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Strawberry Fields

Page 14

by Pelaam

  There wasn’t time for Nicolas to dwell on the maudlin thoughts. When they passed through the doorway, they were on a platform with two monorail tracks a few feet apart. Each track had another a foot or so beneath it. Nicolas hadn’t seen such an arrangement before.

  “Shouldn’t be too long now.” Jasper drew out his pocket watch. Each train runs in a circle around the station, but in opposite directions. We are far more relaxed up here.”

  The smell of smoke and steam reached Nicolas a minute or so before a high-pitched toot. Then the train came into view. Nicolas stared at it. Its cylindrical copper body gleamed, and a conductor stood in front of circular glass doors.

  A deck sat above the front carriage, smoke and steam puffing from its chimney, and Nicolas could see men in constant movement. As the train pulled up, he saw the reason for the odd arrangement of rails. The body of the train sat on the top rail and its wheels were angled to slot into the lower rail.

  “They’re quite comfortable and you get spectacular views. After you, gentlemen.” Jasper indicated the small deck in front of the train and as Nicolas stepped onto it, the conductor opened the train doors with a smile that was only just visible beneath his salt and pepper walrus moustache.

  “Welcome aboard, sirs. Please take a seat.”

  While Nicolas, Nathan, and Jasper settled themselves into comfortable seats, the conductor made a show of checking up and down the platform. Stepping back into the train, he picked up a communications tube as he pressed a bell.

  “All aboard. I repeat, all aboard.”

  He replaced the tube as the train tooted, then it pulled slowly away, and he approached Nicolas.

  “I’ll get the fares.” Jasper held up his hand.

  There was no time for Nicolas to object, even if he’d had the means to pay himself, as Nathan tugged at his arm.

  “Nicolas. Look.”

  Now Nicolas understood Jasper’s reference to a view. The train didn’t travel inside the space station, but outside, its passengers secure in its cylindrical caterpillar body. Occasionally they passed beneath the sail-like awnings that decorated the station, the rest of the time they had an unhindered view of the starry sky.

  When Nathan slipped his hand into Nicolas’s, Nicolas smiled and squeezed it gently. It was a rather romantic setting, despite everything that had happened to them. Glancing up to see if the conductor was nearby, Nicolas raised Nathan’s hand to his lips and kissed it.

  In response, Nathan snuggled closer so that their bodies touched from shoulder to knee. Nathan’s obvious affection warmed Nicolas’s heart. He determined that one day, he’d give Nathan the kind of life he deserved.

  “It is rather spectacular, isn’t it?” Jasper leaned forward, his voice a low whisper. “Looking at your space ship I didn’t think you’d have seen much of the heavens. Although, I must admit, I rather long to be back on Earth. I have a transfer request in at the moment.”

  The rest of the journey passed in companionable chat. Nicolas took to Jasper very quickly. Although his nature seemed somewhat surly and self-deprecating, when he spoke of investigations he’d solved, Nicolas was certain the man was far more intelligent and incisive than he made himself out to be.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jasper was an excellent host, providing Nicolas and Nathan with a hot bath, a good meal, and a bedroom for the night.

  “In the morning I’ll go to the station and read through the statements from Melbeck’s men and pay a visit to the ship.” Jasper stood in the doorway, seemingly unconcerned he was leaving Nicolas and Nathan to not just share a room, but the only bed.

  “Do you need me to come with you?” Nicolas asked, but Jasper shook his head.

  “Not this time. I shouldn’t need to disturb your mechanical sentinels. You and Nathan sleep in as late as you wish. Help yourself to whatever you want from the kitchen. I should be back for you by lunchtime. Goodnight, Nicolas, Nathan.”

  “Goodnight, Jasper. And thank you. One day, I’ll find a way to repay you and Nicolas for all you’ve done for me.” Nathan stepped forward, and clutched Jasper’s arm tightly.

  A sense of warmth swept through Nicolas as he watched Jasper’s craggy expression settle into a warm smile.

  “Your thanks are enough, Nathan. Sleep well.”

  “And you, Jasper.”

  Nicolas closed the door, then took Nathan in his arms. “I feel I’ve waited an eternity to do this.”

  “Not as much as I.” Nathan sighed and leaned into Nicolas’s embrace.

  Smiling, Nicolas returned the sweet kisses that Nathan bestowed, and which made Nicolas’s heart flip.

  “I have to confess, dinner wasn't the only thing I’m hungry for.” Leaning down, Nicolas captured Nathan's lips again in a deep, passionate kiss, and pulled him even closer. Licking at Nathan’s lips, Nicolas then thrust his tongue forward to slide against Nathan’s, and arousal burned in his veins. Slowly, Nicolas eased back and gazed down at Nathan.

  “I love you, come to bed and let me show you how much.”

  Nathan smiled and leaned against Nicolas. “I would like nothing more than to make love with you.” With a final kiss, Nathan offered Nicolas his hand.

  Nicolas took Nathan’s hand, and lifted it to his lips. “Maybe we could lose our clothing on the way. I’m not the most patient person in the world when it comes to something I want. And, by God, Nathan, I want you more than I can say.”

  “I’m glad. Let me be rid of this brace.” Nathan released Nicolas’s hand, but before he could start to remove it, Nicolas dropped to one knee.

  “Allow me. Perhaps you could try walking more without it, now you’re free of Strawberry Fields?”

  “Oh, yes.” Nathan nodded eagerly. “I want nothing more than to never need it again.”

  Unfastening the braces that held it in place, Nathan eased the brace from Nathan’s leg. Instead of standing immediately after, Nicolas ran his hands up and down the newly freed limb, and nuzzled into Nathan’s groin, delighting in the hardness he felt.

  “I shan’t last if you continue to tease me so, Nicolas.” Nathan’s voice was soft and breathy, and Nicolas’s own arousal surged.

  “Then let’s retire to bed.” Nicolas rose to his feet and guided Nathan toward the bed, but their progress was impeded by the many kisses and touches each bestowed on the other, and a trail of clothing followed in their wake.

  Once beside the bed, they quickly stripped away the last of their clothes before Nicolas lay on the bed, Nathan on top of him, and they quickly became a tangle of arms and legs. Nicolas repeatedly found Nathan’s addictive lips for deep, passion filled kisses. Rolling so that Nathan was on top of him once more Nicolas smiled.

  "I love the way your body fits so perfectly against mine." Nicolas gazed up into Nathan’s eyes.

  “They do seem to fit perfectly, don’t they?” Nathan smiled and trailed his fingertips over Nicolas’s chest before bending close to nibble on Nicolas’s bottom lip.

  The sensation of Nathan's fingers sent desire surging through Nicolas, and the way Nathan nibbled on his bottom lip was so tender and sweet, that it made Nicolas's heart skip in his chest.

  Resting on his knees between Nicolas’s legs, Nathan kissed a warm, wet trail down Nicolas’s neck to suck on his right nipple, then the left. “Do we have anything, you know, to ease the way?” Nathan looked at him, his eyes suddenly wide.

  “Don’t worry.” Nicolas drew him down for another kiss. “I always keep a flask of oil handy. I hid it under the pillow when Jasper showed us the room.”

  “You’re very crafty.” Nathan smiled. “I never noticed.”

  “You weren’t meant to.” Nicolas kissed the tip of Nathan’s nose. With a swift move, Nicolas rolled their bodies so that Nathan was beneath him, and he fished under the pillow for the flask. Nicolas produced it with a magician’s flourish and Nathan laughed softly.

  Nicolas looked down at his lover. Nathan’s cock, like Nicolas’s own, was swollen and dripping in anticipat
ion and love blazed in his ebony eyes.

  “You’re perfect, so incredibly perfect.”

  “Just as you are to me, Nicolas. Please hurry. I ache to have you inside me once more.” Nathan rested a hand on Nicolas’s cheek.

  Turning his head, Nicolas kissed the palm, then grabbed one of the pillows to position under Nathan’s hips. Nicolas licked the seeping tip of his lover’s erection, then slowly lowered his lips down the shaft as he circled his lover’s entrance with a single digit. A soft moan escaped Nathan and he wound his fingers into Nicolas’s hair.

  Sitting back, Nicolas opened the flask, poured some oil into his hand, and re-stoppered the flask. Nicolas glanced at Nathan who watched every movement. Nicolas’s blood heated at the look of desire in Nathan’s dark gaze.

  Nicolas lowered his head again, and this time took Nathan into his mouth to a deep moan from his lover. When Nicolas circled Nathan’s opening with a slick finger, Nathan spread his legs wider in silent invitation.

  Soft gasps and wordless murmurs of encouragement guided Nicolas, and he slid a single finger into Nathan’s tight heat. Nicolas worked his lover’s prick with tongue and lips, taking him in deep, swallowing around the head, and pressing his tongue against the prominent vein that ran from base to engorged head.

  Now that his finger moved easily, Nicolas added another, nibbling gently around the head of Nathan’s cock as he did. Nathan moaned softly and lifted his hips as if to take Nicolas deeper.

  Pressing deeper, Nicolas crooked his fingers and gently nudged his lover’s sweet spot as he swallowed around his length once again. Nathan groaned Nicolas’s name, thrusting slowly into Nicolas’s mouth.

  Untouched, Nicolas’s cock leaked its juices steadily. Nicolas slid his mouth off Nathan’s prick, removed his finger from Nathan’s body, and gazed down at his lover. Nathan looked up at him, his hair spread over the pillow, his face flushed and sweat-sheened.

  “Make love with me, Nicolas.”

  “You’re sure you’re ready for me?” Nicolas asked.

  “I’m ready. Love me now, please. I want to feel you inside me.”

  “I shall.” Nicolas reached for the oil and slicked himself thoroughly. Nicolas settled Nathan’s legs to lie on his shoulders while he shuffled into place. With a final look to ensure his lover was ready, Nicolas pushed forward and sank slowly into Nathan’s tight heat.

  While Nathan adjusted to being fully filled, Nicolas kissed his lover’s calves, and rubbed his hands over Nathan’s thighs. The problem, however, was that Nicolas was too far from Nathan’s addictive lips.

  As Nicolas moved forward, he guided Nathan to wrap his legs around his waist instead. “That’s much better.” Nicolas breathed the words against Nathan’s cheek before claiming the kiss he craved.

  The kiss deepened, Nicolas sliding his tongue alongside Nathan’s as he rocked his hips, going deeper into his beloved’s body as Nathan’s inner muscles relaxed around him. Nathan moaned Nicolas’s name, running his hands over Nicolas’s shoulders, and down his arms.

  As Nicolas eased back, Nathan stared up into his eyes and reached up to tangle his fingers in Nicolas’s hair.

  “Yes. It’s much, much better. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Nicolas continued to gently rock back and forth. Although his body screamed for him to move faster, thrust harder and deeper, Nicolas waited to be sure Nathan was ready.

  “Move, Nicolas. Let me feel you.” Nathan whispered against Nicolas’s lips, clenching his inner muscles, and shifting his hips in time with Nicolas’s gentle thrusts.

  It seemed to Nicolas that their bodies did fit perfectly together, and when he kissed Nathan, it was as if they even shared the same breath. Warmth radiated through his body and Nicolas knew he’d never know another love like this.

  Using every ounce of his self-control, Nicolas kept his movements slow and measured. He thrust in deep, pulled back until almost free of his lover’s body, then pressed slowly back in, burying himself to the root.

  Nicolas only pulled away from their kisses long enough to draw breath, before sealing his lips over Nathan’s once more. For long, perfect minutes, they moved as one, giving and taking pleasure.

  His thrusts slow and measured, Nicolas lost himself in the warm glow that seemed to surround them, and in the scent and soft sounds of their lovemaking. Their chests grew slick with sweat, and Nicolas reached between their bodies to take Nathan’s cock in his hand.

  Matching the rhythm of his thrusts, Nicolas stroked Nathan. With a moan of Nicolas’s name, Nathan pushed up into the firm grip, then down onto Nicolas’s shaft. As much as he wanted them to spill together, Nicolas also wanted the pleasure to last.

  It felt to Nicolas as if he and Nathan were the only two people that existed. The look in Nathan’s eyes, each touch on Nicolas’s body spoke of his love, and Nicolas bent closer to whisper words of love and devotion. Nathan wrapped his arms around Nicolas, and kissed him until they were almost breathless, only to draw back briefly to kiss him again.

  His need for release built and Nicolas gazed down into Nathan’s eyes as his thrusts became deeper and more erratic. Nicolas made sure to stroke Nathan, and he licked at Nathan’s lips.

  “Spill with me,” he whispered raggedly. “Please, spill with me, love.” Nicolas didn’t give Nathan a chance to reply, instead he reclaimed his lover’s addictive lips in another searing kiss. Nicolas increased his pace and Nathan matched his movements, as effortlessly as if they’d spent years perfecting their love-making.

  Nicolas’s climax was almost upon him when Nathan’s release spilled between them, and his inner muscles clenched tightly around Nicolas’s cock. With one final thrust, he buried himself deep. Nicolas’s seed filled his lover, and when he was finally spent, Nicolas lowered himself carefully onto Nathan’s body and buried his face in the warmth of his lover’s neck.

  Still trembling in the aftermath of his release, Nicolas closed his eyes, smiled, and kissed the hot, damp skin beneath his lips.

  “Perfect,” he murmured softly. “Just like always.”

  “I love you.” Nathan wrapped his arms around Nicolas. “Always.”

  “And I love you. I don’t want to crush you. Let me get more comfortable.” Nicolas carefully slipped from his lover’s body and rolled to one side, gathering his lover in his arms.

  With Nicolas’s chest for a pillow, Nathan sighed, and kissed each of Nicolas’s nipples in turn. “Maybe we were made for each other. I don’t know if you believe in things like that, but it certainly feels that way to me. Do you believe in fate, Nicolas?”

  “If you’d asked me that a few days ago, I’d have been unsure.” Nicolas kissed Nathan’s head. “I certainly didn’t see anything good in my future. But after so little time with you, feeling the way I do about you, I’d have to say, yes, I do believe in fate.”

  Nathan snuggled close and trailed his fingers across Nicolas’s chest. “I'm glad that you believe in it now. I certainly do. You’re the answer to every prayer I’ve ever made.”

  “And you are a dream come true. Let me just get a cloth, and we can relax.” Nicolas cleaned them both and settled back into bed with Nathan pressed close at his side, using his shoulder as a pillow.

  Whatever happened next in his life, Nicolas knew he’d have Nathan at his side.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  An insistent knocking roused Nicolas from a deep sleep. It had been a long time since Nicolas felt safe enough to indulge in the luxury of such a sleep, and it took a moment for him to remember where he was, before he called out.

  “Good morning, Jasper. I’m sorry, have we overslept?”

  “Not at all.” Jasper didn’t attempt to open the door, and his voice was robust enough for Nicolas to hear clearly. “But I want to make an early start and go through Strawberry Fields. I’ll be back about lunchtime to take you and Nathan to the station, but I thought, if you felt up to it, we could have tea together first. And I can show you my kitchen, such as it is.”
  “We’ll be there in a moment.” Nicolas smiled as he looked down at Nathan who was only just beginning to stir. “Thank you. Come on, love.” Nicolas feathered kisses to Nathan’s brow. “We need to get up and have tea with Jasper.”

  “Now?” Nathan’s voice was muffled from where he was buried against Nicolas’s armpit.

  “Yes, now.” Nicolas chuckled and nuzzled Nathan. His lover looked so adorable when only half awake.

  A couple of minutes later, Nicolas led Nathan into Jasper’s small sitting room. Jasper sat on a chair, leaving the sofa free. The seats were positioned around a small table set with a teapot, sugar basin, milk jug, and cups and saucers.

  “Sorry things are so crowded. Physical space is a limited commodity up here, and on the salary of a sergeant, this is the best I can afford.” Jasper indicated for Nicolas and Nathan to sit down as he poured two more cups of tea.

  “You have it organized very well.” Nathan picked up his cup and looked around. “You’ve made the most of what space you have very successfully.”

  “Thank you, Nathan.” Jasper openly preened, and Nicolas smiled at the by-play. His lover seemed to have made a big impression on the taciturn sergeant.

  “What do you want us to do while you’re away?” Nicolas asked.

  “Help yourself to breakfast.” Jasper replied with a warm smile. “I generally eat that meal here, and the rest of the day I eat somewhere on the station. I’m not a particularly domesticated man. This morning, I shall go to the ship, then I’ll see how our caged birds are singing. Melbeck looks a little soft to me. I’m sure he’ll try and do a deal. I will call for you around lunch time. I can get you a meal where I work while you give me your signed statements.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you for all you’ve done for us, Jasper.” Nicolas sipped his own tea. “I don’t want us to become a burden to you, but Nathan and I have no way to repay you or get ourselves back home.”


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