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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 7

by C. Shell

  The bathroom door squeaks open. We both jump, caught unaware that she was finished. “You guys are gross,” Addy says. Her head shakes as if she’s trying to dislodge our words. “I don’t want to hear about your dick or where it’s been Dex.” Addison rejoins us, now dressed in the clothes I lent her.

  Holy shit.

  Her small frame looks sexy draped in my clothing. My dick aches something fierce. It’s a caveman response. Logically, I know I shouldn’t be looking at her the way I am, but my cock has never given a shit about rules. It weighs heavily against my thigh as I gaze unabashedly at her gorgeous figure.

  Since freshman year when Addison began to fill out, our thoughts of her being our little sister flew out the window. Her once flat chest is now sporting perfect palm size breasts, and her hips have rounded out enough to cause a natural sway when she moves.

  Our girl is fucking beautiful.

  No matter how much I’m itching to wrap my arms around her, I won’t act on it. As lame as it sounds, I can’t. Dex claimed her first when we were only fourteen and following our bro code; I can’t make a move unless she acts on it first. As much as I like Addison, Dex likes her more. Truthfully, Dex loves Addy; he is just too damn stubborn to admit it.

  “Don’t believe everything you hear, Jelly Bean,” Dex shoots back. The furrowed lines between his brows are a clear indication of how her words bother him. We are used to rumors about us running rampant. Some hold merit, but most are nothing more than a story made up by someone with too much time on their hands and an overactive imagination.

  We’re not the rebellious, troublesome guys that everyone makes us out to be. I can add up the number of girls I’ve been with on one hand. That might sound like a lot for my age, but considering the opportunities thrown my way, it’s a drop in the hat. Point is, we’re picky about where we stick our dicks. No one will ever confuse us for gentlemen but kissing and telling is not our thing.

  Addison's nose crinkles in amusement. “I’ll keep that in mind the next time Lacey or Shannon share with a locker room full of girls their vivid and nausea-inducing stories of how you like to take them from behind. According to Lacey, she’s even got pictures to commiserate the events.”

  Dex’s eyes widen as he whips around and pins me with a look. His expression is one of fury. He doesn’t need to say anything for me to know what he’s thinking. I heave a harsh breath and pull out my phone to send Jimmie a text. We will need to meet with him tomorrow. We’re going to have to put our heads together and come up with a plan to push Lacey off Dex and onto someone else. The girl is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Great mouth or not, she’s history.

  Dex plays off her comment with a laugh. “What can I say? It’s easier to keep it hard when they aren’t facing me, and I can imagine I’m with someone else.” His eyes heat as he speaks. “My favorite fantasy includes a particular girl with long golden hair, soft brown eyes, and a tendency to cause me trouble. When I’m buried balls deep in a hot pussy it's her face I dream up.”

  I groan out loud as I fight the urge to knock Dex on his ass. I swear he was dropped on his noggin when he was little. Addy is too innocent to handle his type of fun. I stretch out on the bed and focus my attention on finding another movie for us to watch. Something action-packed and loud enough to keep everyone entertained to the point that talking isn’t possible.

  Dex’s little fantasy remark has Addy floundering for a response. “That is…well, that’s quite interesting. I could’ve done without that mental image,” Addy remarks, her cheeks lit up like a billboard on the Vegas Strip.

  Gripping her hand in mine, I pull her down beside me as I continue to channel surf. I tilt my head in her direction. “Any suggestions?” I inquire, giving a nod toward the television screen.

  She gives me a lazy smile as she stretches out on her stomach. I immediately warm seeing a glimpse of smooth skin when the back of her shirt rides up. I drop my eyes and throw two fluffy pillows, her way which she easily catches before shoving them under her head. With a hard tug, she pulls the covers up to her chin and once settled, lets out a contented sigh.

  “I trust you to pick something good, Nate. Besides, you already know all my favorites.”

  The corner of my mouth lifts. Addy has only been consistent about two things in life: the type of food she likes and her favorite movies. “How could I forget? The Blindside with Sandra Bullock, Pretty Woman, and Finding Nemo. You want to watch one of those?”

  She nods back with enthusiasm. “The Blind Side, please. That’s the one I want.” She laughs when I give an eye roll.

  “I’ve seen this movie enough times that I could probably recite it by memory.”

  She leans forward and gives my arm a slap. “You have no room to complain. If you wanted to see something else you shouldn’t have asked for my opinion.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” I chuckle.

  Resigned to watch the movie for what must be the fiftieth time this year alone, I select it from the DVR collection and strip down to my boxers before crawling into bed beside her. I pull her close to my body and press my cheek against hers as Dex shucks out of his clothes and joins us by lying on the other side of Addison.

  Addy giggles and I catch a bit of nervous tension evident in her voice. “Geez, I think the last time we had a sleepover was…” She pauses as she thinks it over. I interrupt as the memory is fresh on my mind.

  “After the seventh-grade, end-of-school dance. Your mom was sick with the flu and didn’t want you or Jimmie to catch it, so she let you both crash here that weekend.”

  “I remember that,” Dex chimes in. “Addy wore a green strapless dress for the dance and Jimmie followed Debbie Smith around all night like a pathetic dog in heat.” He turns to Addison and grins big. “You got breasts that year. They were spectacular. Still are, I think, but why don’t you flip that top up and let me check just to make sure.”

  I lose my composure, as I double over laughing harder than I have in a long time. I miss the three of us hanging out like this. We’ve let school, friends, and social obligations get between us the last few months. Addy emits a sharp squeak from her parted lips before she rears back and takes a swing at Dex, landing a solid blow on his chest.

  “Hurt me, baby,” he laughs, rubbing at the injured spot. “Add in some whips and chains, and we’ve got ourselves one hell of a party.” He winks and blows her a kiss. “I love it when you get physical with me.”

  “You’re a pig,” she accuses, her tone playful. Before she can say more, the movie starts up, and all thoughts of telling Dex off are forgotten. As if she’s seeing The Blind Side for the first time, her complete attention is riveted to the television.

  Laying with Addy positioned between us like we did when we were younger, it’s easy to get lost in her presence, the sound of her sweet voice, and the feel of her body brushing against my skin. It doesn’t take long before we all fall asleep.

  The last time I remember sleeping so soundly was the night of my seventh-grade dance.

  Chapter Eight


  “Jimmie, it’s hot. Turn the damn heat down,” I mumble, my words sounding rough with sleep. My body is drenched in sweat as I try and squirm out of the covers blanketing me. No matter how hard I push, they don’t budge a single inch. Irritated and tired of fighting the warmth, I kick out my legs and am rewarded with a deep grunt.

  My body goes stiff with alarm. Confused as to why a blanket would make a noise, I sift through my memories of the previous night. I recall my fight with my dad, the pasture party, Nate’s house, and the two fine ass guys asleep on either side of me.

  Pushing my hair off my face, I fully wake-up and take stock of my surroundings. I’m encased in ribbons of flesh and muscle. Dex’s body is draped all over me. Our torsos are aligned, his left leg is hooked over my hips, both his arms are wrapped snugly around my waist, and his face is inches from mine. No wonder I’m sweating my ass off. I scan his features, marveling at how relaxed he appears when he sl
eeps. My fingers itch to trace the faint dimple winking at me. With every exhale, his breath fans across my skin. Movement behind me brings my attention to Nate, who is laid out like a starfish, taking up more than his fair share of the bed. Not only is he a bed hog, but his snores could rival that of a freight train. No joke, they are seriously loud.

  Sliding out of Dex’s entwined embrace without waking him or knocking back into Nate will be tricky. I grit my teeth because, one way or another, it’s got to be done. I feel icky and desperately in need of changing out of Nate’s loaned pajamas that are now sticking to me, no thanks to my human heating blanket. A trip to the bathroom to relieve my bladder and brush my teeth wouldn’t be bad either. Withdrawing my hands from under the covers, I hatch a plan. If I pry Dex off me first, it should give me enough room to crawl over Nate. From there, I can slide down to the floor. And then ta-da, I’m free.

  With light touches, I carefully ease Dex’s hands off my waist with the intention of placing them by his side. I’ve got his arm in mid-swing when he makes a weird jerking motion that startles me to the point that I lose my grip on him. His hand falls from my grasp at the same time he rolls closer. Instead of tiptoeing my way to the bathroom, I’m laying flush against hard slab of toned torso. If I died right now, I would do so with a smile on my face and a persistent ache between my legs. I feel more confused now than ever. Logically, I know we are only friends, but lying close enough for his body heat to mingle with mine has my nether regions gearing up for something more. I try once more to move the arms of steel that are holding me tight, and …oh, boy.

  I swallow hard and will myself not to move as a large, solid piece of male flesh swells, and presses against my lower extremities, an area that is becoming wet and needy by the second. I feel reckless and on edge. I‘ve never been in this kind of predicament before with one of the guys, and I’m at a loss as to how to handle it. Should I wake Dex and tell him to get the hell off me? Or should I play it off with laughter and act as if feeling him pressed against me isn’t a big turn on? Because it is. A turn on that is.

  I’m sure it's only morning wood. He probably has no more control over it than I do the attraction I feel for him. The smart thing would be for me to pull away and go on about my business. The problem is that I don’t want to. I like Dex’s body glued to mine. If I could slap some sense into myself and think with my head and not my hormones, I would. Maybe. Hell, I don’t know anymore. It feels as if we are dangling on a precarious cliff. One wrong step and one if not both of us will tumble to certain death.

  Dex moves which cause his cock to rub against my throbbing clit. I gasp as pleasure skates up my spine. This is by far the best kind of torture.

  My internal pep talk to stay still must not have gotten through to my brain because, despite my attempts to mimic a statue, my hips rotate and I grind myself against his erection. My eyes close and a moan lodges in my throat. A rush of warmth grows between my thighs as he presses back against me. The tip of his cock rubs against my opening, and if it weren’t for the thin material of clothing between us, he would be buried inside of me.

  How can something so fucking wrong feel so right?

  I need to stop this before it goes any further. Dex is one of my closest friends, my brother’s best friend, and if that wasn’t enough of a danger sign, I have Nate curled up asleep right behind me. I will be forever mortified if he wakes up and catches us. And yet, I refuse to stop. With my heart kicked into high gear and my skin flushed from head to toe, I rub my needy self against his hard cock as if my life depends on it.

  My stomach clenches. I’m so fucking close to combusting. Lost in the moment, it takes some time to register that Dex’s hands and lips are exploring my body. I suck in a sharp breath and peel open my lids to find a set of hooded pale blue eyes bearing down on me.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus.” I try and brush his hands away to no avail. My eyes plead with him to stop. One of us needs to do the right thing here, and I obviously don’t have the willpower to think outside my blinding lust.

  Dex claims both my hands in one of his large masculine ones and holds them to his chest. I can feel his heart beating as fast as mine. He’s definitely not immune to my touch. His sparkling blue eyes captivate mine, and as he speaks, his deep voice soothes me. “I know what you’re thinking. Trust me when I say, this isn’t a mistake. I want you, Jelly Bean.”

  His hips roll against mine, and I work to bite back the moan threatening to escape my parted lips. As much as my mind is screaming at me to snap out of it and run far, far away, my body is soaking up all the attention. With every kiss and caress bestowed upon me, my protests grow weak and unvoiced.

  My head drops back, and Dex moves in for a kiss. His lips are soft, and the kiss is hesitant at first before turning into something possessive and profound. I whimper into his mouth as his tongue plunges into mine, taking what it wants and leaving me desperate for more. As his lips devour mine, Dex’s fingers slip under my pajama top and grab at my breasts—kneading and rolling my sensitive nipples as they pebble under his administration.

  “So fucking beautiful,” Dex whispers against my ear.

  The kaleidoscope of sensations rolling through me is new and alarming. Dex scoops up my leg and hooks it over his hip, leaving me open and vulnerable to his administrations. The thin pair of pajama bottoms I’m wearing does nothing to hide the feel of his arousal sliding against me in a rhythmic dance. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to drown out the images of who I’m making out with. Not because I’m ashamed of Dex, but because I know in my heart, this is something my brother would never understand or condone. I’m not sure any of our friends or family would approve of us being together. Maybe Cammy, but only because she thinks the CW Boys hung the moon.

  “Nate might wake up,” I whisper. I’m almost positive Nate would have a cardiac arrest if he turned around and found us groping each other. I couldn’t handle hurting him, or worse, having him think less of me. I’ve had wet dreams about both guys over the years, some separate and one or two of us all together, and never once have I felt guilty over them because they weren’t real.

  The guys are a dirty fantasy, not my reality.

  “Let him,” Dex growls. “Don’t hold back on me, Princess. I want to hear you.”

  “Oh, God.” My voice is strangled. I dry hump against him with determination as my orgasm builds deep in my belly. With a confidence that heightens my desire, Dex slides his hand from my breast, down my stomach, and into my pants. His warm hand cups my slick mound as his index finger rubs across my hard clit. On a silent scream, my world implodes. Tremors ricochet through me as I ride out my orgasm. Shamelessly, I grind my center against Dex’s hand, my body not my own as my wetness coats his tanned skin.

  My breaths are coming hard and fast as I catch sight of Dex now leaning back against a lump of couch pillows. His pants are shoved down, and his swollen cock stands long and proud as he fists it in his hand. Up and down it goes, his thumb darting out to wipe beads of pre-cum from the tip as it dribbles out. I don’t have time to be impressed with his size and girth—although anyone would be—because I’m too mesmerized by watching him pleasure himself. My clit pulses in time with his fast strokes. Seconds later, with a guttural growl, his back arches and he shudders. With eyes closed and head thrown back, Dex’s dick twitches as cum shoots out, falling across his bare stomach.

  Hearing my name being spoken snaps me back into the moment. The panic I never had enough time to explore earlier hits me head-on like a runaway freight train. I’m a fucking moron. What the hell have I done? All the warm, fuzzy feelings I was drowning in moments ago are now long gone. I stare at my hands clasped loosely in my lap, not able to force myself to look up. My body begins to shake as shame and guilt seep deep into my chest and take up residence like a parasite seeking a new host.

  I pull on my bottoms, confirming that they are covering up all the necessary parts before I bolt for the bathroom. My exit isn’t smooth, but before I can shut the
door behind me, effectively giving myself space I desperately I need, Dex is there pulling me back into the main room. Biting my bottom lip, I stare defiantly into his concerned face.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I mumble then let out a long sigh as I wrap my arms around myself in a protective manner.

  “Are you freaked out about what just happened between us?” He doesn’t give me a chance to answer and continues talking. “Because if you are, I can assure you that running away and hiding is not a productive solution. You’re better than that.”

  My brows arch as I watch him, now curious as to what he’s hinting at. I take the bait and give him the opening he’s looking for. “And why is that?”

  Dex moves to my side and wraps an arm around my waist. With a gentle tug, he positions me in front of him placing his chest against my back. His breath tickles my ear as he speaks. “You’re not a coward, Jelly Bean. You’re a fighter. When someone challenges you or gets in your way, you push back, and you don’t stop until you get what you want.” I hear the smile in his voice as he speaks. He’s enjoying taunting me, pushing me to face the one thing that frightens me—choosing to be with him. His lips trail over my neck and before I can stop myself, I arch into his touch.

  Nate stirs in the bed, and my body goes rigid with fright. “Stop worrying about him. He could sleep through a hurricane and still wake-up bright and fresh the next morning.” Turning me in his arms, his face dips down, and his nose brushes against mine. “Tell me, Jelly Bean. Where do you want us to go from here? Because if you ask me, my answer would be to lay you back down and make you come so many times you won’t be able to take a step tomorrow without remembering all the dirty things I did to you. I want you, babe, all of you.”

  My heart is beating a mile a minute. I’m playing out of my league. What a mind fuck. I don’t know how to begin to sort out this minefield we’re standing in. He wants an answer. I don’t have one. He’ll be waiting a while if he expects one now. As much as I want to run and hide, I can’t. Dex was right when he said that’s a coward’s way out, and I’ve fought too hard in life to be seen as their equal to resort to such tactics. His gaze hones in on mine, seeking out my insecurities and laying them out like a feast to be devoured.


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