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Take Me in Tahoe

Page 4

by Shelli Stevens

  He was such a romantic. She considered herself low maintenance. Generally, the guys she dated thought that sharing a Big Mac from McDonald’s the epitome of romance, and it had never bugged her. But having something more offered to her…

  “That sounds nice.” She took his hand and allowed him to help her up.

  Chapter Seven

  They spent the rest of the evening eating, drinking and cuddling on the couch. They watched a couple of movies and, at times, just turned on the music.

  When was the last time he’d had such a relaxing weekend? Taken time to slow down and enjoy himself? Not to mention the woman with him.

  She was sexy, unique and fresh. Like no other woman he’d ever met.

  He moved his fingers down her shoulder, his chest swelling with pleasure as she sighed and snuggled closer.

  “This has been so good for me,” she murmured and kissed his chest.

  “Me too.”

  Nikki pulled away and stood up from the couch. “Okay, my legs are half numb.”

  She put her arms above her head and stretched. The T-shirt she had on now rose above her hips. His gaze automatically sought out what kind of panties she’d be wearing.

  Eat Me. The glittery words rested just above her plump mound under the red cotton panties.

  A smile curved his mouth, and his blood started pounding again. How many times could he want this woman? He couldn’t even imagine a threshold.

  “Come here.” He tugged on her hand, tugging her back until she was standing in front of him.

  “Yes? Something you need?” She quirked an eyebrow and delved her fingers into his hair.

  “Yeah. You.” He pushed her shirt back over her hips and gave a low growl of approval. “Nice panties.”

  She laughed and wiggled her hips. “You like?”

  “I like.” He looked up and held her gaze, while moving his hand to cup her through the thin cotton. He moved his hand in slow circles between her legs, listening to the change in her breathing. To the soft little gasps she made, and soon the panties were damp beneath his hand.

  “Eat Me.” He trailed the finger on his other hand over the words. “I think I just might, Nikki.”

  She made a small little choked sound, and her knees seemed to wobble.

  He moved his hands to her hips, grabbing the edge of the panties and tugging them down her thighs. Her trimmed curls appeared first, then the slick lips of her sex.

  “Mmm.” He brought one finger between her legs and ran it back and forth between her labia. She was warm and wet, smooth between the lips.

  “Chase…” She groaned, lifting her hips and tightening the muscles in her thighs.

  “Yes, baby?”

  Her breath was unsteady. “I want…”

  “What do you want?” He kept moving his finger. Back and forth, but avoiding her clit.

  “Your fingers…your mouth…on me. Inside me.”

  “Why didn’t you just say so?” He used the finger between her legs to push deep into her. She was hot and tight, her cream slick on his finger.

  “Oh God.” She clenched her fingers into his hair.

  He added a second finger inside her, thrusting them in and out, mimicking sex. Scooting forward, he slid down off the couch and to his knees, so his face was now lined up directly with the plump pink folds of her sex.

  He used his other hand to part the smooth lips, exposing her clit. Keeping up the penetration with his fingers, he flicked his tongue out, stroking against the small bud of flesh.

  Nikki’s hips jerked, and a moan followed.

  He flicked his tongue again, tasting her sweet juices and wanting more. Drawing her clit into his mouth, he sucked and licked, following the rise and fall of her hips.

  He watched her stomach clench and moved his fingers faster inside her.

  “Chase.” Her fingers tightened in his hair.

  Her body and thighs shook, and her cream spilled onto his tongue as she orgasmed. He stayed with her, kissing and stroking her until she finally pulled away.

  She took a couple of wobbly steps before falling onto the couch.

  “Oh God…” She was lying on her side, her cheek on the cushion. “The things you must’ve learned in dental school.”

  “No, I read a manual for that one,” he teased. “I believe it was Cunnilingus for Idiots or something?”

  She laughed, her smile turning sultry. “You wanna get out of those pajama pants, and I’ll show you some love?”

  “That one was for you.” He came to sit next to her and touched her cheek. “I think Chase, Jr. needs a time out, he’s been overdoing it.”

  Her grin widened. “Light weight.”

  “Yeah? Try telling me that in the morning.” He stood up and took her hand. “It’s late.”

  “Yeah.” She yawned and took his hand. “That post-orgasm thing always makes me sleepy. And we did drink a lot of wine.”

  “Then let’s go to bed.”

  The ringing of his cell phone woke Chase up. He glanced at the clock and scowled, then went into the living room to grab it.

  “You’d better have a good reason for calling at two in the morning.”

  “You gotta help me,” Justin spoke frantically. “I fucked up. Shaylee and I went to a party tonight, and I got wasted and kissed another woman.”

  Chase yawned and shook his head. “Shit, Justin. In front of her?”

  “She walked in. I realized how badly I’d fucked up the moment I let the other chick kiss me.” Chase heard what sounded like his brother hitting something. “I love her. And she’s threatening to leave me.”

  “And you’re serious about her? You go through women like water, Justin—”

  “I love her. You know I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”

  “Okay. Where are you now?”

  “I’m walking around town. She said she needed time to think.”

  “Okay.” Chase shoved a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. How would he handle this if he’d done the same thing to Nikki? “Here’s what you say. You need to be honest.”

  “What? What can possibly make it right?”

  “How about… ‘I love you. I know I’ve fucked up, but I promise you it meant nothing. You’re the only woman I want.’”

  “Just be honest? Fuck. I guess that’s about all I can do.” He sounded dejected. “Thanks, bro. Sorry to call so late.”

  Justin disconnected the call before Chase could reply.

  He yawned and set his phone back down on the table. Maybe his brother really was in love. Crazier things had happened.

  Chase moved across the room to peek out the window. The snow had turned to rain late last night, and the snow was starting to melt.

  He dropped the curtain and headed back to the bedroom. Stepping through the doorway, he saw Nikki climbing back into bed.

  He frowned. “Hey, did I wake you?”

  She shook her head, a jerky movement, but she didn’t say anything.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I had too much wine with dinner. I have a headache and grabbed some pain killers from my cosmetic bag.”

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He ran his hand over her back, and she stiffened. “I hope it goes away.”

  “Me too.”

  She didn’t say anything more and just lay still. Obviously, she didn’t want him touching her.

  Chase reluctantly removed his hand from her and rolled over onto his back. Hopefully, it was just the headache, though he couldn’t shake the hunch that something wasn’t right. He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Nikki stared unblinking at the wall and waited for the sound of Chase’s breathing to even out. A sure sign that he was asleep.

  She waited and then waited some more. Listening to th
e rain on the roof. It was official. She was the most naïve, horny idiot on the planet.

  Only she would get stuck with an unknown man in a cabin, screw him, and then find out he’d lied about not having a girlfriend. Or a wife.

  Her stomach churned, and she felt the first sting of tears behind her eyes.

  If only it had just been sex. But damn it. She liked him. Really, really liked him. Like, if they’d been in second grade, she would’ve given him the My Little Pony-themed Valentine that said You’re Somepony Special.

  She slipped out of bed, trying to keep as quiet as possible. Grabbing her suitcase, she started tossing the items she’d taken out back in. Once that was done, she tiptoed to the bathroom and grabbed her makeup case.

  Her mini bottle of mouthwash fell out of the case, hitting the floor with a small clatter. The breath locked in her throat, and she peeked out of the bathroom to the bed.

  Chase stirred and rolled onto his side. She watched him, waiting for him to sit up and demand to know where she was going. His breathing evened out, signaling he was asleep, and she bit back a disappointed sigh.

  Stop it. You will not be sad your taken lover isn’t waking up to beg you to stay.

  She turned and grabbed the mouthwash, setting it in her case and zipping it all the way closed. Tiptoeing back into the bedroom, she set it in her suitcase and slowly pulled the zipper closed.

  Standing, she glanced one last time at Chase. Her stomach twisted again, and her throat grew tight. But the despondency warred with another emotion.

  Her blood had come to a slow boil in the time since she’d overheard part of his conversation.

  It meant nothing to me. You’re the only woman I want.

  She went into the kitchen and found a paper plate and pen. It was important she leave him a note, something so he didn’t have hope that she’d be his adulterous booty call again.

  Tapping the pen against her chin, she considered her options. You lying sack of shit seemed a little extreme. Finally, she began to write.

  Thanks for the weekend fling. It was fun. But gotta get back to the city and real life.

  She hesitated. Final enough? She put the pen to the paper again.

  Unable to resist, she walked back to the bedroom and glanced through the door.

  “Goodbye,” she whispered under her breath.

  She blew him a kiss, gave him the finger, and then snuck out the door.

  Chase woke to sunshine. He blinked and stared at the ceiling, heaviness in his gut. He rolled over, already sensing she wouldn’t be there.

  “No.” He climbed out of bed and looked out the window. Her car was gone. “No.”

  Running to the kitchen, he found the note he was hoping she’d left. He picked it up, read it, and then set it down. Slowly, he exhaled the air that had been locked in his chest.

  He wanted to call Justin to get her number—all her information.

  What the hell was she thinking? Walking out on him? On them? On this life-changing weekend they’d just had. Unless…it hadn’t been life-changing for her.

  He closed his eyes, his stomach tight. Unless for her, it had been just what she’d written. A fling.

  It doesn’t matter. You’re from two different worlds anyway.

  The rational side of his brain tried to make an appearance. But deep down inside he knew. One weekend with Nikki would never be enough. Unfortunately, she’d made it clear she didn’t feel the same.

  Nikki wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and flushed the toilet. She leaned against the wall, not bothering to quiet her groans.

  The door flew open, and Shaylee stood just outside, arms folded across her chest.

  “How far along are you?”

  “I don’t know.” Nikki averted her gaze. She knew. About eight weeks and three days.

  “How long have you known?”

  “A few weeks.”

  Shaylee stared at her for a moment then shook her head in obvious amazement. “I don’t get it. How did you get pregnant? You haven’t been having sex.”

  “Obviously, I have.”

  “You’ve been holding out on me.” Shaylee sighed and helped her up. “Was it a one-night stand?”

  More like a two-night. “It doesn’t matter.”

  She’d never told Shaylee or Justin about sharing the cabin with Chase. Didn’t see any point in it. Especially after she’d fled the cabin in the early hours of the morning, without as much as a goodbye. And then she’d found out she was pregnant. How? They’d used condoms. Apparently that wasn’t always enough.

  Shaylee guided her into the kitchen and sat her down in one of the chairs.

  “Are you thinking of keeping it?”

  Nikki blinked. Was Shaylee serious? Glancing up at her friend, she realized she was. The other two options hadn’t been more than a fleeting thought.

  “Yeah, I’m going to keep it.” Nikki accepted the glass of water her friend handed her. “I’ll be thirty in two months. I make enough money to support a child.”

  “Okay.” Shaylee sighed. “Does the father know?”

  “Father know what? What are you guys talking about?” Justin walked into the room eating a breakfast sandwich.

  Oh God. She couldn’t look at him without seeking out the small, but definite physical similarities between him and his brother. Chase. The baby’s daddy.

  Every time Justin came around, she about had a panic attack. Had Chase said anything to him about their time at the cabin?

  “Nikki’s preggo.”

  Nikki’s eyes widened. “Fuck! A little discretion, Shaylee.” Her stomach clenched with pure panic.

  “Wow. Who knocked you up?”

  So much for Chase having mentioned her. Disappointment had her throat going tight.

  What? Did you expect he’d go bragging about his infidelity?

  “Don’t know. She won’t say.”

  Nikki wanted to cry—or punch someone. Chase. Justin. Shaylee. Hell, any of them would do at the moment. She clenched her fists and laid her head on the table.

  Her stomach rolled at the smell of sausage coming from Justin’s sandwich.

  “So you gonna tell us, Nikki? Who’s the daddy?” He leaned over, breathing sausage smell on her.

  “For fuck’s sake! Get this greasy ass sandwich out of my face before I shove it up your ass,” she screamed.

  The room went silent. Oh God. She’d lost it. Nikki blinked twice then burst into tears.

  Chase glanced out the window of his living room. The city was coming out of the morning fog, warming up into a nice summer day. It was Saturday, the second day of his weekend since he didn’t work Fridays.

  It was his time to relax, to get out and do something. And he was restless. The urge to get out and go somewhere was hitting strong. He’d considered going to the cabin, but truth be told he couldn’t quite face the memories right now.

  It took a serious effort not to obsess or think about Nikki.

  Although a day hadn’t gone by when she hadn’t been in his thoughts at some point. Five months of waking up with her image imprinted in his head.

  So many times he’d considered swallowing his pride and begging Justin for her information. He’d picked up the phone more than once and called Justin with the intention of doing just that. But each time, the note she’d left would flash through his head.

  The phone rang, and he glanced toward it, debating letting it go to voicemail. He turned away from the window and snatched it from the holder.


  “Hey, bro. How are things?” Justin’s voice came through clear and bright.

  Chase gave a small smile and sat down on the couch. The guy had lucked out all those months ago. Shaylee had taken him back, although it had taken a couple of weeks. And from Justin’s hints, he planned on asking the girl to
marry him soon.

  “Things are good.” What else could he say? Certainly, not the truth. That he was depressed and half in love with a woman who’d only wanted a weekend fling.

  Justin had no idea about the weekend Chase had spent with Nikki. Unless she’d mentioned it, but he’d never gotten that impression.

  “So what’s up, Justin?”

  “I was calling to see if I could use the cabin this weekend. Or if you already had plans to go up there?”

  Chase’s mouth twisted in a bittersweet smile. “No. I’m not going to the cabin. It’s all yours.”

  “Oh, thank God.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Thank God? What’s going on?”

  “We need to get away. Get out of San Francisco for the weekend.”

  “Ah, the relationship needing a little romantic kick?”

  “No. The romance is fine,” Justin grumbled. “It’s Shaylee’s crazy roommate.”

  Chapter Nine

  Chase sat up a little straighter, his blood pounding as his hand clenched around the phone.

  “Shaylee’s roommate? What about her?”

  “She’s turned into a raging hormonal bitch. But I guess pregnancy does that to you. Anyway, we’d really like to use the cabin…”

  Pregnant. The rest of Justin’s words became garbled in his head.


  “How pregnant?” he interrupted.

  There was a pause. “What?”

  “How pregnant is Nikki?”

  “Wait. How did you know her name? Have I told you about her? The artist? Kind of wild, dresses a bit punk sometimes? She’s cute in a weird way but swears like a sailor—”

  “Just answer the damn question!”

  Another pause. “Okay then. I think Shaylee said she’s five months.”

  Five months. He didn’t even need to do the math. The probability that the child was his flashed like a neon sign through his head.

  “She’s getting big though. Her ass is expanding about as fast as her belly.”

  “You’re such an asshole. Where is she now?”

  “Why? Chase, you’re tripping me out. Why are you so interested in Nikki?”


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