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The Fifth Reich: Beyond The Stars

Page 4

by J Palliser

  "You like it?" Lina asked.

  "Oh, fuck..." Sonya moaned loudly. "I assume that means ' yes'," she said. Lina ran her hands lightly over the top of Sonya's outstretched arms. She slid her hands back down the underside of the arms, causing Sonya to moan softly. Lina's fingers moved down Sonya's sides and on to the small of her back, causing her to twitch in pleasure. She trailed her hands over Sonya's ass and down her legs.

  As the sensations moved over her cheeks, the farthest edges of its wake reached Sonya's anus. She felt a warm tickle in the small ring of muscle, causing her to gasp and raise her hips. But when she pressed harder into Lina's hands, the sensation abruptly stopped. Sonya groaned in frustration desperate to feel get more of that magnificent touch.

  "Oh, no you don't," Lina cooed. She lay down on Sonya's back, pressing her breasts into the tan skin of her back. "These little gloves send out electrical signals to your nerves, causing a wonderfully pleasant feeling, as you already know," she whispered into Sonya's ear. "But, if there is too much pressure, if you push into me," she paused, darting her tongue into Sonya's ear, "it stops." Lina nibbled on the earlobe briefly. "So, you have to stay still if you want to feel it."

  "I can't," Sonya pleaded. "Yes you can. Trust me. I know you can, sweetie," Lina reassured her. "Now, roll onto your back." Lina lifted herself off Sonya, allowing her to roll over before settling on top of her again. "Stay still." Her hands returned to Sonya's skin, this time on her cheeks. She slid her hands down over Sonya's jaw, down her neck, and along her shoulders.

  She moved down Sonya's sides again, carefully avoiding her breasts. Lina continued down over her hips and onto the top of her thighs, moving inward. But before the sensation reached Sonya's pussy it was gone, only reappear on her stomach.

  Now Lina moved her hands up and out, back to Sonya's ribs over her shoulders and back to her neck. The pressure inside her was becoming unbearable as Sonya's body screamed for release.

  "Oh, god please..." Sonya begged, desperately trying to keep still. "Please what?" Lina asked. "Please... please make me- ahh!" she screamed as Lina's hands passed over her breasts. The sensations from the gloves seemed to be drawn to Sonya's nipples, sending powerful jolts of pleasure through her body. Lina moved her hands over Sonya's modest breasts, avoiding the hard nipples. "Oh, god, please!" she cried.

  "What do you want me to do? You just have to say it," Lina whispered.

  "Please, I want you to touch my nipples!" Sonya gasped. "Okay," Lina said. Her hands moved from the outside of Sonya's breasts straight to the nipples. As soon as they touched them, Sonya screamed in pleasure and came. The muscles in her pussy tightened and the air was sucked from her lungs. Her stomach tightened and she grasped desperately at the sheets.

  As a second orgasm hit her, Sonya threw her head from side to side, crying in ecstasy. When the third washed over her, she lost control of her own body and raised her torso up. The sensations stopped, and Lina slid her hands under Sonya's shoulders. She lifted the woman, still gasping and moaning in pleasure, into her arms and lay Sonya's head on her chest, gently kissing the top of her head.

  "Shhh," she whispered. "Breath. Just relax and breathe." Sonya twitched and writhed in Lina's arms, slowly coming down from her high. She was covered in sweat and breathing was ragged. Lina gently caressed the back of her head, slowly rocking back and forth.

  "That... that was... fucking incredible," Sonya whispered. "Oh, we aren't done. You haven't even taken your panties off yet," Lina smiled. Slowly, Sonya regained her strength. Lina set her down reached for the control pad. She removed the gloves and entered some commands into the pad before returning. "You wanna try?" she asked, handing the gloves to Sonya.

  "On you?" Lina nodded. "I'd love to." "Okay, but first, we need to take care of something," Lina smiled. She reached down and hooked Sonya's panties with her fingers. Sonya lifted her hips, and Lina pulled the soggy black material over her legs. "Now, put the gloves on while I take my pants off," she ordered.

  As Lina raised her hips and pulled her pants off, Sonya slid the gloves onto her hands. "They feel soft and warm," she observed.

  "Now, come here," Lina said as she lay back on the bed. Sonya swung her hips over Lina's head, resting on her knees. "Good. Now, as gently as you can trace your fingers over my skin," she said. Sonya obeyed, leaning forward and trailing her hands up Lina's legs. "Oh, yes. That's perfect," she moaned. Sonya felt Lina's hands pulling her hips down, and she slowly lowered herself onto the blonde's waiting mouth.

  Lina lapped at the juices covering Sonya's pussy, nipping at her clit and rubbing her nose in the small, well-trimmed patch of black hair on Sonya's mound. Lina latched on to the small nub for a moment, burying her nose in Sonya's folds and savoring the smell, before pulling on Sonya's outer lips with her teeth. Sonya rocked her hips back and forth, and Lina grabbed her cheeks, gently massaging them and pulling her pussy closer.

  At the same time, Sonya moved her hands over Lina's thighs. She grazed Lina's pussy with her thumbs, and felt the woman moan into her pussy, in turn causing Sonya yelp in delight. The room smelled thick and musty, and was filled with moans and slurping sounds as the two woman pleasured each other.

  Sonya could feel Lina getting close, but the Trisian kept Sonya well away from her climax. At first, she was puzzled. But when her hands moved over Lina's breasts, she felt Lina moan. The vibrations reverberated through Sonya. I'll come when she does, Sonya realized. Grinning, she moved her hands back over Lina's breasts, causing another sweet vibration in her pussy.

  Sonya teased Lina for a long time, relishing the power she had and the mutual pleasure that power brought them. Lina was licking and tonguing her franticly, and Sonya was on the edge herself. The tension in them built higher and higher. Finally, Lina could contain herself no longer. As Sonya passed her hands directly over Lina's clit, she felt the body beneath her explode.

  Lina's toes curled and she dug her fingers into Sonya's ass as she came. She screamed her pleasure into Sonya's pussy, covering the clit with her mouth. Her breathing stopped and her body twitched and jerked. Sonya mercilessly continued to glide her hands over Lina's sex, bringing a second climax.

  This was too much for Sonya, and she followed Lina over the edge of pleasure. Sonya ground her hips into Lina's face, panting and jerking as she came yet again. She fell forward and buried her face in Lina's pussy, licking and drinking the sweet nectar that flowed from it.

  Eventually, they collapsed. Sonya managed to turn herself around and lie next to Lina. For a while, they just lay there, Sonya on her chest next to Lina, her arm draped across the blonde's chest. Sonya was the first to speak.

  "Chief Zira wanted me to ask you something," she said.

  "What was it?"

  "She wanted me to ask you about the jama-ha-ron."

  Lina laughed softly. "Did she now? Delkan's have an interesting sense of humor."

  "What do you mean?" Sonya asked.

  "Jama-ha-ron is a sexual ritual. It is very pleasurable, but is also... taxing," Lina smiled.

  "Oh," Sonya said. Zira is gonna pay for this. Lina turned to look her in the eyes. "Look, I don't have the things we need for that. Besides, I don't think you would be able to do it right now. But next time you are on Earth, come see me," she said.

  "Really?" Sonya asked, returning her gaze.

  "I promise. And to prove it, I have a little gift for you," Lina smiled warmly.



  3 Days Later, Deck 10, Crew Lounge, 1900 hours Sonya entered the Crew Lounge and scanned the room. It was larger of the two lounges, and was located on the bow. Like the Aft Crew Lounge, there was a bar and tables, but this one had a much larger bar and many more tables. It was rectangular, with the bar on one of the long sides. The opposite wall was one large window. The room was relatively crowded, although a few tables were open. Sonya was here to meet Casana and Dejah, but she did not see them. Still searching for them, she went to the bar.

  "Lemon sharbat, c
hilled," she told the man behind the bar. While he prepared the drink, Sonya finally spotted Casana. She and Dejah were at a table near the window. Casana was gesturing energetically, while Dejah sipped her drink calmly. Yeah, that looks right, she thought.

  "Ensign, your drink," the bar tender said. "Thank you," she said as she took the drink. Sonya crossed the room towards Casana and Dejah. As she neared the table, Dejah noticed her.

  "Ensign Mueller, greetings," she said flatly.

  "Hey, Sonya, you are not going to believe what happened!" Casana exclaimed.

  "Neither are you," she smirked.

  "Ooh, I smell juicy gossip!" Casana giggled.

  "You first," Sonya insisted.

  "Well, me and Crewman Becker, you know Crewman Becker, right?" she said excitedly.

  "Yeah. He's under my command," Sonya reminded her. "Oh, yeah. Anyway, me and Becker came up here after he got off duty a few days ago. We came up here and talked and ate and drank. And drank," she said smirking. "And we talked about where we grew up and our families, and training, and stuff for hours. It was great, so we came back up here last night."

  "Sounds fine so far," Sonya said.

  "I thought so, too! So anyway, we come up here and we do what we did the night before, but this time, at the end, I say


  we should take a walk somewhere. Somewhere private."

  "Private, huh?" Sonya smiled.

  "I believe Ensign Olan is intimating that she asked Crewman Becker to copulate with her," Dejah said.

  "Thank you, Dejah. So, what happened?" "He said no! He said he couldn't, that he had to report on time or he'd get in trouble. He said my hands are too cold!" Casana said looking at her hands.

  "Arcadians have significantly lower body temperatures in their extremities than humans. It is possible that believed such a fact would result in an unsatisfactory experience," Dejah said.

  "What?" Casana cried. "I am a great lover! I would have blown him away!"

  "And you still will," Sonya reassured her. "He's nervous. He'll get over it. Trust me."

  "You think so?" Casana simply nodded. They were quiet for a few moments. "I noticed you have not been sleeping in your bunk, Ensign," Dejah said, looking at Sonya. "Where have you been staying?"

  Sonya told them about the last few days. She had spent the days on patrol, and the nights with Lina. Unfortunately, Lina had just left the ship. Bismarck had received orders to change course, and rendezvoused with a frigate on its way to Salsola in order to allow Lina to reach her conference. Before she left, she had given Sonya her gift.

  "What was it?" Casana asked.

  "Oh, nothing special," Sonya smiled, running her hand over the small metal box she had with her.

  "Yeah, right!" Casana cried. "Come on, what is it?"

  "Well," Sonya said, wiggling her eyebrows. "In this box are a pair of-"

  "Did you feel that?" Dejah asked, interrupting her.

  "No," they said simultaneously.

  "We just changed course." "How do you know?" Sonya asked her. Dejah opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, the lighting in the room began to pulse yellow and an alarm sounded.

  "All hands, yellow alert. Report to your stations. There has been an incident at the Krokus Conference.



  Blood and Shadow...

  Deck 19, Armory, 0800 hours, 2294, Drac Border

  "Crewman Becker reporting, sir." Sonya looked up from the maintenance bench she had been hunched over. "At ease, Jacob," she said. Becker was the last of her team to report today, and she had already sent Zira and Schultz to the torpedo bay. While she waited for him, she had been toying with her MOD3 tracer pistol . He was clearly exhausted and probably sleep deprived. Casana, she thought. "Have a late night, crewman?"

  "Yes, ma'am," he said nervously.

  "Casana's energetic, huh?" she teased. "Yes, ma'am. She's very umm... demanding, too." "I'll bet she is," Sonya laughed as she reassembled her pistol. "Your with me today, Jacob," she said as she stood, placing the pistol back in its holster. Becker's eyes widened. They had never been on patrol together. "Relax, I don't bite. Casana probably does, but I don't," she snickered. They left the Armory and headed for deck 14 to start their shift.

  Almost eight months had passed since the Bismarck had left Earth. As part of the uneasy truce with the Dracs that had been established in the Krokus Accords, the Reich was in the process of dismantling several Reich outposts near the Neutral Zone. Unfortunately, the Accords had not been heeded by all Dracs. Factions from several of the Great Houses had defied the High Council and were now conducting a guerrilla campaign against the weakened Reich border colonies, and the Bismarck had been dispatched as part of a task force sent to combat the renegade Dracs. Ten weeks into their assignment, the Bismarck had yet to encounter anything of note as it patrolled its sector of the border.


  Maintenance Tube between Decks 17 and 18, 0800 hours At the same time that Sonya and Becker entered the turbolift, in a maintenance tube one and a half decks, above them, Dejah opened an access panel, exposing a series of power conduits. "The scanner, Mr. Werner," she ordered.

  "Here, sir," said the man behind her in the tube. He pulled the strap over his head and handed the device to Dejah. She slid it open and began to scan the conduits. She raised an eye in curiosity.

  "Interesting," she said, activating her comm. "Ensign Dejah to Main Engineering."

  "Go ahead, Ensign." "Commander Lange, I have detected unusual energy fluctuations in the deck 17 power conduits. I believe it may be the cause of the deck 18 power surges," she said.

  "See what you can do, Ensign. Engineering out."

  Dejah closed the comm and turned around in the small tube. "Mr. Werner, I will need your assistance."


  Deck 14, Exobiology Lab, 0800 hours Casana checked her private messages. There was a new message for her from the Commission, and she read it eagerly. Damn, she thought. Maybe next year. Casana shut the terminal down and stood. She walked over to the specimen storage area and examined the specimen monitoring terminal. As she looked over the readout, Dr. Rollins entered the room. She was a short, white haired woman in her early 60's. "Good morning, Casana," she said cheerfully.

  "Good morning, Doctor," Casana smiled back.

  "How are our babies?"

  "Fine so far," Casana said.

  "Good. Once you finish, I would like you to go over the data from the Kesat specimens," Dr. Rollins said.

  "Looking for anything specific?"

  "See if you can find any signs of special adaptations to radiation."

  "From the wormhole?" Casana asked.

  "Very good. Yes, or at least it seems to be the source. How is it you read my mind?"

  At this moment, the ship shook violently, throwing Casana and Dr. Rollins to the ground. In the maintenance tube, the access panel for the conduits Dejah was repairing was thrown through the air, striking her in the head. Sonya gripped the handle in the turbo-lift to keep her balance. Then, they all were thrown into total darkness.


  Deck 18, Turbo-lift, 0805 hours

  "You okay, Becker?" Sonya asked as she fumbled with the equipment on her belt. "I'm alright, ma'am," he said, his voice shaking. "Can't see a goddamn thing, though." There was a soft crack, and the turbo-lift was filled with a dull green light, emanating from the small glow-stick in Sonya's hand. Becker was lying against the wall, Sonya standing over him.

  "No emergency lights," she noted. "Something is jamming the comm, too."

  "Turbo-lift malfunction?"

  "I don't think so. Listen." They both held their breath.

  "I don't hear a damn thing, ma'am." "Neither do I. No engines, no thrusters, not even the hum of the power conduits," she said. Sonya began to pry the control panel off of the door controls.

  "But we still have artificial gravity, so we didn't lose everything," Becker said.


"So, what do we do?" "Well, I'm leaning towards getting the fuck out of this turbo-lift. Get the kit," she ordered. "Aye, ma'am." Becker knelt down and removed a panel from the turbo-lift wall. Setting it aside, he retrieved a small box from the storage space. The letters EMERGENCY were stamped on the lid in red letters. He opened it and began going through its contents. First, he removed the eight 18-round clips for the MOD3 and clipped four of them to his belt. "Ma'am, MOD3 clips," Becker said, holding the rest out for Sonya.

  "Good." Sonya took them without looking down and attached the clips onto her belt as well. Next, Becker removed a small bag with a single strap. He opened the bag and set it on the floor next to the emergency kit. From the kit, Becker removed a medical scanner, an autosuture, and several hypo-sprays, placing them all in the bag. "Decoupler," Sonya said. Becker took the device from the kit and handed it to her.

  "Here, sir." Sonya took the tool and used it to remove the control panel. "I need a light." Becker handed her a small flashlight. Taking it, she examined the inside of the control panel. "It's totally dead. No power at all. Get the actuators." Becker pulled two small devices from the kit and stood. Sonya took one and they attached one to each of the door panels. "Ready?"

  "Yes, sir," he said. Sonya and Becker each gripped one of the actuators tightly. Using all their strength, they pulled the door open. On the other side was the wall of the turbolift shaft. "Oh, shit," Becker sighed.

  "You afraid of heights, Crewman?" Sonya asked.

  "No, ma'am."

  "Good. Let's get the floor hatch open. We'll take the emergency ladder down to the next deck."


  Deck 14, Exobiology Lab, 0810 hours Casana rubbed her eyes. Ouch. When she opened them, she saw strange figures silhouetted against the ceiling. She stared up at them for a few moments as her senses came back to her. The specimens. Cage lighting is on its own power. She blinked, trying to think. No lights. Main power is offline. "Dr. Rollins?" she called out.

  There was no response. "Dr. Rollins?" Casana called again as she sat up. She looked around the room, trying to find Dr. Rollins. Aside from the shadows on the ceiling, the room was almost totally dark. Find a reference point. Casana felt around her. Her hand hit the leg of a table. Using the table for support, she stood up and felt over the surface of the table. Her hands found a few instruments and containers before grasping onto a heavy device. Casana ran her hands over the objects surface, feeling out the features of the device. Portable electron microscope, she realized. Must be at the field study equipment table. Using the table for reference, she plotted her position in her head. 6 meters back, 2 to the left.


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