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The Fifth Reich: Beyond The Stars

Page 9

by J Palliser

  "They were fucking on the Plasma Torpedo Loading Console!"

  "They have acquired authorization for non-reproductive inter-species relations."

  "So?" Sonya asked, finally able to open her eyes. Dejah was standing over her, arms crossed. "Lieutenant Olan did not violate any regulations, nor did she mislead you or anyone else. You have no logically valid reason to hold ill feelings towards her."

  "You are giving me emotional advice?" Sonya asked skeptically, slowly sitting up. This time, Dejah did not stop her.

  "No. I am providing you with a ideally, objective analysis of your situation."

  "Gee, thanks." "Also, you have been ordered to report to the Armory. A dignitary is arriving in three hours, and you have been assigned to his security detail."

  "Great," Sonya moaned, standing up.



  Deck 32, Main Shuttle-bay, 0750 hours As she went through the door, Casana found herself face to face with a tall, middle-aged man. She snapped to attention. "Ens... Lieutenant Olan, reporting, Captain," she said, fumbling over the words.

  "Nice of you to join us Lieutenant. At ease," said Captain Kurtz, before turning to face the landing pad. Casana quickly looked around the room. Becker and Schultz were at the door, standing at attention. Daniel was at the tractor beam controls on one side of the room, flanked by Zira and Sonya. In front of the console, Captain Kurtz stood with Commander Saul, the Antarian First Officer, on one side and Lieutenant Commander Faulkner on the other. Off to the side, a Yeoman stood in full dress, holding a Boatswain's whistle. Aside from Daniel, everyone in the room was in dress uniform.

  "Sir, K-7 reports that Ambassador Drax is ready to come aboard," said Daniel.

  "Clearance granted," ordered the Captain. Here we go, Casana thought as she took a deep breath. She bay doors slid open slowly, revealing a large shuttle slowly gliding towards them, silhouettes against the stars. The shuttle slid into the bay and turned completely around before coming to a rest in front of them. The aft ramp on the shuttle lowered, revealing the Ambassador. He looked slightly older than Captain Kurtz, with graying brown hair, just starting to recede. He wore a long, flowing white robe, with numerous decorations and medals. He stepped off the shuttle with a powerful confident stride and extended his hand to Captain Kurtz. The Yeoman sounded his whistle, and the Captain shook the Ambassador's hand. "Welcome to the Bismarck, Ambassador."

  "Thank you, Captain," he said in a strong, powerful voice, smiling diplomatically. "I apologize for the short notice, but this is a matter of some urgency."

  "You wouldn't be willing to elaborate, would you?" the Captain asked.

  "I'm afraid not, but rest assured, it is of great importance."

  "Very well. Take all the time you need. We aren't scheduled to depart for another few days," Kurtz said graciously. "Thank you, Captain," said Drax, still smiling. "Allow me to introduce my First Officer, Commander Saul," said Kurtz as the two exchanged greetings. "And this is Lieutenant Commander Faulkner, my Chief of Security."

  "I have already assigned a protection detail for you, Ambassador," Faulkner said, extending his hand.

  "Oh, that won't be necessary," Drax smiled as he took it.

  "I'm afraid I must insist, sir," Faulkner said firmly. Drax looked at him for a moment.

  "Very well, but I will need some privacy," he relented. "Of course. This is Lieutenant Mueller," he said, introducing Sonya. "She will be in charge of your protection detail," Faulkner said as she extended her hand.

  "It's a pleasure, Ambassador," Sonya said.

  "Let's hope so," Drax smiled slyly. Casana rolled her eyes. Korzo Drax was notoriously libidinous. "These are Chief Petty Officer Schultz and Crewman Becker," she said, gesturing towards them. "They will be your security detail along with Senior Chief Petty Officer Zira and myse-"

  "Zira?" Drax gasped, turning to her. "Asilla Zira, is that you?" he said clasping his hands onto Zira's shoulders. "It's me, Korzo. I'm here to make sure you don't cause any trouble."

  "I have no idea what you mean," replied Drax innocently.

  "Uh huh," Zira said admonishingly. "I remember Rio."

  "That wasn't me. It was James's fault. I never said a word to the dancers," Drax said, raising his hands.

  "Right. I'm watching you," she smiled warmly. "It's good to see you again." "Good to see you, Asilla," he said before turning to face Casana. His face turned serious. "That means you must be her," he said coldly.

  "Ambassador Drax, allow me to introduce Lieutenant Casana Olan," the Captain said as Casana snapped to attention.

  "Yes, I recognized her from the file. Interesting. Hello, Lieutenant," he said, clasping his hands behind his back.

  "Hello, Ambassador," replied Casana nervously.

  "Well, Captain, if there is nothing else, I would like to get started."

  "Of course, Ambassador. Lieutenant Mueller, show Ambassador Drax to his quarters." "Aye, sir. This way, Ambassador," Sonya said, heading towards the door. She stopped in front of Becker and Schultz. "Suit up and report to the Ambassadorial Suite."

  "Aye, ma'am," answered Schultz. As Sonya continued out of the room, she noticed Zira give Becker a menacing stare.


  Deck 9, Ambassadorial Suite, 0830 hours "Your quarters are through here, sir," Sonya said, opening the door for Drax. He had been staring at Casana since they left the Main Transporter Room, and it was making Sonya uncomfortable. Though she was still furious at Casana, she did not appreciate having a stranger harass a member of her crew, Ambassador or not. "The head is through that door, and the bedchambers and a study through the door on the far side of the room."

  "Thank you, Lieutenant, I am sure I will enjoy my say," Korzo smiled suspiciously at her. "Now, if would please allow us some privacy."

  "Of course, Ambassador. There will be guards stationed at the door at all times. If you need anything, please feel free to ask. Should you wish to leave these quarters, the guards will escort you, and this room will be sealed," she said moving towards the door. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

  "Could you have a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and a bottle of Chablis sent up?" "Of course, sir," Sonya said. Before she turned to leave she glanced at a very nervous Casana. Judging by her eyes, she did not want Sonya to leave. They looked at each other for a fraction of a second before Sonya left, but it was enough for Korzo to notice. Sonya stepped out and took her post next to Zira. "I don't like this," she said. Zira did not respond.

  Inside the suite, Korzo turned to Casana, his expression serious. "Initiate, I have been assigned by the Arcadian Sentient Commission as your field reviewer. I am here to evaluate your suitability for the Joining, after which I will make my recommendation to the Commission. They will then either approve you as a host, in which case you will be joined as soon as a suitable sentient is available, or they will reject your request, and you will be removed from the ranks of candidate hosts. Do you understand what I have just told you, and do you submit to my evaluation?"

  "Yes, Ambassador," Casana answered, trying to sound confident. "Then let's begin," he said as he took a seat behind the large desk. Casana sat in the chair in front of him. Korzo folded his hands in his lap and leaned back in the chair, staring silently at Casana. For a few seconds the room was silent. Casana became increasingly nervous. She desperately wanted to speak, but had no idea what to say.

  "What do you want to know?" she squeaked out after a few seconds. "That didn't take long," Drax muttered under his breath as he leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desk. "Lieutenant Mueller," he said, staring at the door behind Casana. "You two seem to be close. Is she a friend?"

  "She's quartered with me, sir," Casana replied quietly.

  "That's not what I asked. Is she your friend?" he said, raising his voice.

  "I think so. She was, but... I don't know. I think so."

  "Why would she no longer be your friend?" Korzo asked, still looking at the door.

"We had... a problem. I think I hurt her."

  "Why?" His tone was sharp and critical.

  "Well, I'm in relationship with Crewman Becker, and-" Casana began.

  "No, why did you hurt her?"

  "I didn't mean to!" Casana said defensively.

  "What kind of friend would stop being a friend over an accident?"

  "It wasn't an accident, I just-"

  "So you did mean to? Which was it?" Drax demanded. "I was with Jacob, Crewman Becker, and Sonya walked in on us. I meant to be with Jacob, I didn't mean for Sonya to see us."

  "And when did this happen?"

  "Yesterday, while we were on duty. In the Main Torpedo Bay," she admitted, looking at the floor.

  "So, you seduced a Security Officer into leaving his post, so you could have sex in a restricted area?"

  "That's not all," Casana whispered. "Sonya, she likes... she's in love with... with me." "So, knowing she had feelings for you," he yelled, "you seduced one of her subordinates into having sex with you, thereby undermining her command, in a restricted are, committing a breach of security in her area of responsibility, and in an area where she was certain to find you in the act with him? I can't imagine why she would be upset," Korzo said sarcastically.

  "I didn't think about that," she pleaded.

  "Well you damn well should have," he said, raising his voice again. "How can you possibly expect me to recommend you when your behavior is so abysmally stupid?" "It was a mistake!" she yelled. Korzo looked silently at her for a few minutes. Casana knew she had made a mistake. I'm screwed. Drax appeared to be thinking, but she couldn't figure out what he was thinking about.

  "Tomorrow, I will follow you through your duty shift, observing your behavior and speaking to those you work with."

  "Yes, sir," Casana said quietly.

  "Now, let's go over your service record."


  Deck 14 Exobiology Lab, 0800 hours Casana took a deep breath and glanced at Sonya. She was standing by the door, facing the wall with an angry expression on her face. Casana sighed and stepped into the lab. Korzo was standing with his back to her, his hands clasped behind his back, talking with Dr. Rollins.

  "Have you ever been to Alpha Centauri? It has some wonderful museums. I particularly like the Orion Museum of Interstellar Transportation. They have a replica of the first human space craft, as well as a mock-up of the Arcadian ship that made first contact." Casana grimaced. Oh, no, not the museums. Dr. Rollins could go on about them for hours, describing every detail of every exhibit.

  "No, but it sounds lovely. I enjoy the Museum of Interspecies Relations on Io. I was actually asked to give a lecture there on Human-Arcadian relations and diplomacy once. The auditorium is magnificent, with..." Casana rolled her eyes. He's flirting with my boss? Gross! she thought. Casana shook her head in disgust, causing Dr. Rollins to notice her.

  "Ah, Lieutenant, good morning! I was just speaking with Korzo about the museum on..."

  "I am sure Lieutenant Olan has work to do, Laura," Drax interrupted tactfully. "Oh, yes, quite right. Lieutenant, I wanted you to take a look at the Dassian Shrimp tank you set up. They seem lethargic, and I think the electrolytic balance is off."

  "Right away, Doctor," Casana said, forcing a smile. "Also, could you start designing a specimen storage area for non-organic life? If we are going to be surveying uncharted worlds, we may run into silicon-based organisms, and I would like to be able to take some specimens."

  "Of course, Doctor," Casana smiled, genuinely this time. The prospect of seeing new, totally unknown organisms always excited her.

  "Excellent. Let me know if there are any problems," Dr. Rollins said. "I will see you at the Forward Crew Lounge. 1800, sharp," she smiled to Korzo.

  "I wouldn't dare miss it, Laura," he said, smiling broadly. Dr. Rollins turned and left the room. As soon as she was gone, Casana turned to Korzo.

  "Please, don't sleep with my boss," she pleaded.

  "Excuse me?"

  "I am asking not to have sexual relations with Dr. Rollins," Casana repeated. "My personal life is none of your concern. Besides, you are hardly qualified to give such advice, Lieutenant." Casana lowered her head in shame, and walked over to a large tank filled with crystal clear water. Inside the tank, several dozen shrimp-like creatures floated around slowly. She entered some commands into the environmental computer and examined the chemical analysis.

  "So, these are your responsibilities? Water quality and silicon-based-mouse storage?" Korzo asked disdainfully. "I'm the Assistant Exobiologist on board. I'm responsible for cataloging, storing, and maintaining all biological samples aboard ship, as well as performing tests on the specimens," Casana said with annoyance.

  "So, you're a zoo-keeper," he sighed to no one in particular. "No," Casana said, raising her voice and spinning around to face him. "I'm an Exobiologist. I perform some of the most mission-critical work on-board this ship," she said angrily. "You know, the 'new life and new civilizations' part?"

  "That isn't a new civilization," Korzo said calmly, pointing to the tank. "It's seafood." Casana's eyes widened in anger, but instead of pouncing on him and tearing his head off like she wanted to, she turned and went back to work. "The water is fine," he yawned.

  "Oh? Then what is wrong?"

  "I'm not here to do your job, Lieutenant," he said indignantly. Again, Casana glared menacingly at him.

  "Then stop trying to do it!" she yelled. "Very well," Korzo said calmly. His demeanor was infuriating for Casana, but again she resisted the urge to stuff him into a plasma conduit and went back to work. Examining the analysis of the water, she found that it was, in fact, unchanged. She set the equipment to scan for organic toxins. Korzo gave an exaggerated sigh.

  "What is it now?" she demanded, turning around.

  "Hmm?" Korzo pretended not to know what she meant. "What's with the sigh?" "I thought you didn't want me to say anything." She turned back around quickly, and the desire to push him down a turbo-lift shaft faded slowly. The sensors found no toxins, and she was out of ideas. Water is fine. No biological contaminants. What am I missing? Casana closed her eyes, trying to concentrate. Behind her, she heard a soft grinding sound. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Korzo chewing his nails as he stared at the ceiling.

  As she went back to work, he spoke. "So, what would you like to talk about?"

  "Nothing, until I finish this."

  "How long do you think that will take?" he asked. "About five seconds," she chirped happily. "Trassian atmosphere has a slightly different transmission spectrum than most M-class planets, producing a slightly greener light reaching the surface. To compensate, the symbiotic microbes in the gills evolved to absorb a different wavelength than these lights are producing." Casana adjusted the lighting, and turned to face Korzo. He was asleep. She screamed in frustration, and Korzo slowly opened his eyes.

  "Are you finished?" he said, stretching his arms behind his back. She started to lunge at him, but was caught by Sonya.

  "What the hell is going on in here?" she growled at Casana. She grunted in frustration, but turned and went to her desk. Sonya looked at Korzo.

  "It's alright. You can go," he said. Casana had her head in her hands, her elbows on the desk. Tears began to fill her eyes.


  Armory, Deck 19, 1700 hours Sonya stepped out of the Armory and headed for the turbolift. Six hours of sleep, then relieve Becker and Schultz, she thought. I am going to need every second of it. As she walked down the corridor, she thought about Casana. When the shift had ended and Casana and Drax left the laboratory, Casana looked completely defeated. Her head was down, her eyes blank, her hair in tangles, and her face expressionless.

  She also remembered grabbing Casana as she lunged at the Ambassador. Casana could have been court-martialed for it, but Drax just waived it off. What the hell is going on in there? Sonya knew there was something she wasn't being told, but had no idea what it was. What kind of award requires this kind of evaluation?

nbsp; "Deck 5," she said as she entered the turbo-lift. Why is the Ambassador doing this to her? What is he doing to her? Sonya had no answers, but felt compelled to find them. As she was thinking, the turbo-lift door opened, and someone entered. Sonya looked up, and saw a totally demoralized Casana, her head hanging. Sonya gasped, and Casana looked up. When she did, her eyes grew wide, and she slumped back against the wall of the turbo-lift, a look of resignation on her face.

  "Computer, pause turbo-lift," Sonya said. Casana shut her eyes and slid down the wall until she was sitting. "No," she whispered softly. "Please, no. Please, Sonya, not now," begged Casana. Instead of berating her, Sonya knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Please, don't yell at me," Casana whimpered.

  "I'm not going to yell at you," Sonya reassured her softly. Casana lifted her head, looking into Sonya's eyes.

  "You aren't? Why not?" "Why would I yell at you?" The anger was completely gone. All Sonya felt for the helpless, quivering mass before her was empathy and love.

  "Because of yesterday. You know, with me and Jacob, and..." her voice trailed off. "It's okay." The words surprised even Sonya, but she continued. "You made a mistake. And I should have accepted that you are with Jacob."

  "Why is this happening?" Casana asked, looking desperately at Sonya.

  "What do you mean?" "I have worked so hard for this! It's been my biggest dream, and now I'm losing it!" she cried, wrapping her arms around Sonya, sobbing.

  "Shh," Sonya whispered, sitting back and pulling Casana into her. They sat there for several minutes while Casana cried softly, her head resting against the top of Sonya's chest. The human let her head rest on top of Casana's, and she felt the body in her arms start to relax. Casana reached her hand up, drying the tears from her eyes, grazing Sonya's chest as it rose. A jolt ran through them both, and Casana looked up into Sonya's dark brown eyes. Slowly, she raised her head until their lips met.

  Sonya pressed her lips softly against Casana, her eyes closed. Her hand slid up Casana's back to her neck, gently caressing it, pulling her in closer. Sonya felt Casana's lips part, tongue pressing against her own lips, which parted of their own accord. She felt Casana's hands come up her sides, pass under her arms, and grip her shoulders from behind. Inhaling, she smelled Casana's sweet aroma, mixed with sweat and tears.


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