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Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 25

by Marie Higgins

  It took longer than she had wanted, but finally they arrived. She instructed the driver to park up the street from the building. When she descended the vehicle, she scanned the busy street, watching for her husband. She took slow steps toward the office, keeping in the shadows as much as she could.

  As she neared, laughter echoed from the side of the structure, a sound so familiar it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention. Hawk. She’d recognize that laugh anywhere. Closing her eyes, she pictured him with his arm around her as they stood together on the porch of his hideout while she was his prisoner.

  Pushing the memory aside, she opened her eyes, waiting for the highwayman to walk into her view. In the shadows she saw him walking with Gabe. Such a familiar sight since Hawk’s friend had always been present. But when they came into the sunlight, it wasn’t Hawk, but Marcus.

  Tears burned her eyes and she hitched a breath. No! Although seeing and hearing were believing, she just couldn’t make herself believe this. No way would Hawk want to marry her. And why would a lord of the realm be a highwayman?

  She quickly turned into a shop nearby so her husband wouldn’t see her. At the window she stood, watching him and Gabe. Memories resurfaced and brought with it heartbreak. For the first few days after meeting Lord Lockwood, she had compared him to the loathsome thief, which was why it had been harder to get the man out of her heart. Marcus’ body reminded her of Hawk’s. The tender way he kissed and held her had seemed so familiar. Back then she had thought it was because she still loved Hawk.

  Everything had been a lie! Even their way of life was different. Hawk hated the Royal Navy, yet Marcus seemed to be involved somehow. Then again, she’d caught him at a meeting that went against the beliefs she thought he should have.

  From across the street, Gabe and her husband mounted their horses and rode off. She breathed a heavy sigh and walked out of the shop, staring in the direction they’d gone. Anger pumped through her, causing her head to throb. Her heart ripped to pieces as she turned and made her way back to the carriage.

  The truth was out. So then why was she still hesitant to believe? Perhaps she needed to hear the words from Marcus himself. Or Hawk. Growling, she rubbed her forehead, confusion making her dizzy.

  From across the street, someone called her name and she snapped her attention to the sound. Monkey stood in front of a building waving to her. She couldn’t help but smile, although pain ripped through her chest. Were Hawk’s men on the street watching her this very moment and laughing at her innocence? How many people had Hawk tricked in his lifetime?

  Suddenly an idea formed, and she hurried across the street toward Monkey. His grin widened the closer she came.

  “It’s good to see you, Adam. How are you faring today?”

  He doffed his hat and bowed. She smiled, knowing someone taught him proper manners.

  “I’m good, me lady. It’s a pleasure to see ye again.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” She squeezed his shoulder then glanced around the walkway, searching for Simon. He’d be here somewhere, wouldn’t he? “Tell me something, Adam.” She lowered her voice and met his gaze. “If I needed to get in touch with one of the highwaymen how would I go about doing that?”

  Monkey’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “Oh, no, me lady. That cannot be done.”

  “I know I cannot do it, but if I give you the message, could you see that the person receives it?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not certain.”

  She reached in her wrist purse and withdrew some coins. His eyebrows lifted as did his grin. “I could pay you to deliver the message.”

  “Well, I suppose I could.” He scratched his head. “Who would ye be wantin’ me to contact for ye?”

  She placed three gold coins in his palm. “I need to see Captain Hawk. Tonight if possible.” She crouched lower to his eye level. “Tell the good captain to meet me in the abandoned building next to Thorne Shipping at three o’clock this afternoon.”

  “That soon? I don’t know if I’ll see him.”

  “Then I suggest you hurry, because I need to see him at that time and no other.”

  “I will, me lady, and thank ye kindly for the coins.”

  Confidence grew inside her as she straightened and strolled back to her carriage, but by the time she sat inside and it jerked to a roll, tears had filled her eyes again. She’d told her husband last night she loved him. Would she still love him after finding out what was going on? She’d once loved Hawk, too.

  Groaning, she covered her face with her hands, willing herself not to cry. Although feelings of love still hung in her heart, she couldn’t love a man who’d lied to her. She was forced to face the ugly truth about her father’s deceitful ways. Hadn’t she been deceived enough already?

  This afternoon she’d make Hawk confess his true identity or she’d do it herself. One way or another, she would have the truth today.

  * * * *

  The second Marcus arrived at home, an ominous feeling washed over him like a dark cloud filling his soul. Something wasn’t right. A different atmosphere hung in the air, causing anger to rise in his bosom. There had only been a few times he’d experienced this feeling, mostly in the presence of his father. So why now?

  Just before he reached the stairs, Gentry rushed in from the kitchen.

  “My lord, you have an unexpected visitor.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. Lord Blackstone arrived this morning and waits for you in your study.”

  Bile rose to Marcus’ throat. His stomach churned with the familiar feeling he thought he’d disposed of as a youth. Why did his father have to come now?

  “Thank you, Gentry. I shall see him right away.” He took a step in the direction of the study then paused. “Gentry. Do you know if my wife is awake yet?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Has she met Lord Blackstone?”

  “Indeed she has, my lord. They visited in the drawing room right after breakfast.”

  Marcus gritted his teeth. Panic rushed through him, making him uneasy. He hoped to God nothing had been said to alert her of his identity. “Is she with my father now?”

  “No. She had errands to run this morning.”

  “Thank you.” He took another step toward his study then stopped. “Also, will you make certain to bring a bottle of brandy—eh, rum to me as soon as possible? I’m going to need something to drink to steady my nerves while visiting with my father.”

  The servant’s lips twitched as if he held back a grin. “Yes, my lord.”

  Marcus took calculated steps toward his study. How would he act toward his sire now? He wanted to punch the man in the face for everything Marcus had suffered as a child and young man, but that would give away his true identity. He couldn’t do that yet. There was still too much at stake. One thing for certain, his father had to leave. Quickly. Marcus couldn’t have Isabelle knowing he was Marcus and not Matthew.

  Before he walked inside, he took a deep breath and prayed for strength not to kill his father on sight. I’m the pompous Lord Lockwood. If ever there was a time to play his brother’s role, it was now.

  He opened the door and stepped in. His father sat on the couch reading a book. His head snapped up, his gaze meeting Marcus. A smile curved Blackstone’s untrusting mouth.

  “It’s about time you came.” His father struggled to stand, his cane helping him straighten.

  “Forgive me for keeping you.” He closed the door behind him. “But if I’d known you were coming, I’d have been better prepared.”

  The older man cocked his head, his gaze burrowing inside Marcus. He clutched his hands to his side, reminding himself now wasn’t the time to strike his unloving father.

  “Well, if you had let me know about your sudden wedding, I would not have come unexpectedly.” He hobbled closer to Marcus. “So why the quick marriage? Is the wench pregnant?”

  Marcus rolled his eyes. “Father, you should know me better by now.”
r />   Lord Blackstone laughed. “I do, which is why I asked.”

  “Father, she’s not pregnant, and she’s not a wench. She’s a true lady. I love her with all my heart.”

  This time when his father laughed, it was louder, echoing through the room. “You need not pretend with me, son. I know you’ll never be faithful to one woman.” He tilted his head, scratching his cheek. “Although, I wonder why you gave her a different name.”

  Marcus’ heart dropped as panic once again rushed through his body. “What do you mean?”

  “Why does she call you Marcus?”

  Oh, no! Does Isabelle know? As he tried to make reason in his head before he opened his mouth, his father shook his head and tsked.

  “I know you have a secret to protect, and I admire you for trying to keep it from your wife, but why use your dead brother’s name?”

  Marcus stopped the thoughts spinning in his head. He suspected his brother had a secret, and obviously his father knew, also. There was definitely something bigger going on.

  Marcus shrugged. “I didn’t want Isabelle to fall in love with Matthew. I’m a different person, as you have suspected, and my wife doesn’t know about my secret life.”

  Lord Blackstone nodded. “Makes sense.” He hobbled back to the couch and sat. “So what have you discovered lately? I’ve waited for a missive from you to keep me informed on the shipment, and when I didn’t hear from you, I became worried.”

  The shipment. How was his father involved? No way could Lord Blackstone be considered anywhere near a patriot like the men at the meeting last night.

  “Considering my recent marriage, that should explain the delay in hearing from me.”

  “True, and I’m certain her beauty kept you distracted.”

  “Yes, it did.” He sat behind his desk and linked his fingers across his chest.

  Gentry knocked on the door and peeked his head inside. “My lord? Would you like your rum now?”

  “Yes, I would.” Marcus looked at his father. “Would you also like a drink?”

  “Of course.”

  Marcus poured the liquor into the cups as Gentry left the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Without wanting to, Marcus released a pent-up breath, glad for the intrusion. He needed a drink badly.

  After his father tossed down half the cup, he cleared his throat. “So tell me, son, what are the Sons Of Liberty up to now?”

  Marcus arched an eyebrow. “You don’t know?”

  “Of course not. Didn’t I just get through saying I haven’t received a missive from you?”

  “Forgive me, Father, but I supposed you would have other contacts.”

  Lord Blackstone shook his head. “You are my only reliable source.”

  Marcus almost grinned. That was good to know. “Well, there has still been no word about the shipment.”

  “Those foolish patriots, thinking they can make their own rules.” The older man took another sip. “Well, keep on them, Matthew. King George is counting on us to stop this group of miscreants before they get bigger.” He chuckled as he stared at his drink. “And what we have planned for them will definitely keep our newly appointed titles in the family.”

  Marcus held the rum to his mouth but didn’t drink. Newly appointed titles? That could explain how Matthew got his. Now he wondered if his father and Matthew had been directly under the King instead of the Royal Navy. Perhaps that’s why some of the ships and stagecoaches Hawk’s crew had attacked were clueless to the secrets Hawk had been searching for.

  With this new revelation, there was more to worry about. From his father’s rambling, Marcus guessed something had been planned to stop the patriots. How much danger were his new friends in now? Not only that, were there more people like his father out there in cohorts with the King?

  He quickly downed the rest of his drink and poured more. “So Father, what would you like me to do?”

  “Find a day and time, boy. We need to know the very moment the shipment comes in and the patriots get their greedy hands on the merchandise. That’s when we’ll make our move.” He chuckled. “They shall be surprised, to say the least, but at least we’ll let them know who they are dealing with.”

  “I shall ask around tomorrow.”

  “Today.” Lord Blackstone pounded his cane on the floor. “We need to know today!”

  Marcus pushed away from his desk. “Very well. If you will excuse me, I’ll get to it right away.”

  His father beamed. “That’s my boy.”

  Marcus marched out of the study, murmuring curses under his breath. He wasn’t his father’s boy. How much he wanted to shout his true identity just to see his father’s reaction. Marcus wanted more than anything to wrap his fingers around the older man’s scrawny neck and shake him senseless, while letting him know the sicker son had won.

  But had he won? Not yet, unfortunately. When that time came, however, Marcus would surely follow through with his feelings and pound his sire’s face into the ground.

  When Marcus was halfway down the hall, someone knocked at the front door. Although he should let Gentry take care of the visitor, Marcus needed an excuse to divert his anger, so he swung around and hurried to the door just in time for Gentry to greet the visitor.

  Marcus’ heart dropped. What was Monkey doing here?

  “Gentry, I shall take care of this vagabond,” he grumbled.

  “As you wish.”

  Marcus stepped outside and closed the door. He glared at Monkey, wanting to scold the boy thoroughly, but not daring. He wasn’t Hawk right now, but a sissy lord who followed his father’s directions.

  “What are you doing here?” he whispered in harsh tones.

  “Forgive me for coming to yer house, me lord, but I have a message for ye.”

  “And you couldn’t deliver it after dark?” He glanced toward the street. “Someone could see you. My wife is due back any moment.”

  “Oh, she’s already here. I followed her.”

  Marcus grasped the boy’s shoulders and shook. “Then what are you doing here? Don’t you realize she’ll recognize you?”

  “Forgive me, but I have an urgent message for ye.” He leaned closer. “Lady Isabelle… yer wife, wants to meet Hawk today.”

  Marcus’ body froze, his breath stilled.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “What?” Marcus stared at the boy, not believing what he’d heard.

  Monkey nodded. “She saw me today and bade me give Hawk this message. She wants to meet ye in the abandoned building by Thorne Shipping.”

  “Did she say why?”

  “No, but she looked mighty put out. Whatever she has to say to Hawk I’m sure will be upsetting.”

  “Aye, it will.” He gnashed his teeth. Why would she want to see Hawk now, especially after confessing her love to her husband? There was only one way to find out. “When does she want to meet Hawk?”

  “Three o’clock this afternoon.”

  “So soon?” He hissed. “Thank you, Monkey.” He turned the lad toward the street and gave him a gentle push. “Now leave and don’t come back.”

  Marcus hurried back into the house and ran up the stairs toward Isabelle’s room. His heart hammered with each step closer. He prayed she didn’t know, or at least didn’t doubt him. He must tell her the truth, but not yet. How much had she talked to his father? He groaned, the mystery would kill him, but he couldn’t come right out and ask, either. Her actions would let him know.

  “Isabelle, darling?” He knocked before opening her door. She sat on the stool in front of her vanity brushing her hair.

  She swung toward him, her hand flying to her throat. “Oh, Marcus. You startled me.”

  Smiling, he walked in and closed the door. “Forgive me, my love. I didn’t mean to.” As he walked closer, he tried to read her expression. Was she mad? He couldn’t tell through her smile. When he neared, she stood.

  “You have been very naughty, my dear husband.”

  He stopped and held his breath.
“I have?”

  She slid up to him and wrapped her hands around his neck. “You forgot to tell me you had a father who lived so close.” She tilted her head. “Why did you not invite him to our wedding?”

  Relief gushed from his throat as he held her tight and kissed her forehead. “I didn’t think to invite him. How could I think of anything else but my charming, beautiful wife?”

  She chuckled and pulled back, meeting his gaze. “Your compliments are meant to side-track me, I’m sure. Nonetheless, I have forgiven you.”

  He cupped her face and brought her closer. “That’s music to my ears, love.” He covered her mouth with his, kissing her with the tender love flowing through him. She sighed and leaned against him, meeting his lips as her hands slid around his waist.

  Soon, she pulled away and stepped out of his arms. “As much as I want to continue, there’s much to be done before tonight.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Why, what’s tonight?”

  “Since your father is here, I thought about having a nice meal, and because I didn’t know he was coming, I haven’t prepared the kitchen staff.”

  “Then I shall leave you to your duties.” He stroked her cheek. “I also have errands to run this afternoon, so you probably won’t see me until before dinner.”

  “I shall miss you.”

  “Not as much as I.”

  Thankfully, she didn’t ask about his errands. She should be used to his time being occupied most of the day with other dealings. At least he’d hoped, because today wasn’t the time for her to be curious about her husband, especially since he had to get himself ready as Captain Hawk quickly and be at the abandoned building before she reached there. In the light of day she might recognize him as her husband. Although he’d wear the fake beard and mustache as he had that first day he met her in the building, he still couldn’t have her guessing his identity.

  Once he figured out how to handle the complications with the Sons Of Liberty and the new information he discovered from his father today, then he could confess the truth to Isabelle. He prayed she still loved him after that.


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