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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 28

by C. Shell

  Leaning back in my seat, I press my fingers to my forehead to suppress the headache coming on. One internal prep and ten minutes later I have Cammy up-to-date on the latest disaster labeled my life.

  Cammy is quiet, which from experience, is never a good sign. The world could be collapsing all around us, and Cammy would still have a mouthful of suggestions and expertise to share with everyone. Her silence is disconcerting, to say the least. When I can’t take anymore, I turn toward her. “Say something, please. The silence is killing me.”

  She looks at me, and the anger in her eyes astounds me. “I’m…” She clears her throat and tries again. “I’m pissed. And in shock that after all the shitty and illegal things she’s already done, that she would go as far as to corner you in public. The girl has got balls the size of melons.”

  “Yeah, she does.” I nod as I think over everything that happened. All the words and events roll through my mind like a bad movie stuck on repeat. “That video she got will make me look bad. I’m sure she’s at home editing it as we speak.”

  “Dex is going to flip his lid.”

  My head jerks up. Dread, the kind that eats you up from the inside-out, fills me as I think about Dex’s reaction to Lacey confronting me. He will go nuclear. There will be no stopping him and knowing Dex, he will manage something so stupid and reckless that he’ll end up behind bars. I can’t let that happen.

  I grab Cammy’s arm, forcing her to turn and face me. “You can’t tell him.” I can feel the tremble in my lower lip as I fight to keep the tears at bay.

  Cam looks as lost as I feel. With her brows arched high she gives me a good dose of honesty. “I know you’re scared, but keeping this from him will only make it worse later when the truth comes out, and you know it will. Nothing in this town ever stays a secret for long.”

  I run my palm over my face, erasing any tears that escaped. “Then help bide me some time.”

  She appears confused, but I don’t let that deter me. I can’t do this without her. I need her help. “Dex is already out for their blood, if…” She shoots me one of her signature are you stupid looks. With a groan, I correct myself. “When he finds out, there will be no more stopping him. He will go after them with everything he’s got, and truthfully, that scares me more than anything Lacey could ever do to me.”

  “God,” she groans. I can practically see the indecision cross her face, but that doesn’t bother me, because it’s the emotion that settles on her face that has me taking my full breath since we climbed in the car. Acceptance. Being the true friend Cammy is, she’s got my back and that is all that matters.

  “You’ll do it?” I ask. I need to hear her say it. “You’ll help me keep this a secret for as long as needed?”

  I tense, waiting for her response. She sits back, her fingers drumming a tune on the steering wheel. My nerves calm the moment I hear her say, “Consider it done.” Her eyes scan over my face, and she lets out a hollow laugh. “Just for the record, I don’t agree with this. I get why you’re doing it, but you know how much I hate keeping secrets, especially ones that I know will blow up in our faces. Jimmie won’t be happy I did this.”

  And there is the root of the problem. I grimace at what a horrible friend I’m being. I might now be one hundred percent behind her relationship with my brother, but asking her to lie to him is hitting below the belt. I feel like a selfish twit.

  “Look,” I clear my throat. “What if I promise you that it will only be until after Nicholas and Lacey’s court date next week? After we hear what the verdict is on that, I will come clean to everyone. I’ll even leave your name out it if you prefer.”

  Her head bobs up and down. “I can live with that.”

  I want to smile, but with a secret the size of Texas sitting between us, my lips refuse to lift. With nothing left to hash out, Cam throws the car into gear and like a rocket, we’re off.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Christmas day is a non-remarkable day for me. Don’t get me wrong, I like opening presents as much as any other teenager, but my family has never put too much emphasis on the family aspect of the holiday season. I usually open presents at home with only one parent available, then head over to Jimmie’s house and hang with them for the rest of the day.

  When I was in elementary, my mother pushed herself to be the next Martha Stewart. She baked night and day until our kitchen was overrun with enough cookies and sweets to keep the local dentists in business for the next year. My dad didn’t work as much back then, so we managed to spend a little time together and things around our house seemed almost…normal.

  Year after year, my family slowly drifted apart. There is no doubt in my mind that my parents love me, and in their own way, they love each other just as much. That being said, they are dysfunctional in how they show their feelings. Words in my family have been replaced with material things. Dad uses gifts to show his feelings, mom shows her love by cooking, keeping the house in tip-top shape, and being present at my soccer games. It’s not the fairy tale family most kids dream about growing up, but I truthfully have few complaints.

  In a twisted way, I’m kind of like an older—if not somewhat tainted—Peter Pan. I get to do as I please, I’ve got a roof over my head, I have unlimited use of my dad’s credit card, and all the clothes and accessories I could ever want. Plus, I have friends who fill in the blanks my parents so easily leave unattended. What more could a teenage boy ask for?

  And then Addison came barreling into my life and rocked the very foundation that’s kept me stable for the last seventeen years. Loving her from afar was easy. Loving her up close is fucking with my head. I’ve never been someone’s boyfriend before, and I’m not kidding myself into thinking I’m doing a good job. I know I lack in many ways, but I’m doing my best. I want to be the man she deserves, and the person she turns to when shit hits the fan. In other words, I want to be everything for her.

  I’m getting ready to head over to Addy’s house and I’m a nervous wreck. What if she doesn’t like the gift I got her? Every year for seventeen years, I’ve given her a bag of Jelly Beans. For the last two years, I upped my game and updated something on her car. One year I got her new tires and the other time I rebuilt her transmission. This year I knew I had to break tradition and make her gift count. Nate and Jimmie refused to help me in any way, shape, or form, so I was left to my own devices, which never ends well.

  I am on the verge of pulling my hair out when my phone dings. Glancing at the screen I see a text from Jimmie flashing.

  Jimmie: Come on over. We are finishing up with our gifts. Addy doesn’t appreciate the box of condoms I got her. Mom wasn’t impressed with it either. lol

  Me: I told you that shit wouldn’t fly. I’ll be over in a minute. Is Nate there yet?

  Jimmie: He’s on his way. Mom baked cinnamon rolls if you’re hungry.

  Me: Save me some, otherwise Nate will eat them all.

  Jimmie: No promises

  Pocketing my phone, I grab my jacket, scoop up the presents, and head out the door. I enjoy the brisk air as I walk to her house. The front door is slightly ajar when I arrive, the sound of Christmas music filtering through.

  I make a beeline for the decorated tree taking up a quarter of the small living room and slip my packages under a large pine branch near the back. I follow a trail of voices to the kitchen where I find Nate trying to talk Jelly Bean into giving up my cinnamon buns. The stingy bastard already has three on his plate, he doesn’t need mine. I wait by the door, watching the two of them battle it out. Neither can see me from this position, which makes the show they're putting on, that much better.

  Nate cocks his head to the side, a teasing grin on his face. “Come on, Addy Bear. It’s Christmas, the time for giving. In the spirit of the holidays, Dex would want to share those with me.”

  Addy giggles and holds my plate high above her head. “You’re absolutely right, Nate, Christmas is about sharing.”

  Nate’s eyes light up as he
thinks he’s won. He should know better. Our Addy hates losing. She would never give in that easily. If Nate wasn’t so busy staring at her pretty doe eyes, he would notice Addy’s hand inching its way toward his plate. With the stealth of a ninja, she snatches up one of his cinnamon buns and is halfway across the kitchen before he realizes he’s been had.

  A look of disbelief crosses his face before his head tips back with a hearty laugh. “Hey, come back here, you little thief.”

  Nate is hot on Addy’s heels, his long strides eating up her short ones by two to one. They’ve already lapped the living room twice, jumping over furniture, and dodging around the tree, before Addison’s mother steps in, putting an abrupt halt to their game of chase.

  With a look of triumph on her face, Addy pushes past a worn-out Nate and hands me the stolen cinnamon roll. “Merry Christmas, baby,” she says, reaching up on her tiptoes and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  I grin and take a big bite out of the gooey treat. The roll is still warm from the oven, and I moan my delight, making sure to raise my voice so Nate can hear every sound I make. I know I hit the mark when he flashes me the finger behind Addy’s back.

  Addison’s mom motions for Jimmie to turn the music down. When the room gets quieter, she takes a seat on the couch next to Cammy and does a count of heads. “Looks as if everyone is finally here. Time to open presents.”

  Everyone takes a seat, some in a chair, others on the sofa, and for Addison and myself, we recline on the floor surrounded by pillows. Every year Jimmie likes acting as Santa Claus, passing out the abundance of gifts stashed under the tree, and this year is no exception.

  I sit with Addy, her hand cradled in mine, surrounded by family and friends, and I don’t want this moment to ever end. It’s perfect and I’m almost afraid to speak, as if doing so will break whatever spell has been cast. I glance around the room and I’m smiling from ear-to-ear. This is what Christmas is all about. Family, friends, and love.

  Blood relation or not, this is my true family.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Do you like it?”

  Saying I like it is the understatement of the world. I hold the macro lens in my hands as carefully as if I'm holding a baby. The particular brand and style he bought is well over my pay grade and something I’ve been eyeing for some time. I love the gift, but not as much as knowing that he had been paying attention the few times I talked about it.

  “This is amazing, Dex.” My heart pounds wildly as I roll it in my hand. “I can’t believe you remembered.”

  “Not hard to forget when you’ve got a picture of it taped to the mirror in your room.” Cupping my face, he meets my gaze. "I know you planned on buying it yourself once you saved enough money, but I couldn’t resist when I saw it at the store. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I’m smiling so big my face hurts. “You’re crazy for spending this kind of money on a gift for me, but I love you for wanting to do it.” Our sappy moment is ruined by a round of bright flashes from my mom snapping pictures of us. I’m so tempted to yell at her to stop, but knowing her it would only amp up her craziness. My mother loves everything Christmas and always takes enough pictures to catalogue the entire day. She means well and that is what counts.

  Placing my gift back in its box so that it doesn’t get damaged by anyone wandering by, I reach under the tree and drag out the presents I got everyone. I leave Dex’s for last and, with trembling fingers, slide it in front of him. I can’t remember ever being this nervous about someone opening a gift I bought.

  As with most boys, he rips right into it, leaving the floor covered in wrapping paper and brightly colored bows. When his eyes land on the signed soccer ball his face morphs into one of intrigue.

  “Is this what I think it is?”

  “If you’re thinking it’s an authentic signed soccer ball by Cristillo Davenport, then you would be correct.”

  The room blurs around me as everyone rushes to check out Dex’s gift. I laugh seeing him having to stand and hold it high over his head to stop Nate from trying to take it from him. Cristillo is a favorite soccer player among the CW Boys. A signed soccer ball from him is the one thing I knew Dex would appreciate and didn’t already have in his stash of signed memorabilia.

  “These are not easy to find. How did you get your hands on this?”

  That is the one question I was hoping wouldn’t come to light. Why ruin a good day? I pick my words carefully, not wanting to outright lie, but also knowing one wrong slip could turn this happy day into a shit storm. “I called in a favor or two. I remembered you trying to get his autograph at that game your dad flew you to last year and how bummed you were when it didn’t happen.” I stand and palm the ball that my brother is now drooling over. “So, I did good?”

  Dex nods, his eyes scanning the ball as I toss it into the air. “Who owed you a favor?”

  And we’re back to this. I shrug and after placing his gift on the table behind us, I get situated back in my little comfy spot by the tree. With hot cocoa in hand, I take tiny sips to draw out the time. Dex’s gaze feels like an inferno on my skin. With him not backing down, I throw out a lifeline, hoping he’ll take it and leave the subject alone. “Nobody special. I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “So, who’s going next?” Cammy chimes in, effectively ending our conversation and getting everyone ready for more gift giving.

  Her interruption works like a charm on everyone, except for Dex that is. With a warning look, hot enough to melt glass, he retakes his seat next to me. And just when I think I’m free and in the clear, he leans in, his voice low and close to my ear. “You’re not off the hook. We’ll be revisiting this conversation again later tonight after the festivities.”

  “Of course, baby. Sounds like a plan.” I smile as I say it, having no desire to do any such thing.

  The rest of the day goes by relatively fast and issue free. Everyone liked their presents, including Nate, who thought my framed photo I took of him playing soccer was amazing. He promised to hang it up in his room as soon as he got home, which made me blush with pride.

  Nate in return gifted me with two tickets to see Adele this coming summer. I reread the tickets over and over assuming they were a bad joke or meant for someone else. I’ve only been to one large concert before and that was with my mom when I was fourteen, so I don’t really think that counts. I’m guessing Nate didn’t share with the guys what he was giving me, because when I opened the small rectangular box, the room went completely still. I just stared up at him, the seconds ticking by as I assessed the situation.

  Am I thankful for the tickets? Hell Yes

  Is Dex looking like he wants to kill Nate? Absolutely

  Is everyone speechless? Yes, but I think they're jealous. I mean, we are talking about Adele here. DUH!

  Waving the tickets around in my hand, I reach over the coffee table and give Nate a big hug. “These are amazing, thank you.”

  “Enjoy them. You deserve the best.” His eyes linger on me for a moment before something behind me catches his attention. No doubt, that thing is my fire-breathing boyfriend.

  Always up for diffusing a situation, Cammy bounces back into action, announcing that the next present is all hers. Jimmie shyly passes his over to her and shocks us all by bestowing Cammy with a rose-gold ruby heart necklace. With the way she squeals with happiness, you would’ve thought she had won the lottery. It was cute and awkward in a please stop sucking face with my brother kind of way.

  The last gift of the day was reserved for my mother. Jimmie and I went in on it together and got her a gift certificate to a fancy spa downtown. For someone who has dedicated her life to taking care of others, it’s nice to think of her having a relaxing day to herself while being waited on hand and foot.

  By the time all the presents have been opened, our living room is a disaster. Between the ripped wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, and let’s not forget all the boxes in every shape and size, stacked in every nook an
d cranny, it looks as if Santa and all his little elves had a blowout and forgot to clean up after themselves.

  As if on cue, Jimmie walks out of the room and comes back with a handful of trash bags. Mom turns the Christmas music back up and we get to cleaning while she goes into the kitchen to put the final touches on our Christmas feast.

  'Tis the season!

  Chapter Eighteen

  I'm in the garage filling the recycle bin with all the empty clothing boxes when I feel a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist. My eyes stay fixed on the boxes I’m breaking down, and I try to keep my demeanor relaxed while I await his reason for seeking me out. Is he still upset about the Adele tickets, or is he ready to push a confession out of me about his signed soccer ball? Too many choices and none of them in my favor.

  “Did you enjoy your Christmas?”

  I let out an easy breath. “It was one of the best by far. Mom outdid herself on dinner. I’m stuffed.” I cock my head to the side so I can get a good look at his face. “You do realize my mom is not going to let Jimmie keep the pack of beer you bought him. She might be more laid back than most parents, but she’s hardcore when it comes to underage drinking and drugs.”

  Dex chuckles. “You didn’t read the label on the bottle, did you?”

  I roll my eyes and finish folding down the last two boxes in my hand. “No, I didn’t see any need to. One beer is the same as the next in my book. To me, they all taste bad, smell gross, and make me want to puke.”

  Dex starts to shake his head. “Well, if you had then you would’ve noticed the beer I gave your brother was non-alcoholic. Your mom has nothing to fret over.”

  My head snaps up. Turning in his arms I glare up at him. “She doesn’t know that. I saw her face when he opened the bag and trust me when I say, Jimmie will be read the riot act as soon as everyone leaves tonight.”


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