By the Light of the Moon

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By the Light of the Moon Page 9

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “ That’s all you remember?” Sawyer sat back looking at Dakota in Sam’s arms. They were cute together. Sam was huge and Dakota, well, wasn’t.

  “ Yep, then I woke up in a cabin naked and surrounded by people. They explained what had happened and what I was. Taylor took me under his wing. He tried to protect me from the more brutal pack members, that’s why I thought he cared. When we got caught?” Dakota shook his head sadly. “He blamed me.”

  “Was your Alpha cruel to him? I mean was his Dad an asshole?” Xander sat back, crossing his arms. “ Carson is an asshole. He made sure I knew my place at all times. I think somehow he knew what I was. Whatever that is.” Dakota shrugged.

  “ So, this Taylor guy could be alright then, couldn’t he?” Sawyer sat back and crossed his knees at the ankle, contemplating.

  “ Well, considering he’s attacked me twice now, I don’t know. “ Dakota sighed and leaned against Sam’s chest, feeling his warmth and heartbeat against him.

  “ I need to get the energizer bunny to bed.” Sawyer smiled at his Wyatt, curled up. “He’s running low on juice.”

  ~~ Dakota crawled into bed and relaxed, soon feeling Sam’s weight dip his side of the bed as he got in. He rolled over into his mate’s warmth and kissed his neck. Things had changed drastically since he’d first become a wolf. He now had a mate, a pack and a place to call home with the man he loved.

  ~~ Grayson snuck out and made his way into the forest, to where he’d smelled that other wolf. He stopped and closed his eyes, letting the sounds and scents of the forest surround him. His nose twitched and his cock filled immediately upon picking up the unknown wolfs scent. His teeth elongated and his eyes switched to monochrome. The scent was back. Off in the distance he heard rustling in the leaves, someone or something wasn’t keeping downwind of him very well. His eyes scanned the forest and he saw a shape off in the distance. It was a man and he’d stopped, looking in Grayson’s direction. It was deathly quiet. All the sudden, Grayson heard Xander shouting for him. He turned his head in the direction of Xander’s voice for no more than a second, and when he turned back… the man was gone.

  ~~ Sam lay back and closed his eyes. He loved this part of the day, waking up with Dakota in his arms. He’d been alone way too long, and now he had everything he’d never even known he’d wanted. They complimented each other in strengths and weaknesses. Dakota was perfect in every way. The loud shouts outside, had Dakota sitting straight up, his eyes changing and his teeth elongating.

  “It’s Carson.” Dakota looked at Sam. Sam got up and threw his pants on, looking out the window. The whole damn pack was surrounding a man who was roughly six foot tall. Blonde hair and blazing blues eyes were looking at Archer. He had his own four wolves behind him, waiting to attack if the need arose. Archer stood facing Carson, with John next to him and Sawyer and Xander backing up him from both sides. He didn’t know what the hell was going on. Right then, Wyatt ran into the middle of everything and Sam’s heart stopped.

  Carson bent to snatch Wyatt up, just as one of Carson’s own pack got in between them, bumping Wyatt out of the way. That’s when Sam realized it was the same wolf from the park and Denny’s. The tan coat was the same, and blue eyes searched Carson’s imploringly. Dakota was already getting dressed and Sam grabbed his hand, looking at him.

  “I don’t like this.” Sam nodded out to the front yard. “Isn’t that Taylor?” Sam nodded to the large tan wolf. “ No, it’s his brother Jagger.” Dakota narrowed his eyes. Taylor wasn’t there, but he could still smell him. Jagger was watching Xander and Wyatt, and keeping his eyes on his father as well. What the hell was going on?

  Xander went to pick up Wyatt and heard a loud growl coming from the tan wolf in front of him; blue eyes blazed and Xander’s skin prickled and heated. The smell of arousal filled the air and Grayson stepped in between his brothers and the wolf. Xander grabbed Wyatt’s hand and moved him out of the way. “Don’t fucking growl at me, asshole.”

  Wyatt giggled and put his hand out to the wolf. “You’re pretty too!” Grayson’s skin heated and he felt his pulse go through the roof. His cock hardened at a familiar scent in the air. His eyes and teeth changed immediately, and the tan wolf in front of him backed up as he witnessed the sudden difference. “Back off.” Grayson growled.

  Dakota came out with Sam and they approached the group. Dakota picked out the other three wolves: Preston, Tucker and Wesley. They all backed up as Dakota got closer and Jagger sat down, nodding to Dakota. The guy had never given him a hard time. He was like Taylor in that aspect. Well, before Taylor got caught having sex with a guy. Dakota knew Jagger was hiding some secrets of his own from his father. A few drinks together one night had gotten him that tidbit from Jagger’s own mouth. Not that Jagger remembered it.

  “ What is it, Carson? You bring wolves to a meeting? Not very friendly of you, especially on another pack’s territory.” Dakota looked at the four wolves and shook his head. “Tsk tsk boys, bad form.”

  Carson pulled himself up and looked down at Dakota. “You don’t tell me how to run the pack, and you certainly don’t get to stay in this one. You are Denali pack, Dakota. Your place is with us.” Carson eyed the rest of the pack. He could see at least three besides Dakota that would give him problems. The tall one next to Dakota was definitely not a werewolf, but still one hell of a challenging opponent. “You will come back with us now.”

  Sawyer let out a loud laugh, which had everyone looking at him at once. “Dude, are you fucking high?” Sawyer swore the tan wolf chuckled. “You kicked Dakota out and now you act like he’s just going to go back with you? The dude is still gay. You’re not going to ‘fix’ him.” Sawyer put his fingers up making invisible quotation marks.

  “You show respect for an alpha.” Carson’s voice lowered and a low growl reverberated from his chest. “You’re not my alpha, asshole.” Sawyer snarled at him and moved forward. Archer’s hand blocked him and he stepped back.

  Archer made his way forward, keeping an eye on all the wolves behind Carson. “A true Alpha shows respect to another’s pack, Alpha. You have not.” Archer furrowed his brow and looked at Carson. “You lead with fear and intimidation. This is not the Alpha way.”

  “It is in my pack, old man.” Carson looked at Archer and narrowed his eyes. “Dakota is my pack.” “ Not anymore.” Dakota felt the blood flowing in his veins as his pulse went haywire. The air around him crackled and his body shifted in one quick movement. Jagger backed up immediately and sat down, just looking at him. Dakota made his way around Carson and looked at the rest of his old pack. Tucker sat down and looked away from him, as did the rest; all except for Jagger. Sam wanted to run and protect his mate, but Dakota seemed to know what he was doing. He stood back, watching the rest of the pack, waiting to see what they would do.

  Archer watched Dakota as he made his way from wolf to wolf, then came back and shifted back to human in front of him. Archer smiled and put his hands on Dakota’s shoulders, pulling him into a hug. The whole group waited for Archer to speak. They were either going to get bloody, or Carson would leave. Archer cleared his throat. “He has made his choice. You are no longer his pack. The connection is broken.”

  With all the commotion going on, Wyatt had gotten loose and had run to the tan wolf, throwing his arms around the Jagger’s neck. Xander ran to catch him and was met with a snap of teeth. He pulled his hand back and crouched down to Wyatt’s level. “Wyatt, come back here, okay? You can’t trust that wolf.”

  Jagger snorted and closed his eyes, bringing on his own change. He stood upright with Wyatt hanging from his neck. “I would never hurt a child.”

  Xander swore his mouth had dropped open, but he

  forced himself to keep it shut. Oh holy hell.The guy was

  drop dead delicious. Six feet of lean muscle looked at him with clear blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. “Then give him to me.” Xander put his arms out.

  Jagger extracted the child from his neck and leaned over, handing Wya
tt to his brother. He moved away and stood behind the rest of his pack, waiting for his Father to make up his damn mind. “Dad.”

  “Shut up, Jagger.” Carson eyed Archer. “This matter is not closed.” “ Um, yes the fuck it is.” Sawyer leaned against Grayson and smiled wide. “Be seeing you folks. Make sure you stop in the town right up the road and visit the Twilight store.”

  Jagger did laugh loud at that one, and got a slap across the face from his father. He put his hand up and looked at him with his mouth slightly ajar.

  Xander felt the electricity in the air and realized it was him. His anger boiled and he fought for control, as his eyes shifted. What the hell was going on with him? His skin was prickling with heat and he saw the muscles rippling up his biceps to his shoulder. He took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to get a handle on his body. “Get off our land.”

  “ Yes, we’re asking nicely. For now.” Grayson felt his heart rate increasing. He had no idea which one of those wolves was the one setting off his cock, but hell. He could have sworn it came from the Alpha himself, but he hadn’t reacted to Xander. What the hell? Only two from the Denali pack seemed to have been affected by them, the tan wolf and the smaller white one. Was the white one his mate? God, he hoped it wasn’t the asshole Alpha.

  “ I understand now.” Archer watched as his pack fed power from Dakota. This is what Carson was afraid of. Even the way they shifted had changed.

  Dakota stood by Sam and watched as Carson and the rest of the wolves started to leave. Xander stood by the fire pit and Dakota swore Jagger turned to take one last look at him. Something was really weird. A sense of arousal came from not only Xander and Grayson, but from Jagger and Preston as well, and Dakota still swore he smelled Taylor somewhere. “Jesus.” He whispered.

  “ What the hell was that?” Sam looked at all the pack members. Most of them looked exhausted from the standoff.

  “ It’s your mate, Sam.” Archer smiled, taking Sam’s hand. “Dakota is unique, his strength flows through all of us. I feel like a teenager again.” Archer grinned, seeing

  the expression on Sam’s face. “I didn’t say Ilookedlike

  one.” Archer winked and made his way over to Grayson and Xander, taking their hands. “I sense the confusion from you two. You felt something for members of Denali pack.”

  “What the hell was that? And why was that tan one all

  over Wyatt like that?” Grayson picked up his little brother and hugged him tight.

  Wyatt smiled and wrapped his arms around his brother’s neck. “He was pretty and he took care of me.” Dakota mussed Wyatt’s hair. “Jagger’s not a bad guy. He’s the protector in his pack, he’d never let his Dad hurt the smaller pups.”

  “ Hot damn, he was sexy as all hell.” Xander nodded his head and then stopped. He looked up to see the pack trying to hold back their laughter and Grayson had a brow raised. “Oh shit, I just said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “Smexy! Wyatt giggled, bouncing up and down in Grayson’s arms.

  “Oh Christ.” Xander muttered, kicking the dirt and trying to hide the red in his face. John smiled and stepped forward, taking his sons shoulders and looking in his eyes. He saw the shame in them and brought his hand up gently, caressing Xander’s cheek. “I don’t care who you love, as long as you give me grandkids.”

  Sam sputtered and Archer laughed. They all hugged each other and Grayson took Xander’s hand in his.

  “He reallywashot.” Grayson snickered.

  “Grayson!” Xander pushed him and a wrestling match ensued. That’s my boys.” John sighed; he looked at Sawyer with Sam and Dakota. “I got you guys something.” He fished in his pocket and pulled out tickets. “I know they haven’t been doing well this season, but I thought you guys could kick back and relax in Seattle?”

  Sawyer’s eyes went wide, looking at the tickets. “Seahawk tickets? Both Grayson and Xander quit fighting. “Football?” The rest of the afternoon was spent with Dakota helping his pack control their newly acquired power. Wyatt seemed to have a handle on it, shifting back and forth at will, while Xander was having issues shifting back to his human form. The overwhelming arousal from the morning was still on his mind, as well as Grayson’s making them lose concentration, which in turn led Dakota to lose his patience. After four hours of watching Xander sit there in his wolf form and Grayson in his human, Dakota called it a day. They ended up playing cards. Wyatt peeked over his hand, studying Dakota, Sam and his brothers around the table.

  “ You didn’t ante up, Gray.” Sam looked over his cards and smiled when Grayson threw a colored chip into the middle of the table, along with a loud sigh.

  “ Ok, who needs cards?” Dakota grabbed the deck, getting ready to throw out cards to whomever needed them.

  “I need twees.” Wyatt looked over his cards, face serious, while rearranging them neatly. “Yep, twees.”

  Sawyer raised a brow at his youngest brother. “We are playing poker.” “ Not go fish?” Wyatt slumped in his chair. He put his cards down and looked at Sawyer. “Is this good for poka?”

  Sawyer looked at his brother’s three aces and two kings then down at his own cards. “Never mind, we’re playing go fish.”

  “Boys, dinner’s ready.” Nadine looked out the kitchen door. “Now go wash your hands.” Dakota sat down with everyone and bowed his head, along with the rest of them. John gave thanks for the food, the company and life. Sawyer and his brothers’ mother, Isabelle, died giving birth to Wyatt. It had been John taking care of his sons from then on, with a helping hand from Nadine. When Wyatt’s lupine side had emerged, it’d taken the whole pack to reel him in. He was like a child hyped up on a truck load of sugar, that never came down from his high. Dakota smiled as the brother’s teased each other and wondered if he’d had a sibling, if it would have been the same way. He felt Sam squeezing his hand under the table and squeezed back.

  After dinner, they all sat in the living room for coffee and Nadine listened to the events of this morning. She took Dakota’s hand and smiled at him. In the short time he’d been with them, she’d already considered him her son; and she had never seen Sam so happy. “Well, I hope they realize who they’re dealing with.”

  “ Yep, Mom’s going to bonk Carson over the head with a rolling pin if he comes back.” Sam chuckled, missing his mother’s playful slap.

  “Alright boys.” Josh mussed Grayson’s hair. “Get some rest; you have a long day tomorrow.” Sam practically carried Dakota into their house. He’d been drained from the excitement of the day and Sam was worried about him. He lay listless on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Sam undressed and crawled up Dakota’s small frame, kissing his stomach softly along the way. His skin was beautiful and blemish free. Dakota was just beautiful all around, everything about the man made Sam hard and wanting him.

  “Are you okay?” Sam pressed his lips to Dakota’s in a soft kiss. “ Mmm… I’m feeling better, keep going.” Dakota sighed and put his hands behind his head, locking his fingers together.

  Sam smiled gently, brushing his lips over Dakota’s and teasing with his tongue. His tongue left a trail cross Dakota’s jawline and made its way down slowly over his nipples, flicking them, leaving soft gentle bites on the sensitive nips, before turning his attentions to Dakota’s firm abdominal muscles. He laved Dakota’s stomach, making his way down slowly, hearing quickened breaths from above him. Sam loved this part, hearing his mate in ecstasy, knowing it was brought on by his mouth, his hands. He let his tongue trail the soft line of hair down his stomach until his chin met with Dakota’s hard leaking prick. Pulling it back with his chin, his hand gripped the base and his mouth enveloped Dakota’s hard cock with the searing heat from his mouth.

  “ Oh fuck.” Dakota’s neck and back arched as Sam swallowed him, leaving gentle teasing bites around the base and trailing his teeth up Dakota’s racing pulse. Soft fingers played at his sac, tickling. And a thumb caressed his aching hole.

  Sam jacked himself off, while his
tongue and mouth battered Dakota’s senses. His thumb pressed in and Dakota clamped down on it, sending a wave of lust through Sam. God, he wanted Dakota under him, begging to cum and screaming his fucking name. He lubed his fingers and thrust two in at once, twisting and stretching, pushing up, looking for Dakota’s nub. He bobbed up and down, matching his rhythm with his fingers and heard a soft growl from Dakota.

  Dakota felt the saliva dripping down his balls and clenched his ass on Sam’s fingers. His teeth elongated and he felt the pressure in his balls increasing with every suck and thrust from Sam. He gripped Sam’s arms and brought his head up, watching Sam suck his cock. “Goddammit, fuck me!”

  Sam almost broke the bed. The constant pounding of his prostate had Dakota on the edge of insanity. Sam was jacking him off as he slammed into him over and over again, until Dakota’s eyes were pure black and he shot with such force he thought maybe it hit the wall above him. A loud feral growl left his lips and Sam exploded in his ass with such velocity, Dakota swore he could taste it in his throat. They lay there spent, full of sweat and spunk and not caring a damn bit. Dakota felt Sam’s soft light kisses along his throat and sighed in contentment.

  “ Feel better?” Sam licked a line from the base of Dakota’s rapid pulse to his mouth, tracing his lips with the tip.

  “ Oh God, yes.” Dakota’s tongue teased Sam’s and then he was back in heaven. Sam’s warm mouth was covering his own, his big hands running down Dakota’s inner thighs. God, he loved this man with everything he had. He loved Sam. “I love you.”

  Sam smiled, biting the tip of Dakota’s nose. “Love you more.”


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