- gotta- pee whine. Sam looked up, saw him panting in the window and smiled. He turned to the woman, making his excuse. Dakota smiled as Sam escaped the woman’s attentions. “Idon’t see any problem, but you might want to ask the mechanic on duty. Excuse me.” Sam made his way over and opened the door a crack. “Can you hold it? I’m sure people are going
to freak out if they see you running around.”

  Dakota whined pathetically. He actuallydidhave to take

  a raging piss. Sam sighed and looked around. “Okay, but make it quick.” Dakota was doing his business on the side of the gas station when he saw the woman making her way out of ladies room. He trotted over and sat down beside her, being sure to catch her attention. The woman looked down at him and her eyes went wide. Dakota thought his ears were going to bleed as the woman let out an annoyingly high pitched scream. Dakota just sat there, staring at the woman who seemed to be glued to the wall, until Sam came hauling ass around the side of the building. Sam put his hands on his hips and frowned at Dakota. “Oops, sorry. I had to let him out for a bit, but he won’t hurt you. Dakota, come on.” Sam whistled for him and Dakota turned his head, trotting back to the truck.

  “That was a …” “ Yep. Big dog, huh?” Sam waved at her and turned around. “Drive safely.” They hit the road again and Sam looked down at Dakota, laughing softly. “I swear you did that on purpose.”

  Dakota lay his head on Sam’s thigh and closed his

  eyes.Yep. ~~

  Sam drove into town and took the main road, looking for Josh’s street. He wasn’t going to stay in town but for maybe a day. He had to be in Washington to make nice and smile for his parents. As they drove, Sam’s eyes caught a Denny’s in the distance. As they got closer to it, he could see that it said the northern most Denny’s. His heart leapt at the idea of seeing Darren again. His cocks reaction, was to become harder than rock in mere seconds. Jesus, what was wrong with him? Dakota was sitting up with his paws on the dash board, watching the cars go by, tail wagging. “You’ve been here before?” Sam smiled. Pulling into a residential street, Sam found Josh and Mark’s house fairly easy. It was a single story home with wooden carvings of wolves in the front yard. Josh really had a thing for wolves.


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