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HOT Recluse (HOT Alpha Book 1)

Page 6

by Stella Stone



  My alarm sounds, but I curl into Heath’s warm body a little further. It’s been a few days since our pizza in bed, and more sex-a-thon. Actually since I’ve moved in with him, every single night has been a sex-a-thon. I’m tired, and sore, but I wouldn’t trade even a single moment of any of it.

  “Remember, come home early tonight. We have to get everything ready for my parents visit. I have the maid coming over while you’re at work,” he explains.

  I frown, not realizing that he even had a maid. I don’t know why I thought he kept this house clean on his own, but I did. I tip my head back and look up at his profile. He doesn’t allow that for long, turning his head to look directly into my eyes.

  He presses his lips to my forehead and I blurt out my thoughts. “I didn’t know you had a maid, I don’t know what to think about that,” I admit.

  Heath presses his lips to my nose and leans back slightly. “Sugar, you quit your job and you can be my sexy little maid,” he grins. “Until then, the time I get with you already isn’t enough, and I don’t want you to spend it cleaning. Now, mom and dad will be here tomorrow night. Food is set to be delivered today sometime. House will be cleaned. I’d like you to be home on time, after work, I have dinner on the back patio planned,” he grins.

  My breath hitches as I notice the gleam in his eye. “Is it a naughty dinner on the patio?” I whisper.

  Heath winks. “Is dinner ever not, naughty?” he asks.

  I shake my head. Every single dinner we’ve had together, except for the first one, I’ve eaten completely nude, and usually with some part of his body inside of me. I shiver as I think back to last night when he made me sit on his cock, facing him, as he fed me my dinner of roast beef, potatoes, and carrots.

  “It’s always fun,” I grin. He does the same, running his nose along mine, before he dips his chin and presses his mouth against my own. “I’ll be home on time,” I rasp.

  His hand slams down against my ass, causing my body to jump and a yelp to escape my lips. “Go get ready, or I’m keeping you here and you can call in sick,” he grunts.

  I roll out of bed and hurry to the bathroom. It doesn’t take me long to get ready. I’ve noticed since being with Heath, I don’t feel the need to wear a lot of makeup anymore, and my hair I keep simple. He likes it long, and straight, which is how it naturally comes so it completely works for me.

  I put on the same wrap dress I wore about a week ago. The dress I was wearing when I had to work late and he met me in my bedroom, announcing that I would move in with him the next day. I smile as I take myself in, my gaze looking at my reflection. I have great memories in this dress with him, specifically taking it off for him.

  It doesn’t feel like it was that short of a time ago, in fact, it feels like we’ve been together for months. I’ve never been so comfortable with another person in my entire life.

  I should be nervous about meeting his parents tomorrow but I’m not, not even slightly. I also called my mother yesterday to tell her all about Heath, and she and dad are coming into town in a couple of weeks to meet him as well.

  Being with Heath has been a whirlwind, but at the same time I’ve never felt so at peace before. He truly completes me, as cheesy as that sounds.

  Hurrying downstairs I make my way toward the kitchen to find him, exactly where I expect to. He’s pouring some coffee in a travel mug for me, his beautiful ass on display. The man hates clothes, and that’s perfectly fine with me because he looks spectacular out of them.

  He turns around quickly, his hand snaking out to wrap around my waist before he tugs me against his chest. His mouth slams down against my own, and his tongue fills me. His kiss is long, hard, and wet causing me to clench my thighs together.

  “Come home soon, Sugar,” he rasps against my mouth.

  My only response is a whimper. His lips travel down my neck, then his tongue tastes my collar bone, before he takes a step back. Slowly, I open my eyes and they travel down his muscled chest straight to his hard cock.

  “Heath,” I whisper.

  He grunts. “Go, Sugar before I keep you here.”

  Turning around I hurry out the door, my mind occupied with his words, with his threat. However, right now it doesn’t feel like a threat. I would like to stay home, instead of going to work where I have to fight off my miserable boss’ advancements. My mind is in such a whirlwind of emotion, and thought, that all I can do is think about coming home to Heath.

  When I arrive at the office, I keep my head down and focus on my tasks at hand for the day. Heath is not wrong, and he was right to give me a timetable to quit this place.

  I should have walked out of here the first time Jordan came onto me, and definitely when he made it clear I was going to be forced to fuck him in front of his wife. He’s a dirty scumbag and I shouldn’t have been frightened of him.

  I make a mental decision that today is my last day. I’d rather work somewhere else, for half of the pay, if it meant I wouldn’t have to deal with the likes of Jordan another minute.

  “Hey girl, have a great weekend,” one of the secretaries calls out as she walks out of the office.

  I freeze in my spot. I can’t believe that I forgot. Today is the day, Jordan said I had to be, ready to fuck. Oh I’ll be ready alright, ready to tell him to fuck off. Straightening my spine, I open the drawer where my purse is, and take it out, slinging the strap over my shoulder.

  Marching toward Jordan’s office, I let out a breath when I arrive at his door.

  I’m quitting, right here, right now.

  I’m done.


  I glance at my phone, checking the time again. I’ve texted Kinsley at least six times and left her two voicemails. She promised she’d be home early, and it’s past eight. I suck in a breath, looking from the street back to my phone.

  Deciding I can’t wait any longer, I know that something is wrong. Our food is cold as it sits outside, but that’s not what has me upset. She said her boss was being flirty, and something tells me that’s the reason she’s late.

  Walking over to the back door, I wrap my hand around the keys that hang there. They aren’t dusty, but only because my maid cleans them. I haven’t actually used the car in far too long. If I didn’t start it once a week to charge the battery, I probably wouldn’t even be able to go anyplace without calling an Uber, or a cab.

  I plug in the address of her workplace into my GPS and speed toward her. The building looks dark when I arrive, but I can see her car in the parking lot, and one other. It’s a fancy sedan, and I know it must be the lawyers.

  I practically jump out of my car after throwing the gear into park, and sprint toward the building. The front door is locked, so I hurry toward the back. Luckily, I find it unlocked.

  Without even thinking, or making any type of plan I dart through the building. I don’t know where to find her, or where I’m going but I plan on tearing this whole fucking place apart until I have her in my arms again.

  A noise, causes me to stop in my tracks, looking to the left, I notice that there’s light spilling from beneath a door. Running toward the door, I wrap my fingers around the handle and listen. I hear a familiar whimper and I push the unlocked door open.



  As soon as I walked into Jordan’s office I knew I’d made a mistake. His wife was sitting on top of the desk her eyes pointed directly at me. Jordan’s smirk was smug, and I felt cornered.

  I turned to leave, but he was quicker than me. He slammed the door closed, wrapping his other arm around my waist and dragged me over to a chair where he tied my arms behind my back, with what felt like his necktie.

  They’ve been circling me, and luckily they haven’t done much except touch my face, and arms. It’s creepy as all hell, but I’m grateful that nothing has happened yet.

  I hope that Heath either comes to my rescue or calls someone. He has to be pissed the fuck off that I
’m not home yet. He’s my only saving grace at this point. He’s the only person who knows where I could be.

  “Are you going to set up the live feed for this?” Pamela asks. I learned her name about an hour ago.

  She looks at me, her green eyes sparkling what I assume is pure evil. “Oh yeah, I have it on and,” Jordan leans forward to look at the computer screen. “We have over a thousand logged in to watch, already.”

  My stomach drops at the knowledge of what is about to really happen. This isn’t some little kink they like, this is something they’re going to blast all over the internet. I let out a whimper. Pamela smiles and Jordan winks.

  A few seconds later the door flies open and Heath appears. I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him. Then I take a second to really appreciate the fact that he left his house, his oasis, for me—me.

  “What the fuck?” he seethes, his eyes glancing from me, to Jordan and then Pamela.

  Pamela bites her bottom lip as her gaze scans Heath. I want to take the letter opener that’s on the desk and stab her eyes out. If my hands weren’t tied behind my back, I probably would.

  “Can I play with him, Jordan?” she whines.

  Jordan chuckles, and I hear Heath growl. “Fuck no you can’t, you dirty cunt. I wouldn’t let you near my dick if you were the last woman on earth.”

  She turns toward Jordan, and I watch as her jaw ticks with anger. “Are you going to allow him to talk to me that way?” she snaps.

  Heath doesn’t even wait for a response, he marches straight toward me and unties my restraints while Jordan and Pamela stand there wide eyed. “You ugly motherfuckers are going to have to find someone else to play your games. I’m taking my woman home,” he announces.

  Rising to my feet, I quickly turn and run so that I can be behind him, but Pamela’s talons wrap around my arm and she yanks me back. She makes a tsking sound from behind me. “I don’t think so, you sexy beast. I like the look of you, and I want your cock.”

  I make a gagging sound and her fingers dig into my arm a little harder. “Shut up you fat bitch,” she growls.

  Heath doesn’t waste even a second. He storms toward Jordan, shoving his forearm into his neck and pushes his back against his bookshelf. Jordan makes a gagging sound. Pamela tries to drag me farther away from them, but I turn around and grab ahold of her hair, pulling it hard.

  Fuck. Her.

  She lets out a scream, at the same time I hear Heath shout. “You call off your hag of a whore, you let us go and maybe, just maybe we won’t go to the cops.”

  “No, we made promises,” Pamela shouts. Her head is bent to the side as I hold onto her extension riddled head.

  Heath grunts. “You have two seconds to make up your mind, or I call the cops.”

  “Go, just go,” Jordan gurgles.

  Heath doesn’t take a step back and I wait for him as Pamela’s nails scratch my arm. “You even breathe the same air as us, I call the cops. Do you understand me?” Heath growls.

  “We understand. You won’t hear from us,” Jordan whimpers.

  Heath turns his head and smirks at me. “Let’s go, Sugar,” he winks.

  He releases Jordan then steps up to me. I let go of the bitch’s hair, as Heath extends his palm to me. I slip my hand inside, grabbing my purse from the floor, and together we run out of the building, never looking back.


  I hear the sirens as we’re walking out of the building. Chuckling, I stop in the middle of the parking lot as they pull in. Kinsley tugs on my hand. Looking into her terrified eyes, I smirk and pull her closer toward me.

  “I called them before I went into the office. I just wanted you out of there before they stormed in. I knew something was up,” I explain.

  We spend the next hour giving statements as those two pieces of shit are handcuffed and shoved into the back of police cars. Their live stream was still rolling when the police went in there, and I was informed that they had all the evidence they could ever need against them in that office.

  Once our statements are given, we’re informed that someone in the department will be in contact with us, but we are free to go home for the evening. “Thank fuck,” I grunt as I walk toward my car.

  I frown, looking from Kinsley’s car to my own. I don’t want to take separate cars home, not tonight. “Leave yours here, Sugar. We’ll figure it out later,” I offer.

  Her eyes meet mine and I see relief in them. I open the door for her, and watch as she slides in. My woman is terrified and exhausted. Once I’m in the driver’s seat, I point the car toward home. “Do you want me to stop and get something to eat?” I ask, keeping my voice low and gentle.

  She hums, “No thanks, I’m just really tired,” she yawns.

  I nod. I’m not hungry either. I know that our food is ruined on the back patio, and I’ll clean it up in the morning, but right now I just want to slide in bed and hold Kinsley.

  “I should have trusted my gut and just left. I knew he was going to try something,” she whispers.

  Pulling into the driveway, and then the garage I think about her words. “You should have trusted your gut,” I agree. “It doesn’t matter, it’s done, and you’re not ever going to see him again,” I announce.

  “You drove. All the way to my office, you got in your car and drove,” she murmurs.

  Her voice is bathed in disbelief and I can’t help myself, I laugh. “Did you think I was afraid to go outside or something?” I ask.

  She nods, albeit hesitantly, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. “I did. I know you said you weren’t, but you don’t leave,” she shrugs.

  I run my knuckles along her cheek, shifting my hand to wrap around the side of her neck. “Not afraid, Sugar. I don’t like leaving because I have everything I need here, and now that I have you, I have everything I want, too. I have a good job, I have a good woman, and I have a roof over my head. Not much more a man could need. People are fucking assholes and I just don’t really want to deal with them,” I shrug.

  Her lips turn up into a smile. “I can get that, especially after tonight.”

  “Let’s go inside, Sugar. Our dinner might be ruined, but I think you need some stress relief,” I wink.

  Her breath hitches, and then she lets out a big exhale. “I think that sounds nice,” she admits.



  I feel like I’ve been clubbed over my entire body with a baseball bat. I’m exhausted and sore. Sitting in the front seat of Heath’s car, in the garage, I don’t want to move a muscle.

  Heath opens the driver’s door and I watch him throw his leg out and stand up. My eyes don’t leave his as he walks around the front of the car to my side. He opens my door and without a word, reaches across my lap unbuckling my seat belt before he slides one arm beneath my knees and the other around my back.

  Picking me up from my seat, Heath wordlessly carries me straight toward the bedroom. He sets me down on the edge of the bed and silently undresses me, peeling off my clothes until I’m completely naked in front of him.

  I expect him to pounce on me, to take me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he stays on his knees in front of me, placing his hands on the outside of my thighs and he looks up at me.

  His eyes look so fucking sad, and my breath hitches at the sight. He slides one of his hands, up my hip, continuing on, his thumb grazes the side of my breast before his fingers gently wrap around the side of my neck.


  He shakes his head. “Seeing you in there, with those animals,” his eyes close before he reopens them. “I’ve never been scared of anything in my life. Not until that moment.” His other hand leaves my thigh traveling to my waist and his fingers grip me tightly there.

  “It’s over now,” I state.

  He lifts his chin. “I want to throttle you for not telling me what was really going on. I heard what you told that cop,” he growls.

  His eyes are alight with anger, and I bite the inside of my cheek
because it is not misplaced, in fact, I’m angry with myself too. Angry that I brushed off Jordan’s advances the way that I did. Pissed the fuck off that I thought I could outsmart them, or at least that I could slip away without anyone being the wiser.

  My eyes fill with tears and I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Heath. I wasn’t thinking. I was scared, and stupid. I was so stupid,” I admit.

  He grunts, tugging my head down slightly as he rises on his knees a bit higher, our foreheads pressing together before he shifts. His lips graze mine, then his tongue tastes me. Opening my mouth, I moan when his tongue fills me.

  I spread my thighs scooting closer toward the edge of the bed, lifting one of my hands to tangle in the short hair at the nape of his neck. Heath’s tongue continues to taste me, to consume me and he swallows my whimper before he breaks away.

  His lips travel down my neck, down center of my chest, his tongue dipping into my belly button before he kisses my clit. “Would coming on my tongue relieve some stress?” he asks, his breath blowing against my pussy with each word he speaks.

  “Possibly,” I choke.

  His eyes lift to mine, looking up at me through his long dark lashes and I shiver. “Tonight, changed everything between us, Kinsley,” he admits.

  My eyes don’t move from his, my fingers still laced in his soft hair. His words cause my heart to race and I nod. I’m not exactly sure what he means, but I have a feeling he’s not going to be shy about telling me. He keeps his eyes connected to mine for another breath before his face is buried between my legs again.

  Heath’s tongue lashes out and tastes my entire pussy, swirling around my clit before he fucks me with it. My head falls back as my legs spread even wider and my hips shift closer to his mouth’s touch. My fingers grip his hair tighter, and I hold onto him, my head falling back as I let out a long cry.


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