By the Light of the Moon

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By the Light of the Moon Page 10

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  ~~ Jagger limped into the hotel room and looked around. Taylor wasn’t there, but Preston was. As soon as he turned the light on, Preston sat up in bed and looked at him, eyes wide.

  “ Holy shit, Jagger!” Preston got up and helped Jagger to the bed and ran to get a wash cloth. “What the fuck? Did your Dad do this?”

  Jagger snorted and coughed up blood. He wiped his face and looked at Preston. “Of course he did, I got in the middle out there.”

  “ Dude, you need to shift.” Preston wiped his face off and looked at the small cut above his right eye. Preston pulled up Jagger’s shirt and saw massive bruising on his side. “Oh my God, Jagger, shift.”

  “ No.” Jagger coughed up more blood. “I want to remember this. The anger I feel at that son of a bitch.” Jagger growled. “Once the pain is gone, I don’t know if I’ll have the balls to take that man out. He needs to go Preston. God help me, but I want that man dead.” Jagger looked at Preston’s worried face. “Taylor tried to fix this, now it’s going to get worse.”

  Preston crouched down and looked at Jagger’s face, wiping more blood off the side. “I can’t see you like this,

  Jagger. This hurts me,please.”

  Preston watched as Jagger shifted into a large tan wolf. He lay on the floor on his side with his eyes closed, panting. Preston sat down next to him and ran his hand through the soft thick fur. “You felt it today, didn’t you?” Preston watched as Jagger’s eyes opened slightly. “That

  rush, thatpul llike your whole body would explode

  somehow if you didn’t get your hands on it. Jesus, my cock was so fucking hard I could have cut glass with it.” Preston lay back and heard Jagger’s soft snort. “Yeah you did, I could see it.”

  Jaggerhadfelt it, the pull of his mate.

  ~~ The car ride was one Dakota would never forget. Grayson and Xander would poke each other relentlessly, then complain to Sawyer that the other one was touching them, which got a “Don’t make me pull this truck over” from Sam. Dakota couldn’t wait to have kids and Sam would be a great Dad. He had no idea how long he was going to be on vacation, but they would get to that eventually. All Dakota knew right now, was that he was happy and in love.

  Seattle was beautiful and they’d decided to take a trip to Pike’s Place Market and take in the piers. It was still sunny out, making it the perfect day to walk and explore the market. As always, tourist lined the streets and most were taking pictures of flying fish. Dakota had seen it before when he and his roommate had taken a quick trip out to Seattle on a whim, but it still amazed him that the guys did it for the tourist’s every time. It was their gimmick to throw each other the fish.

  Grayson and Xander stood transfixed, watching them in fascination, until Sawyer dragged them away. They made their way up the streets and Sam commented on how some of them reminded him of San Francisco, which led Sawyer to ask what he was doing there. “Um, I was there working for a buddy of mine in the extermination business. You know, bed bugs are making a comeback.” Sam smiled at Dakota.

  Dakota snickered and took Sam’s hand in his own; they made their way through the streets of Seattle and decided to walk the rest of the way to Safeco field. Grayson and Xander took in all the stores, drooling like puppies as they passed row upon row of shopping centers and restaurants. The streets were crowded as people were trying to find parking, attempting to avoid the rush after the game. Sam produced the tickets when they finally made it and they all found their seats next to each other. Grayson was jumping up and down, pointing at people on the field and Xander looked bored. The retractable roof was actually open and the sun blazed inside, keeping the spectators minimally warm.

  “What’s up, Xander?” Dakota took his hand and smiled at him.

  “That’s his normal look, he’s an asshole.” Sawyer laughed and put his feet up on the chair in front of him. Xander saw the look of concern on Dakota’s face and smiled. “I’m just thinking about that hot guy.” Xander blushed crimson and laughed at himself for doing it.

  Dakota had never thought of Jagger in that way. He’d been nice, sure, but Dakota had never looked at him. Taylor was the one that had captivated him at first and after months of playing around they had finally had sex, and then the look of horror on Taylor’s face when they were caught by Carson. Dakota shook his head and smiled at Xander. “Felt a connection?”

  “ I’m not sure who it was with, there were five of them. All I know, is my hands were sweating and my dick got rock hard.” Xander laughed and sat back in his chair.

  “That happens when the wind blows, little brother.” Sawyer cracked up and clapped his brother on the back.

  The game finally started and they were all sitting forward in their chairs. Sam by far was the loudest and

  screaming for theopposingteam. Dakota laughed as

  people were booing him in the stands and Sam turned to look at them with a glare that shut them up quick. Sawyer laughed his ass off as his brother’s did their own cheer for the Seahawks. Once the opposing team was two touch downs ahead, Sam flipped sides and started shouting for his home team.

  “Why do you do that?” Dakota laughed and kissed Sam’s cheek. “ Pisses the players off, maybe they’ll get their asses in gear now.” Sam picked Dakota up and kissed him in front of everyone.

  Dakota was in a daze when Sam put him back down on his own two feet. God, but he loved this man. He was so open about his sexuality and never hid anything from any one. He was proud of who he was and Dakota loved him for it.

  The Seahawks lost.

  The ride home was quiet, as all three of the brothers were out in the back of the truck. Sam drove quietly with Dakota resting his head on Sam’s shoulder. The freeway flew by and there were less and less lights as they made their way south. The air was crisp and clouds were moving over the half-moon in the sky. Before he was changed, Dakota had always thought werewolves were a myth and that they only changed during the full moon. Now he knew better. He closed his eyes and could hear Wyatt’s soft breathing in his head. He could also here Grayson’s thoughts about the day and Sawyer’s need for a mate. Most of all, he could feel the love from his own mate.

  ~~ ~Chapter five~ Dakota rolled over in bed to find Sam’s side empty. He looked at the clock and saw it was six in the morning. Stretching his arms out and cracking his neck, Dakota made his way to the kitchen and looked out the window. Snow covered the ground like white silk. Sam was outside cutting wood for the fireplace, his shoulders shook with every swing of the axe and muscles tensed in his back. Dakota smiled and grabbed a cup of coffee from the cupboard, enjoying the view. They were going to have to go into town. Sam had exactly two cups, two plates and two of each utensil. One of two spoons sat on the counter glistening with un -melted sugar on it. As Dakota stirred his coffee, he continued watching his mate out the window.

  The house had two rooms and Sam was in the process of turning the second room into an impromptu nursery to soothe his parents. They both wanted children and at some point in the near future, they’d have some. The small living room had a worn area rug in the middle of it from Sam’s Native American culture. There weren’t many pictures and most of them were of Sam and his parents. The last one was of Sam and his sniper unit. It looked like they were in Iraq or Afghanistan and all of them were smiling, sniper rifles slung over their shoulders. Dakota smiled at the man that must be Troy. Just as tall as his mate, the man had beautiful hazel eyes. His hair was black and hung shorter in the back and longer on the top, hanging slightly over his eyes. The other three were Mateo, Josh and Derek, The General.

  Dakota felt pulling on his pajama pants and looked down to see Wyatt smiling at him. “How did you get out?”

  “Doggie door.” Wyatt covered his mouth, giggling and pulled himself up on the tan couch that horseshoed the living room. “Cartoons?” Dakota grinned and sat down next to Wyatt, turning on the large flat screen that hung on the wall. He flipped through channels until he found a suitable cartoon for Wyatt’s age. Wya
tt snuggled into Dakota and sighed loudly.

  “When am I gunna get big?” Wyatt’s big green eyes looked up at him and he couldn’t help but smile and muss his hair. “Not too soon, why?”

  “My mate was here.” Wyatt giggled and grabbed the remote flipping to Sponge Bob. Whoa. Dakota looked down at Wyatt. How the hell was that possible? Wyatt was almost seven and the youngest wolf here yesterday had been Preston, at thirteen. They didn’t find their mates that young, did they? Hell, he’d have to talk to Archer about it. “How do you know it was your mate, Wyatt?”

  “ My skins felt funny.” Wyatt got up and ran into the kitchen, jumping up and down and pointing to the highest cupboard. “Want Cap!”

  Cap? What the fuck was a cap? Dakota made his way to the cabinet and opened it. He smiled and grabbed the box of cereal, handing it to Wyatt. “Captain Crunch, huh?”

  Wyatt giggled, running back to the couch with the box. His little hands dug in and grabbed a fistful, shoving into his mouth. He chewed for a long time, before looking at Dakota with a wide smile. “Sam buys it for me.”

  “ You are not supposed to be telling secrets, Wyatt.” Sam strolled in, taking his jacket off and winking at Dakota. He made his way into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee before settling down next to his mate and kissing his forehead. “Morning beautiful.”

  “ Good morning.” Wyatt giggled and crawled into Sam’s lap, leaning up against his back. “Sponge bob is funny and Gary is swiemmy”

  Dakota mouthed the word to Sam and got a laugh. “Slimy.” Sam provided. They sat watching cartoons until Sawyer pounded on the door, begging to go play in the snow. Grayson and Xander were already playing in it, running around and nipping at each other’s heels. Wyatt shifted in second’s flat, running out the door and Dakota smiled and kissed Sam, shifting. Sam crouched down, but not so much as he used to. Dakota had gotten huge and Sam was sure he wasn’t done.

  “Have fun.” Sam kissed his wet nose and petted his muzzle. Sam had about a half hour to an hour by himself. He thumbed through the phone book, looking for a store that carried everything he needed for the house. Now that Dakota was living with him, he wanted him to have everything he could possibly need or want in his house. The bed was a queen and Sam wanted a bigger one, not just for his size, but for the room. He wanted to try some things that a queen bed may just not survive. Sam licked his lips thinking about it and shook his head . Focus.

  New sheets, new towels, and new plates... Everything he required could be found in one store about an hour away. Sam waited patiently for Dakota to come back, so they could go together. He looked around the small house and smiled, it felt more like home now. He really needed to put some pictures of Dakota on the wall, however. His cell phone rang, startling him out of his thoughts. The caller ID showed Troy Bishop.

  “Jesus, are you bored?” Sam laughed into the phone. “Okay, you sound way too fucking happy. You’re scaring me.” Troy sat back in his chair, watching the high rise across the way. A guy was working out naked on his balcony. Nice. “I’ve got some time off and I wanted to swing by the Rez and visit, you know? You got room for an old buddy?”

  Sam thought about that. With Dakota running around, in and out of wolf form, Troy might freak out a bit. “My parents still have my old room open, I’m sure they’d love to have you visit. How have you been? You sound sad or something.”

  Troy closed his eyes. He had been lonely. Too much time on his own had made him into something he didn’t recognize anymore. “I’m good, just need a beer.”

  “Ok, so when you coming out?”

  “Few weeks, maybe a month from now. I’ll call you first. Can’t wait to see you.” “ Yup, take care and call if you need anything.” Sam hung up and looked around. Soft scratching at the door made him realize he hadn’t left it cracked as he usually did. Dakota sat on the stoop with one eyebrow raised. Sam chuckled, letting him in.

  ~~ An hour later they were on the road and Sam watched as Dakota drank in the scenery. He was wearing jeans with hiking boots and a grey button up shirt with a light jacket. Damn he looked hot. Sam smiled, pulling into the bed and bath store. Dakota could barely contain his excitement, his eyes gleaming.

  “Stuff for the house?” Sam smiled, leaning over and kissing him softly. “Yup.” Dakota took his time, going down every single aisle, looking at everything. It was like watching a kid in a candy store and Sam realized that Dakota had never really had a chance to do this before. Thrust out of his house at sixteen, Dakota had never had a real relationship, never got to go shopping for his own home. Sam wanted to make sure he got whatever he wanted. Dakota kept picking things up and looking at the price. His face would fall and then he’d put it back. Sam took him in his arms and brought his face up to his own.

  “Anything you want in here you get, understand? Anything. I don’t fucking care how much it costs.”

  Dakota blushed and tried to hide his face, but Sam wasn’t having it. “But it’s expensive.” Sam pulled him in; brushing his lips softly over Dakota’s, bringing him in closer. He wrapped his hand in Dakota’s hair and forced his mouth open, kissing him deep. Once he was satisfied Dakota didn’t have enough breath left to argue, he smacked him on the ass and sent him to the kitchen aisle. “Now shop with abandon.” Dakota let out a giggle that melted Sam’s heart. Taking Dakota’s hand, they hit the kitchen aisle together.

  Dakota’s face registered pure bliss as he went from aisle to aisle, excitedly showing Sam all sorts of things. Kitchen plates, bathroom towels, and then a new comforter for the bed and matching sheets. Sam loved

  every minute of it. This washis man, dammit. After

  everything Dakota had been through, he deserved to have whatever he wanted. They even hit the frame aisle and Sam got one for a picture he wanted to frame of the two of them. Sam couldn’t complain. Dakota had gotten large terry cloth towels for the bathroom and a set of dishes that had a southwestern pattern to it. God, he loved the man. Sam argued that they didn’t need eight of everything, which prompted Dakota to look at him like he had three heads.

  “What if we have company over for dinner? We need more stuff. Grab the crystal wine glasses.” Dakota was off, already searching the next aisle. They ended up with another cart as Dakota got pots and pans, and a blender and a food processor. It went on and on, until both carts were piled high. Sam tried to shoo Dakota out to the car as he paid the bill. The woman at the checkout counter smiled appreciatively as Sam kissed Dakota, sending him outside giggling. With the truck piled high, they made their way back home. Stopping at the fast food restaurant on the way out of town, Sam attempted to order their food at the drive thru while Dakota sucked his cock with a vengeance. It was a very hard conversation to carry on and more than once, Sam had said his order a bit too loud.

  Two seconds after pulling away from the drive thru window, Sam was screaming out loud as he came. Dakota sat up, wiped his mouth, and settled himself against Sam for the rest of the ride back to the reservation. Sam told him about Troy calling and wanting to visit. Dakota smiled. He liked Troy and was happy that he was coming to visit them. Dakota wanted to know more about the man that had saved his life and become his mate. Meeting his friends was a great way to start.

  Not that he wouldn’tor couldn’task Sam questions about

  his life, but hearing it from someone else was different. It would be nice to get another perspective from one of Sam’s friends.

  “See? Now aren’t you glad I made you buy extra sheets for guests?” Dakota smiled. By the time they got home Sam was exhausted. He flopped his massive body across the brand new king size bed that’d been delivered while they were gone. Dakota busied himself with putting all their new linens in the washing machine. Sam felt as if he was back in basic training. He was exhausted. He felt soft fingers at the waistband of his jeans and moaned as Dakota unzipped him with his teeth, growling.

  “ God, that’s hot babe.” Sam ran his fingers through Dakota’s hair, pulling his face up. “
I love you so much. I didn’t think it was possible to love someone the way I love you.”

  The sex was a whirlwind and Sam swore he came over a dozen times as Dakota’s fingers teased his ass, hitting him in just the right spot, making him come over and over again. Just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, he was on his hands and knees. He could feel the burn in his chute as Dakota slammed into him harder and harder with each thrust. Right as he stood at the abyss, Dakota slid under him and begged him to fuck his mouth. Dakota’s fingers were in his ass, his mouth engulfing Sam’s cock. Sam held on white knuckled to their brand new headboard, screaming and moaning and shouting. When their breathing returned to normal and the smell of spunk had cleared the room, Dakota sat up, looking at Sam.

  “Hey, is this one of those tempur-pedic beds?”

  Sam chuckled.

  ~~ The following week had them redecorating the house with the help of Nadine, who could put any of those high paid decorators to shame. The house got a new coat of paint inside and out. Warm tan colors in the living room, with a splash of light blue, made its way around the comfy space. Nadine had put a center piece on the coffee table and cleaned the area rug outside. Two new side tables were put on the ends of the couches with soft lighting. The kitchen had a rich mahogany table put in with high stools, seating eight just as Dakota had wanted. New cabinets lined the walls, with a large pantry next to the refrigerator. All in all, it had cost Sam a pretty penny, but he didn’t care. He made more than enough money in his line of work to be able to spoil Dakota once in a while.

  The bedroom had been repainted as well and Dakota stood in the middle of the room in overalls, staring at the new space with a dreamy look on his face. “I love it, Sam.”

  Sawyer strolled in with his brother’s, whistling softly. “Well, this place went from ‘okay shitty’ to’ awesome shitty’.”


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