The Darkest Pleasure

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The Darkest Pleasure Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  I stepped in, the water instantly causing my skin to prickle. I tilted back my head, letting the warm droplets wash all the arousal off my body. I was frustrated when all it did was heighten everything further. The water sliding down my body caused my vagina to clench with need. I closed my eyes, my brain instantly creating my dream lover. His eyes were bright green, his hair dark and dishevelled. His face was no longer shrouded by the shadows. He was no longer the mystery man in all of my fantasies. It was Kerian who stared back at me, with his strong masculine features that screamed male power.

  His body was nude, every muscle bunching and flexing as he stepped into the shower with me. His hands reached around me, lightly stroking my skin. He ran his palms over my breasts, my nipples tightening with excitement. One of his hands continued to tease my aching nipple as the other hand travelled down my belly to rest at the top of my mound. I braced my legs as far apart as I could, needing his fingers to delve farther down. I rested my head against his chest, the feeling of his lips running down my neck causing me to gasp in pleasure. I reached my hand back to spear my fingers through his hair. I tilted my head to the side and let his lips take control of mine, while his fingers parted my pussy lips. It was a glorious feeling, his tongue teasing my mouth as his fingers massaged my clit.

  He didn't speak, just continued to bring me to the point of climax before slowing down. I needed to come so badly, my clit ached. I needed to feel his erection sliding against my cleft until he pounded into me so hard, I thought my world would shatter. His erection pressed against my back, the hugeness of it shocking me. His large finger suddenly dipped into my pussy hole, gathering moisture before he ran my juice across my throbbing clit. I was so close, just a couple of thrusts with his finger and I would go over the edge. As if he read my mind, he plunged his finger into me, my body instantly clenching around the digit and drawing it farther in. He slid a second finger in, the girth of both fingers together stretching me and making me stand on my toes. He pumped his fingers in and out of me, so quickly I had to break our kiss to suck air into my lungs. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure wash through me, my climax building inside of me. Every cell in my body tingled with awareness, my toes and fingers going numb from it. I moaned loudly, not the least bit ashamed if the neighbours could hear. The climax seemed to go on for hours; just when I thought it would end, it peaked again. He held me tightly, his free hand running all over my skin, not missing a single area.

  I slumped against the shower wall and pulled my fingers free of my still quivering vagina. My knees were weak, my mind light-headed. As good an orgasm as that had been, I knew it wouldn't top how it would be with Kerian. As I stared at the white tile, the droplets of water slowing sliding down to the drain, it struck me. All this time the man I had been picturing, the man that occupied my every fantasy, wasn't a fantasy at all. He was flesh and blood, a living thing that was real, that I hadn't conjured up. Even though my mystery man had no face, only the piercing light eyes, and the same dark hair, I knew Kerian and he were one and the same. Was it a coincidence that I had pictured the man I'd lose my virginity to? That for years, in my mind, Kerian had taken me in so many ways, had loved me and cherished me? It was too much to think of, too impossible to imagine. Had I seen Kerian before and had never realised it? Had I envisioned him as the man I'd give my innocence to long before I knew who he was?

  I pushed all the thoughts away, not wanting to inquire too deeply into what was probably nothing but an overactive imagination. I quickly washed up and dressed for bed, my body worn out from the earlier excitement. I lay there, watching the car lights filter through the blinds on my ceiling. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get the picture of Kerian out of my head. He was the last thing I thought about as my eyes grew heavy and finally closed.

  * * * *

  I dreamt of my mother again, but this time she wasn't covered in blood with an empty expression on her face. She sat on the porch swing, the sway of it like a lullaby. I thought this would be a nice dream, a memory I had of my mom. But I realised it wouldn't be as I listened. Nothing. There was no sound, and that same eerie nothingness wrapped around me in a strangling hold. My mother looked into my face just then, a single red tear sliding down her cheek as she smiled sadly at me.

  "I wish things could have been different."

  I wanted to tell her the same, but I had no voice. The wind started to pick up, so hard and fast that I had to hang onto the banister or it would have taken me away. I looked into her eyes, watching in horror as the wind blew her body in a million tiny pieces. It was like watching sand blow away, a once-solid form turned into nothing. The wind died down and I slid to the ground, weeping as my nightmare sucked the air right from my lungs.

  Several weeks passed, and I was stunned at how quickly the time had flown by. I had started my new career without a hitch, but still had yet to meet my bosses—the Caynes. I had been seeing Kerian just about every night, when his work permitted and if I weren't too busy with my new job. We didn't speak about what had happened that night at my house. I tried to bring it up, but he'd change the subject. I took the hint after a couple of times, clearly seeing that when he had accidentally bitten me, it had embarrassed him terribly. I let it go.

  Things were going wonderfully, and I couldn't believe how everything was falling into place. I received an assignment for a promotional ad for Westerbrooke Hospital, and more times then not, I stayed busy outlining and detailing that project. Kerian, the gentleman that he was, came over and just watched me, keeping me company as I pieced together what would be the nationwide marketing programme for the hospital. I was stunned when I received a memo from the Caynes that I was to complete this monumental project. It really made me put all of my training to work, because I wanted this to be perfect. Not just because it was my first real project, but also because it was where Kerian worked and I wanted him to be proud of me. I knew I was falling head over heels for him, but on some level I didn't want to admit that even to myself. I guess I was scared to feel so strongly about one person, but the heart knows what the heart wants. I hated to admit it, but every time I saw Kerian, I was giddy and oblivious to the rest of the world.

  Tonight was even more exciting for me since Kerian had said he wanted to show me his house. I had just finished the rough draft and the proposal for the Westerbrooke Hospital ad, and gotten it ready to show it to the board members. I was a little worried since I'd never seen my actual bosses. I had spoken to them numerous times, and every time I heard their deep voices, it always put me on edge.

  Kerian had told me to ‘dress up', and I was pleasantly surprised when a package arrived for me. I knew who it was from even before I read the card attached to the large white box.

  I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, running my fingers through my dark curls. I stared at my blue-eyed reflection and saw a pink blush already marring my cheeks. Kerian had sent me the loveliest red empire waist dress with black ribbon bow under my breasts. Smart that he was, he made sure to send a pair of black peep-toe heels that went perfectly with the dress. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at the clock on the microwave. I had twenty minutes to go before Kerian would arrive, so I decided to walk to the window and admire the view. The sun was starting to set, and I watched again how the beautiful colours blended together. I saw Kerian at the same time every day, and it was always in the evening. I figured he must work at the hospital during the day, since I never saw him during those times. I felt myself getting more deeply involved with him, and I didn't even try to stop it from happening. I wouldn't let my past interfere with the little bit of perfection I had finally found. I would no longer be the shy, sad girl that had ‘problems'.

  The sun sank within minutes and the starry night sky appeared. I grabbed my purse, knowing Kerian would arrive at any moment. He was never late. Sure enough, the deep knock sounded at my door. I prayed it wasn't Christian, since he had been making an appearance more frequently lately. It wasn't as if I didn't think he was nice. On
the contrary, he went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable in my new home. It was more like he seemed needy, like I was his only friend. I could understand him being lonely and wanting a strong friendship, and because I knew what he felt, I always had a smile on my face when I saw him.

  I opened the door. Thankfully, Kerian's big body stood before me. He held a dozen white roses with a red ribbon tied around the stems.

  "Oh, they're so beautiful,” I said. He handed me the flowers and I stepped inside to find a vase. After filling the vase with water and arranging the flowers in it, I set it on my kitchen table and stepped back to admire the thoughtful gift. I felt Kerian's arms wrap around me and I leant back into his embrace. He dipped his head and kissed the side of my neck before he spun me around, making me squeal.

  "Your chariot awaits."

  I smiled at his choice of words and followed him out. As I turned to lock the door, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Stepping out of his door with a willowy blond on his arm was Christian. He locked up and made his way down the hall with the woman wrapped around him like a second skin. She wore heels as long as my legs, and a dress that looked painted on. He smiled when he saw me and stopped in front of us.

  "I see I'm not the only one going out tonight."

  The blond giggled against Christian's side. I assumed it was because of whatever his hand was doing behind her back. He winked at me before turning to Kerian and staring at him. There was a long silence. I cleared my throat. That seemed to make the men snap out of whatever haze they were in.

  "Well, you two have a wonderful evening. I know Pebbles and I will."

  Christian smacked Pebbles’ ass to seal his words, and he looked at me again before he walked past us. He was so strange, not acting like himself at all. Ever since I'd seen him standing in the window staring at me, he acted distant. I tried to talk to him when we passed in the hall, but the encounters were starting to become weird and uncomfortable. He seemed a little jealous, but that was ludicrous. Wasn't it? I mean, we hardly knew each other, really. Aside from a hi or bye in the hallway, we really hadn't held a conversation. Maybe that was the real Christian, and what he showed me was only his welcome to the neighbourhood act.

  I know I looked confused, so I shoved the thought away, not wanting it to ruin my night with Kerian. I wasn't close to Christian by any means, but the fact that the personality he'd showed me was no more than an act really pissed me off. I looked over at Kerian as I finished locking my door. His eyes were glued to the departing Christian. His jaw was set and his eyes were slitted. What was going on with the men in this town?

  "Are you ready?” He looked down at me, and I was happy to see the angry look he had sported just seconds ago had vanished, as if it were never there.

  "Most definitely."

  He smiled down at me, all straight white teeth as he took my hand and kissed it. It never ceased to amaze me, the jolt of electricity that went through my body when he touched me.

  * * * *

  It took only thirty minutes to get to Kerian's place, and the drive alone was well worth it. We travelled through the mountains on a small road that looked more like dirt then anything else. He had given me a little history lesson on Westerbrooke, and I was amazed that the house he lived in had been in his family for over a hundred years. As we took another turn down an even less paved road, I was surprised his Mercedes could drive so well on the bumpy road. It must have had good shocks. I expected his house to look primitive and old, but to my utter surprise, it looked like it should have been on the cover of Architectural Digest.

  "Wow.” It was all I could say as he pulled up to the front door and got out. He didn't give me a chance to open my door and was right there, pulling it open for me as I reached for the handle.

  "I bet you thought I was taking you to some decrepit old cabin, huh?"

  There was laughter in his voice and I smiled up at him as I took his hand. “Well, to be honest, yes, that's exactly what I thought."

  "I had the whole place updated and remodelled. I thought the house needed a facelift. Although most of the items inside, including the woodwork are original."

  "Wow.” Again, it was all I could say. He walked me up beautiful stone steps and to a set of dark cherry double doors. The glass in the centre of the doors was intricately etched with flowers and curving vines. “Who designed this place? They did a beautiful job.” He was silent and I turned to look at him. I smiled as a light blush coated his cheeks and he cleared his throat.

  "I did. I dabble in a little bit of architecture every once in awhile."

  "Wow, a doctor and an architect. I really hit the mother lode.” I laughed at my stupid joke and waited for him to open the door. He led me inside and my breath caught in my throat. If I thought the house was beautiful on the outside, the inside was spectacular. I stood still and looked around. A giant chandelier hung from the twenty-foot ceiling, giving off an ethereal glow. Dark hardwood covered every inch of the floor and continued on up the large, winding staircase. Plush white carpet ran up the centre of the stairs and into the top floor, which was easy to see since it was a loft. Several doors were closed off on the first floor, with intricate designs carved into them that matched the flower pattern on the front doors’ glass.

  "Do you want to go into the sitting room and have something to drink?"

  I nodded absently, since I was still too amazed to pay any real attention to him. He led me to one of the closed doors and opened it. My attention was now centred on what he called the ‘sitting room', and I was just as stunned as when he had opened his front door. A huge fireplace in the centre of the room was blazing hot. The fire licking through the logs gave a wonderful wood scent to the room. Two black leather couches were across from each other in front of the fire, and a small table sat in between them. A small bar was in one corner of the room, and looked well enough stocked to intoxicate a whole houseful of men. Built-in shelving held photos from different eras, as well as books that looked quite old.

  "What would you like to drink?"

  I wasn't really a drinker, so I told him to surprise me. I walked over to the photos and looked at them. Most were black and white, and looked as if they were on their last legs. It was clear they were ancient. Many of them showed a man in different time periods, but the man in all the photos looked the same—looked just like Kerian. I had no doubt they were his ancestors.

  "The resemblance you have to your ancestors is uncanny. I feel like I'm looking at you in these photos.” I felt his presence behind me and turned around. He held a fragile-looking wine glass with a bubbly liquid inside.

  "Yes, well, our genes are quite strong.” He smiled faintly at me. I couldn't put my finger on why the act seemed so forced.

  "I thought champagne was a good choice. If you don't like it, I have other things."

  I took the glass and smiled up at him. “No, this is fine.” I actually liked champagne. I sipped it and it was pleasantly sweet as it slid down my throat. “Mmm, that's delicious.” I didn't realise I had said the words aloud, but as I looked up at him, he was staring at me intently. He reached out and ran his index finger along my bottom lip. Then he brought his finger to his mouth and ran his tongue over it. He didn't take his eyes off me, and I was so stunned, I knew my mouth had dropped open. I was shocked and embarrassed that I apparently had champagne dribbling down my face, but when I saw a look of rapture cross his features, as if he savoured what he had just done, I thought I'd have an orgasm right then and there. Apparently, I was missing more then I knew by not drinking.

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  Chapter Seven

  * * * *

  He took my glass out of my hand, the smoothness of his movements making it slip easily from my grasp. I watched as he took our glasses and set them on the bar before coming back to me. He ran his finger across my cheek, as if imprinting my skin in his memory. He took hold of my hand and led me to one of the couches by the fireplace. I didn't know what he had in mind,
but who was I to argue with something that felt so right? He sat down on one of the plush couches and, to my utter shock, pulled me down onto his lap. He brought me close and nuzzled his face in the hollow of my neck. I closed my eyes as he kissed my neck, and then made his way towards my mouth. He kissed me softly on the lips and moved back to my throat again. I wanted to moan because what he was doing to me was so arousing.

  "You smell so good, Ashliyn, like honeysuckle."

  His compliment made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I shifted slightly around on him to relieve the ache between my legs. As if he read my mind, his hand moved slowly up and down my thighs as his mouth continued to lick and nip at my neck. I couldn't help it then; I moaned and let my head fall back as his hand made its way farther up under my dress. His fingers skimmed along the edge of my panties, and it made my clit tingle. I didn't want to confess just yet that I was a virgin for fear he'd be turned off at how inexperienced I was, although in the back of my mind, I hoped he would find it endearing. He brought his mouth back to mine and as our lips fussed together, his finger slipped beneath the edge of my panties. I know I was soaking wet, could feel it against my skin. His finger slid against my folds easily and he groaned into my mouth as his finger circled my clit. The way it felt as his fingers teased my pussy was indescribable. He made me feel alive and excited. Never had a man touched me down there, and the way his fingers felt on my clit were far different than how it felt when I touched myself. He was gentle as he flicked my clit back and forth, then swooped his finger down to gather more moisture at my opening. I spread my legs wider as our kiss went deeper. His tongue ran along mine in an intimate wet caress that made me pant.


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