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Strawberry Fields

Page 21

by Pelaam

  “My brother was already dead by the time I reached the carriage.” Harrington cut in. “His neck broken. Saved me a bullet. I didn’t know you’d been in the carriage with him. Not until the police realized you were missing, and some of your effects were found in the carriage.”

  “You wanted to kill your own brother for an inheritance?” Nathan’s voice cracked.

  “For a fortune, boy.” Harrington’s voice was cold, menacing, devoid of humanity.

  Nicolas rose up onto his hands and knees, ready to run, prepared to risk his own life to protect Nathan’s. Harrington was capable of any atrocity, even shooting an unarmed man in cold blood.

  “That inheritance will ensure I can live my life without ever having to bed another rich, ugly old woman for her hand-outs. Pocket money as they call it. If only they each knew of the others.” Harrington’s laugh was shrill, and horrible to hear, and Nicolas’s stomach churned ominously.

  “I won’t let you hurt this young man, Harrington.” Esmerelda stepped in front of Nathan. “Isn’t it enough you’ve already killed two men?”

  “You were a fool when you fell in love with my brother. I should have known better than to try blackmail. He was always so prim and proper. If you think I’ll stop now, you’re an even bigger fool, Esmerelda. He’s all that stands between me and a fortune. With that fortune comes the freedom to live as I want.”

  “Leave him be. He doesn’t know who he is. He may never regain his memories, and in a couple of months, it won’t matter. You’ll inherit. He’ll be too late to claim. Please, Harrington. For once in your life, show mercy.”

  “If it’s mercy you want, it’s mercy you’ll get. Let me put you out of your misery.”

  The pistol roared, Esmerelda clutched at her chest, and collapsed to the ground as Nathan cried out her name.

  Before Nicolas could gather his wits together at having witnessed such a cold-blooded murder, Poppet was already running towards Nathan on her stubby mechanical legs. Until now the mechanical had never demonstrated aggression. She wasn’t designed to be anything but a docile pet. But she snapped at Harrington’s legs, and Nicolas seized the moment.

  “Nathan! Run! Run!” Nicolas sprang to his feet and ran parallel to Nathan, hoping to catch up with his lover, as they began a deadly game of cat and mouse with Harrington.

  Two pistol shots rang out, and Nicolas daringly ran right from his rack of shelving at a crossroads to be on the same side of the warehouse as Nathan. A moment later he spotted Nathan. There was no time to worry about Poppet. All that mattered was keeping Nathan safe.

  Not wanting to alert Harrington to their location, Nicolas increased his speed, wrapping one arm around Nathan’s waist and his hand firmly across Nathan’s mouth, cutting off his cry of shock and fear.

  “It’s me, Nathan. You’re safe.” Nicolas whispered directly into Nathan’s ear, needing his lover to stop his frantic struggles.

  At Nicolas’s voice, Nathan went limp in Nicolas’s hold, his face as pale as a ghost’s. After a second Nathan nodded, and Nicolas released his hold.

  “This way.” Nicolas mouthed the instruction, pointing in the direction he intended. There was no way to know whether one direction was any better than another, but Nicolas had to act. They couldn’t fight an armed murderer.

  Nicolas grasped Nathan’s hand and they ran. The warehouse was immense, reminding Nicolas of the Wolfestan brothers’ factory, the racks of shelving seemingly unending. Nicolas’s hope was that there would be more than one way out

  The dim lighting was as much a hindrance as an aid in remaining undetected, and after several minutes of ducking, dodging, and running, Nicolas had to admit to himself that he’d completely lost his bearings. He had no idea if they were going backward, forward, or sideways in the warehouse.

  The maniac ravings from Harrington had stopped. Nicolas wished they hadn’t. While Harrington had shrieked and ranted, Nicolas had been able to move steadily away from him. Now he had no idea where the murderer was.

  They needed a plan. Dropping down to his haunches, Nicolas pulled Nathan with him. Afraid his voice would carry, he whispered directly into Nathan’s ear.

  “I’ll pull a couple of these boxes out, just enough for you to get behind them. Then I’ll get out and bring help. If you stay still and quiet he won’t find you.”

  “I can’t leave you,” Nathan whispered back. His whole body shook, but there was no mistaking the grim determination in his eyes.

  “It’s too difficult for two of us to keep eluding him. One man stands more chance.”

  “Then that one man should be me. He doesn’t know you. You’re only in danger while you remain with me.”

  “I know this area. Do you? Could you get away from here, know where to go for help, and bring them back to this specific warehouse?” There was no point in arguing, and Nicolas was ruthless, despite the anguished expression of his lover.

  Then there wasn’t time for discussion or hiding. Movement caught Nicolas’s eye. Surging to his feet, he dragged Nathan with him and ran, just as a shot ricocheted off the metal shelf they’d been crouching beside.

  “Nice try. You won’t escape me.” Harrington’s voice rang out, echoing around the warehouse, taunting them as Nicolas tried to come up with a new plan. If there was no time to hide behind the boxes, then perhaps they could hide on top of them.

  With a hiss of frustration, Nicolas realized there was only a solid wall at the end of the row they’d raced along. Turning quickly, they headed back. As they approached the crossroads of shelving ahead, Harrington appeared at the end of the shelving opposite, pistol raised.

  His lips twisted into a sneer. “Finally.”

  Nicolas tried to push Nathan behind him, but there was nothing more he could do to protect his lover.

  “Which one first?” Harrington swung the pistol between Nicolas and Nathan. “Perhaps it should be you. The hero.”

  Harrington pointed the pistol at Nicolas and Nicolas stood a little straighter, refusing to be cowed.

  “You’re a fool Harrington. Nathan doesn’t remember anything. Nothing. You’ve killed for no reason. You could have claimed the inheritance. Nathan wouldn’t have challenged you.”

  “Couldn’t take that chance.” Harrington licked his lips, his gaze darting left and right. “I borrowed money off men who don’t like to take risks.”

  “Let Nicolas go.” Nathan tried to push free of Nicolas’s embrace, but Nicolas refused to release him. “Nicolas, please. Swear you won’t tell anyone what you’ve seen today. Kill me, Harrington, but let Nicolas live.” Tears ran down Nathan’s cheeks, but Harrington only shook his head.

  “He loves you too much. If he didn’t go to the police, he’d come after me himself. I’ve already spent too long looking over my shoulder, waiting for the day I could claim my brother’s inheritance. Then everything will be just fine.” Harrington stopped, looking to his left, frowning as he looked down the row. “Tell you what though, I’ll kill you first, so you won’t see him die.”

  “You’ll burn in hell for this, Harrington.” Nicolas ground out from between clenched teeth.

  Before Harrington could fire, he hesitated as the sound of clicking and soft-scraping drew his attention. Slowly, dragging a useless front leg, and with half her face missing, Poppet came into view, stopping in front of Nicolas and Nathan as if trying to protect them from Harrington.

  “You again. Well, if I didn’t destroy you last time, you’ll join your masters this time.” Harrington took aim at the small mechanical, but gave a screech, backpedaling several paces.

  From right and left, two lumbering figures came to stand in front of Poppet whose tail wagged. Nicolas didn’t need to see the front of the automatons. He’d know Rusty and Patch anywhere. He just didn’t know how they’d found him.

  “I don’t care if you have a damned army of these mechanicals. They won’t save you.” Harrington’s voice held an edge of hysteria and Nicolas instantly reacted.

as kept tight hold of Nathan, dived to the floor, then rolled them, covering Nathan’s body with his own. Nathan cried out, then, grasping tightly to Nicolas with one hand, he reached out to grab Poppet, holding the mechanical against his shaking body.

  Shots rang out, ricocheting off the automatons, and Nicolas bit back a cry as pain burned a streak across his back.

  “Harrington Holland. This is Detective Sergeant Jasper Whittock. I’m armed. In the name of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, I order you to cease shooting and lay down your weapon.”

  “No, no, no! The inheritance is mine. No one will take it from me. No one.”

  More shots rang out, then all went silent. Nicolas held his breath, almost afraid to raise his head. He moved just enough to be able to see between the automatons’ legs. Harrington lay unmoving on the floor, his arms out flung, the pistol well away from his hand.

  “Nicolas? Nathan? Are you all right?” Jasper’s voice rang out in the silence.

  “Yes. We’re fine.” Nicolas replied, kissing the top of Nathan’s head. “Just a little shell-shocked. Oh, I may have a little scratch.”

  “Are you hurt?” Nathan immediately looked up, his eyes reflecting fear and worry, and Nicolas kissed his cheeks, tasting the salt from his lover’s tears.

  “Just a scratch. Come on, my love. Let’s get up.” Nicolas didn’t want Nathan worried. The danger was past. He just wanted to get away from there. Nicolas couldn’t stop the wince as he stood, now that his adrenaline was subsiding, aches and pains reported in from all over his body, but especially on his back, across his shoulders.

  A moment later, Jasper came into view along with several constables. They made the most welcome sight that Nicolas could wish for.

  “Amaretta must have got word to you quickly. You’re here faster than I expected.” Nicolas leaned against Nathan as Jasper kicked Harrington’s gun away before coming over to them.

  “Amaretta?” Jasper shook his head. “No, I haven’t seen her. I had one of my men keeping a watchful eye on Nathan. When he and the woman left the hat shop together, he trailed them. When he knew this was the destination, he ran to find a telephone and call me. He was meant to keep watch, act if necessary to keep Nathan safe. I have a couple of my constables out there looking for him. My guess is Harrington spotted him. I hope that damned bludger did nothing more than disable him. Another death would weigh heavily on my conscience.”

  “You didn’t say anything to me.” Nicolas was glad Jasper had assigned a constable, even if he’d been kept in the dark.

  “I couldn’t risk you or he acting any differently than usual, but I couldn’t risk Nathan’s life, either. Are you all right? Damn it! You’re hurt.”

  “It’s nothing.” Nicolas shook his head as Nathan’s face visibly paled. “A scratch.”

  “You need to see a doctor, Nicolas.” Nathan huddled closer to him. “Is … is Esmeralda … dead?”

  “I’m afraid so, Nathan. I’m sorry.” Jasper reached out and gently squeezed Nathan’s shoulder.

  “She shouldn’t have died on my account.” Nathan shook his head, then buried his face in Nicolas’s shoulder.

  “Take him away, Nicolas.” Jasper snapped his fingers and a constable came running. “Take Mr. Broadberry and Mr. Smith to the Adelphi hotel. Tell the receptionist that I shall call there later and sort out payment for a night’s stay. Go call a cab. It’ll look better when you turn up.” Jasper turned his attention back to Nicolas. “I don’t know how you called upon your automatons, but I thank God you did. I was just a few seconds too late.”

  “But,” Nicolas shook his head as he continued to hold Nathan. “I didn’t. I’ve been saved by them once before, but tonight, even Poppet protected us. She’s badly damaged—I’ll have to repair her. Rusty, Patch.” Nicolas waited as the mechanicals turned to face him. “I don’t know that you understand emotion or gratitude, but thank you. I haven’t had time or finances to work on you or Scorch. As soon as I get money behind me, I give you my word I’ll work on all of you and take you away from Strawberry Fields, at least for a while.”

  The automatons nodded at Nicolas before lumbering away and Nicolas waited for them to disappear from view before gently moving Nathan.

  “Let’s go wait outside for that cab. I feel in need of air.” Nicolas dropped a kiss to Nathan’s brow and his lover nodded, still keeping tight hold of Poppet. “I’ll fix you as soon as I can, my little brave protector.”

  “I’ll speak to the Wolfestan brothers and to Langdon.” Jasper patted Nicolas’s shoulder, ushering past the gathered group of constables. “I’m sure one or other will finance a night’s stay in the hotel. I’ll stay overnight with Amaretta so she’s not alone.”

  “Thank you. We’ll see you later?” Nicolas asked, but Jasper shook his head.

  “No. You and Nathan need time alone. I’ll call around tomorrow, get your statements, and perhaps we’ll arrange a visit to Mr. Snapper?”

  “Yes. I think he’d like to meet Nathan.” Nicolas kept a hand at the small of Nathan’s back. He could hardly wait to get away from the warehouse. And perhaps, finally, the danger is all past.

  Despite Nicolas’s many protestations, the constable insisted on calling a doctor to tend him. It only took the physician a moment’s scrutiny of Nathan for him to quietly suggest to Nicolas as he tended the wound that he leave a sleeping draught for both of them.

  Nicolas nodded, even as he clenched his teeth against the pain. “Yes, thank you, Doctor.” Nicolas was glad when the physician left, and he took an ashen-faced Nathan into his arms. “There’s no possibility of sharing any more intimacy than snuggling together. But it’s a good-sized bed.

  “May Poppet stay with us? Nathan asked, and Nicolas nodded. Releasing his lover, he set the mechanical at the foot of the bed. Despite her damage, she stretched out on it, occasionally wagging her tail just like a flesh and blood dog.

  “I promise to repair her at the first opportunity. Now, the doctor wanted us both to have one of these. You undress while I mix them, then we can sleep.”

  To Nicolas’s relief, Nathan fell almost instantly asleep, pressed close to Nicolas’s body. Aching and exhausted, Nicolas soon joined him.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The next morning, Nathan seemed to have recovered from the shock, although Esmerelda’s death weighed heavily on him.

  “Can we make arrangements for her funeral, Nicolas? I don’t want her to be buried like a pauper. She saved my life not once, but twice, and the second time at the cost of her own.”

  “Of course we can. Please eat a little, my love. I don’t want you falling ill.” Nicolas had ordered a light breakfast for Nathan who still toyed more than ate.

  “Very well.” Nathan managed the egg and some toast which in part mollified Nicolas, although he’d have preferred to see his lover eat more.

  Without his tools, Nicolas could do little for Poppet, but she managed to make her wobbly way around, keeping close to Nathan as much as possible. As mid-morning approached, there was a knock on the door.

  Nicolas went to answer it and was pleased to see Jasper standing there. “Come in. Nathan, it’s Jasper.”

  Nathan came back into the sitting room, Poppet trailing behind. “It’s good to see you, Jasper.”

  “It’s good to see you looking so much better, Nathan.” Jasper’s serious mien brightened slightly. “Now, I need you both to sit down.”

  Nicolas immediately sat close to Nathan, praying it wasn’t more news to shock his beloved.

  “I spoke to Melbeck, my intention to try and find out if he knew where Esmerelda might be. He didn’t, but thankfully, I had a man keeping watch on Nathan.”

  “Esmerelda came to the hat shop.” Nathan clasped Nicolas’s hand. “I had to go with her. I knew her instantly. But I managed to get the message to Amaretta. She was shocked that Harrington found us.”

  “With a little digging, I found that Harrington was a guest the night Langdon had your show at the Adelphi.” Jasper sigh
ed. “A catastrophic coincidence. He was the man who left his companion part-way through the show. He recognized you, Nathan.” Jasper then focused on Nicolas. “Although Melbeck couldn’t shed light on Esmerelda, I did uncover the reason you were selected for Strawberry Fields and why you weren’t intended to return home. As a slum landlord, your uncle Secundus knew all the most vulnerable families. He and Melbeck had an unholy alliance where Secundus was able to direct Melbeck to parents glad to have one less mouth to feed, especially when thinking it was for a better life. He told Melbeck to make sure you didn’t come home. Of course, it will be Melbeck’s word against your uncle’s, but I’m so very sorry, Nicolas.”

  “I knew he hated me because I’d stood up to him.” Nicolas shook his head. “But this…”

  “It seemed that your uncle and Nathan’s shared a similar jealousy and hatred for their older sibling.” Jasper rubbed his face with his hands. “For all the money Secundus made, the man remains miserable, nursing his hatred for a dead brother.”

  “What now?” Nicolas asked.

  “I’ve charged your uncle.” Jasper’s expression darkened. “As I say, unless Melbeck can produce evidence, it’s his word against Secundus’s regarding you. But Melbeck kept records of the transactions with him. He’ll certainly be charged as an accessory over the children sold into slavery. He’ll not escape that one. But now, I’d like you and Nathan to see Mr. Snapper. We know Nathan’s true identity, it’s time he realized it’s full extent. I have a vehicle outside.”

  “Do you feel up to it, Nathan?” Nicolas asked, concerned it was too much, but Nathan’s eyes glittered with determination and his lover nodded firmly.

  “Yes. I want to know it all.”


  At the premises of Snapper and Partners, Nicolas held tightly to Nathan’s hand and faced the grim solicitor. He recounted what he’d heard between Harrington and Esmerelda, with Nathan contributing snippets that Nicolas had arrived too late to hear.


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