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Children of Dionysus

Page 10

by JN Moon

  Staying across the street from it, I continued but just as it was almost out of sight, I caught sight of three vampires briefly meeting by it, then moving on together. I stood still for a second. Actually, I didn’t know why I did that until I found myself waiting as the cool breeze carried their scent towards me. I inhaled it in, turned around and followed their scent, keeping a wide distance.

  It was fun, hunting clandestine vampires by their scent. They entered a small park just off the main street and were joined by several others. I couldn’t see or hear them from where I crouched so I climbed behind a pillar on a near-by house. The golden stone scuffed my fingertips, and though coarse to touch, it was difficult to get a foot-hold. So quietly I tried, my booted feet kept slipping, and I held myself flat against the column.

  From here I could see and hear a little more, but not enough. I couldn’t distinguish sentences. I only caught a few words here and there. But it was exciting, intriguing and I tried to see their faces to lock them into my memory, in case I ever needed them.

  They never saw me and after a few minutes of frantic talking, one of them drew the sign on the wall and then they were off and I didn’t follow them. This happened within minutes. The only words I caught were gathering, Jamie and fight. Shocked that I couldn’t hear more after my transformation, they must’ve been whispering.

  I’d keep this to myself, it could just save my immortal life.

  Getting back to my flat, I had so much mail piled up that I had to shove the door open. Fortunately, I hadn’t been kicked out as Nathaniel had set a number of things in place for me to cover the running of it.

  It smelled musty from neglect. It’s in one of the many period buildings in the city and though these do look awe-inspiring from the outside, to live in they are damp, mouldy and mostly cold due to the very high ceilings and massive rooms.

  I rummaged through my stuff, put on some music, and sprawled out on my sofa. I realised I hadn’t listened to music for a long time.

  The music caressed my senses. I started then to remember who I was before all of this. And I had liked who I was. Nostalgia swept over me, and I craved my recent past. Before all of this sordid madness.

  I sparked up a cigarette and laid there inhaling that sweet taste. This at least I could do.

  The last time I had been here was with Rachel when I had fought my new instincts to drain her of blood. Before that, we had had many happy memories here. I knew then I wanted out of Tyrell's crazy programme and this before I was actually in it. I just wanted to be, for a while, or maybe forever. Nathaniel had told me in no uncertain terms that in saving my life, I had to join the militia. That I didn’t relish. I am no soldier. I’m an artist, I used to make a living from that. Still. I supposed I had no choice for the time being, but at some near point in time, I would get away. Somehow.

  So, as I lay there wrapped in my own dark world, a cold shiver blew over me, so intense that I leapt up. My temperature dropped in an instant and instinctively I rubbed my arms for warmth. Rachel! She’s in danger, something’s out there. I had to see if she was all right; I needed to do this now.

  Grabbing my leather jacket, I headed out. My instinct was to go to the clubs and pubs where we used to hang out together. One of these was not far from where I lived. Although it was late, or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it, it was a Saturday so she may well be out. Saturday...I had not been aware of the concept of time or days for ages. To me, it didn’t matter what day it was. A very human concept.

  As I walked in there, nothing had changed. The décor, the people, and the smell of beer, all as it ever was. I hadn't been there for so long, the staff working there who’d known me well as a mortal, took a few seconds to register me. Their faces of shock told me they didn’t want me there.

  “Hi, Mike. I'm looking for Rachel, have you seen her?”

  He frowned, his eyes narrowing beneath his shabby black hair and he avoided eye contact with me. “I haven’t seen you for months! No one knew what happened to you and you two haven't been together for ages!”

  His anger towards me was justified. I had kept in touch with a few people by email, but most I’d forgotten in my delirium. Rachel and I had known Mike for years and spent many evenings here, watching bands. I could understand his shock at me just turning up out of the blue. I realised then that I’d forgotten human manners.

  So, I just stood there, waiting expectantly for his answer. I wasn’t about to give him an explanation. Looking back, that’s harsh, but it was nothing compared to the easy, simple mortal life he led. Finally, he answered.

  “She was here, but she left.”

  “How long ago?”

  “I don't know, twenty minutes. But, Anthony, she's seeing someone else. I don't think...”

  “Thanks, Mike,” I suddenly sensed that he fully believed I meant her harm. He sensed as Nathaniel had explained long ago, that there was something different about me. Something predatory.

  It was obviously unsettling for him, having known me before I had been turned, and meeting me now. He sensed danger from me. Clever human, most don’t until it’s too late. I smiled, careful not to show my fangs, and I had to fight the urge to do that, and finish it with a wink. He was a nice guy and I didn’t want to scare him any more than I already had.

  “Mike, I know I've not been around. I had to get away, something really bad happened to me. I just want to talk to her, that's all. Just to know she's alright.”

  “Whatever. Don't you think you left that a bit late?”

  Firmly I replied, “Like I said, I couldn't see her before. Is she with this guy now? C'mon, Mike, you know me. You know I'd never hurt her intentionally.”

  “I knew you, I'm not so sure now. But yeah, she's happy now. It took her months and months to get over you leaving her. Don't mess her up again. The guy, I don't know his name, I don't know him. As far as I can tell she only just met him. She seems very happy with him, not surprising.”

  “Why not surprising?”

  “Because he’s tall and good-looking. I guess that’d make most women happy.”

  “Still, I need to see her, to explain, to apologise. Where did they go?” I cheated here and held his gaze knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to refuse me.

  “As far as I know, they went back to hers. That's all I know. You're not staying for a drink then?” he said automatically under my gaze.

  “Thanks, Mike, no I'm not staying. I've given up alcohol.”

  Turning sharply, I was out of the door in seconds. Too fast really, but need drove me.

  Rachel lived on the other side of the city so I ran towards her home. The city is tiny and it doesn't take long to cross it, even for a mortal. I stopped then and thought for a moment. Maybe I could sense exactly where she was? So, I focused my mind on her and just waited. I could see her, in my mind’s eye.

  Now I was running so fast my feet hardly touched the ground, with each step a leap, like an exaggerated sprinter. A sudden deep, intense pain hit me inside my body, making me think about the man she was with.

  There was something wrong with him. He isn’t human, nor vampire. He's strong, stronger than I am. I felt his presence. At first, I panicked thinking it could be Alexander, but no. Alexander was a vampire. What the fuck was this?

  Unexpectedly I knew who it was. Gasping, a sense of relief then compounded with anxiety. And then there they were, just yards away from her home, hand in hand.

  I couldn't blame her. Even had she wanted to resist him, she could not. I doubted anyone could.

  “Rachel,” I yelled, “Rachel.” I watched them turn slowly and then the shock on her face and the sadness, the confusion.

  I watched his face as he registered me, “You know this guy?” he said quickly to her.

  She let go of his hand and stood there gazing at me for a few seconds longer, and then her rage bellowed out. Her face went red. Eye’s suddenly small and tired looking. “Why are you here? You left me in the cold! You broke
my heart!” she screamed as she ran towards me and pounded her fists on my chest.

  Her anger, her tears, and her scent drove me wild. I had to fight the urge to grab her ardently and make love to her there and then. Such passion, I knew I would fight to the death for her to be mine. My eternal love.

  Tears streamed down her face, her anger contorting her beauty.

  “Rachel, Rachel, please. I'm so sorry, so sorry. I had to leave you, it wasn't safe, and you were not safe with me.”

  “Anthony, you are so full of shit. I'm safe now?” She spat the words at me. “Next, you'll tell me I'm not safe with Jamie. You piece of shit. After all those years together, you just leave. Do not touch me. It took me a long to get over you and not a fucking word from you. Don't you even dare!” she wept.

  But I did grab her and pulled her against her will into me, wrapping my arms around her, basking in her scent, in her energy. She fought to get away from me, but I just held her calmly and firmly. Her strength was no match for mine.

  Jamie strode quietly over, his eyes of pity. He knew why I had left. He thought for a minute... “Anthony, you should go. She'll be alright, I give you my word,” he said looking me directly in the eyes. “My word.”

  I heard his words, but I felt something else from him, it’s hard to explain. I didn’t trust him. Would he change her? She would become beholden to him if he did, but I had the overwhelming sense that I couldn’t trust him

  “No, damn you. You will leave her alone!”

  He smirked, that smile of knowing that he was ten times more powerful than I was and slowly, slightly shook his head. Softly looking at me, he said again, “No, Anthony. You must go.”

  He reached out his hand to Rachel who pushed me away and willingly went into his arms.

  In the next instant, Nathaniel was at my side. He placed his hand on my shoulder, reassuringly, “What's this? What's going on?” he asked gently.

  “Who's that?” questioned Rachel.

  “So, this is, Rachel? Good morning, my name is Nathaniel. I am a friend of Anthony's. And I know Jamie.”

  “You all... know each other?” she stuttered, her voice weak as she edged away from Jamie.

  “Rachel, I've met Anthony once, through my job. I didn't know you and him....”

  “Rachel, I have to speak with you,” I interrupted. “Please hear me out. If after that you decide to never speak to me again, so be it. I won’t contact you again. Ever.”

  She stood there, looking from me to Jamie to Nathaniel. Her mouth fell open and she shuffled back slowly. “No,” she said suddenly. “No, I won’t hear you. You left me, you broke my heart, shattered it into a million pieces. There is nothing you can say to me now. You could have contacted me, texted me, emailed. You didn't. Leave me now. Come on, Jamie, I'm cold and I want to go home.”

  “No!” I yelled and flew at Jamie. He laughed hard as I pushed him back. He whispered to me, “Anthony, you're so funny. Maybe, maybe after Rachel, I will have you, too. Or maybe all of us together? What do you say?” He sniggered.

  It seemed his demeanour had changed in an instant from understanding to menace. “What do you want with her? What are you planning to do?” I yelled.

  Nathaniel was by now talking and comforting Rachel, who was completely under his spell, calm and serene.

  “I want her of course. I want to taste her. I want to give her the best night of her life.” He stared hard, straight into my eyes.

  “You'll drain her, you shit,” I whispered through clenched teeth.

  “Look, I have already tasted her,” he said slowly. “Why not join us, Anthony? Stop acting so saintly, it's unbecoming of you. I know you screwed Josephine and Tom. And Alexander and his wenches. And now? Nathaniel. You smell of Nathaniel. Seems to me you're the one who has a hard time keeping it in his trousers,” he grinned.

  “Why her? Why Rachel?” I had to know.

  Stepping forward away from her, he looked at Nathaniel and motioned with his eyes in her direction. Nathaniel understood and strode towards her, wrapping her attention in his esoteric charm so we could talk alone.

  Whispering, he told me, “You should be grateful. Have you seen the streets out there? Before I came over to her in that sordid bar a vile, remorseless blood sucker was chatting up your ex. I scared him off and put him on my list, I think you need to consider strongly, if she is not changed she’s in danger of being drained- and not by me. That is why you must leave us.”

  “You’re going to change her?” I gulped. I looked past him, over at her and watched as she was so easily entranced with Nathaniel. Anger swelled inside me, breathing harder trying to contain it, to stop it from exploding. But I couldn’t.

  I yelled in anger and grabbed at his neck, which made him laugh harder as we both knew I couldn't hurt him. Much.

  “Anthony, Anthony,” Nathaniel spoke firmly but softly. “You sure you want to do this?”

  He had read my sudden impulses, my mind. A thought came so fast to save her, but...

  “No, no I won't drag her into my depraved world. I will not. But you,” I said to Jamie. “You cannot have her. You will not taste her blood. I left her and you know why. She means too much to me. I'm begging you.”

  Rachel looked on unable to speak now that Nathaniel had cast his spell over her.

  “Oh, you'll beg alright, Anthony. You have no rights over her. I think we will let her decide, yes?”

  “You know she'll pick you. Whatever the fuck you are.”

  “I'm the same as you, Anthony. And what about all those others you've had? Why, only last night?”

  “Anthony,” called Nathaniel again. “You don't have any claim over her now. She is gone, lost to you. I will see her home. Jamie, you find another.”

  “No, I don't think so, Nathaniel. I know your power, but you don't have that over me. Why don't the pair of you get lost?”

  Jamie now moved to stand in front of Rachel, his warm blue eyes and wide smile dazzling and whispered, “Come, take me home.”

  I went to rush him and Nathaniel grabbed me. “Not now,” he whispered. That godlike creature would take her, screw her, and drain her. And I was helpless to stop him. It was my fault, if I had controlled my impulses I could’ve saved her, made her like me and be together for all time.

  “Tell him not to kill her,” I said frantically. The thought of him with her made me want to retch.

  “He won't kill, Anthony. For him, there is no point in that. And I know he's never killed a human. Ever.”

  That gave me some comfort. It also made me angry. I had killed humans, he had not. It made me angry because, in that alone, he was better than I.

  The longest night. Nathaniel made me go back to my flat and stayed there with me. His presence annoyed me now. He sat quietly in the next room whilst I lay on my bed contemplating, thoughts raging through my mind.

  Anger festered deep within me until at last I shot up off the bed and challenged him. “Get out, get out of my home. Your very existence enrages me!”

  Calmly he got up and came to face me. “Anthony, I'm not leaving you,” he spoke softly.

  “Why?” I yelled at him, “You want to stop me, so he can...” I threw a punch at him. He blocked it with ease.

  “I want you out, get out. I never wanted this, any of this. I hate you!” I screamed. Anger spewed out of me, raging. All this time where I had spun out of control, and the loneliness of leaving Rachel, my family, and friends. I was exploding with pent up rage, confusion, and chaos. I no longer recognised myself. I had become something that I hated, so I took it all out on Nathaniel. Because then, he was the closest friend I had.

  He stood close to me trying to catch my eyes, his lips curling up faintly and his eyes luminous. He went to stroke my face, to calm me but instead, I lashed out and blocked his hand. I did not want him near me.

  I lashed out again and every time he blocked me with ease. Again, and again. “Anthony, stop fighting me. You cannot win. I am your...friend.”

p; “No, you don't know the meaning, you’re just using me because you are lonely and afraid. Afraid of your own immortality, of eternal emptiness. That’s why you didn’t help me with Rachel, because you don’t want her to come between me and you. But I choose her, do you understand!”

  And then without thinking, I threw a punch at his face with my left fist and as he blocked this, my right fist found its way with my full force to his chest, over his heart.

  He stumbled backwards, clutching where my fist had pounded his heart. He looked up at me and at that moment, I knew that he did indeed love me as a friend, unconditionally. But I could not regret what I did then, at least not at that time.

  To act without thinking. My many years of studying martial arts had taught me that. To act in a way your opponent would never imagine. I would have never thought I would do that to him.

  I turned and fled out of my home to find Rachel. And Jamie. Maybe he would kill me, but I was prepared to die for her, to die trying.

  My anger sped me on. With Rachel, there was something else. Love; there was love. With my human friends, my human family—and it seemed the only other vampire that understood love was Sigurd; he knew what love was.

  Thoughts and feelings flooded me as I raced to her home. And there I stood so soon at her front door. Listening. I could hear him inside. Hear him creeping down the stairs to outwit me at the front door. We sensed each other it seemed. There was a pause like two predators waiting to see who will act first, which one will pounce.

  As he opened the door, smiling in his charismatic way, my first thoughts were he's still dressed.

  “Of course, I'm dressed, Anthony. I only wanted to taste her. And she does taste good.”

  I lunged at him. “You little hypocrite,” he chided. “You've drunk from loads of innocents and even killed. You've screwed your victims, you were ruthless to them. Left them scarred, battered, and bruised. Until my alteration by Tyrell, I had not.”


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