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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 46

by C. Shell

  A party doesn’t even sound appealing to me, but the playful twinkle in Cam’s eyes has my barrier’s falling faster than a slut’s panties on a hot night.

  “Are any of the parties happening out at Old Man Wilson’s pasture?” The gatherings on his land tend to be less raunchy than others.

  Cam jumps and down, clapping her hands in glee. “Yes!” she all but shouts. “Tomorrow night is at Old Man Wilson’s pasture,” she confirms. “So, you promise you’ll come?”

  I shrug in defeat. This year is not starting out the way I thought it would. First week and I’m already up to my eyeballs in drama. “I probably need to talk to the guys first, but yeah, why not?”

  “Jimmie’s already on board, so I’m sure Nate and Dex will be too.”

  “Oh. Well, that is news to me.” I shouldn’t care that Jimmie didn’t tell me about his plans, but well…I am. I’m annoyed that he didn’t tell me about the parties. In fact, he hasn’t told me about his classes or much of anything that’s going on in his life as of late. I make a mental note to ask him about it later.

  “He’s been busy with soccer. I’m sure he just forgot.” And yet, he told her. I mentally slap myself for feeling jealous. I should be happy that my brother is home and working out his relationship with Cam. So, why do I still feel hurt? I don’t like this feeling.

  I cross my arms over my chest and look around the parking lot; almost everyone has already left. “I need to head on home and get my chores done before my mom gets there. Call me later?”

  “Of course.”

  I watch Cammy go, hoping that our friendship outlasts our time in school. My mother has a couple friends that she keeps in touch with, but I’ve noticed that they only check-in with each other on holidays and big events. There's nothing wrong with that, but I want more. I can’t imagine a world that doesn’t include all those I love.

  Throwing open the door to my little red bug, I toss my book bag in the back seat and climb in. The heat that has built up inside the car literally takes my breath away. Cranking the engine, I click my seatbelt into place, turn on the a/c, and pull out onto the road. The drive home is blissfully quick and when I arrive, I’m surprised to find the driveway empty.

  I’m not expecting Mom back home for another hour or so, but I thought Jimmie or one of the guys would be here. It’s been a while since I’ve been home all alone. Disappointment hovers around me like a dark cloud as I unlock the front door and make my way inside.

  The robust smell of garlic and tomato sauce teases my senses, making my nose crinkle and my feet falter. I glance around the room wondering who the hell is in my house. “Hello?” I call out, too scared to take a step away from the door in case I need to make a run for it. I haven’t ever heard of a burglar that cooks dinner for you, but you can never be too careful.

  Caution first, always.

  “Jelly Bean?” Nate answers back. “What took you so long? Get your ass in here.”

  My eyes widen. Following his voice leads me to the kitchen. Upon entering I take in the scene before me with tear tinged eyes. The curtains are drawn tight, leaving the kitchen lit up by the numerous candles placed around the room. The kitchen table is set with a large vase of fresh flowers in the middle and two plates filled with spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and a large salad. It’s all so beautiful and totally unexpected.

  Leaning against the door frame, I stare back at Nate stunned. “What is all this?”

  “I cooked,” he answers with a sly smile. “I hope you’re hungry. I went a little overboard.”

  I feel numb as I nod and glance down at my watch before I grimace at the time. “Nate, I can’t believe you did all this.” I move forward until we’re standing inches apart and lean into his strong frame. When his arms wrap around me, I tilt my head up and a slow grin spreads across my face. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but my mom’s shift is almost over. We have maybe a half hour before she walks through the door.”

  Nate’s chest brushes against mine as he laughs. “Oh, ye of little faith.” His head tilts to the side as he looks down at me. “You really think I would go to all this trouble without checking out everyone’s schedule first?”

  “But…” Confusion wraps around me. I know Mom told me this morning to come straight home and do the dishes before she got home. There is no way I imagined that. “Are you sure?”

  “Jimmie spoke to her at lunch. Your mom and her fancy new man decided to go out for dinner. She won’t be home until much later and Jimmie promised to hang out at Cammy’s for a while.” Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, Nate pulls me close and nuzzles his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing me in. “We finally have some time alone and a chance to be together where no one can judge us.”

  My heart pumps wildly. I like the idea of spending time alone with Nate. “No Dex?”

  Nate licks a path down my neck and I gasp. His touch ignites a fire in my belly. “Just you and me, Addy Bear.”

  I glance up at him with hooded eyes, hungry for more than just the wonderful meal he cooked. I look over at the table again in awe. He’s gone all out and he did it all for me. Time alone with Nate is a treasure I don’t intend on wasting.

  “Let’s eat,” I say, placing a kiss on his chest. “Since you made dinner, I’ll handle the dessert.”

  Chapter Eight

  I should be embarrassed by how fast I devoured my food. I’m not. Everything was scrumptious. The sauce had just the right amount of spices and the bread was garlicky heaven. Licking my lips, I shoot Nate a disbelieving look. “Are you sure you made this? For a man who can’t wash his own clothes, I’m having a hard time believing you can cook.”

  Nate lets out a rough laugh. “I’m not totally helpless. I like food and my mom likes to cook. She’s taught me a few things over the years.”

  “I’ll have to remember to thank her for that.” I sit back and absently twirl a piece of hair around my finger.

  Nate looks down, clearly avoiding my eyes. “You can tell her I was giving you cooking lessons if you like. We don’t need to make her suspicious. She likes you and I don’t want to get her hopes up. As promised, our relationship must remain a secret.”

  The heavy ball of guilt that I’ve been carrying around the past week triples in size. Casting Nate a sidelong look, I long to find a way to make everything right between us.

  If I publicly “break-up” with Dex I could hang with them both without people thinking I’m cheating.

  “I don’t know how to make this work,” I admit out loud. “We aren’t going to last if we can’t find a happy medium where we all get what we want.”

  “There is no booklet on how to do this right.” Nate stands and takes my hand, lacing our fingers together before he leads me to the living room. “No worries. We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

  Before Nate has a chance to sit down on the couch and get cozy, I give his hand a hard tug and change course. With deliberate steps, I steer him up the stairs, down the short hall, and into my bedroom.

  I make my way over to my unmade bed while Nate takes the time to shut the door. The tension between us is palpable. I glance over at the clock on my bedside, wondering how much time we have. When I hear Nate walk over to where I’m sitting, I peek at him through my lashes. “Did you lock it?” I shake my head at my half thought out sentence and clarify. “The door. Did you lock it?”

  Nate stops in front of me and I lean back as he kneels at my feet. Our eyes lock and my stomach clenches in want. “You sure about this, babe? I can wait. There is no reason to rush this…us.” His tortured voice betrays his words.

  He wants this as much as I do.

  I ignore his pretty words and proceed to inch up the bed until I’m leaning against the headrest. Only then do I stop and give him what I imagine to be a sexy smile. At least I hope it is. “I appreciate you trying to be noble and patient, but I’m way past the begging point. I enjoy all the orgasms you and Dex have been giving me, but I want more. I wa
nt it all,” I plead. “I want you.”

  As if I’ve said a magic word, Nate’s restraint breaks. One minute he’s holding himself back and being a gentleman and the next he is climbing on top of me and kissing me. I giggle at his enthusiasm, loving that I get this time with him. After a week of hell, I relish in the sensation of his weight pressing down on me.

  “You know what would make this better?” I ask, around a sultry moan.

  Nate stops kissing his way down my neck and lifts his head to give me an incredulous look. “Already asking for more,” he tsks. Shaking his head, he leans down and presses his lips to mine. “What would make you happier?”

  “If we were naked.” I deadpan.

  His lips twitch. “I think I can handle that request." Without preamble, Nate pulls my shirt over my head before doing the same to his own. Our movements are swift and clumsy. Hands go one way, feet go another, a few buttons are snapped open, straps are yanked off, and clothes are tossed about. There is nothing eloquent about us, but we get the job done. In the end, we’re panting and sweating and that’s before getting to the good parts.

  Sitting on opposite ends of the bed, we stare at each other while our chests rise and fall in a rapid rhythm. Nate’s eyes travel down my body, his hooded gaze telling me that he likes what he sees.

  I barely have a chance to get a good look at his glorious abs before he comes for me. I screech as my feet are swiped out from under me, my back meeting the mattress as my hands are stretched over my head. Nate hovers above me, a smile in his tone when he says, “I like you like this, stretched out and at my mercy.”

  Heat pools between my legs. I won’t say it out loud, but I like it too, so much that if I were wearing panties, they would be wet and sticking to my core. Leaning down, Nate captures my lips. Need spirals through me and I open to him, deepening the kiss and sucking on his tongue.

  Spurred by want and lust, we use our hands and mouths in our exploration of each other. When Nate sucks my nipple into his mouth, I arch my back and press my body up into his. I want to feel him inside me. Trailing a hand down Nate’s side, he lets out a guttural moan as my fingers cup wrap around his hardened length and give it a good stroke.

  “Please tell me you have a condom,” I hum deep in my throat, my body on fire.

  Nate licks his lips. “Yeah, believe it or not, I do.” Reaching over the side of the bed, he digs into the back pocket and pulls out a foil packet.

  I laugh. “You’re such a good boy scout, always prepared.” My hands lift and thread through his silky hair. “Were you expecting to get lucky tonight, Nate?” I tease.

  His gaze catches on my breasts and he releases a deep groan. “No, but a guy can always hope.”

  With zero shame, I watch in earnests as Nate rolls the condom over his impressive cock. Nate isn’t as thick as Dex, but he’s got enough length on him to make any guy envious. As he settles between my thighs, I spread my legs wider.

  His lips curve into a sinful smile as his cock rubs against my slit, teasing me into oblivion. I buck my hips determined to take control and get him right where I need him the most. Nate chuckles at my impatience. “You sure about this?’ he asks, pressing a kiss to my temple.

  “I want this,” I answer, meaning every word. “I want you.”

  Our eyes meet and hold. Gripping me by the hip, Nate plunges deep inside me. I gasp from the blunt intrusion before submitting to the pleasure and pain. Moving beneath him I cry out begging for more.

  It’s as if we were made for each other. The sound of skin slapping against skin is the soundtrack to our lovemaking as our bodies move as one. Years of want and pent-up longing push us to the breaking point making our movements rough and punishing.

  His body undulates against mine with each pump of his hips, carrying the pressure building within my core to new heights. I run my hands down his flexing back, wanting to feel every inch of him. Being with Nate is exactly how I imagine it to be, perfect in every way.

  I grit my teeth trying to hold back, wanting this moment to last when Nate sneaks a hand between us and starts rubbing circles on my clit. I grab his shoulders and hold on for dear life as I feel an orgasm coming. I can’t stop the sounds that come from my throat as he slams into me, igniting a tsunami of pleasure to ripple through me. I wiggle beneath him, riding out the waves of ecstasy.

  Nate’s pace increases, his facial expression a mixture of bliss and awe. “Too good, baby,” he moans against my mouth, his hips jerking in an unsteady rhythm. Harder. Faster. When I grab his ass and pull him deeper inside me, he lets out a deep groan, reaching his own release.

  I kiss the corner of his mouth. “That was amazing.”

  “No baby,” he corrects, rolling off me and curling his body around mine. “That was all you. I’m just the lucky bastard that gets to call you mine.”

  Chapter Nine

  I never thought I would say this but work at the rink was fun today.

  Seth was in a stellar mood thanks to a new someone in his life and Lindsey was stuck in the back all day doing inventory. There was no chaos, no bitching, and not a mean word exchanged the entire time. If only every workday could be so laid-back.

  I would love nothing more than to change into my flannel pajamas, order takeout, and watch a good movie tonight, but that’s not going to happen. I made Cammy a promise to attend the back to school pasture party with her and I plan on keeping it. Instead of donning my favorite Snoopy slippers, I’ll be stomping around a pasture in my wedges. Oh, the joy.

  After a whole lot of complaining and bickering, the CW Boys agreed to come along. I was fine with them staying behind and letting us have a girls' night, but they were insistent that they be our dates. I’m not going to act surprised, although, I kind of am. We’ve all been spending so much time together as of late, I thought they would be happy having some time away to do whatever it is that guys do when girls aren’t watching their every move.

  “Should I wear my blue off the shoulder tank top or my green strapless one?”

  I eye the two shirts in Cam’s hands with a wry smile. “You’ll look beautiful in either.”

  “Okay,” she says, drawing the word out. “Thanks for the compliment, but seriously, which one should I wear?”

  I roll my eyes. Only Cam could turn a drunken party into a fashion show. I suddenly felt underdressed in my black skinny jeans and one of Dex’s soccer jerseys. “Go with the blue one. I’m afraid the girls might make an appearance in the green one if you start jumping around too much.”

  Cam shrieks, her eyes widening. “Oh, my. I didn’t think of that.” She points the shirt at me before moving in front of the mirror and slipping it over her thin frame. She fluffs her hair, smacks her painted lips, and turns in a circle, criticizing every inch of her perfect body.

  “How do I look?” she asks.

  I don’t miss the nervous tremor in her voice. Something is amiss. Cam has never been this critical of herself. Slipping on my bangle bracelet, I look her over from top to bottom. “Gorgeous and completely out of my brother’s league,” I add for good measure.

  “We need to get going. The guys have been waiting downstairs for a while now. I’m sure they’re ready to give up on us.”

  Scrambling to get my shoes on, I stand on wobbly feet and just barely manage to grab a hold of Cam’s arm before she leaves the room. We both come to a screeching halt. “What’s going on with you tonight? You’re acting odd.”

  Panic floods her voice. “What do you mean? I’m fine.”

  “And cows are red,” I challenge. “Don’t bullshit me. I get enough of that from the three men downstairs. Now, tell me what’s going on with you.”

  Like a floodgate being opened, Cammy spills her guts, telling me more about her and my brother’s relationship than I ever cared to know. “He wants to go all the way tonight and make us an official couple,” she gushes. “I’m freaking out inside.”

  I lean against my dresser and process her words. “Didn’t you…” I swa
llow hard. My brother having sex with my best friend is not a conversation I want to have. “I thought you two already had sex?"

  “Oh, no,” she says, waving a hand around. “We’ve done everything but that,” she clarifies. “We’ve been waiting. I didn’t want to go any further until I knew that Jimmie was serious about me.”

  My brain feels like it’s going to explode. I’m on information overload. “Are you scared? If you’re not ready, I’m sure Jimmie will understand. Just talk to him.” Cammy’s not a virgin, not that I want to dredge that fact up, but I’m having a hard time understanding her hesitation. My brother might be a jerk at times, but he isn’t the type to ever force a girl to do anything she wasn’t fully on board with.

  A blush breaks out across her cheeks. “Not scared, just cautious. I don’t want to screw anything up between us. Sex can make things complicated and I really like him.”

  I nod in understanding. Reaching out I squeeze her hand, wanting to reassure her that I’m here for her. “Talk to him,” I urge. “It’s better if you two are on the same page before you move forward. My mom always says that if you can’t talk freely about something, then you shouldn’t be doing it.”

  “That is good advice.”

  I should get a pat on the back. I’m proud of how I handled a subject that made me want to tear my eyes out. I grip her tighter, giving her one more good squeeze before motioning to the door. “You ready or do you need some more time?”

  Cam runs a hand through her hair, fixing any curls that might be out of place. When she’s done, she gives me a firm nod. “I’m good. Let’s do this.”

  Chapter Ten

  The ride to the party is eerily quiet as the guys stew on the fact that we wouldn’t listen to what they call reason and do something that didn’t involve liquor and a crowd of teenagers. It felt like at any moment a bomb would go off in the truck, leaving a trail of carnage and empty dreams behind.


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