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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 24

by C. Shell

  “How are you doing today, sir?” The petite girl behind the desk gives me a once-over, her cheeks heating to a pretty pink. I ignore the way she brushes her hand against mine as she takes the cards. I’m not trying to be rude, but I’m not interested. No reason to be when I’ve finally got the girl of my dreams warming my bed.

  “Good, thank you.”

  When she begins typing my information into the computer, I casually lean into the counter and try to get a glimpse of her screen. “I believe my dad reserved the presidential suite for us. It’s either under my name or my father’s, Jason Lohmann,” I tell her.

  A few more key taps later and her face breaks out into a pleasant smile. “Found you,” she exclaims. “I have you down for seven days and five guests.” She hands me five key cards, a brochure, map of the area, and another soft blush of her cheeks. “You are in the presidential suite, which is on the fourth floor. There is complimentary breakfast every morning in the dining room. If you need anything, including reservations or ski attire, you can contact the concierge and they will handle it for you.”

  She wets her lips and waves a hand at the bellhop who jumps to attention. “David, here, will help you to your room. Buzz me if you have any concerns with the room.” The hope in her voice is evident and a little sad. It’s amazing how much can change in a year. Back then I would’ve bedded this girl and not thought a thing about it. Now, my dick doesn’t even rise at the thought of being with anyone but Addy.

  I’m man enough to admit, I’m fucking pussy whipped!

  Nate and Jimmie round up the girls and as a group, we follow David up the elevator and down a long hallway to a large wood door adorned with a silver plaque nestled in the middle with the words Presidential Suite scrawled across. This was my one request when dad told me about the trip. I didn’t want us all staying in separate rooms, but together like one big family.

  David unlocks the door and stands to the side as we all rush in like unruly children. The room doesn’t disappoint, with custom furnishings, high thread-count linens, marble bathrooms, a fireplace in the living area, small kitchen, and the most exquisite view of the Aspen Mountain. I turn and slip David a tip once he’s finished depositing our bags in the rooms. He spends a few minutes giving the girls a rundown on what the area has to offer and which slopes are the best to start out on.

  The moment he leaves, the room becomes a whirlwind of motion. “This place is fucking amazing,” Jimmie laughs. “I can’t wait to hit the slopes tomorrow. Did you see how much snow is already on the ground?”

  “Jimmie, you’ll be doing good to stay on your feet,” Cammy laughs. “Skiing isn’t as easy as you think. It takes more than just watching it on television to learn what to do. You might want to reconsider taking classes with Addy and me.”

  Jimmie is already shaking his head before she can finish. “Not happening, babe. I don’t need an instructor telling me how and where to put my feet. I’m a man, hear me roar,” he says pounding his chest like Tarzan. I can’t help but snicker at his stupid ass. Jimmie can be downright funny when he wants to be.

  “Oh, please,” Addy snaps back. She sticks her tongue out at him as she passes by him to check out the kitchen area. “I love you, Jimmie,” she calls out. “But you’re too full of yourself.”

  Jimmie opens his mouth with a response on the tip of his tongue, but Nate halts him from delivering it with a chop to the shoulders. “Instead of bantering all night like children, why don’t we figure out sleeping arrangements. There are only two bedrooms, so that means someone is getting the pullout couch.” He waves a hand in my direction. “Obviously the larger room will be Addy and Dex’s, so that leaves one bed left.”

  The room goes so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everyone is staring wide-eyed at each other, but no one is daring to speak. I can tell by the lingering looks between Jimmie and Cam that they would have no qualms sharing that other bed together, but I don’t see that sitting well with Addy.

  Despite how hypocritical it is, she doesn’t like the thought of her brother and her best friend together. I don’t have the heart or the balls to tell her they’ve been secretly hooking up for a while now. I think they’re just fooling around, but I could be incorrect. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  Jimmie has always been hush-hush about his sex life. You’ll only hear about someone he’s hooking up with from the girl herself, and even then, you never know if it’s a lie or not. Girls can be funny that way.

  I intervene in hopes of keeping the peace. “I think it would only be fair to give Cammy the room and have Nate and Jimmie stay on the couch. No girl should have to sleep in the living room when there is a perfectly good bed available.”

  Cammy slaps her hands together like one of those toy monkeys you see in the stores. “I love that idea. Thank you, Dex,” she coos.

  Nate shoots me a look and I have to bite back my laugh. He and I both have no misconceptions about Jimmie sneaking into her room after the lights go out at night. With that thought in mind, I turn to Addy and decide it’s time for us to go check out our own accommodations.

  With an arm around her back and one under her knees, I scoop Addison up in my arms and stride to our bedroom. “You can figure everything else out on your own. See you all in the morning,” I call out as I kick the door to our bedroom shut.

  The girl in my arms giggles as I throw her onto the bed. With her face blanketed by fluffy pillows, she looks up at me with hooded eyes. I watched in appreciation as Addy starts to slowly peel off each item of clothing until she is left in nothing but her birthday suit. I don’t budge as I stand at the end of the bed and just take her all in from the top of her golden hair to her pretty pink nipples, down her slim hips, until I end at her red painted toes.

  I’m dumbstruck at how fucking beautiful she is. So, I tell her so, and when she blushes from her cheeks down to her full breasts, I tell her again just so I can see the way those words light up her eyes.

  Licking her lips, she gives me a sultry look. “Now that you’ve got me here, what do you plan on doing with me?”

  I don’t answer her with words. There are times in life when there aren’t enough words to express to someone how much you fucking love them. This is one of those times. Shucking out of my clothes, I crawl onto the bed and moving at a snail’s pace I plant kisses along her body as I move my way up.

  When I reach the apex of her thighs, I pause and push them wide apart, giving me a perfect view of her pretty pussy. She lets out a mewl as my mouth latches onto her swollen clit, my teeth graze across the sensitive bundle of nerves as I suck on it for all its worth. The sexy sounds coming from her parted lips has my dick the hardest it's ever been.

  Addy’s back arches off the bed and her breathing has turned to heavy pants. “Dex,” she moans, my name sounding like a plea. “More. I need more, baby.”

  With her thighs locked around my head, I can tell she’s close to coming, but I don’t want her to come this way. She’s not getting that treat until she is delirious with need, high on lust, and my cock is buried balls deep inside her.

  Pushing myself up I climb the rest of the way up her body and smash my lips against hers. With her taste lingering on my tongue I kiss her hungrily, taking everything she’s willing to give and more. My hand snakes down to massage her breasts while my other one reaches into my pants and pull out a condom, which I single-handedly slide onto my hardened cock.

  “I… I need you, Dex,” my Jelly Bean stammers. “Please. Fuck. Me!”

  Her begging is all the encouragement I need, not that I needed any to begin with. My sheathed cock glides against her slick folds before I thrust forward and drive myself into her tight opening.

  Reaching out a hand, she guides my head down until our lips meet again. I kiss her like a man starved, nipping her lips, eating up her every moan, and claiming what’s mine. I don’t hold back and hammer into her as I push her towards an orgasm wanting…no, needing to hear her scream my name.

  “So good
. It’s always so good with you,” Addy breaths out, her orgasm blasting through her and causing her to tremble beneath me. As her tightness clenches around me, I continue to fuck her as if my life depends on it. My hips pound between her slick thighs, and I don’t stop until her head tips back and she’s chanting my name like a prayer to the Gods. Then, and only then, do I let myself go.

  Once our breathing calms, I pull Addy into the crook of my arm and cuddle her close. I run my fingers through her long hair and give my own silent prayer that she’s still here with me safe and unharmed. Her quiet breaths tickle my chest and it’s the best feeling in the world.

  “You’re quieter than usual. What are you thinking about?”

  Her question throws me off and it takes me longer than it should to come up with an answer. She hates it when I bring up anything to do with the attack and I don’t want to ruin the moment, so I stretch the truth and tell her something close to it, but making sure to leave out the past.

  “I was thinking that I am the luckiest bastard alive to have you here in my arms.”

  She curls further into me, obviously liking my answer. “I feel the same about you.” Her voice is so soft I strain to hear every word. “You can be a big grump sometimes and even an overprotective Neanderthal, but it never stops me from loving you. I like us like this, all honest and shit. No matter how bad it gets with the trial and all, promise me we won’t let it change that about us.”

  Her question guts me. Her fear is the same one that keeps me up most nights. I can’t find the words to answer her, so I just nod and cuddle her some more.

  Chapter Ten


  I suck at skiing!

  No matter how many times I follow what the instructor says, it all goes terribly wrong. My legs refuse to stay parallel when going forward, and when I push them to form a V shape so I can stop, they always cross each other. Every time I end up flat on my ass with my limbs a tangled mess in the snow.

  It’s embarrassing, to say the least.

  Cammy and Jimmie, on the other hand, passed the class with flying colors. They’re already zooming down the bunny hills like champs. I’m the odd person out of our little group and it sucks sweaty balls. I, for some stupid reason, thought my loving boyfriend would be by my side helping me learn to ski, but oh, no! Dex hit all the big slopes at the crack of dawn. He has since resigned himself to the lounge area where he sits with his hot cocoa and studies for his tests.

  I had no clue he was failing his classes until Nate let the cat out of the bag. He still won’t tell me how far behind he is which is like putting salt in an open wound. I don’t think it’s going to be easy for Dex to relearn all the important bits before his finals next week. He’s always been an easy learner, but his head isn’t in the right place for that to happen. I want to help him, but I’m at a loss. How do you help someone who doesn’t want it?

  A good girlfriend would go talk to him about it, but I’m still too pissed and hurt to have that heart-to-heart right now. Dex talks a good game about being honest and open with each other, but when the tables are turned, and it’s his turn to share his secrets, the man goes mute. He infuriates me to the point that I want to pull my hair out!

  “Earth to Addy Bear!” Nate waves a hand in front of my face and I laugh, feeling silly for being stuck in my head again.

  I refocus my eyes and glance at his bemused face. “Sorry. What were you saying?”

  “You’re too cute for your own good.” Nate laughs.

  Before I can respond to his odd comment, Nate links our arms together and starts walking with me in tow. I do my best to keep up with his long strides, but the slick snow isn’t something I’m used to walking in. With the hotel lobby in my sights, I’m feeling confident that I’m going to make it. That is until my left foot trips over my right, and despite Nate’s grip on my arm, I go down like a sack of rocks.

  As if my humiliation hasn’t already reached a new high, Cam chooses this moment to stick her head out the door. She gives my bruised body a once over before hysterical laughter ensues. Not mine.

  Cam reigns in her merriment. “That looked like it might’ve hurt.”

  “No shit, Sherlock,” I shoot back, my expression as sour as I feel.

  I’m tempted to throw a snowball at her smug face, and I would too if the inside of the lobby weren’t so busy today. I’ve made enough of a spectacle of myself without adding a wet snow fight to the list.

  Cam laughs, clutching at her stomach as she tries and fails to get herself together. “Oh, you are such a sore sport,” she says, wiping the moisture from beneath her ridiculously long lashes. “Get in here and get a cup of cocoa to warm yourself up with. Lunch is about to be served and I’ve worked up quite an appetite.”

  After she leaves, I accept Nate’s outstretched hand. He has me up and is brushing off all the loose snow from my body. Leaning against his shoulder for support, I glance up at him and take a little sniff. “Are you wearing new cologne?” I’m so used to his clean ocean scent that the pine and old leather mixture rolling off him surprises me. It’s nice. And kind of sexy.

  Nate stills, his lips tipping into a smile. “You like it?”

  “Yeah, I do. It suits you.” I can feel my damn traitorous cheeks getting hot again. I make a beeline for the door and escape inside before I embarrass myself further. I’m two for two in that department already, no need to keep going.

  I find Dex sitting in the lounge area by a roaring fire in a puffed-out leather chair with his feet propped up on the table surrounded by several books which are all cracked open. The frown imprinted on his face gives me pause, but not enough to stall me altogether.

  “Come here often?” I joke, taking a seat on the arm of his chair.

  “Hey, sexy lady” His gem-like eyes, wash over me, and my lady bits swoon. “How did your first day of skiing go?”

  I open my mouth with a rant on the tip of my tongue but hesitate in delivering news of my failed skiing lesson. I’ve never been self-conscience about myself, and lord knows how many times the boys have seen me mess up in life, but for some reason, I don’t want to tell Dex about my messed-up attempt at skiing.

  Staring out the wall of windows at the stunning view of the mountains, I roll words around in my mouth until I settle on something simple and semi-truthful. “It was eventful and long. The instructor loves to hear himself talk and gave me lots of pointers.”

  Cam snorts, making me regret not hitting her with that snowball when I had the chance. Dex’s fingers squeeze my shoulder as he urges me to look at him. Nope, sorry, buddy. That’s not happening. One look at those pretty blues of his and I’ll be a goner. My gaze flickers from Cam to Nate, then as if something stung me on the ass, I’m up and marching with purpose toward the dining room.

  “I’m famished,” I call out over my shoulder. “Last one to the table is a rotten egg.” The moment the childish words are out of my mouth, I want to take them back. Where in the hell did that come from? I keep speed walking to the dining hall where I grab us a large table and order a glass of water from a waitress as I wait for my entourage to join me.

  When Dex takes a seat beside me, he clamps an arm around my body and shifts my chair closer, whispering in my ear. “You’re acting odd today.”

  “Odd?” I question softly.

  “Odder than normal,” he corrects, with a grin. “What’s going on with you?”

  I lift my shoulders and take a deep breath. I’m obviously not getting around this subject, so I might as well throw the poor boy a bone. It’s not like he won’t hear about it from the others later. None of them can ever keep their mouths shut. “It was a rough morning.”

  “You don’t like skiing?”

  “I would like it better if my feet would cooperate.” I think back to my morning class and shudder. “Don’t even get me started on those long poles. I almost took some poor girl's eye out with one of those things. Somebody should put warning labels on them because they could be used as a weapon.”

  Hysterical laughter ensues around me, not that I’m partaking in any of it. I seriously hate being the butt of a joke. It only gets worse when Jimmie decides to chime in and tell them about my first stab at the bunny slopes. “I wish I had gotten it on film. She got halfway down and after her fifth or six fall, she took off her skis and walked to the bottom where she told the teacher her gear was cursed. The instructor was speechless.”

  I glance at Dex, who has his hand wrapped around his mouth, trying to stifle his laugh. I’m not angry, but I am miffed, enough so that I aim a kick at Jimmie’s shin under the table. Jimmie makes a choking sound and turns astonished eyes my way.

  The waitress arrives and delivers my drink. I use her appearance as a way to change the subject, so we can move on to more important things, like filling my belly. Without even looking at the menu, I order the one thing I have been craving all day. If this restaurant doesn’t have it, I will go find one that does.

  “I would like a bacon burger cooked well-done with fries, hold the onions, and mayo instead of mustard. Please and thank you,” I tell the waitress, adding in a big smile, because who can say no to manners and a smile.

  The girl scribbles down my order then goes on to take down the rest of our group's orders, and all the while I can feel Dex’s eyes boring a hole in my head. I glance at him and find him reclined in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest, and a Cheshire grin plastered on his handsome face.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” Dex looks like he’s up to something and warning bells start going off in my head.

  He leans in close, and for a moment, I forget about our friends and the other patrons in the room. It’s just Dex and me and his kissable lips. He nuzzles his nose against my neck and when he speaks, his words are just for me. “I hope you don’t mind, but I thought you and Cammy might like some girl time today. I scheduled you both a massage at the hotel spa this afternoon.”


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