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Christmas with Carol

Page 2

by Conner, Jennifer

  Carol gave him a cheerless smile over her shoulder and hurried off to take her place on the stage. The orchestra began, the crowd roared and another night of ‘I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause’ was off to become history.


  Henry stepped out the side stage door and into the frigid New York night. The smells of a hotdog vender who served sauerkraut mixed with the fresh fragrance of the laundromat from the corner. He strode down the alley and stopped ten feet from the sidewalk.

  He could hear the orchestra though the old brick wall. Wait. Wait. He heard Carol begin to sing, and he let the first notes of what should have been his songs tonight leave his mouth. He imagined the lights warming his face, but most of all, his mum was there. Six rows back. Just where the lights faded. She was smiling.

  Henry closed his eyes and sang. He sang to the stars in the sky. He sang for the cats at the end of the alley. He realized it didn’t really matter what happened, he was happy.

  “Do you know where the will-call window is?” A voice pulled him out of his daydream.

  “It’s around the corner. It’s a little confusing. Look for the red overhang, the window’s under that. Would you like me to show you?”

  “No that’s okay, I’ve been here before, but must have forgotten.” The man in a long black coat stopped, giving him an appraising look. “You’re good.”


  “You always stand out here in the alley and sing?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. Great acoustics.” Henry smiled. “I’m the understudy for the lead and keeping in practice.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Thanks for the help, Henry. You keep singing, and maybe I’ll see you again.”

  “Hope you enjoy the show, sir.” Henry watched the man disappear around the corner. He looked familiar for some reason, but he’d met a lot of people over the years.

  He waited as the next song began. What was the expression on Carol’s face? He didn’t need to be inside the hall, he knew her face by heart to have it etched in his memory. He learned against the cold bricks and listened to her sing.

  Henry wondered if tonight she sang for him.

  Chapter 4

  Carol quickly changed into a comfy pair of jeans and an oversized sweater. Henry hadn’t said where they were going after the show, but he didn’t seem like the uptown, fancy restaurant kind of guy. She guessed he liked low end, late diners sporting the best food in town. The kind of place she liked too.

  She was giddy with excitement as she wiped the thick stage makeup off her face she re-applied a little blush and a pale shade of lipstick. She still didn’t know Henry well, but he seemed to be genuine and good humored. He was someone she wouldn’t mind spending the night… week… year with. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror knowing she was getting ahead of herself. It was just a date.

  She grabbed her backpack, flipped off the dressing table lights and headed out to their arranged meeting place. She spotted Henry at the end of the hall having a conversation with Mr. Brackmen and someone she thought she recognized. Henry saw her and motioned her over. When she joined the men, Henry took her arm.

  “Carol, this is Mr. Weinstein.”

  That’s where she knew the face. Oh… my… gosh…

  Henry continued, “He and Mr. Brackmen have produced quite a few musical shows together.”

  “Yes, I know your work, sir.”

  “He came to hear you tonight,” Henry added and squeezed her arm.

  “I’d like both of you to come in and audition for a new show I have opening this spring. I haven’t heard the two of you together on stage, but after all these years, I have a good ear for what works in my shows.” Weinstein looked at Henry and then at Carol for a long moment before saying, “Yes… good… Tuesday, eleven in the morning at the Rineholt Theater. Do you need directions?”

  In unison, they both shook their heads no.

  “I’ll look forward to seeing you at the theater.” He reached in his pocket to remove a silver case and took out a business card. “This is my office number. I want to make sure both of you are there.” He grasped Henry’s hand. “And, thanks for earlier when you offered to show me the ticket booth. There aren’t enough helpful people in the world these days. It reflects on the man.”

  The three of them watched Weinstein leave. Brackmen turned to face them, his face splitting into a grin.

  “Do you guys have any idea what this means. I’ve heard about his show. There’s a buzz about it being the ‘next big thing’.” He turned to Henry. “He told me when he got out of his cab he heard you singing in the alley and it stopped him in his tracks. Weinstein and I have worked together for years. Hal knows what he wants and he’s usually not wrong, especially when he spots someone he wants to cast. Would you two like to go have a drink with me?”

  Henry looked at Carol.

  Brackmen gave them a long look and then smiled. “Ahhh, I see. Never mind. Another time.”

  As they watched him leave, Henry asked, “Do you still want to go on our date?”

  All Carol could do was nod. She looped the red scarf around her neck and buttoned her coat. The cold wind hit her as they left the theater and walked hand in hand down the sidewalk. They were both silent in thought. She must be in some form of shock, because her toes felt numb.

  Henry strode into a corner convenience store, took out his charge card and left with three bottles in his grasp. “We need champagne, and then I have the perfect place to celebrate.”

  “Your place?” Carol asked, and took one of the bottles from him.

  “Don’t tempt me, minx. Later.”

  “I like champagne as much as the next person, but three bottles? That’s a little excessive. You don’t need me drunk to spend time with me.”

  “I would hope not. I thought we could go back to where we started and be happy for how far we’ve come. I can only think of one place that means that to both of us.”

  She was completely confused. They walked a little farther until he tugged her hand and led her through the worn wood doors of the local VFW club. “One of my flat mates, John, works here on the weekend to pick up some spare change.” He grabbed her by the ends of the scarf and wiggled it around her neck. “I happen to know what they do here on Saturday night… they play Bingo.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  His friend spotted him and motioned them toward the stage. “Hey, Henry, are you here to sing?” John eyes scanned Carol up and down. “Well, well, who’s this?”

  “This is Carol, and she’s with me, so bugger off.” Henry slipped a hand around her waist and tugged her close. He smiled at her and said under his breath, “John’s a hound. These ladies at the bingo hall had best watch their knickers.”

  He excused himself to talk with John on the far side of the stage. Carol cocked her head to the side and let her eyes wander along the strong lines of Henry’s jaw, his broad chest and down his denim clad rear as he leaned over the piano.

  He was a fine holiday package, with or without the bow.

  While she’d been on stage that night with Robert, all she’d been able to think about was Henry. She’d had one other actor boyfriend, and it was a disaster. Henry was confident, smart, sexy as hell, and his ego didn’t fill the whole room. If they started a relationship, could it be different?

  What she should do is to take little baby steps before swimming down the tunnel of love. They hadn’t even finished their first date.

  The game ended when an older lady with foot-high teased white hair and a gold glitter vest yelled, “BINGO!”

  Henry turned her direction and grinned. “That’s your song cue, Love.” He sat at the Piano and lifted the wooden lid covering the keys. He cracked his knuckles and placed his fingers on the ivory. “How about starting with, White Christmas?”

  Carol looked out over the room of a dozen or so older patrons.

  “They’ll love you. Sing for them… sing for me.” He st
arted to play the first notes and the tune rose from her lungs. When she finished, the ladies jumped to their feet and applauded. Carol dipped in a curtsy.

  Henry stood and pushed back the piano bench, winked at a lady in the front row and held up one of the champagne bottles. “Carol and I received good news tonight. We’ve been asked to try out for a new play-together. It’s never good to drink alone, so…” he wiggled the cork until it blew out of the bottle staunching the spray with his thumb. “Whoever has a glass can share the bottles with us.”

  The women searched around, most of them downing the last bit of coffee from their cups and then held them high in the air. Henry and John quickly filled the cups saving the last bit for the three of them.

  “I’d like to propose a toast to the future, and what it might bring.” Henry said and clinked his coffee cup filled with champagne with Carol’s. “Cheers!”

  “To the future,” all the ladies cried in unison.


  After a few more songs and many congratulations, she and Henry excused themselves and headed out.

  “Those people are great!” Carol exclaimed.

  “I come here after the show. Many of the folks in there were involved in the New York theater scene in their younger days. Their experience spans from vaudeville and opera to burlesque. Great stories. I think most of them are on a fixed income and don’t have extra cash for expensive live theater, but still love it. When I get comp tickets for our show, I bring them here. My mum died before I left England, and these people are like a second family. I bring tickets and in return they bring me cookies and homemade soup. They also take me into their families and invite me over for Sunday dinners. I have lots of family now.” He wiggled his eye brows. “Homemade cookies, it’s more than a fair trade-off.”

  Carol hooked her arms around his neck. “How did I miss such a nice guy, right under my nose, for all this time? And, he even has a cute accent.”

  He dropped his hands to rest on her hips. “Sometimes when it’s the right time, everything falls into place.”

  “Is this right?”

  “It feels right.”

  “Actor relationships never work.” She bit her lower lip. “I was in one and it was disastrous.”

  “You weren’t in a relationship with me. That disaster was some other bloke.” He pulled her a step closer to bring her flush against his hard body. His lips skated over hers then down her collarbone. He nuzzled her, tasted her. “Spend the night with me,” he whispered. His lips rubbed against hers then slipped away. It left her wanting, needing, more. “Come home with me tonight and let me wake up with you in the morning.”

  “Would it make more sense to go to my place? I live a few blocks away.”

  “How many flat mates do you have?” Their breaths mingled in silvery puffs. His handsome face was flushed and his brown eyes shimmered with lust.

  “One, and she’s in Boston this weekend.”

  “Ding. Ding. You win. Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and tucked it under his arm against the soft leather of his coat. Henry’s eyes darkened as they trailed over her face and settled on her lips. “The sooner the better.”

  Carol hardly ever had one-night stands, but the sweet, caring side she’d seen at the hall made her wonder if there could be a long-term place in Henry’s heart for her. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to be gone by morning. Maybe she should take the chance.

  She stopped. “If you plan to take me back to my apartment, then we’re going the wrong direction.”

  Chapter 5

  Carol led him up the narrow stairs to the second floor.

  “My friend, Sheila and I rent from the older woman downstairs. We have our own entrance to protect our privacy.” He watched Carol wiggle the key in the lock. She opened the door and then went to the window to plug in two strings of bright Christmas lights that framed the casing. It was a homey and pleasant flat with sheet music scattered around the floor. Musicians. No messy dishes, just music mayhem. It looked like his flat.

  She turned and smiled. This simple gesture took the breath from his lungs. He doubted she had any idea how beautiful she was. Dark hair fringed her cheeks still pink from the cold night air. “Would you like a drink? Sorry… I drank the last of the champagne with my Cheerios this morning.” She shrugged. “I have mineral water and chocolate milk.”

  He crooked a finger and motioned to her. When she joined him, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He had to see if he could make her understand what he felt. “It’s been a crazy night. I know some of it has to do with adrenaline over the news of the audition, but that doesn’t explain all of what I’m feeling. I don’t need champagne. I need you.” He cupped her cheek and kissed her.

  As he took her in his arms, Henry tried to remember a time when he wanted something this much. Sure, he’d wanted the lead tonight, but not as much as he wanted the woman in front of him.

  Her hands slipped lower under his leather coat, nails scraping gently at the small of his back through his shirt. Her hand slid under the edge and across the bare skin and muscles of his stomach. He drew in a sharp breath.

  His brain knew he should slow down, but his body wasn’t being exactly rational at the moment. His cock was raging hard. Carol was kissing him back, making sexy little sounds. He wanted her naked, right here, right now. With quick fingers, he undid the buttons of her jeans and pushed them from her waist. He could feel how ready she as for him as he tucked a hand in the front of her panties. He stroked her, teasing her with anticipation and she squirmed against him.

  “Bedroom…” she managed to get out between their frantic kisses.

  He followed her down the short hall. More Christmas lights wound around the headboard blinked on when she clicked a switch.

  “You like Christmas lights?” he asked.

  “Who doesn’t? Make yourself comfortable. If you’re wearing nothing but that Santa hat when I come back…” she pointed to the hat on the bed side stand and smiled seductively. “Well… lucky me.”

  Henry shed his clothes, slipped under the cool cotton sheets and pulled the red hat on his head. Who was he to argue with reason? It would keep his head warm. This had to be a dream. He pinched his own arm. Ouch… no it was real

  The bathroom door opened, and Carol stepped out wearing a Christmas fur-trimmed teddy with a Santa hat that matched his. She sauntered over and sat on the edge of the bed. Henry ran a finger over her shoulder and down her arm. In the dim light, he marveled at the softness of her skin.

  He turned her on the bed loving the long, lean lines of her body that squared her to him. Bare thigh against thigh-her breasts pressed to his chest. “You feel so bloody good,” he said, his voice husky with need. The clear outline of her nipples beaded the velvet fabric. Hands trembling, he smoothed them over her breasts and down her waist.

  A part of him didn’t want this to be a fling. He’d had flings. This was something… more. He’d always wanted to feel this way about a lover. A burning desire that ate at his soul. He’d do everything he could to make this night special, there would be no going back. They wouldn’t be just friends any longer.

  Henry pulled the garment lower and reveled in the lush fullness of her breasts in his hands. He bent his head and fastened his lips over her pebbled nipple. The first taste was sweet and intoxicating. He feasted, flicking one tight bead with the tip of his tongue before taking the other. He continued to suckle and tease her nipples, alternating back and forth.

  “Oh, that’s good,” she sighed and wove her hand in his hair to pull him near.

  “If you think that was good…” Her skin felt like spun satin as he licked a trail down the middle of her stomach. He bent low and opened his mouth over her. She cried out with a half gasp, half moan. He slid one finger inside her, and locked his gaze with hers. Desperate need etched her face as he kept her close to the edge. His tongue traced her enflamed body. He wished he had more time to determine what she liked best but he added that to his mental list
of things to explore. Finally, he demanded, “Come for me.”

  Carol moaned, her hips bucked. He sucked harder and then scraped it with his teeth. She screamed, clamped her thighs around his head, and shuddered in climax.

  He only gave her a second, his body too far over the edge. He grabbed for his wallet and rolled on a condom. When he pulled her over his lap she was so wet and ready he had to clench his teeth against the sensation of her as she engulfed his cock.

  She lowered herself, inch by delicious inch to ride him slow at first, but then increased the strokes. Every inch of her luscious body was pushing him closer to the edge and he wanted this to last.

  Flipping her to her back, he hooked hands under her knees and drove into her with a primal force that surprised him. His thick erection filled her tight channel as he pressed deeper, harder then he thought possible. They rocked slowly at first, but then he sensed they needed the momentum to build.

  “That’s it,” he praised hoarsely, driving into her, making it last. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Henry reached between them and stroked her. As he circled, stroked, and drove in, he felt her begin to tremble in release. She cried his name. That was when he let himself empty against the tidal wave of pleasure slamming is body. He thrust into her until there was nothing left in either of them but a faint ripple.

  He dropped her legs, rolled off to the side and hugged her tight against him. As she turned, he pressed a kiss to her damp cheek.

  “Wow…” she said with a choked laugh. “I thought it might be good between us… but wow…”

  “Yes… as you Americans would say… wow.”

  “Can we do this again over the weekend?”

  “I think I can be persuaded. How about again in an hour?” Henry grazed her exposed nipple with his thumb.

  She rolled on to her stomach and propped a hand under her chin. Her face grew serious. “Do you think this was a… mistake? I mean…” Her cheeks turned pink. “Not a mistake, but can two people who work together have…’she blew out a breath, “sex, like we just had?”


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