Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part III

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part III Page 4

by Anderson, Alisa

  Nick watched as the mark put his hand on the small of her back. Exactly where his hand had been a few moments earlier. That feeling was back.

  Get a fucking grip Roman.

  Their conversation continuing, she motioned for them to go into the hallway.

  Something in the way he touched her didn’t sit well with Nick.

  He knew he should stay exactly where he was. There were feds in the club. He saw them trying not to be seen as they walked into VIP. Gabriele’s warning to lay low played in his head.

  He would die if so much as a hair was harmed on her head. Fuck it. He was going in.

  “Eric, if you will please excuse me. I have business in the back. Help yourself to the merriments. Carlo will make sure you have everything you want. Just ask.”

  “Nick…You know what I’m going to say.”

  Nick got up to leave. “No worries Carlo. I got this.”


  As soon as they were in the hallway the mark backed Jess against the wall. He reeked of cheap cologne, his palms sweaty against her waist.

  “This isn’t very private, silly.” She tried to push past him, giggling.

  “We’ve got all night.” He pushed her further back into the wall. Besides, we all want to see what Nicky sees in your sweet little pussy.” Moving in to kiss her, Jess instinctively put her hand against his mouth. Pushing him away.

  “I’m not...We really should-”

  Her words cut off by Nick gripping the guy’s shoulders from behind.

  “Well, well, well. Look who we have here.”

  “Nicky. I didn’t know she was yours. I got your money.”

  “We’ll get to my money momentarily. First, I need to address your blatant lie. You didn’t know she was mine, eh? Funny. I just heard you say you all wanted to know exactly what I see in her pussy. Her sweet little pussy at that.”

  “Hey, Nicky…c’mon. You know me.” He shrugged at him. Nick leaned, blocking their way out. His muscles flexing as he placed an arm on the wall beside them.

  “Yeah, I do. Here is how this is going to play out, Vito. You’re going to let my lady past. And you’re going to come with me. Kid, go now.”

  Vito grabbed Jess from behind as she tried to obey.

  “There must be something we can-”

  Nick smiled, knowing he’d just sealed his fate with him.

  “No one refuses a direct order from me. You may choose not to understand, but to refuse? Please enlighten me. Did you not understand my order to let her past?”

  “I understood fully.” He increased his grip. “Insurance.”

  “You have no fucking idea how much trouble you’re in, do you?”

  Looking to see if any feds were around, Nick gripped Vito’s shoulder harder. Placing a gun into his back. The metal shimmered against the light. He shoved them forward, causing Jess to trip.

  “Time for us to go, lady and gents.”

  Pushing he led them further down the hall, into his office. Angel broke Jess free, surprising Vito when they walked into the room. Both men shoved him into a chair sitting opposite Nick’s desk. In all the chaos, Jess got pushed behind the chair. She stood completely still. Not knowing if it was safe to move.

  “I told you to stay out of this, Nick. Fucking cops are all over this place.” Angel came around, patting the guy down. Finding a gun, he handed it to Nick who placed it on his desk beside him.

  “Change of plans. Whatcha got to say for yourself Vito?”

  “I could have killed you.” He nodded his head to the back, “And her, Nicky. But I said to myself, what would that accomplish? And you’re my friend Nicky. We’re like family.”

  “You want a drink?” Nick questioned, ignoring Vito. “I have scotch.”

  At this point, Nick knew Vito would say anything, do anything to spare his ever-increasingly short-spanned life.

  “Yes, thank you.” Vito exhaled a large sigh of relief. His body noticeably relaxing against the chair “As I was saying. I said to myself he’s taking his girl out. He’s not after you. He’s not as demented as his reputation says. He’s not going to kill you. That’s why he sent his girlie.”

  “You apparently think you’re skipping through a field of daisies. Totally oblivious to the fact you’re in a landmine. My fucking landmine.”

  Nick handed one of the two glass of scotch he poured to him, before leaning casually against his desk. They drank shot after shot in silence, until the bottle contained just enough alcohol left for one shot. Nick filled Vito’s glass, emptying the bottle.

  Sitting it on his desk next to the gun, he finally spoke. Breaking the eerie silence that filled the room.

  “The way I see it, we’re in this situation because of you. I might have been willing to hear out your pathetic attempt at making an excuse for that until-” Nick shifted as Vito slowly drank the last of his scotch.

  “Until you called her insurance. Until you used her as your human shield.”

  Nick crossed his arms over his chest, still holding his gun. Jess held her breath as he reached into his jacket, pulling out a silencer. Putting it on his gun, he stood in front of Vito.

  “I did come here to kill you. I’m every bit the twisted, demented man you heard I am. While I’m all those things, I’m also a man of honor. And one that keeps his word. Unlike you.”

  “That justifies what you’re about to do, Nicky. Honor?”

  “That’s the thing about me. My honor nor word ever waivers. You were warned about what would happen if you crossed me.”

  “When he’s done with you Nick, you and everyone you love will be lying dead. He’ll stand over your dead body and piss on it.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell DeMoretti hello for you.”

  Nick took a step forward, raising his gun. Jess took that as her cue to get the fuck out of there. He made sure she was far enough past not to get caught in the cross fire. Once she was, without pause he shot Vito in the head.

  Jess froze, a silent scream escaping her as blood and brain matter sprayed all over her.

  He shot him twice more, before handing Angel the gun.

  “Take care of this, and of him.”


  Angel opened the office door, peering outside. “You’re all clear, boss. You need to go now.”

  He reached for Jess’s hand. “Come with me, kid.”

  She stood petrified, unable to move. Her heart pounding so loudly she could hear it in her ears. Her body trembling to the point her teeth were chattering.

  She couldn’t think, let alone respond verbally or physically.

  “Now, Jess.”

  Reluctantly she took his hand, following him down the hall into his private bathroom. Once inside, he excused the attendant locking the door. Getting paper towels, he wet them and started wiping the blood, bone and brain matter from her face.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that. You understand because you did what the outcome will be if you talk to anyone, right?”

  She was in complete disbelief.

  Did he just threaten to kill her?

  Something she was positive he wasn’t capable of doing until a few moments ago.

  For the first time since they’d been together, Jess was frightened by Nick.

  “Kid, look at me.”

  When she refused, he raised her head by her chin.

  “A wrong decision was better than indecision back there.” His tone changing to one of tenderness, seeing the tears streaming down her face.

  He proceeded cleaning her off. Neither speaking a word until he was done.

  “Here’s the plan. Go back to the table. Do not stop to speak to anyone. Have several drinks. Flirt with Eric. Act as if nothing happened. In one hour the two of you will get up and leave. The limo will be outside waiting for you.”

  He softly brushed a tendril of hair back, putting it behind her ear. Laying his hand tenderly against her cheek. Staring into her fear filled eyes.

  “I was watching Casablanca last week. You kno
w that part where Bogie goes of all the lousy joints, why did you have to pick mine. Why’d you have to pick mine, Jess?”

  She snapped out of her daze at the absolute idiotic absurdity coming out of his mouth. Sheer lunacy.

  “Casablanca? You’re seriously quoting-” She threw up her hands. “What. The. Fuck. Nick? You did just… execute that command back there, right? There are federal agents in this club. Oh my God. What the fuck!”

  He took her face into his hands, holding her gaze to his. “This is who I am. I'm a killer. A murdering bastard. I’ve never hidden any of this from you. I’ve been brutally honest with you about everything. You agreed to love me, knowing the stakes. I’m sorry if you didn’t believe me. But, as I told you earlier. I don’t lie.”

  He let go, leaning against the sink. Checking the sleeves of his jacket for any lingering remnants from the crime scene.

  “I don’t like violence. Blood is always a big expense for all involved. I was too selfish, thinking of myself. I didn’t even consider you. What the hell all of this all meant for you.”

  He became annoyed at becoming unhinged over her. He never lost control over a woman and wasn’t about to start now. He allowed his frustration at himself to spill over into his tone with her.

  “For once in your life just fucking do something when told. No questions. No backtalk. Just fucking do it. Now get your ass out there. Do what the fuck I told you to do.”

  “Whatever you say…master.”

  She saw the look on his face, deciding it was better to just obey.

  Now wasn’t the time to press the issue.

  Even though he owed her an explanation.

  And dammit, it was high time he started giving her one.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from

  Fallen Angel Part 4


  Alisa Anderson & Cameron Skye

  Coming Soon to Amazon


  Jess anxiously pushed her way through the crowd looking for Eric, finding him sitting exactly where she’d left him. He was completely oblivious to what happened, needing to stay that way. Taking a steadying breath, forcing a smile she approached the table.

  “That line in the ladies room was killer. I thought I’d never get through it.”

  Grinning, Eric slid over in the booth, pushing a mirror of lines toward her. She sat, still not fathoming what the hell just happened. Even questioning her sanity and if it truly did.

  Knowing it was true when Gino, one of Nick’s soldiers, shifted his attention looking to her for confirmation. She gave it with a slight nod, before leaning forward snorting four lines off the mirror.

  “Think I’ll drain the lizard.” He said matter-of-factly, stretching. “Where’s Angel.”

  “He’s back by the bathroom trying to pick up some puttana.”

  “Figures. He likes em’ like that.” Winking back at her, Gino went off to do whatever he did in situations such as this. She contemplated exactly what that was, deciding it was better she didn’t know.

  “Pour me a drink Eric. Make it a double” Adrenaline filled her body as she watch Nick approach, just as she downed the shot. As whiskey burned its way down her throat, she relished the feel of the burn almost as much as the one she got from snorting lines. There just wasn’t anything like it.

  Counting to ten, she exhaled slowly when he reached the table. He was with some guy she’d never met. He resembled Nick, so she was sure they were related somehow. After the gentleman and Carlo embraced, he and Nick sat continuing a previous conversation as if she and Eric weren’t there.

  “There’s are a ton of bitches dying to catch a guy like you, Gabriele.”

  “Oh, I’m so fucking special?” He chortled.

  “You’re good lucking. Not as much as me but whatcha gonna do, eh? A successful lawyer at your firm. Fuck, you’re even groomed to be a Senator. The next fucking President.”

  “Correction. You mean the family’s firm.”

  “Panties fall off for guys like you. Go on, find someone to give you a blow job. Live a little. You want me to get you someone?” He raised his hand to snap his fingers, knowing one of his girls would instantly come to his beckoning.

  “That’s ok, Nicky. I can get my own dick sucked.” He scoffed. “I’m not interested in a one night stand or a side piece. You have enough of them for the both of us.”

  Nick leaned back further against the booth, intently studying Jess. She in turn examined him closely. Other than a clinched jaw, he showed absolutely no emotion except calmness. She knew he was counting the number of lines she snorted, knowing he’d take the stuff if it became too many.

  “You’re my baby brother, I have no doubt you can’t get someone to do whatever the fuck your twisted ass wanted. Just be careful, mio fratello. Before you know it, one of them might sneak up, crawl inside your ass and claim your soul. Next thing you know you’re doing stupid fucking shit all in the name of love.”

  “I know you aren’t talking about Constantina.” Gabriele shot Jess an unnerving look, sipping on his drink. “You must be talking about one of your girls.” His gaze shifting back to Nick.

  “But let’s be honest, Nicky. No woman has claimed your soul. You’d never let anyone in that far. But, you’re right about one thing, the right one can. Maria owns mine since our son.”

  “Maria. Yeah, she’s a piece of shit. Oh, yeah. I mean work, Gabe.”

  Nick filled his glass with scotch, watching the ice swirl before slamming it back in one gulp.

  Jess was appalled at how he was just sitting there acting as if nothing happened. Fuck, she was stunned that she herself was keeping any sense of composure.

  She was scared. So very scared.

  Scared of what she witnessed, scared of Nick. Scared of what she was feeling.

  Most woman would have ran the hell out of there the minute their boyfriend pulled a gun on someone, killing them in cold blood. But not her.

  She was terrified, yes. But she also found the whole thing intoxicating. Scandalous. Tantalizing. The adrenaline felt like a drug, one that turned her on. Dammit.

  She closed her eyes, listening to David Guetta’s Dangerous blare through the speakers, swearing he somehow requested the fucking song. Leaning against Eric’s chest, she felt his arm casually wrap around her.

  “You’re trembling, mami.”

  “I’m just cold.”

  “Scoot closer, I’ll warm you.” He drew her into him, wrapping his arms tighter around her. “Jess, you have blood on your shirt.”

  “Oh my nose bled in the bathroom. Thought I got it all off.” Looking up, finding three sets of eyes on her from across the table. To hide from their burning stares, she closed her eyes. Only opening them when she heard another voice at the table.

  “How you doing, Nicky?”

  “It’s all great. Welcome. Sit, il mio amico.”

  “No, no. Grazi. However, I need to talk with you.”


  “No. Soon, though. I have information you might wanna hear.”

  “How about we meet in my office. Say an hour?”

  “Perfetto, boss. Carlo, congratulazioni on becoming an underboss.”

  “Thank you, Vincenzo. Don’t you think we should continue this where there aren’t…eyes and ears listening?” Carlo motioned his head back toward a fed, trying to overhear their conversation.

  “Ah. See you in an hour, Nick.”


  Jess ignored the three men completely, at this point having quite enough of Nick and his business for one day. Leaning forward, she snorted two more lines before Nick took the mirror from her.

  “So, your wife scampered off overseas with mine to get away from you, huh.” Gabriele continued taking note of the obvious pull between her and Nick.

  “Who the fuck told you?”

  “Mama. When I stopped by to drop off a bottle of wine. She thinks there’s more to the two of you taking separate trips. Connie’s complained to her about your goomar. I
t’s why she asked me to fly down. To see what you were, I mean who you are doing.”

  “Was the cocksucker home? And, I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “Fuck no. I make sure he’s gone before setting foot into that house. And Nicky, we all know you need a babysitter.”

  “She went to get the fuck away from me and Nick Jr. He’s giving us hell right now. I haven’t told mama, you know how she is about her grandbabies.” He rolled his eyes, “Oh and…Gabriele, you aren’t grown enough to be my babysitter.”

  “I’ve got your grown right here motherfucker.”

  “You wish you had half of mine.”

  “I’m fine in that department. Nice of you to worry though.”

  “You wouldn’t be a Roman if you didn’t. You just don’t have enough to babysit me is all.”


  Nick downed another drink, never detaching his gaze from Jess. He longed for her to be leaning in his arms. She was someone who could possibly know everything about him and still love him.

  There wasn’t one person in his life that knew everything. It had to be that way, otherwise it might be used against him. No, she too couldn’t know all his secrets. It was too dangerous.

  He sighed heavily, leaning to do several lines himself. Catching three women out of the corner of his eye desperately trying to gain his attention, he nodded at them, smiling. Raising his head, he saw Jess’s eyes narrowing at his paying attention to them.

  “Back to NJ. Connie babies his fucking ass. He tells me he’s fucking his girlfriend. I give him condoms, she finds them and gets pissed. Says I was supposed to tell the boy not to fuck. We both know once you get your stick wet, there’s no going back. She thinks I treat him like a man when he’s a fucking kid. At his age, I was hustlin’ the streets.”

  “Speaking of hustling. Heard about Dino? He’s M.I.A. Heard his wife is contemplating putting in a missing persons report. A lot of people are talking about his wellbeing.”


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