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Broken #5 (The Broken Series - Book #5)

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by Adams, Claire

  “Everything off, sweetheart.”

  “No, you said you wouldn't make me take off my clothes.” He laughed.

  “I know I said that, but I was lying. I need you to take your clothes off.”

  “Baby, don't do this to me.”

  I giggled. “Sorry. But you have to do as I say, and I want you naked.”

  “Whoa, baby, you're going to get me excited.”

  “Well, that sounds good to me. I wouldn't mind seeing you hard. Hard as a rock.”

  By the look on his face, I was sure I gotten him excited to the point where he would be hard. That was exactly the look I wanted for my portrait.

  “No socks, no shirt, no jeans, and definitely no boxer shorts, baby. Now get out of those clothes and let’s get started.”

  He went over to his usual spot against the wall in the living room, and started to undress. I admired his body the entire time, and I smiled when he finally dropped his boxer shorts. God, he looked amazing. His cock stood hard before me, and I wanted more than anything to take him in my mouth, and suck him good. Whoa, my emotions were getting completely out of control, and that wasn't a good thing. I needed to focus on the drawing before me, and I had to remember that.

  “You look so good. By the way, it's not going to be easy drawing you looking like that.”

  “Well, come on over here, baby, and let's do something about it.”

  I giggled. I sat down at the easel, unsure of how to start. I had a great looking boyfriend, and looking at him naked was truly something to behold. I wanted to taste and touch every inch of his well- sculpted body. How did I get so lucky to be able to date someone that looked like him? He made me horny just looking at him.

  I started once again with an outline, and kept going from there. I could not take my eyes off of his big cock. Just looking at him brought back memories of the last time we were together. I could barely stand it. I kept trying to go back and focus on what I was doing, but it was difficult. When I finished the outline I went into the kitchen to pour us more wine.

  I refilled our glasses, and turned to bring them back, and there he was right behind me. His cock was still hard, and I smiled when I saw him.

  “Put your mouth on me, baby. Let's just take a quick break.”

  The sound of his voice turned me on. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the couch. He lay down and I climbed on top of him. Without a moment’s hesitation, I took him into my mouth and sucked him hard. He moaned my name. I swirled the tip of my tongue around his cock while I sucked. I liked having him in my mouth. He tasted good, and it made me feel powerful being able to please him in this way.

  I went in deep, until his cock hit the back of my throat, and I continued to suck him until he came into my mouth. I swallowed and licked my lips. Jet lifted his head up from the couch and smiled.

  “Oh my God, that was pretty great, babe, thank you.”

  “You better be able to get hard again for my drawing.”

  “Oh, that much I can guarantee.”

  I got up from the couch and went back into the kitchen to retrieve the wine glasses. I came back to the couch, and handed Jet one of them.

  “Thank you, babe.”

  I sat close to him. “I like it, Jet. I really like doing that with you.”

  He grinned like an idiot. “Well, I'm glad to hear that, baby, because you can do that to me anytime.”

  I kissed him full on the mouth while I rubbed his cock. I needed him to be hard once again so we could finish the drawing, and time was wasting.

  He moaned, leaning his head back. “Natalie, you are making me crazy.”

  “Good, I'm glad.” I continued to rub him, feeling him grow hard in my hand. When he was back to being rock hard, I sat up on the couch and sipped at my wine.

  “No, Natalie, you can't stop yet.”

  “Oh yes I can. I need you to stay hard this time, so get going. Back to your spot. Let's finish this. Then you can have your way with me.”

  He got up quickly, and returned to his spot. I did the same by returning to the easel. I sat down with my glass of wine, and took another sip. It was a delicious white wine, and I would certainly be buying some more of it.

  I continued the drawing by filling in all the details that made Jet who he was. I especially liked when it came to drawing his hard cock. I enjoyed being able to stare at it while I drew him in detail. I had a smile on my face the entire time He looked so great, and I wanted him now more than ever.

  I set down my pencil when the drawing was completed and stared at the worked I had accomplished. He came over to the easel as well, and looked at the drawing.

  “Wow, I'm so impressed. The detail is incredible beautiful. You just astound me with your talent.”

  “That means a lot coming from you, Jet. Thank you.”

  “So, you're really going to show your entire class my cock?”

  I giggled. “Yes, I am. You have a very nice one, by the way, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Me, on the other hand, my classmates will probably fall in love with you.”

  “Oh, that wouldn't matter. I only want you.”

  “I am so getting an A+ on this.”

  He went into the kitchen to pour some more wine, and I admired his strong ass as he walked away. God, I loved that fit body; he was so hot.

  I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to turn to me. He was surprised when he turned to me. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me. I planned on taking advantage of his hard cock before it disappeared. When our lips touched again, it lit up something inside of me. I wanted him. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. He was incredible in every aspect of the word, and I wanted to feel his cock slide into me. I had never wanted anyone more in my life. I always thought he was wrong for me, when in truth he had been more perfect for me than anyone else. My mind was screaming warnings at me. That he would hurt me, that I would be scarred all over again. But I chose to ignore these warnings, because I didn't believe that they could possibly be true. I was losing herself in Jet, and I couldn’t stop myself. His mouth was hot against mine, and his hands found my bottom and he lifted me up into his arms, my legs encircling his waist. It was one of the hotter moments that I had ever experienced. He carried me into my bathroom, and set me down. My clothes came off fast; there were no buttons to fiddle with, and everything just pulled off. Thankfully, he was already undressed, so half the battle was already finished. His hands were hot against my skin as he caressed my breasts, his mouth tasting my lips, my throat, and then my nipples growing hard in his mouth. My hands found his cock, hard and throbbing. I loved that cock, loved everything about it. It brought me so much pleasure, that at the sight of it, I would grow very wet. My pussy was already wet and throbbing, desperately wanting to be immensely pleased by his cock.

  “Jet,” I moaned. “Please.”

  He picked me up once again, and headed to the shower. He turned the water on and pulled me in against him. Hot water poured down my body and I put my hands against his wet chest. The water poured down my back so hot that it gave me chills, or maybe Jet was the one giving me chills. Our lips found each other once again. He lifted me into his arms and slid me slowly down onto his cock, penetrating me deeply. I gasped in a pleasured surprise. His hands under my bottom he rode me against his cock smoothly, building the tension inside me. I felt insanity kicking in, and I wasn't entirely sure how much more I could stand. I felt like I was about to explode. He felt good; his girth filled me up completely, making me throb inside. The momentum became faster and harder as he grinded me into him. He was good, and I ached for more. I rode onto him harder, and felt the tension inside me building to the point of explosion. I cried out as an intense orgasm ripped through me, and he continued to ride into me hard until my body built up for a second one before he, too, spilled into me. Wet and sated, I collapsed into his arms, feeling completely fulfilled.

  Jet lowered me slowly, and looked in
to my eyes, kissing me softly on the lips. Then he left the shower. I followed him out and we towelled ourselves off. I was feeling exhausted after all that buildup and release. I collapsed on my bed, where he proceeded to spoon me. It wasn't long at all before I fell asleep with his arms around me.

  The next day I went to my classes with a smile on my face. Not only had I finished my action art project, but I had also completed my creative writing project. I handed in my action project to my professor, and she looked it over before letting me go. As she progressed through the drawings until the end, her eyebrows rose. She closed it up again, and set it on her desk, turning to me with a smirk on her face. “Gutsy Natalie, I'm impressed. I'm sure I will enjoy grading it, thank you.”

  I laughed. “Well, I certainly enjoyed drawing him.”

  “Well from what I’ve already seen, you did a very good job, so you should be proud of yourself.”

  “Thank you, I do appreciate that.”

  I left the classroom then, and went to hand in my creative writing project. I had completed the story of Jet and I but I had made the ending fiction. I had no idea what our ending was going to be like, but I could only hope that it would be a happy one. That's all I wanted, and I was sure he wanted the same thing.

  There were no breakups in my story. No, the two characters in fact lived happily ever after, and that was all that mattered to me. I handed it in, looking forward to what the professor thought of my creative writing skills, as I still had yet to decide on what art specialty I was going to take for my last year.

  Chapter Four


  I was on my fourth mile on the treadmill, running as if it was the last thing I had to do to stay alive. I had just finished an intense weight workout, and it was time to get some cardio in. I had a fight coming up for the finals, and I wanted to make sure that it was impossible to gas me during any of the rounds. I was a tank, a fighter, and I would not be beat no matter who I stepped into the ring with.

  Coach wanted to have a meeting with me once I was done with my workout, to go over the opponent’s previous fight videos. We wanted to get some idea of what kind of fighting style the guy had, and whether or not there should be anything I needed to worry about. I hated going into the cage not knowing who I was dealing with. I was sure that my opponent was doing the exact same thing, so I should be just as prepared as he was.

  I had a hard time focusing on anything that day, however, because Natalie kept popping into my head. No matter how hard I tried to block her out, it was almost impossible to do so. She had truly bewitched me. I ached for her all the time. I wanted to be near her, and God yes, I always wanted to be inside her.

  Thoughts of her going down on me the night before flooded my mind, and I almost slipped up on the treadmill. It was kind of embarrassing how crazy this girl made me. I wasn't sure how to handle her, and in truth, I didn't really want to. She was a handful, and so was I. I needed her more than anything, and I knew there was a little more going on in my head than just sex, because no matter how I sliced it, I could not stop thinking about her, no matter what.

  I wanted her in my corner for the next fight. To be as close as possible, cheering me on in the same way that Katie had done last time. I would not allow Katie to be a part of my fight this time around. It was too much of a sore spot for Natalie, regardless of the talk they had, and I wouldn't do anything to make Natalie uncomfortable at this point. She was my priority, and Katie was not even on the list. There was no need for her to be there at all, aside from being part of the cheering squad, and she could do that from the audience if she truly wanted to be there for support.

  I would have to talk to coach about making sure she didn't just show up. It would be problematic, and even if Natalie said it was okay, I wouldn't believe her, and I didn't want to cause any strain in our relationship at that point. It had already been strained enough times without me deliberately putting stress onto it without reason. Katie should understand that Natalie needed to feel comfortable, and currently she didn't. If she hadn't tried to kiss me after knowing I had a girlfriend, we might have remained friends. But I would never be able to convince Natalie that Katie and I could hang out alone without her worrying that Katie would hit on me all night. I knew that Natalie had no interest in hanging out with Katie at all, so I couldn't even suggest they get to know each other in that respect. Katie would have to become a lesser part of my life than I had originally thought. Despite the family connection, she just wasn't going to be a large part of my life. Even though she was part of the MMA team, she would have to stay out of my corner, and I knew that would be something she would find difficult to deal with. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but she had made the mistake of kissing me, and because of that, she would not be accepted wholeheartedly by Natalie.

  I slowed the treadmill down and got off of it. I towelled myself off and started chugging water. I felt great, which was usually the case after a good workout. I went off in search of Coach; I assumed he would just be in his office awaiting my arrival.

  A few of my teammates waved to me as I walked through the gym. They were all good guys, but I didn't have time to chat. I was on a mission.

  “Hey, Coach,” I said as I walked into the office.

  He had already been watching the video as he sat enjoying his coffee.

  “Hey, superstar. I was just going through the video, and this just might be the toughest fight you're up against.”

  “That bad?”

  “He's a killer, and he's an amazing striker. So you guys are probably going to end up going toe to toe.”

  “You don't suggest me taking him to the ground if he's good at striking?”

  He started the video over and let me watch it play through. He was right about the striking part; the guy was definitely good at it.

  “No, I don't think you should go to ground with him. You are a strong striker, but just because you meet up with an opponent that is also a great striker doesn't mean that you go to ground. Don't give up your best weapon just because his weapon is impressive too. You can beat this guy, Jet, there's no reason why you can't. You just have to be a strong fighter too.”

  “Okay, sounds good. I won't go to ground. Do you see any weaknesses?”

  “He drops his hands after he takes a swing. You could probably drop him with a head kick after he throws a punch.”

  “Hmmm, sounds good to me.”

  “Perfect. Now I want you to watch how he moves in and out. His head is a moving target. You will have a hard time determining what and when he is going to throw.”

  “Yeah, you're right. I can see that.”

  “He moves a lot, but I don't want you to chase him. He will try to tire you out that way. Just wait him out; let him come to you, and then take him down.”

  “Okay, Coach, I got it.”

  “That's my boy.” He patted me on the shoulder and I knew this was going to be one of the hardest fights of my career.

  Chapter Five


  Jet's championship fight was that evening, and my heart is already in my throat. I remembered the last fight I had attended, and I knew that once again it would be hard to watch him fight. I didn't like watching him take hits; it was really hard on me. But if I was going to be a part of Jet's life, I had to get used to the fact that he was a fighter. It was his dream, after all, and I didn't want to get in the way of that. I wanted him to be successful and have the career he always wanted. So I would need to be a supportive girlfriend in the sense that I didn't have a complete meltdown every time he got in the cage. It wouldn’t be fair to him.

  To be honest, I was incredibly proud of him and all that he had accomplished so far in his fighting career. I knew he would make it to the big leagues; there was no doubt in my mind.

  Young college students filled the arena until it was brimming full of people. The girls were the worst part―they were everywhere, and they were screaming the names of the fighters. I guess that was something else I would have
to get used to. It was pretty easy to become jealous when it came down to stuff like that. The girls would give anything to get a piece of Jet; they didn't care if it was just for one night or not. They wanted him just for the sake of having him. It scared me to think how easy it would be to lose Jet, and I didn't want that to happen.

  I could hear some girls behind me talking about how big his hands were and what that could mean about the package in his pants. It took all my willpower to not turn around and glare at them. I had to play cool, however; he was all mine, so there was no need for me to have a complete meltdown. Julie was with me once again, and we had front row seats right beside where Jet's corner would be. He told me that he wanted me as close to him as possible, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I noticed, too, that Katie wasn't in the back with the team. She was sitting in seats with friends as well, and I wondered why she decided to not be in Jet's corner that time around. Not that I wanted her to be or anything. The girl annoyed me to no end, and I truly didn't want her anywhere near Jet. She had gotten just a little too close for comfort, and just looking at her near him made me extremely uncomfortable.

  I noticed as I looked around the arena, that there were many people wearing Jet's apparel. I thought it was cute to see my boyfriend’s name printed on shirts, and people actually loved him enough to wear it and show their support for him as a fighter. Like I said, I knew he was bound to be going places.

  The shirts were black, and the scrawl was white, so I could pick out the shirts all over the arena. I would have to remember to ask him if there were ladies’ sizes, as I wanted to wear one for his next fight. The finals were a pretty big deal, and that was made obvious by the fact that it was standing room only at that point. The crowd was already going insane, and the fighters hadn't even come out yet.

  Just then, his entry was announced. “Jettt! Here's the fighter you have all been waiting for! Come on out, Jet!”

  He appeared from behind the curtain, and headed down to the cage. He looked incredible and fit, ready to take on the world. Jet met with his team, and then went into position in the cage.


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