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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 36

by C. Shell

  He’s shaking his head before I can even finish. “This isn’t my problem, Addison,” he says with a deep frown. My own expression mimics his. “I like her, and I think she will do well working here. You can either figure out how to get past your issues with Miss McKnight, or you can find another job.”

  Really? Why the skating rink ever thought Seth was manager material is something I will never understand. He’s a complete dickwad. I clench my fists and steel my spine. There is no way I will allow Lindsey McKnight to take my job from me. Lacey and her puppeteers have taken enough over the past year, I won’t let them have this too.

  Acid burns in my throat as I meet Seth’s narrowed dark eyes. “Fine,” I seethe, “we’ll do this your way.”

  Without waiting for his replay, I move back to the room where Lindsey is primping her hair as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. “Get moving. You’re with me today. Hope you like vomit and sticky candy because you’ll be on cleaning duty if either makes an appearance.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I can’t take the radio silence anymore. I feel hollow inside when Addison isn’t around. We were just getting back on solid ground again when Nate and I had to go and make a mess of things. For once, I’m not the only one to blame, but that doesn’t change the fact that I keep screwing things up. I’m starting to think the Universe hates me.

  “Could you please stop pacing? You’re going to wear a hole in that rug, and it’s one of my mom’s favorites.” Nate never looks up from the computer screen as he says this.

  “We need to find a way to fix things with her, Nate.” I sit on the arm of the chair closest to him. Nate looks haggard, with more facial hair coating his cheeks then I thought him capable of growing. Neither of us is sleeping well, and, try as we might, we can’t come up with a sound solution.

  “If I knew how to do that I would have already done it.”

  A hollow laugh bursts from me. “How could we be so stupid? I should’ve stopped before things got too far. We should’ve laughed it off and blamed our actions on the music. Now she won’t talk to us, and this giving her space shit you came up with sucks. I’m starting to lose my fucking mind.”

  Nate pushes away from the computer and gives me a dry look. “Are you done bellyaching? You sound like a fucking pussy.” If I were smart, I would hear the warning in his voice, but I’m past caring.

  “I miss my Jelly Bean.”

  “She’s not just yours, you fuck-nut. I’ve known her just as long as you. You think you’re the only one that can love her?” Nate leans back in his seat and glares at me. “Your sorry ass doesn’t deserve Addison.”

  We hadn’t talked like this since back when we first realized that Addison was more than just a friend. She was a beautiful girl with a heart of gold and a spirit as wild as our own. She drives us freaking crazy, but she’s worth it. Nate is right in all aspects, but I won’t tell him that.

  I stare at the spot in the room where we all danced. Despite what Addy might think, we’ve only shared one girl before, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Nate and I were both drunk at a beach get-together when some girl from Dickinson High came on to us. I don’t even remember her name. We danced and drank and then one thing led to another. I was going to bow out and let Nate have her, but she was insistent on having us both.

  Being with that other girl was awkward, nothing like it had been when Addy was between us. At first, I was pissed when Nate moved in behind her, and then…the anger had transformed into something heated and raw. Nate does not turn me on, but seeing him getting Addy all worked up was hot as fuck. I can’t remember ever being that hard before.

  “We pushed her too far,” I complain. I’ve been sick with the idea that we might have turned her against both of us. If I can’t be with her than I want to know that Nate is close enough to keep an eye on her. Addy might look sweet, but she can get herself into a heap of trouble without even trying.

  “She liked it,” Nate states, his eyes daring me to deny it. “She was so turned on you could smell her in the air. Addy liked everything we did to her. She wanted more,” he challenges.

  I want to believe what he says, but I still remember that look on her face when the last song stopped playing. It was like she was waking from a dream and realized that all the things she loved in the world were a lie.

  “I’m not the sharing type,” I comment, grasping for straws as to why what we did was wrong.

  Nate’s lips tighten. “Not normally, but then again nothing about our relationship with Addy is normal. It never has been.”

  Exasperated, I ask, “So, you’re not planning on backing off?”

  Nate glances at me and shrugs a shoulder. “Why would I? It’s no secret that the truce we made when we were younger was the only thing holding me back. Things have changed. We’ve changed. I see no reason to act as if they haven’t.”

  Fucking hell. As if life wasn’t complicated enough.

  “Peachy,” I say through a go-to-hell smile. I feel a migraine coming on. “You know she still loves me.”

  “Yes, and I would never ask her to stop. I’m not out to change who she is, but I am done sitting on the sidelines with my dick in my hand. I’m going to let her know where I stand and whatever happens, happens.”

  “Are you wanting her all to yourself or…” I have to pause and collect myself because what I am about to ask sounds surreal and messed up. “Or are you trying for something different? Something that involves the both of us?”

  Nate sits forward with a grim expression. “I’m shooting for whatever Addison wants. If she only requests friendship with one or both of us, then I’ll take it and thank my lucky stars that she’s still in my life. If she wants a relationship, then it’s hers for the taking. I’ve never considered sharing a girlfriend, but the more I think about it, the less scary it sounds.”

  I don’t get speechless often, but Nate just unloaded a lot on me, and I don’t know what to say. I stare down at the rug as I roll his words around in my head, picking them apart and deciding how they make me feel.

  Someone knocks at the door, and we both swivel around glaring at it as if it’s a foreign object. “Are you expecting someone?” I ask, my brows raised.

  “Nope.” Nate stands and is quick to answer it.

  Addison steps in, her hair piled on top of her head, and her face flushed from the early summer heat. She doesn’t spare either of us a glance as she walks in, going straight to the mini fridge, and grabs herself a soft drink.

  “Well, hello to you too,” I say, surprised to see her after days of her ignoring us.

  I see Nate smirk, but he doesn’t look over at me. His eyes are trained on Addison, and I wonder what is going through his head. No scratch that, if his mind is anything like mine I know precisely which gutter his mind is swimming in. Dressed in a light-yellow, baby-doll dress with her white Chuck Taylor shoes, she looks like a sinful treat.

  After chugging half her drink, Addy sets it down, and takes a seat next to me on the couch. “I got written up today at work,” she declares.

  Nate and I exchange a worried look before he takes a seat across from us and asks, “You’ve never had an issue before. What happened?”

  Her eyes flick between us. “Lindsey McKnight happened,” she yells. “She got a job at the rink. My skating rink,” she rants. “When Seth wasn’t looking, Lindsey started telling me how she fucked you both during her freshman year and couldn’t wait to do it again.” She huffs out a deep breath. “I saw red. The next thing I know I’m standing above her pouring a large grape slurpy over her head. Seth wrote me up and sent me home for the rest of the day to reflect on my bad behavior.”

  “You poured a drink over Lindsey’s head?”

  “Yes,” she huffs as if my question annoys her. “And if either of you ever gives that cunt the time of day again I will castrate you both and feed your dicks to the dogs.” She glares at us, and I fight a smile. It’s been a long time since I’ve s
een Jelly Bean so worked up and jealous. I just got a hard-on.

  “None of us have a dog,” Nate points out his lips twisted with amusement.

  “Then let's go get a dog,” Addy deadpans.

  I dip my head as I try to hold in my laughter. Who buys a dog as a warning against infidelity? This has to be a joke. But when I look up at Addy, I can tell she means every word. “You want a dog?” I say my words loud and slow as if that will change her mind. “To feed our dicks to if we step out of line?”

  She pauses for the briefest minute before answering. “Yes. I love dogs. Always wanted one, and he or she will be a reminder of what happens if you two ever fuck up.”

  “It’ll costs you something,” Nate interjects.

  “What?” she questions, her brows rising in curiosity.

  “A kiss,” he immediately replies, shooting me a side glance, “for both of us.”

  A stunned silence surrounds us before Addy turns in her seat beside me until we’re facing each other, a hairsbreadth separating her luscious lips from my greedy ones. I yearn to pull her closer, but I’m holding myself back, wanting her to make the decision and initiate the kiss.

  The anticipation is killing me, and just when I think she might chicken out, she grips the front of my shirt and puts me out of my misery. Her lips close over mine, and I groan in approval, pulling her closer until she is practically sitting in my lap. I kiss her harder, nipping at her bottom lip and devouring every little sound she emits.

  Before things can heat up further, Addy pulls away and walks over to where Nate is perched waiting with blatant hunger in his eyes. In the very next instant, she is kissing him, and the air in my lungs whooshes out. I wait for the jealousy to hit me. It never comes, at least not in the way I expect.

  Instead of wanting to tear them apart, I want to be included. To experience the same lust and fever, they’re creating. What we’re doing is crazy and fucked up, and I wouldn’t change it if given a chance.

  Addy leans back, and Nate blinks, looking stunned by her departure. I feel for the bastard. He tries to pull her back, but she moves out of range, casting us a devious grin.

  “A deal is a deal. Now let’s go find me a puppy.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Sit Peewee.” I give his little hind end a gentle tap, helping him to understand what I’m asking him to do.

  “Why did you have to give him such a wimpy name? He needs one that demands respect like Ace or Killer?”

  I glance down at the tiny black pug and can’t picture him with a name other than Peewee. “It fits him,” I answer defensively. “He’s too cute to have a name that sparks fear in someone.”

  “If you two are done bickering about the dog, can we please get back to work?”

  I turn to Nate and stick my tongue out at him. His eyes flick over my face as if he see’s something he likes. Heat blooms in my core, and I am reminded of that magical kiss we shared. Unlike Dex who conquers and devours me with his lips, Nate samples and takes his time, unraveling me slowly and methodically. The two of them together is a scorching combination.

  “Okay,” Dex concedes, “let’s go over this one more time. I think we need to leave a hidden backup of all records and files somewhere nearby when we go to the wedding. The last thing we need is David destroying our only set.”

  “Leave it in the tree house. No one would think of checking there.”

  “Good idea, Addy,” Nate praises.

  Sitting on the floor in my room, Peewee and I play fetch while Nate and Dex discuss what needs to be done to get my dad to leave Jimmie alone. I’m listening to them talk, but my mind keeps drifting to other pressing issues. Such as Lindsey invading my work, my declining chemistry grade, and let’s not forget that Jimmie and Cammy are still not on speaking terms.

  I’ve only worked with Lindsey one time since I dumped a slurpy over her head and although we didn’t come to physical blows, there was enough hostility to make me want to quit. She’s invaded my space, and I hate it.

  “Addy, are you listening?” Nate’s tone is more annoyed than concerned. We’ve gone over the same information three times now, it doesn’t take a genius to remember what to do.

  “Yes,” I answer back. And just to prove my point, I repeat everything he just said. “We fly to Texas. We spend the first day making nice with everyone, then sneak off and search his office for proof of any offshore accounts. One the second day, after the reception dinner, I pull my dad aside and tell him I have a wedding present for him. When we’re alone, I hand him the envelope showing his secret accounts that we have to find in his office and the school records proving that he and the D.A on Mrs. Pevy’s case are old college roommates.” I tilt my head to the side in thought. “Did I miss anything?”

  Dex snorts and then looks at me as if I am a double pounder and he’s a starving man. “You did well. That’s everything.”

  Peewee growls at his toy, catching my attention and making me laugh. “What did your mom think about the dog?” Nate asks

  “She loves him,” I beam, remembering the way her eyes lit up when she met him. “Work keeps her so busy these days, I think she was happy I had something to keep me company when she’s gone.”

  “You have Jimmie.”

  “Not the same,” I argue. “Jimmie is a pain in the ass and doesn’t make me laugh when he makes a mess of things. Peewee can do no wrong in my eyes.” I glance down at the little furball and rub his floppy ears. “He’s perfect.”

  Nate glances over at Dex. “Am I the only one getting jealous over that damn dog?”

  “Right there with you,” Dex answers, his eyes conveying that he means every word. I laugh, because what else is there to do when two grown guys act like little boys vying for attention?

  The rest of the day is spent hanging out in my room listening to music and playing with Peewee. The guys act tuff, but they aren’t fooling me, they love this dog as much as I do. Every time Peewee licks Dex’s nose, he laughs so hard he snorts, and when he nips at Nate’s fingers, I see him smiling down at him like a proud parent. It's adorable and warms my heart.

  Nate and Dex think I got the dog as a reminder to stay away from Lindsey or other girls, but that was not why I got Peewee. I wanted something that was solely ours.

  Peewee is a reminder that when the world is closing in on us, we fight as one and we battle our demons together. It’s us against the world.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “What are homogeneous also called?”

  I nibble on the end of my pencil as I contemplate Trinity’s question. I don’t understand why I have to learn Chemistry when I won’t use it later in life. Famous photographers don’t need chemistry. Most of them don’t even use darkrooms anymore thanks to technology.

  “Do you know the answer or not?”

  I blink out of my stupor and give Trinity an apologetic smile. “Is the answer solution?”

  She beams back at me, her head bobbing up and down like a buoy fighting the ocean’s waves. “You’re getting better. I think you will do well on your test tomorrow.”

  “God, I hope so,” I whine. “No offense to you or your tutoring techniques, but I am tired of getting up early so we can meet before school.”

  “The before school part was your choice,” she throws back. “I was fine with meeting after.”

  “I didn’t want to mess up my work schedule.” I start packing up my bags, feeling shitty for saying anything at all. I ruined what would have been a nice compliment. “I really do appreciate the help,” I add when the guilt gnaws at me.

  “Thanks.” Trinity throws her bag on her shoulder and gives me a shy smile. “Same time tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be here.” Winding my way through rows of books, I exit the library and head to my first-period class.

  High school hasn’t changed too much since Lacey left. I still deal with curious stares and whispers behind my back, but the overall atmosphere is less hostile than before. In other wor
ds, I no longer worry about being stabbed in the back or having my locker vandalized. Lacey was the queen bee and without her throwing around orders to her peasants my days are pleasantly tolerable.

  My first few classes go by without a hitch; it isn’t until lunch rolls around that I realize something is amiss. Grabbing a sandwich and some fries from the lunch line I take my seat at our table beside Cammy who is animated and talking a mile a minute demanding to know why Jimmie left third period early to get a passport.

  “This is news to me,” I answer around a bite of food. “Are you sure he was going to get a passport?”

  “Yes!” she squeaks.

  I’m torn as to what matter I should address first. There is the fact that my brother is sneaking around obtaining things that he shouldn’t need, and on the other hand, there is the fact that Cammy still obviously cares for him. Decisions, decisions.

  I’m still debating my options when Dex and Nate take a seat across from us.

  “Where’s your friend?” Cammy demands, causing them both to look at her as if she has grown two heads.

  I look at the guys, and they look at me, puzzlement undoubtedly on all our faces. This is probably a good time as any to fill them in on what little I know. “Jimmie left school early. He’s off getting a passport. Any clue why?”

  “Don’t know anything about it,” Dex answers. “Jimmie didn’t tell us.”

  I take a sip of my juice. “Of course, he didn’t,” I mutter. “Jimmie is locked up tighter than a safe theses day. He’s gotten good at keeping a secret.”

  Nate leans back in his seat, and I can’t stop staring at the glorified muscles displayed through his thin shirt. I’m tempted to ask him to show me the goods, but now isn’t the time or place. Nate’s eyes bounce to mine coaxing me out of my daze. “Coach will be pissed if he isn’t back in time for practice.”

  “Then I guess we need to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Pulling out my phone from my back pocket, I send Jimmie a message.


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